Longevity, Invincible From Taking Concubines.

Chapter 455: Play Exciting Projects With You

All the disciples showed their trump cards one after another.

Naturally, you cannot use ordinary puppets to deal with this kind of High Level Monster.

As a disciple of Shenji Pavilion. They will more or less have one or two of these treasures in their hands.

Nearly one hundred thousand disciples, puppets of different levels, Law Treasure, were released.

A sea of ​​puppets formed and rushed forward.

Mo Xie knew that these things would not have much impact on Monsters of this level.

Quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes, and that also depends on the situation.

The strength gap between the two sides is too large, and it cannot be made up with simple numbers.

Quickly sacrifice his own Yaoguang realm puppet.

It's a giant metal bird.

From the information she gave me, I learned that this was a puppet called the Wind and Thunder War Eagle.

He is very fast and can also unleash long-range thunder attribute attacks.

Watching various fireballs and ice arrows in the sky continue to shoot towards the Monster.

Jiang Chuan's frown deepened.

The attacks from these people had no effect at all.

The level of the puppet is too low.

The attack intensity that can be released is not enough to even tickle the opponent.

Only the attack of the wind and thunder war eagle was barely good.

But there is still a certain gap between the two sides.

It is impossible to defeat this beast king with this puppet alone.

Mo Tianqi on the side also sacrificed his own puppet.

But what surprised Jiangchuan was.

His puppets did not fly out directly to fight together.

Instead, it was like a mecha, directly attached to his body and turned into a set of metal armor.

This exaggerated scene almost made Jiang Chuan's eyes pop out.

When did something strange come into the fantasy world again?

"Father, this is a special puppet of Shenji Pavilion. When paired with our skills, it can enhance our overall defense and combat effectiveness."

"This is the most important fighting method of Shenji Pavilion."

"You can also use this puppet as a wearable Law Treasure."

Of course Jiangchuan can understand.

It's just that the style of the thing he's wearing doesn't look right.

But think about it and forget it.

Things involved in Shenji Pavilion.

It includes basic mathematics, mechanics, physics, etc.

The traditional technology system is probably part of the information in Shenji Pavilion.

It's not a big deal if the other party comes up with this kind of deformable wearable puppet.

After all, his sword puppet is similar.

It's just that each of his sword puppets can transform and fight independently.

Of course, there is a sword pointing at the universe, so this fighting method is not necessary.

Jiang Chuan nodded slightly, with a slightly solemn look on his face.

"Pay attention to safety and don't hold on. Living is more important than anything else."

Mo Tianqi smiled and nodded.

For the first time, I felt cared for by my father.

He was in a very good mood.

At this time, the Wind and Thunder War Eagle had also flown back.

Moye opened her hands and the puppet quickly attached to her body.

The two of them turned into two streams of light, one on the left and one on the right, and quickly rushed towards the Black Lin Evil Tiger.

He saw two more ants approaching him.

There was disdain in the Beast King's eyes.

Although his current behavior is not back to his best.

But dealing with these two miscellaneous fish is not a matter of minutes.

"Stupid human! Die!"

Angry roars spread.

The attacking puppets around them exploded continuously and turned into a pile of parts scattered towards the ground.

He would not waste so much good flesh and blood casually.

And it wants to absorb these delicious tastes.

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The two slightly larger ants in front of me are the first trouble that needs to be solved.

The black wings shook, and a shock wave spread forward.

Mo Tianqi thrust out the long sword in his hand and collided with the shock wave.

There was a loud explosion and the explosion spread. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Sect Master Moye quickly turned into a stream of red light and rushed towards the Black Lin Evil Tiger at an extremely fast speed.

There was a clang.

A sword fell on its tiger head, but the sword only made a white mark on it.

The Black Lin Evil Tiger was not harmed at all.

A mocking anthropomorphic expression appeared at the corner of his mouth.

That look was full of disdain.

As a Monster, his physical defense is very powerful.

What's more, he is still the king of beasts.

It is not an easy task for ordinary cultivators of the same realm to deal with it.

Mo Xie's right hand was slightly numb.

The one just now used 90% of her power.

The result was that not even a single scar was left.

"Stupid human! Die!"

The Black Lin Evil Tiger, who had been waiting for this opportunity for a long time, waved his right paw.

A majestic spiritual power attached to its claws, forming a huge spiritual claw over a hundred meters long.

Moye was wrapped in it, and once he was held, he would be crushed into a ball of blood mist in an instant.

Mo Tianqi's expression changed drastically.



Everyone's faces showed horrifying expressions.

They never thought that their powerful sect leader would be so vulnerable in front of this ten-meter-long Monster.

This simply subverted their three views.

When will Monster become so powerful?

In their concept, Monster is just a slightly more powerful beast.

But what the hell is this thing in front of me?

Could their sect leader also die here?

Once she dies here.

So how should they leave?

Don't they want to be buried here?

Suddenly everyone had different expressions on their faces.

The corner of Mo Xie's mouth twitched.

Facing such a terrifying blow, she knew she was hopeless.

But she didn't show any regret.

At least she saw the man again before she died.

It’s just that the time together this time was a bit short.

At this moment, his eyes suddenly went dark.

His appearance really made her mind go blank.

"You! What are you doing?"

Jiang Chuan, under the black robe, smiled slightly.

Condensing the spiritual power in his body, he directly blasted out a huge spiritual fist.

Golden light flashed on the surface of the body.

The hundred-refined battle body is matched with the Bodhi gold body.

The combination of two powerful Body Refining defense techniques can produce effects far beyond imagination.

What's more, he also condensed the Three Flowers Gathering on the surface of his body.

A huge explosion of spiritual power spread out with a rumble.

Mo Xie, who was protected by the Three Flowers Gathering, opened his mouth wide with an incredible expression on his face.

"You! Why are you so perverted!"

"Hey, can you say that? Just be careful I go back at night and do perverted things to you."

Mo Xie, who was surviving the disaster, showed a strange smile.

"Okay, as long as you can take care of this little kitten, I will play exciting projects with you."

There is also such a good thing, how could Jiang Chuan refuse it.

He looked up and down her body, and finally landed on the puppet on her body.

"Lend it to me for fun, and I'll return it to you when you're done."

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