Longevity Immortal Fate: Begins with Dao Companion

188. Evian's Child Is Born! Generous Rewards

"Husband, the child has peed~~~"

Early in the morning, Gu Changsheng was awakened by a noise.

He opened his eyes and saw that annoying little brat, Gu Jiuan, had peed, emitting a strong smell of urine.

Helplessly, Gu Changsheng picked up the little one and changed his pants, then had someone take away the urine-soaked blanket.

"This little one is already three days old, he should learn to use the toilet by himself," Gu Changsheng said.

Huo Huang'er chuckled and covered her mouth, "Husband, Jiuan is three months old and still doesn't know how to use the toilet, let alone three days."

"Haha, let me take care of the child, you go practice."

Gu Changsheng glanced at Gu Jiuan and Gu Jiuing, then gently kissed Huo Huang'er on the head. "Thank you for your hard work, I'll take over tonight."

"I'll be fine tonight."

"That won't do."

With that, Gu Changsheng gave Gu Jiuan a stern look and left.

This child is only cute when he's sleeping, otherwise he's just a source of annoyance.

During these few days, Gu Changsheng has been quite responsible, taking care of the child with Huo Huang'er every day, experiencing the life of a father.

But the experience was indeed not pleasant...

Although the child is annoying, Gu Changsheng still has to be a father. He doesn't want to treat the child as just a tool to obtain cheats.

Marriage, having children, although Gu Changsheng's ultimate goal is to obtain cheat rewards, he doesn't want to become a heartless person.


One month later.

Gu Changsheng was lifting Gu Jiuing to experience the feeling of a brief flight when suddenly, Huo Feng'er shouted loudly, "Husband, Huo Yiyun is about to give birth!"

Gu Changsheng was taken aback, immediately picked up Gu Jiuing, and rushed out with Huo Feng'er.

Gu Changsheng knew that Huo Yiyun's due date was in these few days, so he was prepared at any time.

"How is it?"

When they arrived in front of the delivery room, Gu Changsheng asked anxiously.

"Husband, don't worry, everything is fine, the baby is about to come out," Huo Qinghan said, though she was also nervous, she smiled and reassured Gu Changsheng.

"Wah wah wah~~~"


The door opened, and a delicately beautiful little girl was brought out by the midwife. "Master Gu, it's a girl."

"Great, as long as she's born!" Gu Changsheng was overjoyed. "Reward!"

After glancing at the woman, Gu Changsheng hurriedly rushed in.

Although Huo Yiyun's face was covered in sweat, her condition was good. Seeing Gu Changsheng rushing in anxiously, her eyes were full of smiles.

Seeing Gu Changsheng caring so much about her, she wouldn't mind giving birth to a hundred children for her husband!

"Are you okay, Yiyun?"

Gu Changsheng grabbed Huo Yiyun's hand and asked.

"I'm fine." Huo Yiyun smiled and shook her head. "I've reached the peak of Qi Refining, giving birth to a child is nothing."


"Husband, it's time to give the child a name." Holding her daughter, Huo Yiyun's face was filled with love.

"If it's a girl, let's call her Gu Banian."

"Banian... sounds good." Huo Yiyun nodded.

[Congratulations on the birth of your child 'Gu Banian', would you like to receive the reward - Initial Foundation Building stage?]

[Congratulations on receiving the reward - Foundation Building Pill.]

[Congratulations on receiving the reward - Soul Breaking Technique.]

[Congratulations on receiving - High-grade Wood, Fire, Metal, and Water Spiritual Roots +100,000, Rank Two Intermediate Talisman Master, and Refiner +100,000!]

[Your child 'Gu Banian' has successfully inherited a part of your cultivation talent.]

Familiar rewards appeared.

Gu Changsheng was overjoyed.

Initial Foundation Building stage!

And there's a Foundation Building Pill, which can be used by Huo Yiyun, who has reached the peak of Qi Refining!

"Soul Breaking: a soul-type technique, Rank Two High-grade, modified by the cheat, can be perfectly used at the Initial Foundation Building stage.

Introduction: Send out the soul to attack others' souls, causing the power to destroy their souls!"

"What a powerful technique!" Gu Changsheng was delighted.

Once he reaches the Initial Foundation Building stage, having this technique as a means, his combat power will greatly increase!

The familiar experience points also made Gu Changsheng happy, but it was just a little happiness, as leveling up is still too far away!

[Gu Banian: Female

Age: 1 day

Cultivation Talent: High-grade Fire Spiritual Root

Other: Master Craftsman.]

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