
Under the shocked gaze of the Independent Cultivator, Gu Changsheng gently drew out the Heavenly Snow Sword.

Blood spurted out.

"You, you..." The Independent Cultivator used his last bit of strength to lift his hand and pointed at Gu Changsheng, "How could you kill me..."

Gu Changsheng smiled and said, "Sorry, I have... cheats."


The body of the Independent Cultivator fell to the ground.

All signs of life had completely dissipated.

A mid-stage Foundation Building cultivator had fallen just like that.

"Husband, you're amazing!!!" Huo Qinghan ran to Gu Changsheng in astonishment, looking at him with admiration in her eyes.

"It's nothing special." Gu Changsheng smiled. "Actually, it's not that impressive. It's mainly because he was useless."

Huo Qinghan shook her head. "No, no, no. This was a mid-stage Foundation Building cultivator. There are less than five of them in our clan, and he died at our hands! If news of you killing a mid-stage Foundation Building cultivator spreads, you will definitely shock the entire Wu Kingdom!"

"Luck, just luck." Gu Changsheng laughed.

Ji Wenxiang stared at Gu Changsheng, causing him to feel a bit uneasy.

"You really know how to take credit, huh? Your esteemed teacher went through so much trouble to help you, and yet you take all the credit!"

Gu Changsheng transmitted his voice to her, a message that only the two of them could hear. "I can't expose your existence, can I? I will never forget your kindness, and I can never repay it in this lifetime. I'll be your servant in the next life!"

Ji Wenxiang: ???

"Just get lost, why can't you repay it in this lifetime? Are you too lazy to repay it?"

"Truly grateful from the bottom of my heart, you are the person I am most grateful to, Teacher. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have any disciples left!" Gu Changsheng vowed solemnly. "Teacher, please rest assured. Give me some time, and I will 'resurrect you, my Teacher!'"

"Good." Ji Wenxiang went back satisfied.

Although she had broken through to the early stage of Soul Concentration, she hadn't stabilized her strength yet and still had room for improvement.

In addition, she had just helped Gu Changsheng in battle, consuming a lot of her soul power. She needed to replenish it.

Gu Changsheng looked satisfied as he looked at the body of the Independent Cultivator.

"A mid-stage Foundation Building cultivator, this is the strongest cultivator I have ever killed. You should have a lot of good things on you, right?"

He picked up the storage ring.

Soon, his thoughts penetrated into it.

A second later, Gu Changsheng's expression turned unpleasant. "Damn! A pauper!!!"

This mid-stage Foundation Building cultivator couldn't be described as poor anymore!

In his storage ring, there were only a few hundred pieces of low-grade spirit stones, a few bottles of pills, and a few talismans.

There was nothing else!

He was simply dirt poor!

But the pills were of the lower second-grade, which was considered a good thing and could be sold for a few hundred spirit stones.

But still... so poor!

If he were a Qi Refining cultivator, it would be understandable.

But he was a Foundation Building cultivator!

He was really too poor!

However, Gu Changsheng couldn't understand. Although the Independent Cultivator had the strength of a mid-stage Foundation Building cultivator, he was still an Independent Cultivator. He could only rely on himself for resources and couldn't rely on others for anything.

With resources, he would use them for himself first. How could he save them?

"What is this?"

Suddenly, in the innermost part of the storage ring, Gu Changsheng discovered something.

It was a black-purple sheepskin scroll, with a few distorted characters written on it -

"The Dark Magic Technique!"

Gu Changsheng immediately became interested.

After a moment, Gu Changsheng took the sheepskin scroll and furrowed his brows.

Recorded on it was an extremely sinister technique - "The Dark Magic Technique"!

This technique evolved from a black dragon, and when used, it can greatly enhance one's combat power. However, within a short period of time, one must find a woman who exercises, otherwise they will explode and die!

Gu Changsheng: ???

Why does this technique feel so unorthodox?

But thinking that this technique evolved from a dragon species, it can be explained.

Dragons, well, they love exercising more than he does.

As long as it's a female creature, he can have some fun!

"This technique... perhaps for others, it is a sinister technique, but for me... it seems to have no side effects at all..."

The more Gu Changsheng looked at this technique, the more suitable it seemed for him...

He accepted it!

After memorizing this technique, he ignited the fire element and burned it to ashes!

"Qinghan, let's go!" Gu Changsheng said.

They couldn't stay in the Black Blood Mountains any longer.

The emergence of the dragon bones just now, as well as the battle with the mid-Foundation Building cultivators, had definitely attracted many creatures.

They needed to retreat quickly.

"Let's go!"

The two quickly left the Black Blood Mountains.


"What's the situation in the market?!" Huo Qianzhong angrily hit the wall. "Why is there still no information!"

With the market being attacked by the Bai family, Huo Qianzhong's heart had already sunk to the bottom.

But knowing that they were still alive for the time being, just being wanted, Huo Qianzhong was constantly concerned about the situation over there.

One was his daughter, the other was his good son-in-law.

If he lost either of them, he would be furious!

"Clan leader, I think it's already difficult for Miss and Gu Changsheng," Huo Qianjun said indifferently on the side. "Why not prepare for their funerals? After all, they have been in the market for so long, they are probably already caught."

With the death of Huo Lingyun, Huo Qianjun wished for Gu Changsheng and Huo Qinghan to die together!

"Big brother, if you can't speak, then shut up!" Huo Qianzhong coldly looked at Huo Qianjun.

Huo Qianjun didn't say anything anymore, just stood by gloating.

Huo Qianzhong gritted his teeth. "No, send someone to the market for me!"

Huo Qianjun said, "Second brother, you're being too reckless. Do you want to lead the entire clan to their deaths for the sake of your daughter and son-in-law?"

Huo Qianzhong said, "Are my daughter and son-in-law not members of the clan? They are now in an unknown life or death situation. Shouldn't we send someone to find out?"

"I think they have their own Celestial Phenomenon, they should still be alive. Who knows, maybe they have already returned," Huo Qianjun casually said.

He said this casually, not believing at all that they would come back.

"Clan leader, Miss, they... they have returned!"

Suddenly, a voice came from outside the door.

Huo Qianzhong was stunned, then his expression became extremely joyful. "Hahaha, big brother, you were right, you were right!"

Huo Qianjun was dumbfounded.

"Damn it, they actually came back?"

"Damn it, I'm such a jinx!"

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