Longevity is Different, Caishikou Was Beheaded at the Beginning

Chapter 171: 3 pulses fully open, clever clone

The disciples on Bibo Island, although listening to Wu Xinguan's call, plan to support Tao Qian, the first disciple of the Duobao line.

But at most they just wanted to rescue Tao Qian from the sea of ​​​​fire and relieve the siege.

As for subduing eight hundred fire spirits, none of the disciples had ever thought about it.

"Junior Brother Tao... How did he do it? The feng shui surged just now, obscuring my sight for more than ten breaths. How could these eight hundred fire spirits be subdued like this?"

"Could it be that True Monarch Duobao or Immortal Yunhua made a move, that's a total of 800 vicious fire spirits. It seems that this kind of alien is born with a vicious aura. I'm waiting for it day and night. It takes a long time and effort to subdue one or two of the songs and the art of cleansing the gods, how exactly did Junior Brother Tao do it?"

"Xu is a Buddhist method again? I heard that when Junior Brother Tao saved the disaster in Nanyue, even the eminent monks from Da Zizai Temple followed his teachings. I want to learn a lot of Da Zizai Buddhism. Although it seems incredible to save eight hundred fire spirits, but The so-called arrogance of heaven is naturally capable and impossible."

"Eight hundred fire spirits, to be subdued so easily by Junior Brother Tao. In the future, he will fight with others, just release these ferocious fire spirits, and they can be roasted for thousands of miles. Where is the enemy alive?"

"How can it be so simple, these eight hundred fire spirits can only be resurrected indefinitely within the forbidden law. If they are taken away from the forbidden law, all of them will have their vitality severely damaged. Although they have great power to kill the enemy, it is just a little more than worth the loss."

"Yes, these fire spirits have many wonderful uses, but they are the lowest for killing."

"Don't guess too much, Junior Brother Tao took back three Beppu successively and completely took charge of Dengxian Island. I should go to congratulate you."

"It's very, very, very, look, those nymphs have also moved, I think they are going to Qingping Island and other places to report."

On Bibo Island, which is closer to Dengxian Island, many Lingbao disciples plan to go to congratulate Tao Qian.

Although he didn't know how he subdued the eight hundred fire spirits, the picture could not be faked.

Lingbao Mountain Gate, although the atmosphere is generally inclined towards harmony, there are no dirty rules that are like gangster-like sects.

But there is also the point of attracting respect with strength.

Whether it's Tao Qian's combat power, his brutal killing style, or his mysterious methods... As long as he's not blind, he can see that this junior and junior brother who has just entered the mountain gate, whether it is talent or existing combat power, All are extraordinary.

The many rumors related to it that have been spread before have made Tao Qian famous.

And that scene just now, is to completely implement the reputation.

It is conceivable that after those breast-wife bird demons, they will completely subdue Tao Qian in a day or two and go to the immortal island, and show that kind of killing power and so on, and spread all over the sect.

There will never be anyone who will not be convinced of Tao Qian's true heritage.

The rest of the True Inheritances will probably also face up to the younger generation of Tao Qian.

At this time, Yang Jie, with his third eye, was watching Dengxian Island from a distance, and it appeared that he was still holding the nirvana seal, making all the eight hundred fierce fire spirits bow their heads, like a true Buddha, and like a supreme Tao Qian. figure.

I couldn't help thinking in my heart:

"Master's words are correct, this junior brother Tao Qian is a first-class existence, whether it is talent or fighting power."

"Master said that the true disciples of Lingbao's generation are all arrogant figures and are destined to participate in the world of great competition."

"I, Yang Jie, disdain to form alliances with people, and only form good relationships with people who can be seen. Senior Sister Jinwu is one, Senior Brother Wei is another, and Senior Brother Xu is another. As for this Senior Brother Tao, let's see what happens a few days later …”

After moving the thought, Yang Jiezhen turned his head again.

With the third eye between his foreheads, he looked at the many disciples on Zhaobibo Island and advised:

"Come on, juniors, the immortal island has been abandoned for many years, and junior Tao has just conquered the eight hundred fire spirits, and it will take a lot of time to take care of the immortal island. If you all go to disturb, junior Tao will have to bother to find some melons, fruits, wine and water to entertain you. Wait, it's troublesome."

"Let's stay for a while. At that time, whether you are on Bibo Island or Qingping Island, hold some banquets and celebrations, and send one or two invitations to Brother Tao."

His voice fell, and Wu Xinguan immediately agreed.

This middle-aged Daoist with a treasure gourd on his waist and a money sword in his hand has a very delicate mind, and directly followed: "Junior Brother Yang is right, he has just come to Japan, and Junior Brother Tao has only entered the school for a few days, don't be too anxious, more It's time to get close."

When Wu Xinguan finished speaking, he suddenly reached the direction of Xiandao.

Suddenly, there was a loud noise.

When everyone looked over, they saw that Tao Qian was leading the eight hundred spirits of fire that belonged to him, like a tidal wave of fire, pouring into the fire cave Beppu in an instant.

Not long after, everyone saw Dengxian Island, which was originally only shrouded by the "Nine Prisons Passing You Wind".

At this time, the real forbidden law was finally opened, and I saw that there was a blue, gray and a red light on the island suddenly rising into the sky. The tragic wind, and the pillar of fire that seems to be surging up from the deepest part of the ground.

Under these pictures, things such as the immortal flames, lunar blue flames, silent thunder and other things that were spawned by the derivation of water, fire, and wind, did not seem so conspicuous.

"Three veins are fully opened, and Junior Brother Tao has completely mastered the ban on the immortal island."

"As expected of Fairy Yunhua's handwriting, it's really amazing."

"My master also mentioned that at the time, Fairy Yunhua loved Senior Sister Xie Lingji, and she personally arranged the ban on Xuanming Zhenshui Zhenmai, the ban on the twelve ancient Nuo gods, and the ban on the gods of the three Yangs. , the three taboos are inlaid around each other, supplemented by the background of the three immortal mountains, it can be said to be natural and infinite."

"It's really enviable. Even the dojos of many elders are not so luxurious."

"Hey, all of these should belong to Senior Sister Xie Lingji, but now they belong to Junior Brother Tao, so don't worry about True Monarch Duobao. I don't know why Immortal Yunhua also values ​​this one."

"I heard that Junior Brother Tao and Immortal Yunhua originally had a relationship between master and apprentice, and it was the true monarch who stopped him halfway."

"Speaking of which, if Senior Sister Xie Lingji hadn't died, the True Inheritance first might not necessarily be Senior Brother Taixuan."

Tao Qian was aware of the many movements outside the immortal island, but he ignored it.

At this time, he led eight hundred fire spirits and directly broke into the fire cave Beppu.

It's not because he was so anxious that he had to immediately recapture the three Yangs and quell the immortal ban.

But just now, when the fire spirits surrendered.

In Tao Qian's ears, he suddenly heard a weak, but still cold and indifferent voice.

"Junior brother, the fire spirits have just left their hostile qi, and their congenital defects have been made up. Quickly seal them back to the forbidden law. With the three yang qi to nurture the true spirit, they can thrive in the future, and can be a big help for you."

"Since you have the Ascension Order, you can guess my identity if you want to come here."

"Don't panic, I am not the main body, just a clone left by Xie Lingji."

"The forbidden law has completely changed the master, and I am about to dissipate."

"If you want to talk to me, you can come to see me in the Fire Cave Jade Room in Beppu."

Hearing this, Tao Qian naturally did not hesitate.

Entering Beppu with eight hundred fire spirits, he holds the Immortal Ascension Order, and there is no obstacle along the way.

The beast demon Beppu is already primitive.

But compared with this fire pit Beppu, it can be regarded as exquisite.

It should be set up in the inside, but it is just some stone chambers and caves, but the core is the fire cave leading to the depths of the ground. There are many arrangements around it, which connect the earth veins of the entire immortal island.

Tao Qian sent 800 fire spirits back to the forbidden law to be bred, and at the same time, he also completed the order of ascending the immortal, and officially took charge of the three bans.

Tao Qian naturally felt the shocking movement at the moment when the three meridians were fully opened.

But at this time, he had no time to appreciate it.

Where he was at the moment was the main room of Beppu, a quiet room purely made of warm jade and flint.

The layout of this quiet room is fresh and elegant, quite similar to that of Linyahai Pavilion, which is completely in line with the style of Senior Sister Xie Lingji, who has never met before.

In front of the quiet room, there is a piece of warm red jade.

In the middle of the jade, there was a woman sitting cross-legged.

This woman is obviously very beautiful, but she is dressed as a man, wearing a long-sleeved long shirt, and her hair is only tied with a wooden hairpin. Anyone, including Tao Qian, who looks at this woman for a moment, can no longer turn their heads at this moment. go see others. It's not a magic trick, but its own charm.

Tao Qian began to practice Taoism in Xunxian County, and he has seen many women.

There are those who are peerless in elegance, there are also those who are delicate and delicate, and there are also witches and witches who charm all beings.

It would be even more difficult to make Tao Qian move again.

But Tao Qian had never seen such a woman in front of her, whether in her past or present life.

Especially since she is still alive.

The warm jade seemed to be alive, like a dream, so the woman slowly raised her head and looked at Tao Qian.

At this moment, Tao Qian fully understood why Immortal Yunhua loved this disciple so much.

Although it is only a clone, this Senior Sister Xie Lingji does give people an amazing feeling that the heaven and earth are beautiful together.

Tao Qian just flashed this thought in his mind, and suddenly realized, does Fairy Yunhua know that Senior Sister Xie Lingji still has a clone left in this Fire Cave Beppu?

If he didn't know, he should call Xian Gu to come here at this time.

Thinking of this, Tao Qian had to act immediately.

But it was also at this moment that Senior Sister Xie Lingji's clone in Nuan Jade immediately understood Tao Qian's thoughts, then shook his head, and said:

"Senior brother is kind, and senior sister accepts it."

"I am an avatar of a spiritual machine. The master has already met with me. My existence is also a pain for the master."

"Since Shizun has given you this island, if you want to come to Shizun, you are also determined to let go. For me, it is also a kind of relief. After all, I have to suffer from that fire spirit burning my heart day and night here~www.wuxiaspot .com~ It's just that after I dissipate, there will be some afterimages left in this jade, and then I will trouble my junior brother to send the warm jade to my master as a souvenir."

"Although it's the first time you and my brother and sister have met, the predestined relationship is not shallow. It is also a blessing to be able to disperse in the company of the brother and sister."

"I wonder if Junior Brother can tell you the name taboo?"

When Tao Qian received the sound transmission, he didn't know what to show for a while.

This spiritual avatar is an understatement, but Tao Qian can somehow feel the master-disciple friendship between her and Yunhua Fairy.

Hearing the last question, he did not hesitate.

Tao Qian gave a suitable ceremony directly according to the age and customs of Senior Sister Xie Lingji, and then solemnly replied:

"I was in Tao Qian, and I saw Senior Sister Xie."


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