Longevity is Different, Caishikou Was Beheaded at the Beginning

Chapter 147: Yunhua Fairy's spirit is mobile, and her daughter's palace master has a lett

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When Tao Qian heard the voice of the mirror spirit, the Taixuan Ruyi circle still wrapped around the crowd, turned into a golden light, and shot into the endless storm.

However, it seems that this immortal treasure slowed down a little in order to let Tao Qian, the new disciple, also see the grand scene.

I can only see the gray storm covering the sky and the sun, and I can't see the blue waves below. This storm seems to be born without a source, and it will never be exhausted. It only blows for one life after another. Two breaths will be turned into bones and corpses, and the soul will return to the dark.

However, when it came to Tao Qian, all the storms were blocked by the golden light of Taixuan.

The Lingbao returned to the Immortal Mirror and explained the confusion at this time: "This is the Nine Hells Passing Nether Wind, it is the outer defense of the Penglai Sea, there is no origin, there is no end, only the monks who have the spiritual energy of the Lingbao fairy You can break through, and even if the rest of the intruders resist, they will instantly alert the real forbidden law formation, and they will face more than just the mere storm of seclusion.”

Just as Jingling finished speaking, Tao Qian didn't have time to ask any more questions.

A pair of eyes, no more free time.

At this time, in this secluded storm, all kinds of rays of light and thousands of escaping shadows surged.

Originally, it was still a miserable and horrifying scene, but in the blink of an eye, along with the auspicious clouds and rays of light, it directly set off this area into the scenery of Xianjia.

When Tao Qian first heard the sound of a whale in the empty valley, then he saw a snow-white cloud whale turning the sky into the sea, swinging its body, and swimming in. On the head of the whale, I saw a man wearing a hood, a hat on his head, and a fishing rod. The old man, the immortal aura surging all over his body, even wrapped the cloud whale in it.

Tao Qian was not surprised, but suddenly saw the side again, a large group of five-colored auspicious clouds floated up, and above it came the roaring deer, six five-colored deer, sitting on the backs of the deer, a hermit Taoist, with an ancient appearance, not like today's people.

As soon as Lu Ming fell, he heard a burst of elegant and great music, but he saw that above it was involved in the colorful clouds and mist. In the mist, there were only a dozen plump and snow-white female nuns, all with high buns, red silk on their shoulders, and narrow tops. A short-sleeved shirt, a long skirt that drags the floor, and a ribbon hanging down the waist, it is the slow-strap skirt with half-open breasts, the home of a graceful and luxurious daughter.

When Tao Qian's eyes were attracted again, there was another dragon's roar from the right side, and immediately he saw dozens of alien beasts, slender and powerful, that seemed to be of the genus Jiaolong. , All stood a few or a dozen strange monks wearing soap-colored clothes and jade masks, talking and laughing loudly, all of them were very human.

After a few glances, I immediately saw a vacated building ship crashing into the storm, surrounded by fire clouds, thunder followed by, various immortal flags flying, a road of human monks coming and going, or drums, or bells, the sound of silk bamboo pipa. It is endless, as if the music of breaking the formation is in a majestic atmosphere.

These human cultivators have already surprised Tao Qian. Whether it is the induction of qi or the external aura, Tao Qian can feel what is called a grand atmosphere.

After seeing the human race, Tao Qian's eyes soon began to reflect inhuman images.

Above the dark blue waves below, a large group of black shadows drifted past, actually a large number of long black hair like seaweed, spread out, enough to cover a small island, and at the front sat a weak lady with skin. Pale white, holding a wooden comb, she was slowly combing her long hair.

This scene is beautiful, but even ordinary people can guess that this woman is not human, she must be some kind of "elegant and strange thing", she has a soft and desolate spirit, which makes people feel pity and want to be with her. of closeness.

Not far behind the hair demon, there was another man with the head of a snake, wearing an iron crown, wearing a bright yellow robe, holding a long bronze sword, like a big man dressed as a mortal royal family, his body was as huge as a palace, and it was torn open. The storm only regarded this room as its own, and walked in leisurely.

Suddenly I heard the golden bell ringing in my ears, but I saw the secluded wind separate, and a team stepped in. About hundreds of skeletons jointly carried a bone sedan chair with a silk cushion on it, sitting on what seemed to be made of colored glass. From the corpse, a very strong immortal aura floated out.

He heard another burst of laughter, and suddenly saw a group of gorgeous fire clouds intruding. There were more than a dozen children in the cloud, dressed in fancy clothes, with a single horn and red pupils.

Tao Qian looked at the sides again, Jin Xia crossed the border, clouds and smoke curled up, and dozens of demons who were obviously inhuman were passing by in the light.

Before he could see the real thing, the void shook violently.

With a burst of roars and laughter, more than a dozen giants stepped on the sky and rushed into the eye of the storm. Each giant was born differently, and they all carried giant wild weapons made of some kind of copper material.

In just a few short breaths, Tao Qian felt that he had gained a lot of knowledge.

Just when he wanted to ask Zhong Doudou or Huixianjing what the so-called "Wanxian" were.

Suddenly, I heard the ice spring surging in my ears again, and the bell sounded ding-dong. I suddenly saw clouds and rain gathered in the storm above my head, and a goddess phantom as big as a mountain appeared, and it disintegrated in an instant. Go to the Lingbao Heaven and Earth.

But suddenly, she seemed to feel something and solidified again.

The head wearing the gorgeous crown was lowered, just in time to see the golden circle, and the two immortal treasures inside were left and right, accompanied by a group of little guys, and a delicate little Taoist priest sitting cross-legged in the center.

This young Taoist is like a young child who has never seen the world. Look here, look there, dazzled and amazed.

"What kind of person is this little Taoist priest, who can let three Taoist friends protect each other?"

When the voice that did not belong to the human world came, Tao Qian and the others also saw that face that looked like a human but was not human, but had some kind of divinity.

The three Taoist friends in her mouth obviously refer to the three immortal treasures: Taixuan Ruyi Circle, Lingbao Huixianjing, and Heavenly Punishment Sword.

Hearing her asking, the girl Zhong Doudou, who was dawdling beside Tao Qian, immediately raised her hand and jumped up, saying crisply:

"Aunt Goddess, this is my little master."

"A few days ago, Master Zhenjun specially asked me, the most clever Zhong Doudou, and three grandfathers to go to Nanyue together to bring the young master back to the sect."

"I tell you quietly, my little master is very talented, and not long ago he forcibly broke the three disasters of Lingbao."

Halfway through Zhong Doudou, Tao Qian had a bad premonition.

Sure enough, her voice just fell.

Tao Qian immediately felt that in this storm, the Lingbao cultivators and the demons who were on their way all stopped, and then looked at them with curious and surprised eyes.

And soon, a large number of demons of different shapes gathered.

Many voices with concern also entered Tao Qian's ears through golden light.

If Tao Qian had not shut down his perception earlier, I'm afraid his mind would have been tortured at this moment.

Rao is so, it is not much better.

"It seems that today is really a good day. To be able to hear such a rare thing, the true monarch, who has always sought his own purity, and thinks that preaching is quite troublesome, is actually going to accept an apprentice?"

"Come on, come on, our Lingbao Mountain Sect will add a new person today, and he is also the first disciple of the true lord. I am surprised."

"But I was just about to see what kind of talent and beauty it was that the True Monarch could drive the three fellow Taoists to receive him."

"No need to say much, only the matter of the "Three Disasters of Intensity" is the first time in our Lingbao Sect that it has happened in hundreds of years. It is no wonder that Master Zhenjun is so nervous that even friends of Heavenly Punishment are willing to send them away."

"Okay, well, really a good child, the inner essence of the fairy is perfect without leakage, and it can also strengthen the three disasters. Compared with this child, my disciples are much worse, much worse."

"Senior brother really has extraordinary means. It is said that such a talented disciple should have been revealed by the Lingbao Gold List, and he should have alerted several brothers and sisters, but he was actually cut off by the senior brother in advance."

"It must be that the little monster on duty is lazy, and the poor Daoist wants to accept a disciple. If he had seen this child earlier, even if he was fighting with the senior brother, he would have to fight."

"It's a pity, it's a pity."

How could Tao Qian think that Zhong Doudou's so-called whispers immediately made him the center of the storm.

One after another, the senior Lingbao and all kinds of demons all gathered around.

Just as Tao Qian looked at them before, they look at Tao Qian now.

But he didn't dare to say anything, because one after another, they were all his sect elders. No matter his seniority, Tao Qian didn't dare to say anything, because he couldn't beat one of them.

But what made Tao Qian wondered secretly was that he suddenly had a feeling that since Huixian Jingling said that he wanted to show him "Wan Xian came to Chaobi Tour Palace", it seemed that there was a kind of arrangement.

Entering this storm, all three immortal treasures appeared.

Moreover, they all released their unique immortal treasures.

After only a few breaths, he was discovered by the "Goddess of Guhuo Mountain", and then a few conversations with Zhong Doudou created such a scene.

Tao Qian didn't doubt that Zhong Doudou was cooperating, this girl didn't have this wisdom at first glance.

Those three immortal treasures are very suspicious.

Thinking back one or two, Tao Qian thought to himself:

"Why do these three immortal treasures seem to be cooperating with each other, that is, to show me in front of these many elders and demons, and take a real name."

"Maybe I'm thinking too much? My future master is so fond of me, and looking at the terrifying power of these three immortal treasures, I know it's a thigh that can't be thicker. Even if I'm blind, I won't worship me. Enter someone else's door."

Thinking of this, Tao Qian couldn't help laughing, shaking his head to suppress the illusion.

However, at this time, the Heavenly Punishment Slayer Sword, which has always been cold and silent, faced a group of very enthusiastic demons, and it was a rare response:

"Master is very quiet and thoughtful. A few days ago, I figured it out. I know that I have a relationship with this son. In addition, this son has not been taught, and he has recklessly saved disasters. He also provoked the bald donkeys of Mofo Temple and Dazizai Temple."

"In order to prevent an accident, I will be sent to wait for this son to be brought back to the sect, and the division of master and apprentice can be determined today."

"This son is called Tao Qian, and he should be a great disciple of our Duobao lineage."

The weight of these few words of Heavenly Punishment Sword Spirit is obviously extraordinary.

With a bang, all the elders and demons nodded their heads at the same time.

From the moment that Gu Huo Mountain Goddess, I saw that she took out a crystal jade card with three drops of jade liquid sealed in the card, and with a flick of her finger, the card fell directly into Tao Qian's arms.

At the same time, I heard the goddess as big as a mountain, and said in a voice that did not belong to the human world: "This is the chalcedony in my mountain, a drop can prolong life by sixty years, nephew, your outstanding talent should not be used, you can use it as a reward for your subordinates. servant."

The goddess started, and the other teachers and demons all smiled, and then each began to give Tao Qian a greeting.

"This is a cub of a fairy deer. It only needs to be fed for half a year. It can grow into a pet. It can also be used as a mount."

"This Ziyang Sword Pill has been refined by me once, and it is a good sword embryo. There is a "Ziyang Sword Art" attached to it, you can play with it."

"This volume is called "Yin-Yang Ascension to Immortal Sutra", which I got from my travels abroad. Although it is a sutra for refining yin and yang by other people, it can still be viewed in a different way."

"This thing is called the Tibetan Armor Box. There are 10,000 terracotta warriors and horses hidden in it.

"This is a magic treasure I made in my early years. It's called Xuanyang Iron Ruler. If you are more skilled in sacrificing and practicing, you won't be able to do anything to the demons in the base-building realm. If you are better at luck, you can fight even if you are slaughtered. You can take it yourself. play."

The greeting gifts given by these demons are all small things, so Tao Qian can use them to reward people, to play with them, and so on.

But you must know that Tao Qian himself is just a little cultivator who has completed the Qi Refining Realm.

For him, each of these treasures is a rare good thing.

Tao Qian, who was born, had to accept it. After Tian Xingjian opened his mouth, it was equivalent to having settled his position.

In the eyes of the masters and demons, Tao Qian was the first apprentice of his own senior brother who was pure and clean for many years.

If there are no big surprises!

This son will inherit the treasures in the future.

Such an identity is naturally extremely popular.

Tao Qian had no choice but to accept the gift and thank him at the same time, and his delicate face would soon freeze with laughter.

However, it is also painful and joyful.

In these short dozen or so breaths, Tao Qian's "harvest" is already immeasurable.

Although in the past, Tao Qian had robbed many demons and evil cultivators who were chasing him, the treasures stored in the mustard seed talisman and the cultivation resources were also extremely rich.

But those things, compared with the greeting gift given by Master Yaoxian at this time, can be said to be all garbage.

At the back, even Zhong Doudou, Shan Jiu, Xiao Xiao Sui and Lian Jing'er were also affected, and each gained a lot of benefits.

The most popular is "Xiao Xiao Sui". This Tai Sui doll is cute and sweet, and it didn't take long to coax all the fairies into joy. It is very rare for this fleshy little person. They didn't ask Tao Qian abruptly, but they all invited Xiao Xiaosui to their cave.

It was in the atmosphere of harmony and liveliness, surrounded by thousands of immortals, that Tao Qian passed the storm with the teachers and teachers.

I saw the next moment, the front suddenly brightened.

An endless sea of ​​rippling blue waves suddenly appeared in his eyes.

I saw immortal islands dotted with stars, falling on the sea, and a large number of fairy scenery that could not be seen in the mortal world.

Tao Qian heard Zhong Doudou show off before that there are thousands of islands in the Penglai Sea, almost all of them have Origin Qi condensation, which can open up caves, and in some places, there are secret realms directly.

The demon immortal masters who have come now have their own cave dwellings at sea, but they have not stopped to rest at this moment.

Instead, they each turned into rays of light, heading towards the top of the extremely huge island, which is a rugged rock in the deepest part of the Penglai Sea.

There, thunder and astral winds converged, hundreds of millions of clouds and aurora connected to the sky, and in that connection, a mysterious palace floated impressively.

Tao Qian and his party were also swept up in the golden light, blending into the bizarre scene of "Wan Xian came to the Biyou Palace".

It was almost right, when Wanxian arrived.

The gate of the palace was opened, and about dozens of demons and Taoists with different shapes, beautiful and ugliness, with divine light, stepped out.

In the beginning, the demons and the people of the fairy tales didn't notice anything.

Until the arrogant Taoist who was more than ten feet tall in the lead suddenly laughed loudly, stepped out, and spit out two inexplicable words while facing Wanxian.

"My brothers and sisters~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I'll make a calculation, today is a good time, it's just right for me to get a good apprentice."

"Look, my disciple is here."

Hearing what he said, the dozens of demons and Taoists all looked at the Taixuan Ruyi Circle among the many rays of light.

Seeing Tao Qian's true face, the rest of the Taoists didn't feel much.

Only the one who was headed by the fairy godmothers suddenly felt something, had an idea, and was about to start calculating.

Suddenly, a young girl with a tender face flew in from a distance, and as soon as she settled down, she shouted to her: "Sister Yunhua, there is your letter, which is from your friend in your boudoir, the daughter of the palace master."

ps: There will be an update at 8:00 tomorrow morning, and the double update will be restored.

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