Longevity is Different, Caishikou Was Beheaded at the Beginning

Chapter 176: Thunder metamorphosis, the old man of longevity

In a secluded valley in Yunhua Mountain, the fruit of the fairy tree is full of fragrance.

It's a pity that under Tao Qian's gaze, the peaches were clearly sarcoma-like things. The fluff on the surface of the peaches were actually dense granulation. Under the crystal clear skin, there were a lot of pink and tender maggot-like creatures. Swimming in juicy water.

Tao Qian frowned, and after a sigh, he suddenly took a step.

It's not disgusting, though, passing through the fairy peaches, the white palms slowly touched the rotten trunk of the fairy peach tree.

During the process, Tao Qianqian felt the restlessness and desire of those pink maggots, they madly attacked the thin skin, trying to get out and devour Tao Qian's flesh and blood.

At the same time, Tao Qian's thoughts burst out.

【Book Name: Five Kinshou Peach Tree】

【Category: Foreign body. 】

[Notes: Using the extraterritorial birthday peach as the seed and using the method of the five kinship fans to cultivate the xenogeneic fairy plant, this tree is far better than the normal five kinks fans in terms of growth rate, the number of fruits, and the effectiveness of the peach. Xiantao tree, which can bear fruit three times a year, at least one hundred longevity peaches at a time, and one serving can prolong life by one month, and there is no limit to the number of servings. 】

The first Dao Zhishu appeared, and even Tao Qian couldn't help showing surprise.

If you only look at this, I am afraid that no one will think that Tao Qian's cultivation has failed.

Where is this failure?

Clearly a great success.

Three times a year, one hundred each time, unlimited use.

That is to say, if Tao Qian planted this peach tree and ate a year of longevity peach, he could increase his lifespan by a full twenty-five years.

If he planted the remaining peach seeds according to this method, although the food may become longevity peach in the future, but after one year, he can increase his lifespan by 4,500 years?

When the thought flickered to this point, Tao Qian immediately shook his head and looked at the annotations behind.

Undoubtedly, there must be unimaginable side effects.

"Grow a peach forest, and then increase your lifespan by 4,500 years? The Arabian Nights is nothing more than that."

Tao Qian's idea was right, and the comments quickly came out.

[Note 1: Therefore, the source of Xianzhi is defiled by the law of the five lusts to confuse immortals, and the longevity peach produced by this tree is also full of alienation and filth that cannot be removed. After being swallowed by any living being, although it can increase its lifespan, it will also be alienated. Fallen, parasitized by insects in the peach tree, lost both body and soul, and will be controlled by the owner of the peach tree. 】

[Note 2: The effect of this longevity peach can be superimposed, and the alienation pollution will also be superimposed. When it reaches a certain number, even a cultivator in the Bliss Realm may fall due to it. 】

[Note 3: The peach blossom essence associated with this tree is dead. It has lost control. It is devouring the Origin Qi and taking root in the depths. After about half an hour, it will give birth to spiritual wisdom and alienate it into a monster. living beings. 】

[Note 4: The price of the first 100 birthday peaches can be waived! Can be exempted from being parasitized by insects! 】

The first two notes were not at all what Tao Qian expected.

The third way is to make Tao Qian move immediately.

It doesn't need to be complicated, he cuts off the Origin Qi supply with just a thought.

Almost immediately, the Five Kinshou Peach Tree, who was still extremely docile towards him, suddenly became violent.

The tentacle-like branches whipped over, and the rotting torso in front of him also spewed pus and hallucinogenic juice towards Tao Qian, the master.

After all, it is a peach species from outside the realm. If it really enlightens its intelligence and turns into a monster, it will indeed be a little troublesome.

But now, it can still only be regarded as a disgusting peach tree.

Tao Qian didn't even look at it, the jade **** in his hand suddenly fell.

A **** to root!

Although it is the first time to plant a tree, it is still a foundation-building true cultivator. It is not difficult to accurately kill this peach tree that has been alienated from its origin.

With a sharp roar, the peach tree, which can increase its lifespan by twenty-five years after being planted in one year, was cut off.

And in the blink of an eye, from the luxuriant foliage and fruitful withered to a piece of rotten wood that seems to have been soaked in the swamp and bad water for a long time, there are still a few wet maggots wriggling, trying to absorb some Origin Qi, or flesh and blood. , so that we can continue to live.

Tao Qian casually summoned another ball of thunder and threw it on it. After a crackling sound, only ashes remained.

Destroying an immortal plant that can increase longevity, there is no pity on Tao Qian's face. Although the magical effect of this five-kins longevity peach tree is completely rare and precious, if the "price" is added. Go up, and immediately become unbearable.

It would be fine if it could be exempted from the entire price, but even Tao Qian's strange soul would only be exempted from part of it.

In addition, the accompanying peach blossom essence was dead, so Tao Qian naturally chose to cut the weeds.

If it was Pan Hongniang and Yanshi, who were among the beasts, they would be ecstatic to get this kind of longevity peach tree.

But he Tao Qian, a serious spiritual treasure true cultivator, how could he plant such an unorthodox tree?

The first failure, not surprising.

Tao Qian didn't have any thoughts of discouragement, he still stood in the valley, staring at the ashes, and then if he realized something:

"It was good to have a longevity peach seed, but I planted it into a five-kin peach tree. Obviously, the problem lies in the 'opening of seeds and pregnant spirits'."

"Open a seed, directly touch the source, and what is penetrated is what pollution."


"What if I only plant seeds, instead of using the method of conceiving spirits in the Sutra of the Five Sins, what if I use another method?"

With these thoughts, Tao Qian felt that he had found the right idea.

Still not leaving the valley, but thinking to call Zhong Doudou.

Tao Qian obviously also thought of it. Just now, he took the matter of "cultivating immortal plants" too simplistic. In addition, there was a method left by a cultivator like Pan Hongniang, who specialized in planting peach trees. Therefore, as soon as he got inspiration, he hurriedly tested it. A bit sloppy.

However, it is normal to have this experience. Tao Qian's strange soul can be said to be cheating in many aspects, and the same is true for cultivating spiritual plants.

After all, he doesn't need to work hard at all, and he can know the details just by touching it.

Coupled with the fact that Spirit Vision is now extremely high, it is even more convenient.

With a flash of light, Zhong Doudou mysteriously appeared in front of Tao Qian. Before she could act as a demon, Tao Qian ordered first: "Doudou, go to Fairy Pansi's dojo for me and ask for it for me. Some book exercises about cultivating immortal plants, enlightening spiritual roots, and nurturing elves."

"Hurry up and get back"

Not long after Tao Qian finished speaking, Zhong Doudou returned with a pile of books.

It is such a benefit to be a neighbor with a fairy who is close to him and has important powers.

With a sigh in his heart, Tao Qian took over the book and immediately read it.

After a short while, he also finished reading all the methods, and some unexpected results appeared.

"Lingbaozong's methods of cultivating immortals, planting spiritual roots, and nurturing elves are almost all top-grade and rare."

"It's just that if I plant peach trees according to these methods, although I can indeed get an excellent fairy peach tree, it will be difficult to achieve the effect I want."

"It's impossible to be as relaxed and natural as Pan Hongniang fiddles with Peach Blossom Valley, and she can completely control it. It seems that there are many sidelines in this world of practice. It is not without merit."

A few thoughts flashed, and Tao Qian frowned again.

At this moment, if there is a cultivator who is really proficient in cultivating immortal plants, I am afraid I will be embarrassed to hear his request.

It is necessary to grow a good fairy plant!

It must be in accordance with the prohibition law!

At the same time, he has to enlighten and breed a large number of orthodox and not degenerate elves, for him to drive, to help him control the immortal island, once and for all.

Strictly speaking, this is not simply planting trees.

Fortunately, Tao Qian didn't intend to follow the rules. After adding a lot of reference methods, he soon had new inspiration.

And he has strong omens that the second experiment may be successful.

With a little nervousness, Tao Qian still took out a peach seed and hit the jade hoe.

It's just that after opening the seed this time, he did not stay in the valley, but moved to dodge, and when he reappeared, he was suddenly on the top of Yunhua Xianshan.

The scenery here is somewhat similar to that of Nubuat Tour Palace.

In the roar, it can be seen that thousands of destructive thunders are surging down.

These thunders are exactly what he needs now.

Tao Qian looked through those books and found a more partial method called "Thunder Transformation Technique".

This is actually a method of enlightening spiritual roots, which comes from another major sect of Taoism, the God Xiaozong.

The cultivator of Shenxiaozong used this method to transform living beings, and his style was so simple and rude. When he saw some kind of spiritual root and foreign object, he wanted to transform into a spirit weapon to listen to the order, and he directly blasted it with a thunderbolt.

It can be imagined, under this method, what will be the chance of enlightenment?

However, this violent method is very suitable for Tao Qian.

After all, in this cultivation world, I am afraid there is no second person who can grasp the scale better than him.

In his thoughts, Tao Qian directly held the peach seed in his hand.

At the same time, send a ray of spiritual thought into the peach seed.

The next moment, he directly cast a spell to guide the thunder above.



It started, and the surging thunder that was visible to the naked eye fell down and fell on the peach seed with great precision.

However, no matter how accurate it is, Tao Qian will be implicated in holding that kind of seed.

At first, it was just a tingle of numbness, and soon it became the pain that only suffered from the bombardment of thunder. Although it is not difficult for Tao Qian to resist these, he is also the first to ask for thunder.

The cultivator of Shenxiaozong has a very high probability of failure in using this tactic.

Perhaps a certain path has been completed, and the next path will directly smash the newly born fragile true spirit into ashes.

A certain generation of the ancestors of the Shenxiao Sect who created this dharma must be a gambler.

Even within the Divine Soaring Sect, few people use this method.

Falling into Tao Qian's hands is a perfect fit.

Almost as soon as the ninth thunder struck the peach seed, Tao Qian's mind was always triggering Zhishu, which suddenly changed.

At the same time, Tao Qian's eyes suddenly opened.

Stop the law, stop the thunder.

Then he threw the peach seed in his hand downwards~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and immediately moved to call out the Immortal Ascension Order. On the way to the whereabouts of the peach seed, the three prohibitions moved together, the water and fire were combined, and the wind was blowing, so that the peach seed was extremely accurate, and still fell into the valley, a forbidden point.

As soon as it entered the ground, the majestic Origin Qi rushed in, and the many bottles and jars were automatically dumped, filling the spiritual fluid and fat.

After waiting for a few breaths, some familiar scenes happened again.

In that secluded valley, an extremely delicate and sturdy fairy peach tree, which can be seen to the naked eye, grows, and immediately blooms peach blossoms that exude a strong fragrance.

The only difference is with the fragrance of flowers.

What was born on that tree was no longer a naked peach blossom essence.

It was a strange figure of an old man Tao Qian had never seen before, but was inexplicably close.

ps: Ask for a monthly pass!


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