Longevity, Invincible From Taking Concubines.

Chapter 3 Young, Beautiful, Good Figure, Nice Voice

Wang's wife felt as if someone had stabbed her in the heart.

She glanced at him with a resentful look in her eyes.

Jiangchuan, scared despite his age, didn't dare to meet her gaze.

He casually took out something resembling a ledger from his pocket.

This was her roster.

It recorded the information of many young widows, beautiful young women, and unmarried girls.

Wang's wife specialized in matchmaking.

Her success rate in making connections and bridging relationships could reach over ninety percent.

In this line of work, honesty was crucial.

But it didn't mean that everything had to be said.

Especially the other party's shortcomings.

There was a term called "avoiding the important and dwelling on the trivial."

She had mastered this skill very subtly.

She pushed Old Wang, who was comfortably sitting on the fishing platform, with one push.

She almost pushed Old Wang into the river.

Jiangchuan thought she was trying to send him away so that she could inherit his fishing spot.

Squatting down, she picked up a small stool that still had Old Wang's warmth and sat down next to Jiangchuan.

The two of them sitting shoulder to shoulder made Old Wang hesitate to speak.

But in the end, he was scared into silence by a single look from Wang's wife.

Old Wang had made his family status very clear.

He didn't know if he hadn't explained himself clearly just now, whether he would be in trouble when he got home.

He felt sorry for him for a second.

For someone his age, Wang's wife could be considered a young girl.

And she still had that kind of charm.

Being so close to her, the mature woman's scent on her body entered his nostrils, making him have some strange thoughts.

He quickly averted his gaze, no longer looking at those plump fruits.

His eyes fell on the small booklet in her hand.

Wang's wife smiled slightly and flipped to the last two pages.

She pointed to a name on it and asked.

"This one is called Wang Huihui, she's in her thirties. Her husband will be in the middle stage the day after tomorrow. He's quite strong."

"When he went out to hunt monsters, he unfortunately died."

"Huihui is now a widow, and she looks delicate. The most important thing is that she lives well and knows how to take care of a man."

From what he knew.

The cultivation system here was divided into Innate, Martial Master, Martial Ancestor, Martial King, Martial Emperor, and Martial Saint.

Each major realm had three minor realms: early, middle, and late.

It was said that Martial Emperor and Martial Saint were almost legendary.

When Jiangchuan heard what she said, he almost spewed out a mouthful of old blood.

What do you mean by that expression, sister-in-law?

You're not talking about yourself, are you?

Are you sure her husband wasn't weak and powerless, and that's why she sent him away?

He decisively shook his head.

"Sister-in-law, you know my situation."

"I'm getting old and don't want to waste too much energy on this kind of thing."

"Oh, I see. That's a pity then."

Jiangchuan complained, what a pity.

What strange thoughts are you having, Wang's wife?

I'm a decent person who's about to be buried.

Wang's wife flipped through two pages and felt that many of the people on it were suitable for his current situation.

"Jiang Ge, do you have any requirements?"

"I can help you narrow down the options."

Jiangchuan thought for a moment, uncertain, and asked.

"Anything is fine?"

Wang's wife appeared very confident.

She patted her chest and said.

"Don't worry, brother-in-law, I can take care of you. Speak up, whatever you have in mind."

Jiangchuan looked at her so seriously, his gaze fell on the calm water surface, reflecting a red glow.

After thinking for a moment, he finally spoke.

"Young, beautiful, good figure, pleasant voice."

Before he finished speaking, there was a splash.

Old Wang's fishing rod fell into the river.

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On the side, Wang's wife also widened her mouth, staring at him with a face of astonishment, as if she was looking at a monster.

"It's not that I'm an old man. Are you trying to find a beautiful young lady?"

"You should take a look in the mirror before criticizing others. Don't blame me for looking down on you, bro."

Jiang Chuan rolled his eyes.

"Old Wang, I'm afraid if I pee right now, you'll feel inferior."

Wang's wife's eyes lit up, her gaze shifted downwards, not knowing what she was expecting.

Old Wang was choked half to death, feeling like he had been stabbed by him again.

His gaze turned towards Wang's wife beside him.

"Girl, what do you think? Can this meet the requirements?"

"Ah, wait a moment. Let me take a look first."

She searched through her address book and indeed found a few suitable candidates.

"There are some. What do you think of these?"

She glanced at the situations of these women.

Among these people, some were young widows, and some had not yet married.

Those that Wang's wife listed should all have decent appearances.

Her wrinkled finger pointed to one of them.

"What about this one?"

Wang's wife saw the person he was pointing at.

She couldn't help but furrow her brows slightly.

After hesitating for a moment, she still spoke up.

"Jiang Ge, I won't hide it from you. This woman named Lin Yuxi is the best among these people."

"But she has three issues."

"Sister-in-law, please tell me."

"First, she doesn't have a martial soul and is not a cultivator."

In this world, all cultivators possess something called a martial soul.

According to the classification, martial souls are divided into several major grades, from first grade to Ninth Grade.

This concept is very similar to the concept of Spirit Roots.

It is said that with a Ninth Grade martial soul, one has the potential to become a Martial Emperor, or even a Martial Saint.

The specifics of whether this is true or not, he is not sure.

He had only heard about it when he was young.

He smiled and shook his head slightly.

"Sister-in-law, it's better if she doesn't have a martial soul. There are fewer troubles with people like that. And there won't be any domestic violence situations."

As he said this, he couldn't help but glance at Old Wang, whose face had turned black.

This talk of domestic violence was clearly referring to him.

Seeing his gnashing teeth expression.

He felt a sense of satisfaction.

You've been teasing me day after day. Now you know what karma feels like.

Old Wang glared back at him.

"Old thing, what are you looking at?"

"What am I looking at? If you dare to hit me, just wait and see how my wife deals with you."

Wang's wife glared, and Old Wang, who had been arrogant just now, immediately wilted.

He secretly glanced at Jiang Chuan, his lips moving, not knowing what he was saying.

"Now, the second issue is that she is from a humble background."

"Her family used to be in business. Due to some circumstances, their family's fortunes declined, resulting in their current situation."

A humble background has a great impact on future generations.

They cannot enter politics or hold official positions, and their social status is very low.

Jiang Chuan didn't care about these things.

"It's fine, I don't mind."

"Then there's only one last point. She is burdened with a debt of ten thousand Xuanjing. She has been doing laundry to repay the debt."

"Her only requirement is for someone to help her repay the debt of the Lin family."

"As long as this can be achieved, she is willing to accept anyone."

Jiang Chuan took out twenty thousand Xuanjing from the ancient ring on his hand.

This is a storage equipment used by cultivators.

When he was young, a beautiful woman gave it to him as a token of love.

He has been carrying it with him ever since, occasionally thinking of her.

Seeing him suddenly take out twenty thousand Xuanjing, both husband and wife widened their eyes, showing a face of astonishment.

They knew that this old man had a lot of wealth.

But they didn't expect him to take out so much without even blinking.

It was unbelievable.

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