Longevity is Different, Caishikou Was Beheaded at the Beginning

Chapter 122: Huangji Zhenshi, daughter spring water

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Tao Qian could see at a glance that this strangeness called Joule was different from the ignorant temperament of other mountain spirits and ghosts in the valley.

Xu is because of his natural hobbies and has too much contact with the human world, and he has been infected with some cunning and rudder habits.

But there is nothing wrong with this, at least from the perspective of Qi, this Joule has no evil deeds such as cannibalism, and there is no alienation or degeneration.

Tao Qian thought about it and asked a few questions directly. It was the current situation in Nanyue and Fumin.

He has already left Nanyue, and of course he does not intend to mix anything.

But after all, he has a lot of causal connections with Nanyue, not to mention that he sent Xiao Zhenren to Guanyin Temple not long ago.

When Xingzha Demon came back to report, he also said that Xiao Zhenren had invited back the Sect Master of the Infant Sect. He thought that the people who were parasitized by various "bait bugs" with dragon blood in Meiling that day should have been saved. At the same time, the rebellion within the Infant Sect It should also be calmed down, but I don't know about Ji Xianxian and Qin Wuxiang's conspiracy, will it change?

How far has the demon army's chaos gone?

He was in retreat for seven days. Given the ever-changing situation in Nanyue, it was difficult to predict what the situation would be like now.

Tao Qian asked curiously, but he didn't expect Joule to give much detailed information.

However, this joule gave Tao Qian a surprise.

I saw this strange creature fanned its charred ears, and the flames flew, and it answered:

"Returning to the real person, there is a cultivator's market hundreds of miles away. I have been hanging there a few days ago. I have heard a lot of news, and I happen to know all these issues."

"The current situation in Nanyue Province is very good for the human race, but those monsters are miserable."

"Originally, the Demon God Army has regarded Nanyue as something in its pocket, and they have begun to confer one by one big demon, but the official of Nanyue, that is, the Governor-General Ji Xianxian, has been huddled in the provincial capital and dared not make any move, with 800,000 under his command The Demon Suppression Army is also motionless."

"But seven days ago, there was a sudden change."

"That Ji Xianxian, who was originally just a mortal official, has inexplicably acquired an extremely terrifying cultivation base, as if he had become an immortal overnight."

"And not only Ji Xianxian, but also the Demon Suppression Army under his command. I don't know what secret method was used, but the 800,000 Demon Suppression Army actually followed him to skyrocket their cultivation base, and changed their name directly to [Huangji Town Shijun] the next day. ."

"Ji Xianxian led the army of 800,000 and began to sweep across Nanyue. Those monsters who usually boasted about how powerful they were, immediately became vulnerable and vulnerable when they encountered the army."

"A loose cultivator from Nanyue once experienced it personally. He said that there was a great demon of Dongxuan who was specially invited by the Demon God Army from a neighboring province. He thought he was powerful and had many subordinates. The army is fighting to the death in a place called 'Luofengyuan'."

"But the big demon had just assembled his subordinates and arrived on the plain, including himself and tens of thousands of demons, and was instantly wiped out by the demon-destroying halberd."

"On that day, it is said that even the brilliance of the sun star was blocked for a moment, and there was a forest of halberds on the original land without trees, and the flesh and blood of the demon corpses became nourishment."

"Since this battle, the situation in Nanyue has been completely reversed. Wherever the 800,000 town army has passed, there is no demon that can resist, either escape early, or be slaughtered cleanly, dismembering the corpses as materials, it is really useless. Dispose of it and sell it to the people as food rations.”

"It is said that those human beings in Nanyue provincial capital are about to vomit after eating demon meat."

"In seven days, most of the cities and counties in Nanyue that were originally occupied were taken back by Ji Xianxian, so he also received an award from the Terran court."

"I heard that Ji Xianxian also issued an order to summon immortals and called on many monks in the neighboring provinces to come to support. He would give rewards for meritorious deeds and so on. As a result, a large number of human monks began to flow into Nanyue, which made the officials of neighboring provinces all dissatisfied."

This detailed and detailed news spat out of Joule's mouth, causing Tao Qian to look sideways.

He also found a treasure, Tao Qian doubted that even if he went to the monk market to inquire now, it would be at most this level.

But if you think about it carefully, this weird thing called "joule" has a hobby of hanging on the beam and listening to other people's gossip. It's normal to know this.

As soon as he thought of this, Tao Qian was no longer polite and asked more directly.

After a while, Tao Qian stopped asking questions, and there was almost no doubt in his eyes.

Even Tao Qian himself did not expect that he had retreated for seven days, and as soon as he came out, he actually asked about the current situation from the mouth of a strange creature.

"That is to say, I survived the disaster, and it was not in vain."

"The improvement of the situation in Nanyue started seven days ago. That day was when Zhenren Xiao invited back the Sect Master of the Infant Sect."

"Sect Master Yingzong rescued many civilians and monks on his way back, and the next day Ji Xianxian led the army to start the suppression of the rebellion."

"After another day, the third prince who originally worshipped the infant sect pretended that the fundamental law was not suitable, and returned to the imperial capital directly. Several elders of the infant sect returned to the sect, announcing that they were going to retreat and practice."

"Then Ji Xianxian's nephew announced that he would join the Infant Sect and become a true disciple."

"It seems that although Zhenren Xiao asked the sect master to quell the civil unrest, he didn't do anything to Ji Xianxian and Qin Wuxiang, but made some kind of transaction."

These thoughts flashed out, but Tao Qian showed no resentment or disappointment on his face.

He is not a child, he naturally understands that everything may not be perfect.

Even the mighty cultivators in the cultivation world would have to compromise when they encounter something, especially when it involves a certain general situation.

Maybe it was because he found that he couldn't force it, or maybe it was because Ji Xianxian was needed to quell the rebellion.

"Anyway, it has nothing to do with me now."

"At least the tens of millions of people in Nanyue have found peace. If this counts as merit, it should be my share, right?"

"It doesn't matter, now that I'm out of Nanyue, the sky is high and the birds fly, and I set off from Penglai Sea."

"That Yanshi Bodhisattva, and Qin Wuxiang, will all be recorded in the little black book for the time being, and I will take revenge when Tao Zhenren increases his cultivation in the future."

Tao dived into his heart and made up his mind.

Then he saw that the weird Joule, who had answered all his questions in front of him, did not immediately turn back to the team.

Instead, he looked at Tao Qian ignorantly with those eyes that looked like a fox and like a wild dog, and his charred ears flapped from time to time, creating a lot of fireworks.

Tao Qian couldn't help laughing when he saw this, and understood the hint in seconds.

It just so happened that he was in a good mood, and seeing this "Joule" was also inexplicably good.

Thinking of simply forming a good relationship, I directly took out a porcelain bottle from the mustard seed, containing about 200 spiritual elixir called "Baicao Guyuan Dan", which is a low-level elixir with no side effects. The medicine was collected by Tao Qian from a loose cultivator.

Going to the cork, throwing out the elixir, all the mountain spirits and monsters in the secluded valley all got one.

The remaining dozen or so were stuffed into Joule's hands by Tao Qian.

He also gave it another dirty, but tightly wrapped clay pot, and then explained:

"This jar is filled with the urine of some kind of alien beast. A single drop of it spills out, and the stench will cover the entire area. Whether it's a human cultivator or a demon, you'll feel dizzy and vomit."

"Next time you hang on someone's house beam to eavesdrop on gossip. If you find out, just sprinkle a drop of it and run away. You shouldn't be beaten to death."

"Of course, it's only limited to low-level monks and demons. If you come across Qi-refining realm, you can... sprinkle more."

"If there is a chance in the future to obtain a fundamental law that suits you, remember not to become alienated and degenerate, and not to be infected with cannibalism and other diseases."

When the words fell, Tao Qian led Xiao Xiaosui and Lian Jinger again.

According to the terrain direction inquired from Joule, after choosing the direction, you can directly move away.

There are many monsters in this secluded valley, and he is not good at using magic. Fortunately, the Xiaoxiantian Nascent Soul escape method is also very effective.

As the scent of Nascent Soul fell, these ignorant monsters in the valley realized later, the two leaders who played with them for seven days left, and the terrifying human cultivator also left.

The only one with a clear understanding is that "joule".

This is weird like a fox but not a fox, like a dog but not a dog, holding the bottle of elixir and holding the dirty pottery pot.

Suddenly, it seemed to understand something, and the joules fanned violently.

Then, under the puzzled eyes of other monsters, he suddenly knelt down and kowtowed a few times seriously towards the direction Tao Qian left.

Tao Qian didn't know what Joule suddenly figured out.

At this time, he was holding Xiao Xiaosui and Lian Jinger, standing on a cloud.

With doubtful eyes, he was looking at the strange scene below.

Now that he has escaped for hundreds of miles, there is no one around, and he is planning to call out the "Xingzha Demon" and leave Fumin at the fastest speed to go to the next big province.

It was just before the conjuration that he accidentally saw the ground below.

There are a large number of civilians gathered from all directions to a certain area ahead, looking at it from a high altitude, it is like seeing an ant colony on its way.

However, after taking a few glances, Tao Qian did not follow his curiosity to check.

"If it's the third disaster, it's important to hurry."

Tao Qian moved his thoughts here, and then directly called out a Xingzha Demon, wrapping himself and the two little guys' bodies freely.

With the movement of "Boom", even in the daytime, the stars twinkling in the sky can be seen faintly.

All of a sudden, he went to lasing away at an extremely fast speed.

Almost immediately, the starlight traveled through many scenes, and suddenly crashed into a large cloud of rain clouds~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This is not really a big deal. When you cast the escape method on the sky, most of the time there will be this encounter.

Those rain and thunder can't help a cultivator of Tao Qian's level.

Unexpectedly, the unexpected happened.

As soon as he crashed into the majestic rain cloud, Tao Qian felt a throbbing sensation in his mind immediately, and even triggered his perception immediately.

And the first chronicle that was sorted out made Tao Qian widen his eyes and almost died.

"Zhiming: Daughter Spring!"

"Records: This thing is a foreign body naturally conceived by heaven and earth. After drinking it, it can cause male beings to transform into females, and there is no need for yin and yang to breed a fetus, and it must be a female fetus..."

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