Longevity is Different, Caishikou Was Beheaded at the Beginning

Chapter 142: Heavenly Punishment Kills Demons to Suppress Buddhas and Demons, Lingbao Returns to Im

"Longevity Strange, Beheaded at Caishikou at the beginning ( Find the latest chapter!

Tao Qian was originally thinking of throwing out the "Buddha Bird Relic" in his hand, so as to bring disaster to the east.

Unexpectedly, another girl with a very domineering tone suddenly appeared.

This girl is very delicate and lovely, like a fairy and a dragon girl, but her clothes are too complicated. The hat is tiger skin, the boots are fox fur, and the dress is more like a colorful cloud. There are many hairpins on her head, wrists and feet The wrists are also jingling, and there are many earrings, gold rings, bells and so on.

Strange to say, this girl was dressed in such a mixed fashion, but it did not violate the harmony at all, and it made the girl look festive and cute, like a very lovable girl, after being dressed up by a group of fairy aunts and sisters.

Tao Qian felt that he was quite clever, and after hearing what the girl spit out, the action of throwing the relic stopped.

My little master... The master said... When the little master is in his hands, it is the little master's... These keywords make Tao Qian unable to help but think about it.

There are also many great powers that are threatening Tao Qian.

Qin Wuxiang, who used to be an independent Meiling bully and bully others that day, like a cold and cold immortal in the Moon Palace, immediately seemed insignificant in this battle.

This holy son is also self-conscious. He saw that Senior Brother Baiqinzi from Dazizai Temple borrowed the body of a young monk Huixin to speak, and saw a demon monk from Mofo Temple who came down with the help of a corpse spirit, and the demon **** was also about to move. He silently disappeared a lot of Yuehua, reducing his own sense of existence.

Just didn't leave, Xu Shi still had other ideas.

This girl, who obviously cultivated the way of the demon, spoke in an extremely domineering tone. After listening to the name of the "Sword of Heavenly Punishment", after thinking about it, they all guessed a little truth, and also knew that the young Taoist who seemed to be a nobody, What kind of backer is there now?

But even so, it is impossible for them to retreat like this.

After only holding on for a few breaths, this time it was the demon monk attached to the Primordial Spirit of Yan Corpse, who couldn't help saying at first:

"You girl is so unreasonable, the so-called causal implication, there is a reward and a reward."

"It was your little master who killed my good disciple first, you see it so clearly, there is a great statue of the goddess and the mother of the gods, and only a pair of skins were gnawed. This kind of grievance, as long as he returns the relic Just revealing it, it is already an accommodation given by this seat because he is a Lingbao cultivator."

"Could it be that I ruined the path of my disciple, and I don't want to pay the price? Is there such a good thing in the world?"

"This lawsuit is going to your Lingbao Mountain Gate, and it is also the reason that this seat is occupied."

As soon as the monk finished speaking, he did not wait for the girl to interface.

As the mortal enemy of Mofo Temple, the monk of Dazizai Temple, took advantage of the mouth of the little monk.

Although this mysterious Baiqinzi brother speaks more Buddha nature, and even can hear compassion, but the meaning is no different from the demon monk.

"Two benefactors, that relic is my junior brother's relic."

"All kinds of poor monks here can be ignored, but this relic must be returned to Dazizai Temple."

"Stealing people's relics is not what Lingbao's true cultivation should do."

After the Buddha, the devil and the two monks finished speaking, there was a brief silence in the field.

Afterwards, millions of people turned their envious glances at Tao Qian, especially the ordinary people in Xunxian City. It would be amazing to see some battle formations fighting. Today, not only did they experience a lot of terrifying and strange things, but this is the end. At that time, we could even see gods and monks fighting for treasures with each other.

Each one of them did not care about the difference between the immortals, and they all lay on the head of the city wall, looking at the rare joy.

Tao Qian, as the victim, understood something after listening for a while, and said to himself:

"The girl in front of me should be a kind of fairy who came out of Lingbao Mountain. The master she speaks should be a powerful cultivator of Lingbaozong, and her reputation is not small, at least enough to make Baiqinzi's tyrannical senior brother. , as well as the mysterious master of Yanshi, and even the demon god, are all secretly afraid."

"That almighty cultivator somehow knew about my existence, pre-booked me as a disciple in advance, and sent this girl to shelter me."

"It is said that after the three calamities, the fortune has risen sharply, and this has come true?"

When Tao Qian's thoughts flashed through his heart, a reckless cultivator suddenly complained in a loud voice in the crowd of onlookers, and it was this sentence that made the scene change drastically.

"Having said so much, I'll grab it if I'm not afraid of revenge. Isn't the treasure in the world whoever grabs it belongs to whoever it is?"

The cultivator who spoke obviously said it after thinking about it, and he never thought about how striking his voice was in such silence.

Just when this sentence fell, it was the Buddha and the devil, who said at the same time:


"That's how it should be!"

Although they belong to the Buddha and the Devil, they are both great monks after all. The two possessing the wisdom mind and possessing the corpse have a tacit understanding, and they shot at almost the same time.

I saw that the two of them pinched a magic seal each, and suddenly cast some kind of magical power on Tao Qian's place.

In an instant, a black light Bodhisattva and a sleeping Arhat appeared in the minced meat battlefield, and the huge palms came towards Tao Qian at the same time.

Almost at the same moment, the blood sac, which was slowly wriggling not far from Tao Qian, suddenly tore a small piece, and then it rose in the wind and immediately became a blood-colored curtain that seemed to cover the mountains. Rolling up, he wanted to swallow Tao Qian and the girl together.

Only at that moment, a distant "Mingyue" suddenly moved in, and immediately reached Tao Qian.

In a trance, a white palm stuck out, and he wanted to take the relic from Tao Qian's hand.

This scene, the millions of viewers below, were hooked.

Falling into Tao Qian's eyes also widened his horizons, and each of the four philosophies popped up in his mind, and the suffix information was not exempt.

Seeing that he was about to suffer a great disaster, at this moment, Tao Qian still did not intend to hand over the Buddha bird relic.

Whether it was the whim of his Supreme Spiritual Treasure, or his own perceptions, and what he thought about, he tended to have completely survived the three disasters, and no matter what disasters he encountered in the future, he would turn disasters into good fortunes.

Therefore, at this time, Tao Qian instead showed a bright smile to the Quartet, and completed the process of True Spirit branding in an instant.

When Tao Qian's true spirit is branded into the relic, it means that even if the reincarnation of Bai Qin comes, it cannot be called away from Tao Qian.

Ownership, completely changed.

This change obviously made the Quartet furious, and they originally thought of not hurting Tao Qian's life and taking the Buddha's treasure.

Now, everyone wants to be ruthless.

But at that moment, the familiar girl laughed.

Then I saw a golden circle of light that had trapped Tao Qian in the middle, and the circle of light showed, one became two, two became three, and three became thousands, expanding one after another, cutting the void in an instant, tearing Tao Qian apart. Entering the other side of the small world, although the four magical powers are also fierce and inexplicable, at this moment they can't hurt him at all, and Qi Qi is pushed away by the golden circle of light.

It wasn't over yet, Tao Qian saw the girl suddenly turning her head again, with a charming face winking at him, showing an expression like offering a treasure.

The girl put her hands together and shouted to the void as if to please, "Grandpa Tian Xing, you can see that these shameless guys are bullying the young master, please come out and do justice."

As soon as she finished speaking, she suddenly saw the void split open, and a sheathed sword leaped out.

The sword was three feet six inches and five minutes long. The whole body was black and soapy. The scabbard was engraved with ancient runes, which looked like totems and some kind of mysterious Dao patterns.

As soon as the sword appeared, an extremely ferocious and terrifying suffocating aura shot up into the sky.

In a trance, millions of people felt that their hearts were broken, and they subconsciously gave birth to an incomparably sure idea: "This sword, nothing can be cut!"


The fierce sword intent swept across thousands of miles, directly swept the battlefield that was originally contaminated by the blood of various monsters and corpses, and was full of demonic clouds.

When I looked again, there was nothing but chills and coldness.

Including Tao Qian, ordinary people and monks, millions of eyes are inseparable from those two things at the moment.

One is the golden circle!

The second is the fierce sword!

When these two things showed their power, the four attacks that Tao Qian could not resist were withdrawn at the same time.

The three mighty thoughts of the demon god, the demon monk and the Bai Qin senior brother all retreated safely.

However, the greedy holy son Qin Wuxiang fell out of the moonlight immediately after being scratched by the sword intent, and the bronze mask on his face also shattered, revealing a white-clothed Shengxue, handsome in appearance, at the same time. The young monk spitting out blood came.

Before he could stand still, he saw the girl called "Zhong Doudou" make a face at him, and sneered unceremoniously: "Let's say you are a weak and white-faced, look at those three shameless guys, Not hurt at all."

Unexpectedly, as soon as she finished speaking, the scabbard sword hit her head.

The girl hurriedly turned her head again, begging for mercy with a smile:

"Yes, yes, the grandfather of Tian Xing is mighty and domineering, and he doesn't want to bully these three guys. It's because the spirits of the gods are coming. That's why he didn't come out."

"Don't delay, Doudou will do the serious thing right away."

After saying that, I saw that the girl showed a solemn look.

Just when everyone thought she was going to do something, the girl's face suddenly changed, and she made a pleasing look, folded her hands and said to another void:

"Grandpa Huixian, come out quickly, the master can say, in addition to protecting the little master, he has to clear some karma from his body. Doudou has no such ability, I can only rely on you, come quickly, come quickly , after going back at the most, Doudou will help you sneak into Baihuachi, so that you can peek at the aunts taking a bath..."

Before Zhong Doudou finished speaking, the void split itself.

An ancient bronze mirror jumped out, tumbling and beating the girl, and then the mirror immediately released a dazzling brilliance. On the dome of the sky, it directly reflected the scenes of the old demon threatening Tao Qian not long ago, and even the sound was traced back.

In an instant, the exclamations of the earth below resounded.

At the same time, millions of eyes all project towards the location of the young monk Huixin.

Among them, the mysterious holy son Qin Wuxiang couldn't hide his anger and unwillingness.

"Lingbao returns to the fairy mirror!"

"You can look at the past~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to clarify the cause and effect."

"I originally thought that the plan failed and was plotted by Lingbaozong, but I never thought that it was the plan of the eminent monk of Dazizai Temple."

"Master Baiqin sits in front of the human beings and does all the calculations. He is indeed a genius who can create Baiqin Jue."

"At that time, after the master used the people of Tuo County as resources and converted to Dazai Buddhism, he was able to use the entire Nanyue as a training material. Dazizai Temple is indeed a place where great monks and Tianjiao are born in large numbers, and the younger generation admires and admires them. "

Qin Wuxiang was obviously the most angry about the sudden truth.

While talking about venting, in front of millions of people, he began to buckle the **** pot on the head of Da Zizai Temple.

For the convenience of reading next time, you can click on the \"Favorites\" below to record the reading record (Chapter 143 Heavenly Punishment Slaying Demons and Suppressing Buddhas and Demons, Lingbao Returns to Immortals and Causes and Effects), and you can see it when you open the bookshelf next time!

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