Longevity is Different, Caishikou Was Beheaded at the Beginning

Chapter 117: Wuxiang is like a fairy in the moon palace, saying that he can unravel magic

"Longevity is different, Caishikou was beheaded at the beginning (!

It was a coincidence that Tao Qian had just mixed in with the crowd when he realized he had an acquaintance.

But it was a few female cultivators in the daughter's palace. After two turbulences of "Shouxing Transit" and "Destroyed Spirit", the original team had long since separated, but I didn't expect to meet again this time.

But whether it was before or now, several female cultivators didn't know him.

Tao Qian didn't plan to do anything, he just stood silently. This time, he didn't need to do more performances in his appearance. Except for his face that didn't quite match, all the other details were very in line with Tao Qian's appearance at this time.

Almost as soon as he landed and mixed into the crowd.

The throbbing feeling in my mind reached its peak directly.

The terrifying qi machine, from the virtual to the real, came brazenly the next moment.

Not far ahead, it was resounding in the incompetent and furious Meiguan area.

Void, split without warning.


The blazing white brilliance, starting from the crack, began to erupt violently towards the entire Meiling boundary.

In an instant, including "Tao Qian", many commoners, loose cultivators, or sect cultivators were all shrouded in this white light.

It seems that there is a bright moon directly above this Meiling.

That's right, it's the moon.

Because in everyone's perception, although this white light drowns everything, it is not dazzling, or even does not affect the line of sight at all.

Although there is no Moon Toad, there is no huge osmanthus tree, and there is no Moon God and Guanghan Palace.

But inexplicably, everyone felt that they were in that moon palace in a trance.

Afterwards, those incompetent rage and roaring ceased, accompanied by a clattering sound, the tens of thousands of demon army, those foundation builders and mortal cultivators all knelt down involuntarily.

In particular, the leader of the old fairy, his cultivation base is actually higher than the troll baby demon.

But at this moment, he has no room for resistance at all, and he has long lost that old fairy-like demeanor, but like an old eunuch, his face is shaking, his eyes are full of intense fear, and his body is shaking. Kneel down.

There seemed to be an inexplicable force on the top of his head, pressing him to kneel lower and lower.

He didn't dare to resist in the slightest, he could only follow the strength to keep his head and face close to the ground, and finally contact the soil slowly.

But still did not stop, that strength is still pressing the old immortal to continue to go down, directly crushing into the dust.

This scene was watched by everyone.

Whether it is the weakest commoner, a cultivator like Tao Qian, or some strange ghosts, all of them are watching the gorgeous figure that appeared in the most intense part of the moonlight like white light. People stomped on the head of the slaughtering old immortal, crushed him and gnawed at the soil, forcing him to swallow.

At the end, everyone even clearly heard the sound of the old immortal's face shattering.

It is said that in such a cruel scene, the abused is an immortal old man, and everyone should be extremely sympathetic.

It's a pity that it was the old man.

How can those who have seen the cruel behavior of this old man have any sympathy for those who have changed before?


This is the thought that flashed in everyone's heart at this time.

Also because of this scene, although anyone with a little bit of wisdom can see that Yuehua couldn't see her face in the depths, she only knew that the extremely gorgeous and noble figure was actually the same group as this group of cruel monks and the Demon Suppression Army. There are still many people who can't help but have a good impression of him.

Of course, it may also be because of the temperament of that figure.

Even Tao Qian had to admit it at this moment.

That tall and mysterious figure, with its attitude and temperament, makes people feel that this is definitely a fairy from the sky.

He has never landed, nor should he, nor should he be contaminated by this mundane soil.

Tao Qian was in the crowd, and at this moment, he seemed to be able to hear the cry of the people around him:

"Immortal, this is the real fairy."

"Is this the real immortal, who came with Yuehua, gorgeous and cold, like the legendary moon goddess."

"How can there be such an existence in this world, such a posture, such a demeanor, what is it if it is not a fairy?"

Just when many civilians and loose cultivators were fascinated by this figure.

Suddenly, he seemed to have tortured enough of that greedy old mortal mortal immortal, and his face that no one could see turned abruptly in a direction.

Then his figure swayed, and everyone felt that Yuehua seemed to be colder again.

When they looked again, everyone saw the figure in the hands, and they didn't know when there were two more demons.

A demon, in the shape of a snake, is wrapped around an ancient mirror.

A demon is like a boy in green clothes, surrounded by star dust.

The rest of the people saw this scene and felt weird.

On the other hand, Tao Qian was shocked.

In the depths of my mind, thoughts surged wildly:

"Xiao Renzhen is right, this Qin Wuxiang has a mysterious origin, but he is definitely a Dongxuan cultivator, and the magical powers he masters are extremely strange and various, and the escape method is even more amazing, and the speed has surpassed Xiao Renren's greatness Luckily, he was stumped by other important things at the beginning, otherwise Zhenren Xiao would have fallen into his hands long ago."

"The Xing Zha Demon's evasion of thousands of miles in one thought is indeed bragging, but in just one or two breaths, it can at least escape two thousand miles with its avatar, but even so, it was caught back. "

"Fortunately, I asked Zhenren Xiao for relevant information early, otherwise it would be me who fell into his hands now."

"This fellow is at the same level as the real person, but he can lock the blurred range of the real person with stronger deduction techniques, but it is absolutely impossible to catch people through the rough method of backtracking, especially after the real Xiao was with me, the origin of the baby and mother. Disturbing my two personalities, plus my strange soul's immunity to that spell, my true body is still hidden and unknowable to him."

"I am a cultivator who has practiced the Lingbao Fundamental Law. This trip is more reasonable than passing Meiguan and heading to Lingbao Mountain Gate."

"Just looking at the Mysterious Demon Myriad Transformation Technique, whether it is as effective as it is said to be, can make the Dao and Buddha Sect unprepared and unable to see through it at all."

"If there is, then my life is still alive."

"And the three-headed Xingzha demons, the cowhide blew the sky-shattering sound, so long has passed, why hasn't Xiao Zhenren been successfully sent to the Guanyin Temple... The three demons escaped much earlier, and they still escaped by relay, so Shouldn't he be caught?"

"I got through this disaster, but I have to reflect on it for a long time. There is definitely a big problem with the way I survived the three disasters."

"If I have obtained the fundamental method of Lingbao like this, and I have to survive such a catastrophe, how can Lingbaozong accept the disciples of wild cultivators? This path should have been cut off."

"So, I must have tried to die too much to cause the three disasters to be so serious? It's really hard."

Tao Qian saw with his own eyes the power displayed by the figure in the depths of Yuehua, and his mood became a little chaotic.

At the same time, Qin Wuxiang's mind was not very good.

He still stomped on the head of the old cultivator, and lifted the two demon heads, and at the same time turned his head to look in the direction of Fumin.

He let out a sigh, and then opened his mouth.

This is an indescribable voice, and it is completely in line with everyone's imagination of immortals and celestial sounds. It is cold and noble.

"Well, I can't catch up."

"Xingzha Demon, such a rare devil, Xiao Meiniang really deserves to have cultivated the fundamental method of infant and mother. She has reached such a desperate situation, and she still finds a ray of vitality."

"But she was able to escape, but she also relied on the help of you trash."

"If I remember correctly, when I set up these ten unique formations, I specifically told me that as long as I use the one hundred and eight mysterious pearls according to my order, Xiao Meiniang will have no reason to do so."

"But you still made a mistake and let her run away."

"Greedy, it is greed that takes your life and your way."

When this non-male and non-female voice sounded, as if only a human being could spit out an immortal.

The group of mortal cultivators seemed to feel some kind of catastrophe, and fell directly into the most extreme fear.

Especially the shattered old monk who was still in the mud.

He didn't dare to struggle at all, just made a sound with some kind of magical power, almost shouting:

"Sir, Lord Holy Son, forgive me."

"This matter is caused by my greed, but there are still outsiders who interfere with it."

"It was the sword cultivator who got the inheritance of the Secret Demon Sect. He used the secret magic door to deceive me and send Xiao Meiniang out."

"I'll be damned, but that secret demon brat is even more damned."

"How dare he, how dare he, destroy the formation that you personally set up."

"Please give me some time, my lord, and let me find that devil cub and **** it to you, and then I will let my lord deal with it."

"I can't let this son die with me, I'm unwilling to wait..."



Following that cold voice, what everyone heard this time was the sound of the old man's skull shattering.

Even though he is a cultivator, he will not die if his skull is broken.

But this time, this old immortal can be said to have lost a trace of dignity and face.

And the figure in the depths of Yuehua didn't seem to listen to the cry of this subordinate at all, and only looked at the two demons in his hands.

Regardless of whether it was the avatar demon or the Xing Zha demon, they did not feel malice in Qin Wuxiang's eyes.

Even ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ they felt kindness, a kindness that made them involuntarily have a good impression. The star demon like a boy in blue clothes couldn't help rubbing the white palm that was holding it.

And the next moment, both demons heard a gentle inquiring voice.

"Two little things, your masters should hide here."

"Come, point it out to me, I can call the shots and return your freedom."

"Mysterious Demon Sect's methods are the most shameless and vicious, but I happen to have a method that can unlock the magic of summoning."

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