Longevity is Different, Caishikou Was Beheaded at the Beginning

Chapter 145: There is a reason for the name of the magic capital, the law in the world does not las

"Longevity Strange, Beheaded at Caishikou at the beginning ( Find the latest chapter!

Longevity Celestial Dynasty, above the clouds.

A group of meteor-like golden light is moving forward, its speed seems to be slow but it is urgent, and it has traveled thousands of miles away in an instant. It is so "slow" to take care of the group of people in the circle, especially when it is surrounded by the middle. The figure sitting cross-legged. This is a young Taoist who is closing his eyes and concentrating at the moment, as if he is in a state of cultivation.

But it is not, Tao Qian is indeed entering the concentration, but he is not practicing and promoting.

It's not that he doesn't want to, it's that he can't.

Before the third calamity, Tao Qian had actually reached the perfection of the Qi Refining Realm. He had already cultivated Jiuji Immortal Spiritual Qi in his body, and he had the Innate Dao Seed.

Whether it is cultivation realm or supernatural talent, there is no way to upgrade for the time being.

He had survived the three disasters, and he had received some of the scouring of the human spirit. If there were no major restrictions, Tao Qian might have been promoted to three levels in a row at this moment.

It is a pity that after the Qi Refinement Realm, it is the Foundation Establishment Realm that is extremely important for practitioners.

Want to build a foundation!

But it must be at Lingbao Mountain Gate.

The reason why the mysterious master who had never seen it before sent the three great immortal treasures to receive him, obviously also had this consideration.

If Tao Qian was in this state and hurried to the mountain gate again, I'm afraid he would suffer a lot of changes on the way.

Now Tao Qian is surging with fairy spirits in his body, and the Dao species are eager to try, as if he is going to hit the gate of the avenue at any time... So Tao Qian has to use the "Lingbao Yangshen Art" every once in a while to appease the movement in the body. This art is called by that. The girl from Zhong Doudou brought it, and the source was his future master who was like a god.

After dozens of breaths passed, Tao Qian woke up and turned around.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw a very delicate and pretty face coming up.

It was that Zhong Doudou, although the relationship was short-lived, but this girl was really familiar with herself, and she thought she was Tao Qian's maid. , and fully revealed his true temperament in front of Tao Qian.

The girl's body is not a human race, but a special creature called "Crystal Race".

All individuals within the clan have their own innate magical powers.

And in the crystal clan she belonged to, the entire clan depended on Tao Qian, the mysterious master.

Zhong Doudou claimed that he was the best at killing, the most beautiful, and the most clever... Three, Tao Qian felt doubtful for the time being.

But the most naive, it's true.

In such a short time, she was a big girl, and she was completely integrated with Shan Jiu, Xiao Xiao Sui, and Lian Jing'er.

It's just that from time to time, there are some minor conflicts.

At this moment, when Zhong Doudou saw Tao Qian woke up, he immediately threw himself into the arms of his little master.

While taking a few sips from time to time while the little master was not paying attention, he pointed at Shan Jiu who was not far away with an innocent face and green hair, and complained directly:

"Little master, you are here to preside over justice. I said that I want to be the eldest sister, but this green head insists that he is older than me. How can he bear it?"

"I see that this green head must have bad intentions, trying to grab my Zhong Doudou's position, but this can't be done. If I give up, I will let it go, but in the arms of the little master, my Zhong Doudou must want to The one who sits in the first seat will not be able to get the green head in the second seat, and I have never heard of any young master having any wild chives in his arms."

"If you want to look better, Doudou, I can rent the second and third seats to the little mink from Aunt Yunhua's house, or the little fox from Auntie Fox's house. They are all very beautiful. The most fun of all.”

"This wild leek has the thickest skin. What does it say that he is like the old master at first sight and has similar blessings. He wants to follow the young master to practice. Hmph, I see that he is also greedy for the young master's body."

While speaking, the girl was also convinced that what she said was correct, and her face was full of certainty.

Seeing Tao Qian was speechless for a while, well, this is to use him as a treasured messenger of Tao Dazhen, this is not enough to get a seat, and you are planning to start the business of Erdao dealers?

Tao Qian wanted to stretch out his finger to hit her head, and he couldn't help thinking of the miserable swelling of his fingertips after doing so not long ago.

Zhong Doudou didn't know whether she was lying or not, but the hardness of her body was real.

In her own words: I am not afraid of fire and water, I am not afraid of fire and water, my sword is hard to hurt, my treasure body has no clues, and my soul is clear. It is best to play with it.

Just when Tao Qian was mediating the conflicts between these children, his head hurt a little.

Suddenly, the void beside him was split into the sky, but it was the Lingbao Huixian Mirror that jumped out.

Its mirror surface flashed brightly, and then spit out a relic that had become mottled and dimmed again.

Needless to say, after the third disaster of Tao Qian's strength, the greatest benefit of picking up a hundred birds was the Buddha's bird relic, which was cleaned and purified by humanistic qi transport, and no longer had any demonic thoughts.

There are a hundred Dharma guardian Buddha birds in it, each of which has extremely terrifying combat power. As long as the mana is sufficient, the use of this relic can immediately possess extremely terrifying combat power.

And fighting against killing, but this relic is only a small role.

Its real usefulness is much more amazing than simply killing.

When the mottled relic returned to Tao Qian's hands, there was a middle-aged voice that sounded mellow and full of magnetism in the mirror.

"Xiao Tao'er has three disasters, and luck is indeed extraordinary."

"I have put a seal on this Buddha bird relic for you. Don't worry about it going back to the way it was before. The bald donkey in Dazizai Temple borrowed the convenience of the reincarnation of Baiqinzi to secretly practice Buddhism and let this relic escape."

"Actually, that was the time when the reincarnation of the bald donkey, called Bai Qinzi, was caught in the fire of his own employment, and he forced the relic from the air with the slightest causal connection, and he died immediately. It's nothing more than the other bald donkeys in Dazizai Temple doing bad things."

"However, the seal should indeed be added. After all, it is a Buddha treasure refined by the Dharma of Great Freedom. Although you have branded your true spirit into it, you have never practiced profound Dharma, and you will not be able to exert the effect of this Buddha bird relic for a while. If you come here, you may be murdered by Dazizai Temple by borrowing relics."

"When you return to the mountain gate, it is best to give this relic to the True Monarch to deal with."

"In the future, when you enter the realm of profound caves and bliss, you can use this relic to open up other veins, and you can also become a patriarch."

"The many dharmas contained in this Buddhist bird relic can be called a large volume "Hundred Birds Sutra" if it is gathered together. The coming of huge forces will be of great benefit to your path.”

"Such a chance is that the true monarch never met when he was young. It is incredible that you are a child in the qi-refining realm."

"It's weird, it's really weird."

"Xiao Tao'er, are you really not an old ancestor of my Lingbao Sect who has left behind?"

As he spoke, the Huixian Mirror shifted and appeared in front of Tao Qian, and then used the bare mirror to look at him.

This kind of childish behavior is obviously not the first time.

Several hours have passed since Tao Qian left Nanyue, and they have gotten along during this time.

Tao Qian already knew the character of the three immortal treasures who came to receive him.

The first is Taixuan Ruyi Circle. This one seems to be a stuffy gourd. Tao Qianqian senses that it has a true spirit, but never speaks.

As for the Heavenly Punishment Sword, Zhenling seems to be an old man, who doesn't speak much, but is extremely stable.

Only this Lingbao returned to the Immortal Mirror, it was nothing more than a chatterbox, and he was given nicknames at every turn.

The victims started with Zhong Doudou, and none of Shan Jiu, Xiao Xiao Sui and Lian Jing'er escaped.

And he Tao Qian has not yet arrived at the Lingbao Mountain Gate, and there is already a nickname of "Little Tao'er" on his head. Several protests are ineffective.

If he hadn't considered that he couldn't beat this immortal treasure, he would have shown his power long ago.

I had no choice but to ignore him and take care of the third disaster in the past not long after the start of the review, as well as the many gains after the disaster.

"Buddha bird relic is the greatest benefit."

"Then there is the human qi luck. According to Huixianjing, although most of the qi luck has been discarded, the remaining half is absorbed by Tao Qian's supreme spiritual treasure without leakage. To a certain extent, it can be Directly improving Tao Qian's fortune, chance, longevity, etc., are all intangible benefits."

"In addition to these two, I also got a "Happy Chan Incarnation Secret Technique" from Bai Qinzi. Although it is highly unlikely that I will use it, it is good to learn more secret techniques."

"It's just a pity, I couldn't really learn the great freedom of mind and light escape method, as well as the whole set of small runners that seem to be very useful without phase secrets, and the "Bukong Guanyin" used by Bai Qinzi to sneak up on the corpse. "Fundamental Seals"... These magical methods are really high-end, making people greedy."

"But if you haven't learned it, you won't learn it. Once you enter the Lingbao Sect, it is impossible to lack such profound methods."

Thinking of this, Tao Qian was in a very good mood.

Through the surrounding auspicious clouds attracted by his immortal aura, his eyes could not help but look at the land of Shenzhou below.

After several hours of galloping, the group had already completely left Nanyue Fumin, and they had crossed many major provinces in the middle.

This kind of itinerary, as well as the scenes that I saw on the way.

Let Tao Qian reconfirm: Although this world and the previous life have some plausible connections, they are definitely two completely different worlds.

First of all, in terms of size, it is not a class at all.

Secondly, the customs of many provinces also made Tao Qian feel unfamiliar and opened his eyes.

For example, not long ago, Taixuan Ruyi Circle passed through a province called Daze Province.

This area is even larger than that of southern Guangdong. The province is famous for its large rivers, lakes and swamps. The weather is extremely special, and its customs and habits are also very different from other provinces. All kinds of specialities make this province a "Daze Water Country". nickname.

There are many other provinces such as Daze Province.

On Tao Qian's journey, he saw it clearly, and I don't know how much knowledge he gained.

At the same time, it also made Tao Qian more aware of the current situation of the Changsheng Dynasty and how dangerous it is to corrupt.

"The territory of the Changsheng Celestial Dynasty is astonishing. There are dozens of provinces as large as Nanyue, and the population is probably in the billions. It is difficult to imagine how the imperial court controlled such a huge territory, but it is not surprising. Under the internal and external troubles, this dynasty will soon show signs of being overthrown."

"Although none of the many major provinces along the way have reached the chaotic situation of Nanyue before, they are also not pure."

"The Taiping Army, the Demon God Army, the White Lotus Rebellion, the lofty ideals... and so on, are emerging one after another."

"Some of the smaller provinces were secretly controlled by a 'new-style warlord' like Ji Xianxian early on."

"There are also Western countries, each of which is obviously supported by forces that are not weaker than Buddhism and Taoism. At first, they won one or two wars, but recently I heard that the imperial court pulled out their hands, plus the support of the cultivation world. , and fought a few victories fiercely, and suppressed a lot of the Western Allied Forces."

"After this blow, the countries have changed their strategies and began to infiltrate the Eternal Celestial Dynasty by providing Western cultivation methods, exotic technologies, and a large number of powerful weapons that can be used by ordinary civilians."

"Many provinces, including Nanyue, are now showing the alternation of old and new eras, as well as the special atmosphere of the impact of Western atmosphere."

"It's complicated, it's really complicated. With the impact of this big era coming, I, a little qi-refining cultivator, should hurry up and enter the mountain gate, quickly build a foundation, enter the metamorphosis, and then hit the cave..."

In Tao Qian's mind, he was thinking about himself.

Suddenly, two rays of light flickered by his side, and the "Sword of Heavenly Punishment" and "Lingbao Huixian Mirror" jumped out again.

And judging from the perceived energy, including the Taixuan Ruyi Circle, the three immortal treasures were actually a little nervous.

Just when Tao Qian was puzzled, Zhong Doudou seemed to have guessed something, and suddenly leaned on Yuntou and looked down, then exclaimed: "It's the magic capital!"

After that, the girl turned her head to look at the two immortal treasures and asked directly: "Grandpa Tianxing, when we came, you said that the realm of the Demon Capital is a bit dangerous, although this path is the fastest, but if it is really dangerous, we might as well go around. Let's take a detour, the safety of the little master is the most important thing."

As soon as she finished speaking, she heard the three fairy treasures respond successively.

"Don't go around."

It's so brief, it's undoubtedly from the Demon Slayer Sword.

Then came the Taixuan Ruyi circle. This extremely fierce golden circle trembled slightly and turned into golden light to cut through the sky. Obviously, this was his attitude.

Lingbao replied quickly when he returned to the fairyland, and also took advantage of the situation to solve Tao Qian's confusion:

"The world of Demon City is called this name because there was a demonic disaster many years ago. A demon master from outside the realm came to this world due to some kind of accident. After enjoying the prosperity of the world of red dust, this demon is actually reluctant. When I go back, I plan to summon many of my subordinates and play the game of being the emperor."

"This action is naturally not allowed by the cultivation world, so a war broke out."

"Although the demon master was expelled back, the place where he was born was also heavily saturated with demonic energy, and it became the favorite place for many demons in the cultivation world, even the evil sect, the secret demon sect, the demon sect, and the demon sect. Buddhist temples and other demonic sects, as well as some extraterritorial demon masters, have set up branch lower houses there."

"As time goes by, it will get the name of the magic capital."

"Now no one knows how many devils are hidden in this realm, but one thing is certain, a mortal enemy of the true lord lives in the devil's capital all the year round."

"Others crossing the border may not encounter anything."

"But the three of us have followed the True Monarch for too long, the devil will be able to recognize it, and if he is interested, he may act."

"But even so, we can't take a detour. We and you, Xiao Tao'er, also represent the face of the true lord outside. If we take a detour because of fear of the devil, wouldn't it be in vain that we cut our own prestige."

"Don't worry, even if the devil really does it, the three of us can handle it."

"Really, Brother Day Punishment is a vegetarian~www.wuxiaspot.com~ hum."

After Tao Qian heard these secrets, he suddenly felt that Huixianjing, an immortal treasure, also had the advantage of being a talker.

After thinking about it, Tao Qian consciously heard something unreasonable, and subconsciously asked: "The Ancestral God forbids the law, what about the longevity enchantment, won't it be obliterated by the forbidden law enchantment for such a big thing as a calamity?"

Hearing this question and the key words in it, Lingbao trembled in the Immortal Mirror, and then replied: "The Ancestral God's Forbidden Law was indeed strict at the beginning, but as the years grow, and the group of guys behind... , some loopholes began to appear, those little demons were naturally unable to find, but some big sects, big demons, but they knew it long ago."

"It's completely broken now, and it's also due to luck."

"The law of the world has always been like this, and it won't last for a long time."

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