Longevity Immortal Fate: Begins with Dao Companion

213· Rank Two Supreme Grade Resources! Hallucination!


A burst of white light appeared, and Gu Changsheng appeared in a cave.

This was the place he had been to before.

Looking at the familiar valley, with no signs of any living creatures around, Gu Changsheng finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"You, you, you, how do you have so many teleportation symbols?!" Jun Qingyu was dumbfounded.

Even if it was just teleportation symbols, these were extremely precious directional teleportation symbols!

One could sell for tens of thousands of Low Grade Spirit Stones!

"Mind your own business, pretty boy." Gu Changsheng said.

He gave a disdainful glance at the heavily injured Jun Qingyu. "It's all because of you, you idiot. I asked for the fragments, you could have just given them to me. But no, you had to refuse. Now look, you're injured!"

Jun Qingyu was taken aback, looking at Gu Changsheng with a strange expression. "You actually said that? I thought you were going to blame me for wasting a directional teleportation symbol..."

Gu Changsheng grumbled, "Now that you know, why bother saying it!"

He wanted to blame her, but then realized he couldn't.

This woman was really foolish. Just because they used the fragments together, she didn't want to hand them over. How could Gu Changsheng blame her for that!

"Hehe." Jun Qingyu smiled foolishly.

"How are your injuries?" Gu Changsheng asked.

"I'm fine, just a little painful." Jun Qingyu shook her head.

"As long as it didn't affect your foundation, it's fine." Gu Changsheng examined her and found no problems, finally letting go of his worries.

Although he still appeared harsh towards Jun Qingyu, his attitude had actually changed significantly.

If it were before, he would have scolded Jun Qingyu to death, blaming her for wasting a directional teleportation symbol and trying to extort her.

But now, he couldn't bring himself to do those things...

Perhaps he had really been fooled by her.

"Are you okay?" Jun Qingyu asked.

Gu Changsheng had fought with his own blood, and his blood consumption was extremely severe. His pale complexion made him look like he had kidney deficiency.

"It's nothing, just excessive consumption of spiritual energy. The blood is fine." Gu Changsheng waved his hand.

In fact, this time he was able to injure Gao Tou mainly because of the Black Demon Technique. This evil technique was much more powerful than Gu Changsheng had imagined.

During demonization, it could increase his combat power several times over!

Suddenly, Gu Changsheng's expression froze.


A tremendously hot aura suddenly emerged from within him, as if it was about to rush into his mind.

It was a...crazy desire to find someone to exercise with!

This desire filled his mind, making it impossible for Gu Changsheng to resist.

"What's wrong with you?" Jun Qingyu looked at Gu Changsheng's changes, her voice trembling.

Gu Changsheng was terrifying at this moment, his eyes bloodshot as he stared at her with a burning gaze, like a big bad wolf seeing a little white rabbit.

"Shut up!" Gu Changsheng said fiercely.

As he spoke, he wanted to approach her, but immediately retreated on his own.

"I need to calm down, don't come near me!" Gu Changsheng said harshly.

He quickly rushed into the cave.

Soon, he reached the depths of the cave.

As time passed, Gu Changsheng couldn't resist the overwhelming desire to exercise.


Gu Changsheng punched the cave wall.

The cave wall was shattered, revealing a hole, inside of which was a small pit.

In the pit, a blood-red flower was blooming.

"What the hell is this?" Gu Changsheng was stunned.

The flower was about ten centimeters long, resembling a blood-colored Dragon Race creature, emitting a bewitching light.

[Item Name: Dragon Desire Flower

Level: Rank Two Supreme Grade

Description: Something tainted with dragon blood, it can induce illusions in people and activate their deepest desires.]

Gu Changsheng was stunned, and suddenly, he felt that the desire in his heart became even stronger.

He took steps and approached the Dragon Desire Flower, then swallowed it in one gulp!

Instantly, countless thoughts exploded from Gu Changsheng's mind, an extremely hot sensation emerged, causing him to lose his sanity.

"Roar!!!" Gu Changsheng let out a roar and continuously attacked the wall.

"What's wrong?" Sensing Gu Changsheng's condition, Jun Qingyu hurriedly ran over.

When she saw Gu Changsheng's condition, Jun Qingyu was frightened and rushed over quickly. But as she approached, she also smelled a strange scent.

Then she also came to the front of the Dragon Desire Flower and took a bite.

Instantly, both of them reacted the same way, feeling uncomfortable all over.

The two of them slowly approached each other.

In their eyes, everything in front of them changed.

Gu Changsheng saw himself as if he were in a wedding ceremony. He was wearing a groom's outfit, and in front of him was Jun Qingyu in a bride's dress...

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