Longevity is Different, Caishikou Was Beheaded at the Beginning

Chapter 97: There is a great way in the cannibal scripture, and the sword comes out of no self to s

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If you go to Lingbao, you will suffer catastrophe.

Tao Qian also imagined what kind of disaster he would suffer, but there is absolutely no such kind in front of him.

The scenes in front of him were not threatening Tao Qian's life, but tortured his heart.

At this moment, Tao Qianyin is looking at these pictures, watching those creatures who are also "humans" with him, being dismembered, roasted, and sent into the mouths of those demons and others, especially the latter, those people The image of eating people suddenly stimulated Tao Qian's celestial spirit to start moving.

In a trance, Tao Qian saw a "future".

As long as he is willing to listen to the advice of this pig demon, and is willing to integrate into it, in an instant, whether it is his cultivation realm or the divine power method, he can usher in an incredible promotion, and he will be promoted from the current Qi-refining realm in a very short period of time. He has become an even stronger monster in the Foundation Establishment Realm, and he can do whatever he wants and roam the world at ease.


No, there is no cost, nothing more than just blending into the world.

Under Tao Qian's robe, things even began to change, fine and dense granulation sprouts appeared, a strange smell of meat filled the air, and wisps of green light began to emerge from his eyes...

The pig demon seemed to be very familiar with this scene, and with a mysterious smile, he dragged Tao Qian to his seat, and said with a stinky mouth:

"The few Buddhist verses just now were asked by the owner of the Fragrant Meat Collection, Lord Zhu Wuxin, from the Bodhisattva. Many Taoist friends just can't let go of their obsessions, so they distinguish between this meat and the meat, meat is meat, aroma Appetite will not deceive people, many Taoists have learned a lot after hearing these words."

"Fellow Daoist has just arrived, I suggest you stay in our Xiangrouji for a few days, so that you can enjoy it, and then understand what the Dao you are practicing is."

"Fellow Daoist, look up there, our Lord Zhu Wuxin used to be a human race who asked for immortals. I heard that we have obtained a copy of the "Cannibal Sutra", which is the real one who has achieved the Dao. Even if it is in the main hall on Tiefo Mountain, there is still a seat."

"We adults like gladiatorial fights, especially like to watch demons with free hearts and minds fighting with those tangled human monks."

"Look over there, fellow Daoist, the monks who are disobedient all end up like that."

While speaking, the pig demon detective with obvious evil intentions gave Tao Qian guidance.

Not far from there, there is a high platform.

On the high platform, there was a monstrous yellow-maned pig demon, whose human appearance, or the traces of human beings he still had left, was a big man with bloated fat and armor. With a yellow mane and messy hair, it is a huge head, with extremely ugly facial features, full of rotten teeth, and a strangely pale complexion.

A pair of scarlet eyes is enough to break the hearts of anyone who looks at them.

Many fox demons and snake demons surrounded him, cuddling him, feeding or fanning, and they were very busy.

Under the high platform, there was a row of ten huge cages.

In every cage, horrific fighting is going on.

There are men, women, young and old monks belonging to the human race, and their opponents are all kinds of monsters with strange shapes.

When Tao Qian looked over, it happened that all the human monks in the cage had been defeated or even died. Tao Qian didn't even have time to see the exact appearance of the ten human monks.

What was going on in that cage was not a fight at all, but a one-sided slaughter.

As soon as the ten human monks died, the demons surrounding the cage and the evil monks who had eaten people all cheered and roared.

Especially when they watched the demon in the cage begin to devour the corpse, they were even more excited to go crazy.

Among them, there are three female cultivators, even if they are dead, they will not be at peace at all.

The beasts beside the cage began to drive those crazy demons, and even threw some aphrodisiacs into the cage, shouting frantically: "Quick, come on... Come on quickly, I want to watch the show... Hahaha."

Just as Tao Qian was watching these, the pig demon came up again with a strangely smiling face.

He was looking forward to it, looking forward to the alienation of the "corpse-carrying Taoist" in front of him, and the monk who was on the sidelines was most likely to fall in this crazy atmosphere.

If this person persists, it doesn't matter.

He only needs to shout, and soon this person will be sent to that cage, and he can also get a bounty.

In order to be more exciting, the pig demon stuffed the human skin menu into Tao Qian's hands again, and then said in a proud tone:

"Daoist friends can eat while watching. This kind of performance fragrant meat set will be staged every day. By the way, if you have a hard time choosing, choose our butcher shop's signature dishes."

"Seeing that Daoist friend is so busy, you must first come with a jar of baby wine. This is a precious wine made of hundreds of children's blood and many precious medicinal materials. Daoist friend only needs to drink one sip, and the next few days will be Unforgettable."

"The so-called baby wine moistens the throat and fills the belly with beauty meat. Another big sign of this shop is the raw and cut beauty meat. Although the method is primitive and simple, it is better than the fresh ingredients. , the taste is indescribable."

"After that, it is the most popular [Buddha Jumps over the Wall] in this shop. The method is extremely complicated, and the light materials have to prepare dozens of the best parts such as human heart, human marrow, human brain, human tongue, etc., and then put them in. In the porcelain jar, stew for a full seven or eight hours, and finally put a drop of the blood of the human cultivator, wow, that fragrance, even the Buddha's son has to jump out of the wall to eat a bowl."

"Our boss, it was because of this dish that Yanshi Bodhisattva greatly appreciated it..."

This fellow was still talking, when he suddenly found that the Taoist was inexplicably silent.

Then, he saw Tao Qian suddenly stand up, but he didn't even look at him, he went straight to the high platform.

Then, every time he took a step, a terrifying change appeared on his body: the surface of the exposed skin was not only fine and dense granulation, but also swelled sarcomas, and the surface of the sarcoma even appeared one after another with constantly changing expressions. His hideous face, a pair of originally clear eyes also began to turn blood and blood, and the demonic aura that anyone could perceive rose to the sky.

Therefore, when Tao Qian passed by along the way, all of them laughed and got out of the way.

When he approached the high platform and was blocked by the guards, Tao Qian took out the "demon **** order" and threw it directly.

In a short time, Tao Qian was able to step up to the high platform where he could enjoy a panoramic view of the bustling scene in the fragrant meat collection, as well as the cruel and disgusting pictures in the cage.

As soon as I stepped on the stage, I saw the alienated pig demon sitting on the giant chair laughing loudly:

"This brother came from Tiefo Mountain with a demon decree, but what orders do you want to pass on to me from the mountain?"

"No hurry, no hurry, let's have some fun first."

Tao Qian showed a demonic aura, claiming to be from Tiefo Temple, and also took out the demon **** decree. This is called "Zhu Wuxin" and the demon who came down from Tiefo Mountain will naturally have no doubts.

Let Tao Qian approach step by step, the distance between the two is only a few steps.

However, Zhu Wuxin realized that the Daoist who had been enchanted did not really look at him, but looked at the extremely prosperous Xiangrouji that stretched for several miles behind him.

He thought to himself that this man must be jealous, and was about to show off.

But at the next moment, I suddenly heard this man, as if speaking to him, as if he was talking to himself:

"Since I entered the Dao, I have been involved in too many things, so I have always been **** and not free."

"It's really right that you have a concept in this fragrant meat collection. You need to let go of your heart and nature. If you have desires, let them vent."

"So, now that I am full of the desire to kill, I will ask you all."


When Tao Qian spit out the last sentence, he raised his head suddenly and released all the killing intent in his body.

The "Nine True Spiritual Sounds" that had been brewing in the mouth for a long time also broke out at this moment.

Not only the base-building realm Zhu Mo Zhu Wuxin, who was the first to bear the brunt, but the entire fragrant meat collection, at this moment, heard the magnificent and vast Taoist spiritual sound.

In an instant, each body and soul were frozen.

Then I only heard the loud noise of "Boom", and a sword light that seemed to be enough to penetrate the mountains swept out. The high platform immediately turned into powder, and a yellow-haired pig demon with a body like a hill let out a heart-wrenching roar, its demonic aura. The huge body soaring to the sky was directly strung in the air by the sword glow.

From the pig's mouth, it runs directly through the body of the demon.

Even though he had a Foundation Establishment Realm cultivation base, he was directly hit hard at this moment.

Half of his body was directly cut off by the sharp and unparalleled "Sword Intent without Self", accompanied by two loud noises, but saw two hill-like pieces of pork fall into the market, and pieces of pig internal organs like grinding discs, accompanied by two loud noises. The extremely foul-smelling pig intestines splashed down together.

This scene is extremely shocking. The tragic pig screams even awakened many demons and cultivators who were frozen by the spiritual sound. When they woke up, their eyes were round, their hearts were broken, and they looked at the man with disbelief. A terrifying human figure appeared in the sky above the whole fragrant meat collection.

Although at this time, the pig demon "Zhu Wuxin" was still roaring sternly, his combat power was obviously stronger than the previous "Jiao Yao", and he was thicker and rougher.

He was hit so hard all of a sudden that a large number of "pork polyester worms" squirmed out of his two pieces of pig body, as if acting as a glue line, to sew the two pieces of pig body together again.

This kind of method learned from the naked saint, the casting process seems to be extremely painful, and Zhu Wuxin's howl is heart-rending.

But at this time, Tao Qian only glanced at him lightly, and the killing intent in his eyes did not diminish in the slightest because he had hit the first evil.

He was in the air, looking down at the brightly lit and bustling meat market below, watching the monsters fleeing in all directions, and a large number of cannibalistic human monks.

They weren't stupid enough to know they were going to run away.

A pity, but in vain.

At this moment, Tao Qian has completely let go of his hands and feet and cut off the bondage.

He sneered suddenly, and then a stack of blue-black talisman paper appeared in his hand.

Throwing it around the market, Lingbao Immortal Spiritual Qi immediately stimulated it.

With the eruption of one hundred and eight invisible sword intents, a sword formation so huge that it enveloped the entire "Fragrant Meat Collection" instantly took shape.

All the demons and evil cultivators in this market~www.wuxiaspot.com~ are all trapped in the formation.

"Here, whether it's a human race or a demon, since you've eaten meat and drank wine, let's go to Huangquan together."

"This first disaster, I Tao Qian took the initiative to accept, hahaha..."


In the loud noise, Tao Qian, who had completely vented his killing intent in his body, suddenly merged with the Hundred Refinements Sword Pill, and all of the remaining spirits and spirits in his body were poured into it, and he saw an unprecedented wave, as if it was going to penetrate the earth. The giant beam of light and sword light descended from the sky.

What erupted along with it was the seemingly endless mysterious and invisible sword glow in the sword formation.

Fragrant meat set?

No, it's just a meat grinder right now.

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