Longevity is Different, Caishikou Was Beheaded at the Beginning

Chapter 193: The big fish is hooked, and the corpse is beheaded by heaven

Immortal Yuchan had just finished complimenting, and soon realized that something was wrong.

Xu Xun, who appeared at this time, clearly had an angry look in those eyes, and a determination to do something.

The Soul Falling Bell was undoubtedly a treasure, but it was shattered by Xu Xun without hesitation, and was used to freeze the entire island for half a breath.

Seeing Xu Xun soaring into the sky, he released a majestic immortal light from the ruler in his hand to suppress the uncle Shanhai in place. At the same time, he looked at the group of junior brothers and sisters who were fighting hard around the Eight Immortals Island.

Without any hesitation, Xu Xun immediately shot.

First, with a wave of the sleeve robe, everyone only felt that the world had changed, the void moved, and the corpse poison corpse fog that enveloped the entire Eight Immortals Island disappeared without a trace at this moment.

What is even more incredible is that the uncle Shanhai who was fighting with Xu Xun, the immortal corpse he transformed has disappeared in place.

This picture made all the true legends look shocked.

Senior Brother Ma Yuan, who was recovering from his injuries, immediately said in horror: "The technique of the universe in the sleeve, Senior Brother Xu, is this going to...?"

It is very recognizable, even Tao Qian can see that in the scene just now, Xu Xun used his great supernatural power to put the whole island's corpse fog into his sleeve together with Shanhai Shishu.

The corpse fog is easy to say, even if it is terrifying, it is an ownerless dead thing after all, and it is normal for Xu Xun to take it away.

But the people of Shanhaidao!

He is a different kind of immortal corpse, and the true spirit has returned, and his combat power is terrifying.

If it was Xu Xunzhi's teacher Mai Xiangu, then Shanhai Daoist would be powerless to resist.

But only for ten days?

Although it is the first in this generation, I am afraid that it is not enough, and it is true.


It was just a breath, and everyone heard the sound of shattering sleeves coming from Xu Xun's body.

However, in such a short period of time, Xu Xun was ruthless.

He raised his hand suddenly, and immediately saw more than a dozen immortal lights flying out, each heading to the seven places on the Eight Immortals Island, each immortal corpse was divided into more than one magic weapon, but this magic weapon Feilai didn't come to seek refuge, but got Xu Xun's mind to smash people.

Even Tao Qian, who clearly had the upper hand, strung a real jade toad into a charcoal-roasted bullfrog, also got two treasures.

One thing is an immortal net decorated with a lot of black stones and sapphire jade. After binding the jade toad immortal corpse, it immediately summoned the wind and thunder to move together. After blinking an eye and turning it into a charred corpse, the other baby, which looks like a huge slab of bricks, began to beat and smash it. Falling, gold shards splashed, and a loud roar roared.

Pity that this corpse was not Tao Qian's opponent because it was not controlled by the true spirit. Now it was attacked again, and his appearance was even more miserable. However, the corpse was indeed very special. Meat, or rotten meat patties, is still immortal.

But at this time, whether it was Tao Qian or Jade Chan Zhenling, their attention was not on the corpse.

Qi Qi looked at Xu Xun, and a breath passed in an instant for mortals.

But for powerful monks, many things can be done.

After throwing out a large number of magic weapons to entangle the seven immortal corpses, Xu Xun's sleeves shattered, and the Taoist Shanhai was about to get out, but now Xu Xun has moved to the periphery of the Eight Immortals Island. Immediately, he saw an invisible forbidden law being shattered by him.

At this moment, Xu Xun turned his head and shouted to the crowd: "Junior brothers and sisters, if you don't leave now, when will you stay?"

With this low drink, Tao Qian immediately heard that Xu Xun's mana was now depleted, and he was extremely weak.

Seeing his sleeves shatter again, a terrifying shadow is emerging from it.

Not only Tao Qianqian heard it, but the rest of the True Inheritances were also clearly heard.

Jade Chan's true spirit is even more insightful at a glance.

Therefore, he was about to go crazy at the moment, and the sound transmission resounded like thunder, resounding through Tao Qian's mind.

"Boy, you can't just leave him and escape from this island."

"This child uses Qiankun and Zhidechi in his sleeves, and it is impossible for him to resist Brother Shanhai's blow. If you really leave here, he will surely die."

Before hearing this sound transmission, Tao Qian had already made a move.

In fact, he was the only one with the fastest reaction on the Eight Immortals Island.

After all, the rest of the Seven Immortals were seriously attacking and killing the True Inheritances, and only the True Spirit of Jade Chan was dug out by Tao Qian early.

Jade Toad paddles, Tao Qian is naturally relaxed.

When Xu Xun appeared and shattered the Soul Falling Bell, Tao Qian realized that something was wrong.

Therefore, he left the immortal corpse that was being beaten early, and rushed to Xu Xun like a teleportation.

Xu Xun smashed the Eight Immortals Corpse Imprisonment, the moment when the Jade Chan True Spirit madly transmitted his voice.

Tao Qian just came to his side, seeing that the sleeve robe was broken, and even half of Xu Xun's arm was swallowed by the Shanhai Daoist. Seeing that the huge mouth was open, he wanted to swallow Xu Xun's whole body. in the abdomen.

At this moment, Tao Qian flashed.

In order to ensure the power of this stick, he also invested his blood and borrowed the majestic mana from Lingbao Tianzun.

The relic of the Buddha bird moved to its limit, and the already huge Buddha ape soared again, holding the golden light like a giant pillar supporting the sky, and slammed it down.

"Hey, let's eat my Tao Qian."

It's also good to drink in bursts.

Shanhai Daoist got out of his sleeve robe, swallowed half of Xu Xun's arm, and was about to reveal his true appearance.

The head is a stick. After getting the majestic mana infusion, the Vajra Demonic Stick is no smaller than his mountain and sea escaping to the sky, and it is even more blessed by the Buddha's ape. I saw that the Tianzhu fell into the earth, and the infinite cracks spread in all directions. The ground, water, fire and wind surged together, and the Shanhai Daoist didn't even roar, and was directly smashed into the depths of the ground.

These changes are complicated to say, but in fact they end within a breath or two.

Everyone first saw that Xu Xun used his own power to suppress the Eight Immortals for a short time, and at the same time planned to sacrifice his own life to rescue all the junior brothers and sisters.

At that moment, more than a dozen True Inheritances moved frantically to Xu Xun.

It's just that it's too late.

Except for Tao Qian!

No one would have thought that Tao Qian, who was ranked last on the bright side, would burst out with such fighting power.

Everyone looked at the terrifying crack that was about to spread over most of the Eight Immortals Island, and the mountain and sea immortal corpse that was constantly expanding in the depths of the crack and was about to be drilled out again.

While raising his eyebrows in surprise, Qi Qi cast an undisguised admiration at Tao Qian.

Also at this moment, the fourteen True Inheritances gathered in the peripheral area.

Although it is a pity that Xu Xun threw out more than a dozen exotic treasures that entangled the corpse.

But compared with the baby, life is more important, Senior Brother Wei of Yan Mozhen said quickly: "Everyone, bring Senior Brother Xu, let's go quickly."

Just after Senior Brother Wei finished speaking, everyone was about to move.

Suddenly, Tao Qian spoke again.

"no need!"

"The big fish has taken the bait, and the masters are about to close the rod."

Tao Qian's two words full of desire to complain sounded somewhat inexplicable to the brothers and sisters.

Until the next moment, Zhongzhen Chuan followed his gaze and looked towards the center of the Eight Immortals Island.

There, there is a secret orifice leading to the outside world, which is also the source of endless corpse poison and corpse fog.

Brother Xu Xun took away the universe once in his sleeve, but in the blink of an eye, it was filled again.

It was also at this moment that the secret aperture suddenly burst open, and an extremely huge arm that could almost grab the eight immortal corpses slammed into it from outside the realm.

A corpse poison condensed into a pale liquid was wrapped around this arm. The moment they entered this realm, after everyone's eyes penetrated the corpse poison and saw the details inside, including Tao Qian, a total of fourteen True Inheritants groaned in pain.

The only difference is that after Tao Qian groaned, he shuddered violently.

After being exempted from pollution, he saw it more clearly.

The huge arm is actually divided into many layers. The outermost layer is a pale pus-like corpse poison, surging like a river of heaven. The poison is extremely poisonous, and I am afraid that only one drop can turn hundreds of thousands of people into irrational bloodthirsty. Zombies; and further down is the layer of rotten flesh, flesh and blood rotting into mud, countless strange insects and foreign objects shuttle in and out, mating and laying eggs, hundreds of millions of gestures, ten thousand kinds of hissing intertwined, actually faintly compiled into a foreign demon Carnival-like.

People in this world will only fall madly when they hear it.

Beneath the rotten flesh are extremely hard, pitch-black bones, as if countless black faces are superimposed, and they keep howling, crying, and murmuring.

Tao Qian listened more clearly, and even heard some familiar phrases in it.

"The dung beetles turn the pills, the pills are formed and they are carefully thought, and the white ones are stored in the pills..."

When these came, Tao Qian's mind immediately roared.

One kind of puzzlement was resolved, and the others were writhing again.

That unknown tactic is really related to this extraterrestrial corpse?

Although Tao Qian had never practiced the residual art that allowed him to be reborn in the first place, just like the fairy fish art.

But curious ideas, how to stop it?

I also heard the muttering of the Fa along with the corpse poison, and there are other true teachings.

It's just that they are not as meticulous as Tao Qian, and they have to bear the pollution of those rustling voices.

Zhongzhen Chuan first looked at the arm, then looked at Tao Qian, when he was about to open his mouth to ask the reason.

Suddenly, there was a strange movement in each of them, and one thing floated out on its own.

Absolute Immortal Order!

Fourteen Absolute Immortal Tokens flew out at the same time, and halfway through, they formed a formation and released the Heaven-reaching Immortal Light, shrouding the entire Eight Immortals Island together with the big hand from outside the domain.

When the battle was completed, the eight immortal corpses who were struggling frantically lost their resistance, returned to their original nature, and turned into corpses in the true sense.

The sudden occurrence of this accident, all the true legends are surprised.

The arm that came from outside the domain was about to retreat immediately after being stagnant for a moment.

However, how is it still too late?

A scene that soon made Tao Qian feel extremely familiar happened again:

Groups of golden rays of brilliance poured out from his Immortal Token, and inside were hundreds of golden ropes full of runes.

When illuminated by the immortal light, the golden rope spread, instantly binding the arm of the huge extraterrestrial corpse firmly.

Accompanied by shouts, a golden armored **** will jump out.

The treatment that Miaoshu Datianzun once enjoyed, but now it is the turn of the **** corpse that wanders outside the realm all day long.

The difference is that the two are just about to wrestle.

Inside Tao Qian's Immortal Order, True Monarch Duobao's rude voice came out again:

"Come on, let's stay."

"Last time, you old **** killed my Lingbao Eight Immortals, but now I only cut your arm, and speaking of it, you are still taking advantage."

"But it's okay, let's talk about the rest of the account."

Such understated and domineering words just fell.

In that Absolute Immortal Order, another thing jumped up.

It was the sheathed sword, the Heavenly Punishment Sword.

Only different from what I've seen in the past, this time, it's unsheathed.


With a loud cry, everyone saw a sword light with infinite killing intent and boundless edge, slashing straight across the terrifying and huge arm. Zhen Chuan went to see if this cut was meritorious, but saw that in the other thirteen Immortal Immortal Orders, a majestic mana poured out at the same time, blessing on the Heavenly Punishment Sword.

In a trance, everyone seemed to see the figure of their master.

There were fourteen elders of Lingbaozong, including True Monarch Duobao, Fairy Maiden and other beings~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and cut them down together with swords.

Even if the corpse from outside the realm is close, I am afraid it will be difficult to get a good deal.

What's more, only one tied arm?

Immediately, with that heaven-penetrating sword light flashed away.

Slashing the arm in an instant, it also shattered the secret orifice that could communicate outside the realm.

At this moment, everyone heard the cheap words of True Monarch Duobao:

"You brothers and sisters are too polite. In fact, I can come by myself, isn't it just an old bangzi?"

"I hold the Heavenly Punishment Sword, even if it is finely chopped into pieces for you, there is no problem."

"Good disciple, don't you think so?"

ps: There are more, ask for a monthly pass!


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