Longevity is Different, Caishikou Was Beheaded at the Beginning

Chapter 100: Xuan Zhen stuns the soul, help me practice

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Because of the difference in souls, Tao Qian used the "Qi Refining Realm" to resist many soul-searching techniques, although he still could not avoid revealing the approximate location.

But the exact location, true appearance, and the existence of Xiao Xiaosui and Lian Jinger were kept secret.

Therefore, at this time, the dozen or so spirit-refining demons and the evil cultivators in front of them did not regard the shabby old monk and the two little novices as the daring human sword cultivator.

This is also a stereotype. Most of the practitioners in the cultivation world think that cultivators who practice swords are rigid and rigid.

Although the combat power is terrifying, he is not good at supernatural powers such as transformation, and he does not bother to do that.

Where can I get it?

He Tao Qian is not a serious swordsman.

The old monk he had transformed into was sitting in meditation, looked up at the dozen or so demons, and was about to shake his head to refuse.

Suddenly, the tiger demon turned his head and stared at Xiao Xiao Sui and Lian Jing'er's little novice, baring his teeth, revealing the bright red shredded meat in the gap, saliva also flowing down, and directly threatened with a hiss: "The old monk doesn't say anything. It doesn't matter, I just want to do a toothbrush, these two little novices smell really good."

As soon as these words came out, the group of demons and cultivators behind the tiger demon also had red eyes and saliva.

The old monk immediately turned pale with fright, trembling with a look of shame on his face, and then pointed to a direction.

It's already over here, but who would have guessed that this group of demons and cultivators didn't leave immediately, especially as the tiger demon continued to approach, and the mouth of the blood basin grew bigger and bigger, and said with a smile:

"Don't be afraid, old monk, the mountain master intends to have a chance with you. I have a magical power called 'Ghost Ghost'. When I devour the useless skins of the three monks, your souls can practice with me. In the future, when the owner of this mountain gets the Dao, you ghosts are indispensable, but you can also ascend to heaven."

After he finished speaking, there was another burst of laughter behind him.

The demons, one after another, agreed.

"Master Hushan, don't think about eating alone. You can kill them and get a soul to be a ghost, but this meat is still good to eat."

"No mistakes, no mistakes, hard work on the road, and a tooth-fighting sacrifice is also excellent."

"That's right, there are too many demons and cultivators chasing that fellow, and our luck may not be that good, but it's a good thing to eat such a tender little novice."

"I want the one on the left, I smell better, the one on the right doesn't smell good enough, probably not refreshing enough."

"Hurry up, we have to chase that fellow, don't waste time."

These words made the old monk and the little novice tremble.

The old monk seemed to accept his fate very quickly, and said to the demons: "Your great kings, the sea of ​​suffering is boundless, this stinky skin is really useless to us monks, it would be good to be reborn in bliss as soon as possible, just let the old monk recite the paragraph first. Let’s go to the rebirth, and it can be regarded as surpassing myself in advance.”

"Read it, read it, you read yours, I eat mine, and don't delay."

The tiger demon didn't realize that he was there, and with its huge mouth, it bit the little novice behind Tao Qian.

Then the next moment, including him, the dozen or so demons in the late Qi-refining realm, and the few evil cultivators of the same realm, simultaneously heard a Taoist sound like a big bell.

"Nine days are true, and there are great secrets."

At the beginning, when the spiritual sound with Taoist rhyme entered the ear, the demons wondered why the old monk went to recite the Taoist magic.

Then, deep in their minds, the alarm bells rang loudly, frantically shouting out the word "fooled".

Unfortunately, it was too late.

Their souls and bodies were frozen in an instant.

No matter what subtle magical means they each have, it is meaningless at this time.

They could only watch the old monk's body swaying, turned into the corpse slayer, and then opened his mouth and spit out a sword pill, the sharp and unparalleled sword light turned into a tortuous streamer, first bypassing the The tiger demon, and then accompanied by the sound of chi chi, slashed the remaining demon and evil cultivator.

With the sound of "puff puff", there were more than a dozen stinking corpses on the Qingshi Ping.

Each of them is a Qi-refining demon and an inhuman evil cultivator capable of causing a bloodbath in the mortal world.

But here, you can't even resist and cry, and you lose your life when your soul is frozen. No matter how many years you practice, no matter how many trump cards you hide, this is how you end up accidentally.

The tiger demon, the only survivor, could not have any thoughts of joy.

Because he can only stare at a pair of scarlet eyes at the moment, watching the Taoist rummaging through the storage instruments, and finally he turned out a left-path different technique called "Xuanzhen Soul Deterrence Technique". .

The Taoist did not delay at all, and opened the thin booklet in front of him and began to learn.

And the two little novices beside him jumped up proficiently, moved left and right, and began to pick up the corpses of a dozen demons and evil cultivators, looking for available trophies and storage magic tools. He even started to wear away the imprint of Divine Sense on those instruments by himself.

This whole set makes people wonder, who is the monster who kills and steals treasures here?

At this moment, the voice of the Taoist suddenly entered the ears of the tiger demon:

"As a serious Daoist disciple, I shouldn't have learned this kind of soul-searching and deterring left-path magic. After all, I have to pay the price of hurting my soul and hurting my soul."

"But who told me to need some memory in your tiger demon's mind? If I ask you, you must not only tell me honestly, but also play some small tactics with me to struggle and resist. Why bother?"

"It's better to search for the soul and kill them together, so as to fulfill the brotherhood of your gang of demons going to Huangquan together."

These few words sounded almost like the voice of the soul-invigorating demon to the tiger demon, and the fear created by him allowed him to break free from a trace of spiritual thoughts.

He was about to open his mouth to beg for mercy, swearing that he would be honest.

But the next moment, he only saw the man in front of him with a black belly smile, and pointed straight at the center of his eyebrows.

Immediately, the tiger demon only felt that there were countless sharp claws in his skull, stirring his brain frantically, and the pain was so severe that he couldn't bear it, his eyes turned white, and the seven orifices spurted pus and blood, and then the three souls. The seven souls were all turned into pieces, and a tiger demon with a perfect Qi refining state turned into an idiot with cerebral palsy.

At the last second before he lost himself, the tiger demon recalled the humans he had tortured and killed. Many times, he used his claws to stir the brains of humans, and from time to time he dipped some into his mouth and tasted it carefully.

The so-called heaven is good for reincarnation, and this time he also felt it.

After a while, Tao Qian, who was looking for a memory, retracted his fingers, got up straight, and skillfully began to destroy the corpse.

Almost as soon as it was finished, a throbbing like a drum of war appeared in my mind, coming from all directions.

Various search-type supernatural powers swept over from far and near.

"It's really a bloodbath, embattled on all sides, this disaster is really difficult to overcome."

"But that's fine, as long as those monsters don't get mad and send out the big monsters for the sake of my little transparency in the Qi refining realm, then these things can help me practice."

During the conversation, Tao Qian led Xiao Xiaosui and Lian Jinger again.

As the light flashed again, the three of them regenerated and changed.

This time Tao Qian turned into a black-haired, majestic, demon-like ape demon who looked fierce and cruel, with a little ape demon with fierce milk and fierce milk squatting on his left and right shoulders.

It just so happened that at this time, over the Black Water Village, all kinds of demonic clouds and mists were surging across the border, and all kinds of demons, ghosts and monsters showed their bodies in the clouds.

The mountain peaks that were originally transformed into Taoist spiritual places because of Tao Qian's existence, immediately became the realm like a devil's cave.

All kinds of unscrupulous spiritual thoughts swept around, but there was no existence that could see through Tao Qian's changes.

Mysterious magic!

Really mysterious.

However, Tao Qian didn't dare to make too many waves to avoid accidents. After all, Xiao Xiao Sui and Lian Jing'er's cover-ups were not as miraculous as Wan Hua Shu.

His eyes swept quickly, Tao Qian quickly selected a special-shaped flying boat made of various materials. In order to be fashionable, the owner of the flying boat also got a steam engine that can spray black smoke, and dozens of people operating the flying boat are impressive. The upper body is naked, the body is eroded, and there are various poisonous insects surrounded by a partial warlock.

In addition to these warlocks, there are also many fetid, terrifying demons, or some unsightly aliens.

Tao Qian went below and shouted directly at the flying boat: "You fellow Taoists are also hunting that human cultivator, take me for a ride, and I will pay."

Not long after he finished speaking, Tao Qian also appeared on the flying boat with two little ape demons.

It doesn't matter whether the boat fare is expensive or not, and he has robbed a dozen demons and cultivators in the Qi-refining realm. Tao Qian said that he has no problems with his wealth and wealth.

The demons on this flying boat were indeed chasing and killing him.

He even received a rare treasure that could be used to receive "real-time news" from the Demon God Army.

It was held by the owner of the flying boat, a humanoid monster sorceress who was two meters tall, dressed in strange linen clothes, wore a bead crown, had a coquettish makeup, and exposed most of her body.

Hanging on her grease-filled chest is a fist-sized, white bone ball.

After Tao Qian got on the flying boat, he walked around, and from time to time he pointed to the erosion warlock at the helm, saying that he had a different technique, so he could more accurately locate the location of the human race monk.

Under the interference of Tao Qian, the flying boat gradually deviates from the direction and goes to the barren and wild mountains with harsh environment.

At the beginning, the monster witch who was also in the "Perfect Qi Refining Realm" was still a little puzzled and dissatisfied, but soon, when there were no magicians around, her chest bone suddenly released a dim light.

Then she seemed to have received some surprise news, a loud voice resembling a man but a man, a woman not a woman resounded through the flying boat:

"Quick, there is news from the Demon God Army that an alien master whose only son died has just deduced a new result. That human monk who doesn't know whether to live or die is very close to us."

"That human cultivator has a magic weapon such as a sword formation. We must be careful not to fall into it. We will kill him together outside the formation, and then we will receive the reward together."

After she finished speaking, all the demons on the flying boat became excited.

Especially the "Ape Demon" with two little monkeys was the most excited, screamed directly, jumped in front of her, and asked loudly, "Very close, how close?"

She was about to answer loudly when suddenly she seemed to have seen some incredible and terrifying picture, her turbid yellow eyes staring round.

Her spiritual sense immediately burst out and wanted to cast a spell, but unfortunately, Tao Qian had already done it before that.


It was still the Nine True Spiritual Sounds.

All the demons on the flying boat looked at the ape demon who screamed from time to time on the flying boat~www.wuxiaspot.com~ at a certain moment, it was no longer the unpleasant ape cry, but an extremely pure and magnificent sound. The mighty Taoist sound.

After hearing that voice, their souls and bodies lost control for a short time.

When he recovered himself again, what he saw was a terrifying sword formation that erupted relentlessly.

The endless Xuanyin invisible sword energy not only tore the flying boat into tattered iron, but also cut the flying boat, whether it was a warlock or a demon, into thin strips of meat, mixed with machinery, steam, flesh and blood. Broken bones, brains... became the most special kind of rain, splashing down on the barren mountains and forests below.

In the rain, there was a faint voice:

"Little Sui, Lian Jinger, hurry up, pack up the spoils."

ps: Fat Fish asks for a monthly pass, thanks everyone.

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