Longevity is Different, Caishikou Was Beheaded at the Beginning

Chapter 180: Treasures are hidden in the kingdom of foreigners, and the holy womb is washed in a ja

A dwarf slave, covered in rot, foul smelling, and collapsing in excrement and urine, was frightened to death in front of his eyes.

This picture is also the first time for Tao Qian.

However, this strange creature is dead and dead, and there are still aspirations that burst out in Tao Qian's mind.

[Post Name: Dwarf Slave. 】

[Chi-type: Heterogeneous. 】

[Notes: This is a different kind of creature, which only exists on the "Human Fetus Island" in the Jue Xian Islands of Lingbaozong. This creature is similar to the human race in appearance, and has nothing to do with it. Very strange, living in the peripheral area of ​​the human fetus island, living on other alien excrement, dirty, cowardly and cruel, and timid as a mouse, easily scared to death. 】

[Note 1: No use. 】


Zhishu is still good, but that comment made Tao Qian stunned.

It was the first time he had encountered such a situation since he got off the spirit pole in Nacaishi Street.


It should be noted that the original low-level foreign objects, such as bezoars, mountain ghost skins, etc., also have their own extraordinary uses.

But such a alien creature that exists in the mountain gate of Lingbaozong is useless?

Tao Qian was stunned for a moment, but quickly reacted.

Looking back on the performance of these dwarf slaves, it is indeed difficult to think of what they can do.

"It's very dirty, and it feeds on other foreign excrement, and it's easy to be scared to death... It's also quite pitiful."

"But what is this human fetus island, and the human fetus that can breed living beings?"

Tao Qian's mind was full of doubts.

Silently pinched the Immortal Order, prepared the jade bottle, and the Buddha bird relics were ready to use.

Throwing the dwarf slave's body down, Tao Qian saw a very scary, but very reasonable scene when he thought about it carefully:

The dwarf slave's body fell to the ground because of fear, and the rest of the dwarf slaves immediately surrounded it, not caring about the feces and urine all over his body, let alone his own kin, a pair of claws stretched out, and a pair of eyes even more tragic green The light came, accompanied by a rustling gnawing sound.

In almost a few seconds, the dwarf was devoured.

Tao Qian frowned, became more alert, and continued to explore deeper.

It didn't take long for Tao Qianxiangyun to appear over the second island, which also alerted the "people" on the island.

This time, Tao Qian took a closer look first.

The people on this island are slightly taller than the dwarf slaves, but all of them are incomplete, some have no eyes, some have no nose, some have no hands, and some have no legs... Only when they gather in twos and threes can they work together Unleash the power that a normal human race should have.

Their food is also not very good, and it looks like they are all rotten things, but they are more complete, like picking out undigested "food residues" from a large pile of rotten things.

After these disabled people discovered Tao Qian on the auspicious cloud, they also showed the fierce desire to devour him first.

Then it converged, knelt down, and the mountains roared and tsunami:

"Welcome to the Immortal! Welcome to the Immortal!"

"We are disabled slaves, both body and soul are disabled, and we cannot receive Shangxian."

"Please go to the Inner Island, and the gentlemen of the sea will surely serve Shangxian well."

The second time Tao Qian heard these neat words that can only be uttered by training, he was not surprised.

He frowned and didn't respond.

Instead, he grabbed another disabled slave without eyes, and pointed it out, only the nuanced Zhishu was born again.

The comments of these slaves are also useless.

Such a strange sight made Tao Qian interested.

Stamping his feet, Xiangyun suddenly accelerated.

Soon, Tao Qian quickly swept across the outer islands, and encountered a variety of "inhumans" on the way, without any repetition.

In a short period of half a stick of incense, what he saw and heard was strange and bizarre, which greatly increased Tao Qian's knowledge.

In my mind, I quickly came to a conclusion:

"This island is called [Human Fetal Island], with the inner island as the core, surrounded by many small islands that can only accommodate a hundred people."

"Almost all of these small islands have aliens."

"Starting with the original dwarf slaves and disabled slaves, and then encountering alien creatures such as labor slaves, horn slaves, feather slaves, etc."

"These are weird, starting from eating rotten things and staring at them as useless, and then gradually becoming normal and even civilized."

"Like that Yu slave, it looks like a group of primitive humans with wings. When they see me, they are also called Shangxian, and they also bring some melons and fruits to entertain them."

"The only thing in common: these aliens all told me to go to the inner island, saying that the sea man would entertain me."

When these thoughts settled, Tao Qian had already set foot on the so-called inner island.

The island is flat oval in shape.

The island was lush and green, and Tao Qian was extremely surprised that there were relatively primitive cities, temples and other buildings on it.

The host seemed to have known that the immortal was coming, so they listened to a burst of very primitive and barbaric music.

Then, a welcoming team in full costumes came from afar.

There are three kinds of "people" in this team.

One is the elders, or giants, all of whom are several meters tall, with eyes like copper bells, covered with fierce light, hooked claws and saw teeth, and covered with bristles.

The second is beauties. They are slightly smaller, but they are also more than 20 feet or 30 feet tall. They are plump and strong. At three key points, they are only covered by giant leaves, and their long hair is scattered, revealing A face that is beautiful and full of maternal brilliance.

Seeing these two aliens, Tao Qian was also in a trance moment.

He thought to himself: "It is rumored that in the ancient times, the mountains and seas were wild, and a human race like me was only one of countless kinds of 'people', and it was a relatively weak one. I have regretted not seeing that kind of grand scene. Didn't expect to make it up in this Immortal Islands?"

When Tao Qian had this thought, he also knew why he never felt the crisis.

The reason is simple.

Don't look at these giants, elders, with huge bodies.

But Tao Qian could not perceive any powerful supernatural powers, these aliens could not help Tao Qian's lightning strike.

But even so, Tao Qian remained vigilant in his heart.

His eyes immediately locked on the third type of person in the team.

This alien is the smallest, and although it looks very fat, it is only larger than the ordinary human race.

They sat on the chariot carried by the elder, and they were white and plump. Their thighs were especially thick, covered with fat, and they had four arms.

Because the two lumps of white flesh on the chest are big and fat, it is difficult to distinguish male and female.

But one thing is certain, they have no brains.

It actually uses the milk as its eyes and the navel as its mouth.

At this moment, they were looking at Tao Qian with the eyes at the top of the white flesh, with extremely respectful and adoring eyes.

Just as the team approached, the familiar mountain and tsunami sounded again.

Only this time, the lines have changed.

"Welcome Shangxian to the Holy Fetal Island!"

"I've waited for the time, and there will be a spirit treasure coming to the immortal in the near future, so I started to wait in advance."

"Now, as expected."

"Please come with me, the immortals, we aliens rely on the protection of the sect of the immortals, and can't repay."

"I have to prepare some tributes every once in a while and present them when the immortals come."

"Also please don't dislike it, and don't refuse."

Tao Qian didn't care much about the so-called tribute. He looked at the headless flesh man at the head and asked directly.

"Oh, you are what they call the sea man master?"

"Why, have you received many High Immortals here?"

"Returning to Shangxian, we are indeed called sea people, living on Holy Fetal Island for generations, and have welcomed many Shangxians."

"This is already the rule on Holy Fetal Island. I will be rewarded for waiting for the protection of Lingbao."

"We also know the true cultivation of spiritual treasures like Shangxian, and we like some foreign magic treasures, or book exercises, etc., so we will try our best to collect them in the sea area or other unforbidden islands."

"It's a coincidence. The tribute I've prepared this time should be the most abundant in history. There are even a few immortal swords, which are very sharp, and they can be used to cut mountains and seas, and they can be presented to the immortals."

"The tribute is in the palace in the Holy Fetal Mountain where I usually live."

"Shangxian just come with me."

When he uttered the last sentence, the headless flesh man turned and pointed to a very round and strange mountain in the distance.

It is vaguely visible that the entire mountain has been hollowed out, and the treasure inside is surging at the moment, so attractive.

Coupled with the response of the headless flesh man, it can be regarded as a reasonable explanation.

For a team of aliens who have been hidden all the year round and isolated from the world, it is simply an extraordinary performance.

Tao Qian's original idea was to capture a headless flesh man as usual, and directly probe the secret.

But at this moment, when Tao Qian saw the mountain, the throbbing throbbing in his mind made him change his mind.

He didn't even need the warning of his strange soul.

Tao Qian took a few serious glances, and with his eyesight he could easily see it.

That Holy Fetal Mountain!

It's clearly a gem.

Although there is a trace of concealment brought about by the obscureness of the gods, the extremely strong essence of Origin Qi inside, as well as the Chongxiao Baoguang that can hardly be concealed, both prove that the mountain is a treasure.

Tao Qian did not act rashly for the first time, but nodded with a smile, as if he was really moved by the tribute.

Riding auspicious clouds, follow this team to the Holy Fetal Mountain.

On the way through those cities and temples, Tao Qian also took a look, and sure enough, there were all kinds of aliens living inside.

Each has its own division of labor and is well organized.

But at the same time, the class is also very distinct.

Especially when the headless flesh people passed by, all the aliens fell to their knees.

After Tao Qian saw many details, the thoughts in his heart surged, and there was no difference on the bright side.

Soon, the team came to the front of the mountain.

There are many palaces in front of the mountain, and they are not luxurious. They only add some exquisite designs to the primitive barbarism.

The aliens entered the mountain side one after another, but did not notice Tao Qian behind them.

Inadvertently, he put his palm on the mountain wall.

It was at this moment that the throbbing feeling that had always been roaring in Tao Qian's mind came to fruition at this moment.

Even Tao Qian's wide-eyed Zhishu burst out.

After only two eyes, Tao Qian suddenly opened his mouth and said:

"Come on!"

These two words made the headless meat people who had already entered the mountain hurriedly returned.

The head at the head has no face, but its belly is obviously wrinkled together.

It was about to say something when Tao Qian first smiled and said:

"I have a quirk since I was a child, I can't get in every hole."

"Although the belly of your holy fetus is vast and huge, it is clear that there is a cave in front of you, but I do not want to enter, nor can I enter."

"If you sincerely want to make a tribute, why don't you bring all those things out to me."

Hearing this, the headless meat people were obviously puzzled, and each was stunned.

Then I saw them get together and muttered for a while.

The leader walked out again, arched his four hands, and said, "Since the High Immortal has given this order, I will obey it."

After all, the so-called sea people turned around the mountainside with those elders, and began to take treasures one by one.

Some are as small as pearls, some as large as grinding discs.

There are ores, foreign objects, dust-covered magic treasures, and some Lingbei stone leaves that carry exercises.

It didn't take long for it to be piled up like a hill, but it was indeed as the meat man said that there were a lot of tributes.

But after Tao Qian looked at it, he deliberately showed his disappointment and said:

"It's all rubbish, and it's too embarrassing to take it in front of me."

"But there are other things, take them with me."

As soon as these words came out, all the aliens suddenly showed sorrow, and fell to their knees.

The headed flesh man trembled with white flesh all over his body, and cried out:

"Also please forgive me. These things have been accumulated by aliens like me for ten years, and there are no other treasures."

"Shangxian also knows that this island is barren, and I will try my best to come up with this, and I have no secrets."

"If you don't believe me, you can search for it yourself. If you like anything on this island, you can take it away. We have no complaints. I just ask that you don't get angry, and don't blame me."

Although this flesh man has no head, it is really empathetic to cry.

Bean-sized tears flowed down the **** of the eyes.

Tao Qian seemed to be waiting for that sentence.

Again, he deliberately asked: "Really? As long as I like it, I can take it away?"

The headless flesh man replied decisively: "It's true, Shangxian, please do it yourself."

Unexpectedly, Tao Qian immediately laughed loudly as soon as his voice fell.

"Since you have agreed to wait, I will be welcome."

"I have seen the real treasure here long ago, and it is now available."

After saying that, Tao Qian suddenly reached out and called.

Accompanied by the gushing out of the light of the spirit treasures, the rumbling sound came suddenly, and the whole Holy Fetal Island was shaking.

The Holy Fetal Mountain, which was later regarded as the "Sacred Mountain" by all foreigners, rose from the ground.

Tremendous light, soaring into the sky.

Under the stunned gaze of the aliens, it turned into a purplish red, with openings and girdle, similar to a cloth bag-like baby, and fell directly into Tao Qian's hands.

As soon as this cloth bag started, a message entered Tao Qian's mind.

"It turns out that this treasure is called [Holy Fetal Bag], and it was left by a teacher and aunt in the door."

"This bag has infinite uses. Once opened, it can hold tens of millions of people."

"This Baohua Mountain has been here for many years, and you haven't noticed it. I saw it as soon as I came. It can be seen that it deserves it."

Tao Qian spit out these slightly domineering words, so that the aliens below who were still immersed in the loss of the holy mountain and their homes did not dare to refute.

The meat man headed by, even replied in a voice of infinite grievance:

"What the immortal said is very true, the treasures are obtained by those who are destined."

"I waited and guarded Baoshan for many years, but found nothing. It is obvious that I have no fate."

"I just ask Shangxian, for the sake of my waiting for the treasure for many years, to reward some immortals to eat, and leave some immortals forbidden laws, so that I can continue to thrive."

Speaking of this, anyone would think that this flesh man's request is very reasonable.

But Tao Qian did not immediately agree.

Instead, he waved his hand with a smile and said casually: "Slow down, this baby has been dusty for many years, let me clean it first."

Before he finished speaking, Tao Qian suddenly took out the jade bottle.

A sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth, and the mouth of the bottle suddenly tilted towards the "Holy Fetal Bag".

I saw a stream of immortal water pouring down, and it landed on the holy fetal bag for an instant.


It was as if there were billions of mouths ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ screaming sharply at this moment.

Originally a raging cloth bag, it suddenly turned into a huge cloth that was large enough to cover the so-called Holy Fetal Island below. The surface was covered with granulation, fangs, and fierce eyes.

Only at this moment it seems to be seriously injured, screaming to escape from here.

Unexpectedly, Tao Qian's voice came from the sky again, and at the same time, there was the Lingbao Jade Bottle with the mouth downwards, whirling.

"My dear, let's walk slowly, you've been trying so hard, don't you just want to get close to my younger disciple, why do you want to run away?"

"You are also cunning. In order to get out of this place, you have prepared two conspiracies."

"First, you want to coax me into your bag, maybe you want to take the house?"

"It doesn't matter if it doesn't work out, you even arranged a 'treasure hunt' plot for me."

"Both tricks are considered sinister, and you are indeed the legacy of my teacher, and the means are terrifying."

"If I didn't rely on it, I really wouldn't dare to expose these."

"By the way, should this junior call you a holy fetal bag or a human fetal bag?"

"It doesn't matter which kind it is, but before that, the junior wants to invite you into this Lingbao Jade bottle first, so that you can wash it and get rid of the dirt and dust, so that it can be used by me."

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