Longevity is Different, Caishikou Was Beheaded at the Beginning

Chapter 167: Tao Qian reinstated the ban on the gods

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Tao Qian gave an order, and immediately turned this dark and terrifying nameless ancient mountain into a treasure mountain, only to see the stars scattered all over the sky, and a hundred bell-like pea-like crystal demon girls descended.

They have also changed their clothes. Although they are all imitating the dresses of the fairies in the door, they seem to have many differences in temperament, but they have also tossed out some characteristics. Yanyan, it's so lively. After getting the command, he spit out a coquettish shout, which completely dispelled the demonic atmosphere of this place.

"Yes, my lord."

"Stupid Doudou didn't lie this time, the little master is really good-looking."

"It's just not fragrant enough to eat."

"Idiot, that's because the young master has just built his foundation and sealed his body without leaks. Of course, you can't eat a trace of immortal aura."

"Don't worry, don't worry, when the little master is transformed, he will definitely become very fragrant."

"Little master here is much more fun than the secret realm. After the end, I have to find a way to stay here, hehe."

"Idiot, you have said what you said in your heart again, let the stupid Doudou hear it, you must wear small shoes."

There seemed to be many larks in the mountain, chattering, and they all turned into crystal light, and suddenly formed a circular formation that surrounded the entire mountain.

If you look at it from a distance, it seems that Tao Qian released a magic weapon to cover the ancient mountain.

The mountain originally erupted like a tide and a volcano because of intruders, and the countless ghost plagues were all restrained at this moment.

At the same time, Tao Qian thought about it.

The relic of the Buddha bird jumped out of its own accord, and it was as if the ten thousand zhang Buddha's light instantly rendered the mountain into a spiritual mountain.

"In this case, I still ask the Buddha Ape to protect the Dharma."

Tao Qian called the Buddha's name, and he saw that inside the relic, the ancient ape who was wearing a cassock and pinching the seal jumped out again, and instantly matched with Tao Qian.

When this scene appeared, the twelve ancient Nuo mythical beasts had not moved.

The "Nine Heads" at the rear shivered for a while.

Before his return, he was also the nine-headed dragon king and the lord of the great lake on the immortal island.

It is a pity that after many years of encountering the ancient ape, the famous name was lost.

It happened just yesterday, so it is very convenient to recall the nine songs, and many details are even clearer.

"What are you talking about? I've seen those bald donkeys a few times from a distance. Wherever they are, they are so fierce. What kind of Buddhist guardians will break people's heads abruptly, so savage."

"My master is used to deceiving people."

"Fortunately, it wasn't me who suffered this time, but these twelve plague beasts."

"It's wonderful, wonderful. In the past, these twelve plague beasts also bullied nine of me. This is called rain and dew, hehe."

At this time, Jiu Shou was still in the shape of a rough and big man. Thinking of this, he laughed like a foolish man.

In the next moment, Tao Qian, who was compatible with the Buddhist ape, was already attacking the twelve ancient Nuo mythical beasts.

If he didn't know the details, Tao Qian said he couldn't have some scruples.

But he knew the origin of the twelve ancient beasts in advance, and with this contact, he directly adopted the most ferocious tactics.

Just one step out, the barren ancient mountain shook violently.

Those ape and Buddha eyes that can pierce everything, suddenly locked on the ancient beast called "Qianliang" with the head of a tiger, and didn't even look at the other eleven beasts.


As if it was a roar from the wild world, the twelve beasts froze for a while.

Tao Qian took advantage of this time to bully himself up.

A pair of furry ape arms grabbed the strong beam violently, and a giant force was born, and it was slammed into the mountain.

The other eleven beasts took the opportunity to besiege.

But Tao Qianli ignored it. After stepping on it with one foot, his arms were swung like a pendulum, and after that, anyone who saw it would feel a phantom pain all over his body.

Bang bang bang bang!

There was a continuous loud noise, and there was no end to it.

In one or two breaths, no one could count the number of hammer blows that the ancient beast called Qiang Liang received.

It's also a good thing that Gushan has a forbidden law to protect it, otherwise at this moment, I'm afraid that it will be hammered through.

During this period, the attacks of the other eleven beasts landed on Tao Qian, like a ticklish tickling, completely unable to help his body protection Buddha light.

Tao Qian used the "Great Freedom Nirvana Magic Mantra" to drive the Buddha bird relic, although he could not release the authentic great freedom to protect the body.

But in comparison, there is not much difference.

If the law is banned here, if someone drives and controls these twelve ancient beasts, the scene will be completely different.

Unfortunately, the Ascension Order is in Tao Qian's hands.

Whether these twelve ancient Nuo mythical beasts, or those ghost epidemics, they are all empty shells.

Finally, after a certain beating, there was a "click" sound.

That strong beam divine beast with a mighty body, it shattered.

It was like a giant sculpture that was smashed by a hammer, and it burst open. Then it turned into a dim light, flew up suddenly, and rolled back into the depths of the ancient mountain. Inside Beppu of Tofu.

"Okay, the first one."

Tao Qian shouted loudly, and turned around while holding the seal.

His gaze immediately locked on the second ancient Nuo beast.

This beast is called "Qianqi", and its shape is like a tiger, with wings, and its body is covered with bristles like needles.

It is much more fierce than the first mythical beast, but unfortunately, it also cannot release any magical powers.

Just relying on the body, it is not an opponent of the ancient ape.

Soon, like the strong beam of the tiger's head, he was forced into the mountain by Tao Qian, and the ape-arm hammered it, causing it to continue to whine like a wild dog after eating.

It took another three or two breaths, and the beast also disintegrated into a dim light and rolled back to Beppu.

Tao Qian also stopped talking, and locked the third head again.

Tao Qian has also verified the information given by Dengxian Ling. These twelve ancient Nuo mythical beasts are not actually alive, but Yunhua Fairy was conceived with a trace of the "beast evil" of these twelve ancient mythical beasts. Forbidden creatures.

This is also normal, after all, the origins of these twelve divine beasts are actually great.

If he was really caught as a guardian beast, it would not be his turn to Tao Qian to go to the immortal island.

At the very least, it must be the "Jinxia Dojo" of his master, True Monarch Duobao, before he is qualified.

Because of knowing this, Tao Qian has no scruples, and the method can be more rude. He only needs to disperse these beasts and let them go back to the house to nurture. Naturally, Tao Qian can take back the ban.

When Tao Qian was beating the beast like this, he still had time to look at other places in the mountain from the corner of his eye.

In addition to the twelve ancient Nuo mythical beasts, many evil spirits in the mountains were also reflected in Tao Qian's eyes one by one.

It is strange to say that Tao Qian has gone through troubled times in Nanyue, and even saw a large number of demons slaughtering the human race, intending to establish a demon kingdom on the ground.

But even so, Tao Qian consciously opened his eyes to the many scenes in the mountain.

Ordinary monsters are the most rare here.

Tao Qian also saw some "charm" between nothingness and reality, or a large number of ominous signs in the sky, or condensed into reality, or black gas, or a "plague" that twisted and radiated, which is hard to see with the naked eye. , the form can be called a terrifying Gu insect, or a strange breath that can make people fall into nightmares...

The evil in the world seems to have gathered in this mountain.

"It is rumored that in the ancient times, when the human race was struggling to survive, it had to face the endless monsters and beasts, but also to face the epidemic, charm, ominous, blame, dream, death, parasitism, Guan, giant, Gu and other evil ghost epidemics."

"These threats are often invisible and difficult to guard against."

"In this way, a ceremony like the 'ancient Nuo ceremony' was born to dispel the ghost epidemic."

"The Great Ban on the Twelve Ancient Nuo Gods and Demons was born here. If foreign enemies invade, these hidden and invisible ghost epidemics can not only kill but also cause foreign enemies to alienate into demons... The magical effect of them is, in many cases, even more powerful than that. , but it is better to ban the water veins that can hold thousands of troops."

"Of course, but it's not without a nemesis."

When Tao Qian flashed this thought in his heart, he happened to see the countless, extremely strange ghosts and ghosts, and at the same time encountered the nemesis.

No matter how they eroded, those hundred girls who seemed to be purely formed by gems and spar were completely indifferent.

The body has not been corroded or infected, and the mind and soul have not been alienated or degenerate.

These girls seem to be so crystal clear forever.

When the sun shines down, they will even sprinkle "star crumbs" like light spots all over their bodies, which is wonderful.

The most filthy and evil things in the world are invading like a tide.

But they couldn't find the entrance of erosion at all, and in turn they had to be fiddled with and crushed by these girls.

In this terrifying mountain, only that crisp and pleasant laughter could be heard.

It is one thing down one thing!

The crystal monsters are flawless, with no holes and no holes, no water and fire, and no evil and no invasion. It is simply suitable for Tao Qian to use them here.

The crystal light they emit is connected to each other, surrounding the ancient mountain, and condensing into a huge "star ring".

Block the inside and outside, drive away the evil.

Seeing this scene, Tao Qian was completely relieved.

Two-pronged approach!

He, and hundreds of Crystal Clan girls.

One side is rude and fierce, while the other is fresh and natural.

But they are all fast, little by little, advancing towards the [Ancient Nuo Beppu] deep in the ancient mountain.

Compared with the time when Longzeshui Mansion was subdued, this time it was extremely upright and upright.

Because of this, this scene also saw the nine heads of the water mansion, and couldn't help but feel a lot of happiness in the bottom of my heart.

"Fortunately, yesterday, the master used the means first to take away the water mansion, which eliminated many of my thoughts, and it was hard to live my life."

"These twelve plague beasts are all beasts in the form of evil spirits. If they die, they will die in vain, but they can be resurrected indefinitely."

"If it were me who was in such a battle, wouldn't I be fooled and irritated, the ruthless master of me, maybe nine heads would be screwed off to feed those three weird little things. "

"Ferocious, really cruel."

"Even though the master is only in the foundation-building stage now, he has such incredible magical means, and he is also the first disciple of True Monarch Duobao, and he is valued by Immortal Yunhua, and he has even given it to the immortal island... I am darling, the path is limitless. what."

"My nine heads, although I failed to worship a certain Lingbao Immortal Master, it is said that it is impossible for me to step into the Cave Profound Realm."

"But that was in the past. Now I just need to follow the pace of the master, and I can't say that there will be a day when my dog ​​will rise to the sky."

Thoughts flickered to this point, the thick man with eight hideous heads and a large bowl with a scarred neck shouted, and laughed to himself again.

No one could have imagined it.

This nine-headed worm does not need Tao Qian to go down and train hard, and he has done a good job of psychological construction for himself.

Just when he was thinking, the last muffled sound came from this ancient mountain.

With the familiar clack, Tao Qian's hammer exploded the last beast "Teng Jian".

Dusk goes home!

In front of Tao Qian, his life was smooth.

He didn't bother to pay attention to the evil spirits that were trying to intrude on the body of his Buddha ape.

Take out the Immortal Ascension Order and shake it.

The layer of barbaric divine light that blocked his progress in front of him immediately dissipated.

Tao Qian regained his human form and rode auspicious clouds into the ancient cave house.

Since he had seen Longze Beppu before, which was worthy of the scenery of Xianjia Cave, Tao Qian's vision was also forced to improve.

But soon, this special Beppu made Tao Qian look surprised.

Compared with the water house that can be called "Dragon Palace", this Beppu in the mountains is simply rudimentary.

Tao Qian stepped in all the way. Although the road became wider and wider, it was extremely barbaric. There were no pavilions and corridors, not even some candles.

When he reached the deepest part of Beppu, the first thing that caught his eye were twelve extremely huge animal-shaped sculptures.

They were circling an ancient altar at the core, with flag gates fluttering around them, and the flames rolling around.

Tao Qian went up to the altar, and the Immortal Deng Ling jumped up on his own. He saw the twelve beast-shaped sculptures. At the same time, a group of divine beast phantoms poured out, wrapped in a fierce aura, and all crashed into the token.

At the same time, the many ghosts and ghosts in the mountains that were forced back by Xinghuan poured in from outside the mansion like an inexhaustible "black tide". Then it turned into a wisp of black air, which diffused into the entire Beppu, the altar, and those rugged walls of the mansion.

"It's done!"

Tao Qian had a happy expression on his face, and at this moment, he took back the second forbidden law Beppu, which was very distinctive.

Tao Qian knew the power of the "Twelve Ancient Nuo Gods and Demons Ban" when he took a heavy hand.

In my mind, many pictures of how to fight the enemy naturally derived.

"If there are foreign enemies coming in the future, it doesn't matter if it's one or a group. If you can pass the Water Vessel Confinement, you may not be able to pass this level."

"Those ghosts and ghosts swarmed up, their bodies and minds and spirits, all of them were corrupt, and all of them were dirty. Even if they were masters with a tenacious mind, they would have to master the Tao as time passed."

"Not to mention the twelve ancient Nuo divine beasts. If I were to control the forbidden law, each of them would be able to release the blood and magical powers that divine beasts should have."

"Aunt Yunhua really has extraordinary accomplishments in the forbidden method and the formation method. She can actually integrate the ancient Nuo tricks into the big formation. If I go to take back the Earth Vein Great Forbidden, this immortal island will be completely owned by me."

When these thoughts flashed through Tao Qian's mind, his eyes suddenly fell on the altar, on the extremely high palace walls.

Under the light of the fire, a very strange and ancient mural was immediately reflected.

What those murals depict are mostly the process of human ancestors borrowing strength and fighting with demons and demons in the barbaric era.

Some are impressive, others are tingling and creepy.

Especially those murals with the theme of "borrowing power" are the most disgusting and terrifying, including dissection, parasitism, hybridization... and even some more indescribable scenes.

As Tao sneaked into the group, the rest were fine.

The mermaid Sha Nuer, who was only engaged in production with little combat power, suddenly let out a miserable howl after watching it for a while, and was about to fall into alienation in front of everyone.

Seeing this, Tao Qian simply waved his hand to let them all leave the place after he solved the danger of Sanuer.

Compared with Longzeshuifu, this Beppu is really not suitable for living.

However, Tao Qian was a little interested. After watching it for a while, he also had a guess in his heart:

"In this Beppu, including these murals, most of the things are probably moved from other places by Xiangu Yunhua."

"Perhaps, it came from an ancient ruin?"

Tao Qian continued to watch the murals while guessing.

He has been practicing Taoism for a long time, and his knowledge is growing day by day.

However, compared to this vast cultivation world and its long history, Tao Qian's comment on himself as "little and ignorant" can be said to be extremely accurate.

It took some time to subdue those evil spirits and beasts during the day. Tao Qian didn't watch for a long time, and it was night again when he went to Xiandao.

Just when he was fascinated by the murals, suddenly, there were several "cuckoo" sounds from outside the cave.

Tao Qian woke up and quickly guessed the visitor from the cooing sound.

"It seems that a lot of gifts were not given in vain."

After muttering, Tao Qian moved away from Beppu in an instant.

Sure enough, the few nanny harpies who had left during the day came to visit again in the middle of the night.

However, in this terrifying ancient mountain, although Tao Qian was meeting with a few bare-chested banshees, the atmosphere was not at all charming.

Those banshees lost their enthusiasm in the daytime, UU reading www.uukanshu. com wants to pester him to warm the bed and sleep or something.

Seeing Tao Qian's appearance, several banshees first showed surprise, obviously surprised that Tao Qian had conquered the second forbidden law Beppu in such a short period of time.

But unexpectedly, they didn't act like they did during the day.

Instead, he hesitated for a while, and then swarmed up like birds, stuffing some bloody, sticky and cold weird things into his hands, and spit out a sentence in his ear:

"Little Master has seen these secrets, remember to destroy the evidence, and don't reveal us poor birds."

"Actually, these are not too secretive things. Many real-life young masters in the sect know it, but most of them have heard it and have not been able to see it in person."

"Don't panic when you see it, Master Duobao, since Master Duobao didn't warn you, it doesn't matter to Young Master about these things."

After hearing these inexplicable words, Tao Qian already felt strange.

When he opened his palm and looked at the **** eyes in the palm of his hand, which were even glued to the flesh, his expression immediately froze.

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