Longevity is Different, Caishikou Was Beheaded at the Beginning

Chapter 135: Knowing the truth suddenly, rejoicing in the Dharma

"Longevity Strange, Beheaded at Caishikou at the beginning ( Find the latest chapter!

Even if the old monk Baiqin didn't shout, Tao Qian also planned to make some moves.

But his shout, especially the urgency and subtle compulsion in his voice, made Tao Qian immediately frown.

Whether it was Taishang Lingbao Wulei's own whim or Tao Qian's own perception, they all sent back some not-so-good signals at this moment.

It's just that when Tao Qian went to see the old monk again, he returned to the appearance of a master monk, as if he was still silently waiting for Tao Qian's self-selection, and the voice just wasn't made by him.

This scene made Tao Qian even more suspicious.

If you are by the side, or when you are stronger.

Tao Qian, in fact, there are many options to do.

But at this critical moment, Tang Xianzong will win Ji Xianxian, and Yin Susu will leave Taiyin Pond.

Although the information he had was still not enough, the war in Nanyue and the parties behind it, the layers of calculations were shrouded in mist and extremely complicated.

But the calamity is already approaching, whether it is to avoid the disaster or the intensity, Tao Qian needs to do something.

Otherwise, lie flat, and in turn may be crushed by the calamity.

"At this moment, be reckless and be reckless. Besides, I am a reckless Taoist."

"Two-pronged approach, there should be some gains."

In his thoughts, Tao Qian's body and puppet body suddenly made unexpected movements.

First of all, his naked body opened his eyes suddenly.

He directly reached out to catch Yin Susu who was about to leave, and said at the same time:

"There are only a few drops of the daughter's spring water left in the lower body before being forced out. The good news is coming, why is the princess leaving now?"

"If the princess finds it boring, why don't you tell me about your ghost husband? Or your mighty father?"

Yin Susu suddenly saw that the bad man in front of him took the initiative, and his expression became loose, and his eyes became blurred again.

Before Tao Qian could sigh about the power of the robbery, his puppet body on the other side actually moved his hand.

Like a rude little Taoist priest, he suddenly stepped forward and touched the so-called Buddha-light phantom left by Master Baiqin, and at the same time he said eagerly:

"Master, Master, hurry up, let's talk about it."

"Teach me the "Secret Method of Xiao Yutian Huanxi Zen Incarnation" first, half an hour is almost here."

"If my newly cultivated flawless body is squeezed out by the demon girl, wouldn't I be wronged?"

Tao Qian's three sentences are, of course, pretense.

His real purpose was to touch the phantom of the old monk.

Since Baiqin said that he was really sitting, except for the relic, there was only a Buddha-light phantom that had no combat power.

According to past experience, although he can't perceive the base of the powerful cultivator, if it is just a shadow, he should be able to glimpse a lot of information.

It's just the next moment, the Zhishu that emerged in my mind, but there is no problem.

"Records: This is a phantom of the Buddha's light, left by Bai Qinzi, the eminent monk of Dazizai Temple..."

When Tao Qian sensed this information, the old monk's question sounded again in his ears.

His voice, peaceful and quiet, was indeed the words of an eminent monk.

"Donor, the poor monk Huanxi Zen secret method can pass on to you immediately."

"It's just that the matter of transcending the calamity and saving the people of Nanyue, I also ask the donor to do his best."

"This is a great merit, and it also has various benefits for the donor. At least the poor monk's magical powers can be granted to the donor after the event."

"Lingbao sect has teachings and no distinctions, so I don't mind the donors and Buddhist teachings."

To be honest, the conditions of the old monk Baiqin are extremely tempting.

Just lend your "body" and you can get the inheritance of the birds.

For such a transaction, most cultivators simply agreed without thinking about it.

But at this moment, Tao Qian was blessed to the heart, and suddenly spit out words of rejection.

"Master, it's not the junior shirk."

"It's just that this is too absurd."

"The disaster of the Southern Guangdong war involved Yan Zhe, Demon God Army, Ji Xianxian, Mysterious Son, Wanyingzong, and Grandmaster... These powerful cultivators, one tyrannical force, completely corresponded to the pattern of the world of great competition."

"It's just such an important catastrophe, the person who solves the disaster should be on a little Taoist priest in the Qi refining realm?"

"This is how the younger generation can believe, why don't we use the second method. I believe that with the power of the master, it should not be difficult to solve that Tang Xianzong."

"It's really not possible, the master can also call for the help of Da Zizai Temple."

"As for the Demon Buddha Temple, as far as I know, those demon monks are fighting with the Bodhisattvas of Guanyin Temple. I think they can't be masters..."

"shut up!"

Tao Qian was chattering, when suddenly, the phantom of a hundred animals, like a great monk, roared loudly.

In an instant, the terrifying demonic energy that made Tao Qian's soul seem to freeze to death surged past.

The turbid Styx that was still flowing slowly in the belly of the corpse immediately roared with stormy waves, and many corpses directly turned into powder, and the walls of the flesh and blood also burst into pieces.

Outside, the corpse who was fighting with Li Shantong, the infant sect, suffered a sudden abdominal pain.

At the same moment, the Zhishu that Tao Qian felt in his mind suddenly changed.

"Zhiming: Magic Mind Buddha Shadow!"

"Zhishuo: The phantom formed by the entanglement of Buddha nature and demonic thoughts left by Bai Qinzi is between existence and non-existence. When he is a Buddha, he is a Buddha, and it is difficult for anyone to perceive something wrong. Only his When you reveal your demonic thoughts, you can only reveal your roots."

"Bai Qinzi deduces that Nanyue will encounter a great catastrophe, and this catastrophe is also his chance, and it is the best time for him to obtain great liberation and to practice the Dharma of great freedom. In the belly of the corpse, only this indestructible shadow of the Buddha's thoughts and thoughts is left to deal with the follow-up arrangements."

"When the great calamity comes, Hundred Birds will use the Buddha to control the devil, and use the body of a predestined person to save the people of Nanyue from water and fire. At that time, they can obtain the majestic luck of humanity, and thereby train the "hundred number" with deep roots of the devil. From this, you will get hundreds of Buddha-bird Dharma Protector Vajra with profound Dharma and terrifying supernatural powers."

"If this plan is successful, Baiqinzi will completely get rid of the devil's thoughts, return from the calamity, and take charge of the hundreds of Buddha and Bird King Kong in the territory of Nanyuetuo County, and open another branch of great freedom... Baiqin Temple!"

When this Taoist statement emerges.

Tao Qian's mind, the unimaginable thunder movement immediately roared.

Although he had imagined that the old monk Baiqin had another purpose.

But I can't think of it, it's actually this plan?

But this way, it makes sense.

He Tao Qian, a mere qi refining realm, has successfully cultivated, how can He De and how can he solve the catastrophe of Nanyue?

Even if he strengthens the first and second disasters, the difficulty of the third disaster will skyrocket due to causality, and it is impossible to directly rise to such a situation.

"But if my third disaster is not asking me to solve the catastrophe of Nanyue, but asking me not to become a puppet and not make a wedding dress for the birds, it would be more reasonable."

"Yes, that's exactly it."

"Mother Gan Lin... This is my third disaster, and I have already been caught in the disaster, so there is no way to avoid it."

"Bitterness, it's really bitterness."

Many doubts in Tao Qian's mind were answered at this moment.

Because of this, his complexion became extremely bitter.

Although the chronicle did not state the fate of the "predestined person", Tao Qian didn't need to think about it.

All the benefits belonged to Hundred Birds, and he also let this fellow open his veins and become a Buddha as his ancestor.

He Tao Dazheng, gave up his body to suppress the demonic nature for him, and took over the cause and effect. Afterwards, it is estimated that it will be gone after three melons and two dates.

Tao Qian used retreat to advance, and successfully induced Baiqinzi to reveal their demonic thoughts by using aggressive tactics.

Although knowing the truth, it also means that the death is successful.

Originally, the old monk who was still kind-hearted and just wanted to persuade Tao Qian to submit, finally had no scruples at this moment.

He just listened to it with a sigh, and then put a finger on Tao Qian puppet's brow.

In an instant, new perceptions and narrations were born:

[Suffering from the "Small Rotary Wheel's Secret Technique of Seizing the Body without Phases"... It can be exempted for three days! 】

As soon as he saw Zhishu, Tao Qian only felt that his own body and puppet body had lost control.

The two bodies fell into the hands of this hundred birds old monk at the same time.

The tone of the voice, which had been very unpleasant to hear before, sounded again:

"Don't panic, don't panic, this is the secret method of seizing the body of Zhuanlun Temple, which was originally used to deal with foreign demons."

"Poor monks are not good at training, but it is safe to use them to control the donor's body."

While speaking, Tao Qian suddenly had a profound special Dharma in his mind.

A quick glance, but it is not difficult to see that it is the "Secret Method of the Incarnation of Zen Incarnation of Xiao Yutian Huanxi" that Baiqin promised to pass.

Although he suddenly obtained the esoteric method of the Buddhist temple, and he did not need to practice by himself.

Under the control of Bai Qinzi, the body actually refined this secret technique in a few breaths, and immediately began to cast spells on the demon **** princess Yin Susu.

Seeing this scene, Tao Qian did not have many thoughts of joy.

This time, it was the turn of the old monk Baiqin to start chattering, and he didn't know whether he was explaining to Tao Qian, or explaining to the "who" in the dark.

"Don't blame the poor monk, this is also due to a combination of yin and yang."

"The poor monk never imagined that in addition to the deep blessing, the benefactor was also born with an exquisite heart. At such a moment, he still wants to test the truth and peep the truth. He really is a top seed for cultivation."

"If I had known this earlier, the poor monk would not have delayed much with the donor at the beginning, and he would have done it directly, which would have saved a lot of talk."

When Bai Qinzi said this, he was at the main body of Taiyin Pond.

An extremely strange scene suddenly appeared.

Tao Qian, who was sitting cross-legged in the pond, suddenly released a blurred Buddha light from his body.

Yin Susu, who was originally fascinated by the calamity, was suddenly enveloped by this Buddha's light, and she couldn't react at all.

Immediately, her eyes became even more obsessed and obsessed, and even on the surface of her skin as white as snow, a crimson color began to appear, an extremely ambiguous, charming scent with a sense of holiness, filling the entire Taiyin at this moment. inside the pool.

What's even more incredible is that Tao Qian's body trembled abruptly, but he saw the Buddha's light converge, and an "incarnation" exactly like Tao Qian separated.

Tao Qian's body must be twisted and stubborn.

This incarnation is much more generous. Tao Qian stood up naked when he saw "himself" with an ambiguous smile on his face. He walked over step by step, picked up Yin Susu, who was also naked, and then stood up in front of his face. As they faced each other, the two of them posed one after another in sacred and charming joyful Zen poses~www.wuxiaspot.com~ During the process, the two also groaned in unison.

The already wanton Buddha light has become more intense.

The most amazing thing was that as the process continued, Tao Qian could even hear a sound of Buddha-sound Sanskrit singing that made the soul peaceful and his cultivation level rose.

Anyone here will not feel that this scene is related to the "****" thing, but will only feel that this is pure Buddha Dharma, which is indescribable.

Tao Qian once used the eyes of a puppet to see a similar program performed by the "Yin-Yang Old Man" who also practiced the way of happiness on Tiefo Mountain.

At that time, Tao Qian opened his eyes and was shocked.

But now, when the two are compared, Tao Qian feels that the yin and yang old man is really ignorant.

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