Longevity is Different, Caishikou Was Beheaded at the Beginning

Chapter 198: The heart of Tao is perfect, the secret of absolute struggle

"Cultivation of the nine realms, the higher you go, the more disasters you will have."

"That Taoism is even a big hurdle, with great calamity and great terror. Of all the cultivators in the realm of bliss, no one dares to say that they will definitely be able to break through, even if they are teachers,"

"However, if you choose the third method, you will be much easier than others when saving the Daohua catastrophe."

Daoist Duobao was talking, but Tao Qian suddenly remembered the life of an uncle who he saw on the Spirit Tablet Island not long ago.

A real person without phase, Qin Jiao.

The uncle who had made great achievements and even supported a founding emperor.

He also took the third method to temper the Dao foundation, and it was successful.

But in the end, he failed to be promoted to the Taoist realm and died in bliss.

When the thought came up, Tao Qian thought about it, and then asked:

"Master, the disciple accidentally hit the island of spiritual monuments in the sea of ​​​​extreme immortals. Aunt Baiyin who guards the island promises to look at the face of Master and Aunt Yunhua and allow the disciple to observe those spiritual monuments."

"One of the monuments belongs to a senior uncle called 'Qin Jiao'."

"I have seen the life of Uncle Qin Jiao. He used the third method, and he was promoted to the realm of bliss in a short period of time, but in the end, Uncle Qin still failed to become Taoist."

"The third method, is it necessary to use the luck of the dynasty to degenerate? It sounds like a trick, is it because Qin Jiao lost his life?"

Hearing Tao Qian's question, Daoist Duobao showed no surprise on his face.

Just because there were too many mistakes or omissions, or for other reasons, I saw him shaking his head first, and then looking at Tao Qian with a strange look:

"Don't be flattering, you slick, she sent me a message after you made a deal with her."

"Bai Yin's weird temperament is the most sincere. If she really doesn't want to, let alone Yun Hua and I's face, even if the Sect Master goes, she would dare to refuse."

"Bai Yin obviously likes you before he allows you to go to the island, and even bites you to help you observe the spiritual monument. Others are not so lucky, and I don't know how good you are as a kid? Yun Hua sees you satisfied, Bai Yin. Also see you happy, eccentric."

"However, you are so courageous that you promised to accompany her at twelve o'clock. I just hope that when she calls you, your cultivation level is enough. Otherwise, with your small body, I'm afraid..."

Hearing this, Tao Qian suddenly felt bad.


Fairy Bai Yin's so-called "boring" and "accompanying" are indeed ambiguous.

Just when Tao Qian was about to ask, Daoist Duobao seemed to be holding back a smile and waved his hand: "Don't worry, it's not a big deal, it's not very dangerous, maybe it's a good opportunity, you just wait."

After saying this, Duobao changed the subject again, and then replied last time:

"Junior Brother Qin Jiao is a pity. He is truly a genius in the true sense. Originally, even the suzerain thought that he could successfully set foot in the Taoist realm, adding another point to my spiritual treasure."

"It's just that he's too greedy."

"After he used the third method to become mortal, he gained a lot of benefits. If he returned to the sect to cultivate and digest it slowly, he would be able to enter bliss without disaster."

"But Qin Jiao is eager for quick success and does not give up the luck that can be brought by supporting the dragon, so he joins the WTO. Although he entered the cave in just ten years, he has also used up the potential benefits of the metamorphosis. Short-sighted, exhausted and fished...that's all, if you come back to practice, you will still have a high chance of stepping into Taoism."

"Only he made another mistake. Hearing the deceitful emperor's bewitchment, he actually imagined some kind of drama, and planned to go against the sky and swallow the group of alchemists who were parasitic in the eternal dynasty."

"At that time, the Ancestral God's forbidden law was still in place. He, the cunning emperor and the Qin clan were nothing but a man's arm and a chariot."

"His teacher is also the second-generation ancestor in my sect, and it is too late to save him many times."

"It's really a death, let him go."

Speaking of this, Daoist Duobao seemed to be angry.

After a pause, he said solemnly:

"The third method is troublesome and disgusting, but it is also one of the wonderful methods of my Spirit Treasure Sect to temper the Dao Foundation. It is by no means a trick method, and there are many benefits."

"But no amount of benefits can't afford to be squandered like Junior Brother Qin Jiao."

"If you choose this method, with your talent and ability, you should have no problem in becoming an ordinary person, but after getting so many benefits, you must not learn from your uncle Qin Jiao. Tianjiao is Tianjiao, but his xinxing is not good."

From these somewhat rambling and long-winded words, Tao Qian could easily hear that Daoist Duobao had a complicated perception of the Wuxiang Zhenren.

Marvel at its talent, hate its greed.

At the same time, he also heard that the third method was classified as the top grade, which indeed had huge benefits.

Just practice and succeed.

Then you will definitely be able to enter the cave, and you will have a high probability of entering the bliss, and the probability of stepping into the Taoist realm is also higher than that of other monks.

There is only one premise: don't be dead, don't be greedy.

Tao Qian thought to himself, the former is not easy to say, the latter he performed very well.

It should be noted that Li Changle used the former ancient treasure [Tianxin Lihungui] to lure him, and was directly hacked back by Tao Qian with a sword light.

But after all, it is an important matter related to the path. After Tao Qian heard the details of the three methods, he did not immediately respond to Master.

Instead, his brows were wrinkled, and after he pleaded guilty, he sat cross-legged in the Star-Watching Hall, and pondered carefully.

"If you take down the second method, you will be able to step into the world in a short time, and it sounds like a great future."

"It's just these two methods that make me resist inexplicably and go against my will."

"And the so-called high-grade tempering method, I must enter the world, must..."

Tao Qian was thinking about it, but he didn't know what the point was.

Suddenly, many qi in the body erupted suddenly.

First, the humanistic destiny that was acquired in Nanyue, which has been in the body for a long time and has been silent for a long time, in a trance, a large number of blurred pictures are reflected, and the cries of the people can be vaguely heard, as if the scene of the final decisive battle in Nanyue reappeared in my mind. among.

Then it was actually the innate sense of inspiration given by Xie Lingji, Tao Qian never used it, but at this time it was really ready to move, giving Tao Qian a vague guidance.

In the end, what burst out was Tao Qian's own inspiration, a whim that had no reason.

In the blink of an eye, Tao Qianming realized his choice.

"If you choose the third method, you may regret it in the future."

"But if I choose the first two methods, I now feel that I am boring and the road is not bright."

"So that's the case... This is the meaning of the damage to the Taoist foundation? Back then, Uncle Li Changle succumbed to easy enjoyment and chose the wrong path."

When the thought settled.

Tao Qian's many vigor in his body calmed down in an instant.

He didn't even need to speak, the Daoist Duobao seemed to see his choice at a glance.

There was neither sigh nor admiration.

Duobao just flicked his fingers, and a ball of aura suddenly penetrated into Tao Qian's body.

"Since it has been selected, the blessing and the misfortune are self-inflicted."

"This is the "Lingbao Infinite Tribulation Method". You are not allowed to practice it in the mountain gate, so as not to directly invite disaster, and you will not be affected as a teacher, but it will make your Dengxian Island into a mess."

"So it is first sealed in the secret aperture of your sea of ​​consciousness, and it will be unlocked by yourself after you leave the mountain gate."

"With this method as a guide, you will gain a lot of benefits when the founder of the True Inheritance Conference teaches the method."

I gave the Famen, and said that again.

Daoist Duobao didn't stay with Tao Qian anymore, and he seemed to have lost his sexuality.

However, the last few words still revealed some thoughts of Daoist Duobao.

"Go to rest, go to rest!"

"Obviously he's a slick boy, so I don't choose Wanbao Cliff, and I don't want the Patriarch to be a saint, so I chose the most troublesome one."

"Forget it, let's choose, just don't imitate Qin Jiao."

"If you learn it, my Duobao will not plan for you like Uncle Ji and work hard to rescue you."

"It's hard to accept a disciple, I haven't tried a few times, and I ran back to the mortal world again, and I don't even look at what the world is now... It's really a big disaster, do I still have to be punished by heaven for this old bone The sword is going to help you fight, it's a loss, a loss."

Outside the Jinxia Dojo, Tao Qian left the place with a complicated look after he saluted his master from a distance.

This time, instead of summoning Xingzha Demon, he summoned Xiangyun and walked slowly to his own immortal island.

On the way, he first digested the choices he made.

However, there is no remorse, but after the election, there is a feeling of hearty and full of heart and soul.

After thinking about it, I went to digest the details of the constitution of the True Inheritance and the Ten Thousand Immortals Conference.

The rest were fine, but the Ten Thousand Immortals Conference, the information related to the "Absolute Contest", made Tao Qian look startled, showing a look of horror.

"Seven days later, Zhou Tianxingchen will return to his place, and Lingbaozong will hold the True Inheritance Conference."

"After that, the Ten Thousand Immortals Conference will be held immediately."

"At that time, the spirit treasures and ten thousand immortals will gather together to visit the patriarch."

"Those who have no hope of the road will be summoned by the ancestors and fly to the outside world on the spot... Fight against the evil spirits and gods outside the domain, and fight for a chance of survival."

Tao Qian's expression at this moment is quite complicated.

This shocking secret revealed ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but it solved many previous doubts.

Why call it a strife?

Why is it that the first-class arrogances of Wanmo and Qin Jiao are still dead after participating in the final battle?

Why would the Eight Immortals of Lingbao be inexplicably poisoned by the corpse of the gods outside the realm, alienated and degenerated into such a shape?

It turned out that it was not the internal battle of the Lingbao immortals.

The so-called absolute struggle is a struggle with foreign evils and gods.

In such a situation, there is only a silver lining left, which is simply more appropriate.

Knowing this, Tao Qian inexplicably wanted to turn back to Jinxia Dojo and ask Master.

"Has there been a successful precedent for the final battle of the Ten Thousand Immortals Conference?"


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