Longevity is Different, Caishikou Was Beheaded at the Beginning

Chapter 219: There is a mystery in the golden pagoda of gathering wealth

Yaowang Temple, in the sky and underground, thousands of monks, monsters and aliens.

Coupled with Tao Qian himself, all of them looked stagnant for a moment.

Tao Qian, who was being watched by the eyes, looked at the warm, dazzling and heavy "Golden Mountain" in his palm, and wanted to defend himself.

"It was the hand that made the first move, I only touched it."

"This is obviously a touch of porcelain. I haven't inherited the mantle of a cheap master, so I can't be called a treasure."

Tao Qian muttered inwardly, but it did not prevent the atmosphere from being awkward.

But soon, He Sen reacted.

Seeing this handsome and handsome leader of the Changchun Association, he stepped down step by step.

In the blink of an eye, he came to Tao Qian.

Although Tao Qian concealed the identity of the true spirit of his spiritual treasure, the cultivation of the Foundation Establishment Realm was obvious to anyone at a glance.

As a cultivator of the Great Perfection Realm, He Sen naturally understood it immediately.

But even so, he bowed his hands respectfully, and then said:

"The daoist has an extraordinary bearing, and the magical means are even more extraordinary for a monk to have. I think it is a true disciple sent by a large sect."

"It is said that there is only one piece of [Gathering Treasure Mountain]. If you have the means to take it away, I should not be stingy at the Changchun Society. It's better to make friends."

"It's just that this place is a little special. This treasure mountain is prepared by my Changchun Association to reward many fellow practitioners. It would be a bit unsightly for fellow practitioners to take it."

"If it's not like this, fellow Daoist will put this treasure mountain back, and we will give you another generous gift from Changchun."


To be honest, what He Sen said was a good response.

It sounds reasonable and well-founded, and the other monks around him nodded when they heard the words.

In particular, some of the bottom cultivators who took the gold bricks and flew away in the end had even more eager eyes.

The baby you got took the initiative and flew into the hands of others, who wouldn't feel uncomfortable?

Tao Qian also reacted from his daze at this time, and did not respond to He Sen, but first glanced at the Zhishu that burst out in his mind.

[Zhi name: Ju Cai Jin Pagoda. 】

【Category: Foreign body. 】

[Notes: This treasure was paid by the Changchun Association for spiritual materials, and it was made by Liu Hongsheng, a giant merchant in the magic capital, together with dozens of other monks who were good at refining treasures. There are two parts, one is more than ten thousand gold bricks, The second is the treasure bead of gathering wealth. The combination of the two is a unique treasure that can not only attract wealth and treasure, but also attack Yuxin. 】

[Note 1: The 12,081 gold bricks of this treasure can be dissipated, which not only helps the wearer to absorb the good fortune, but also absorbs the wearer’s own good fortune. After reaching a certain limit, the There will be various accidents that cause the wearer to lose the gold brick, and then the gold brick will return to the hands of the person who has the treasure orb. 】

[Note 2: The Treasure of Treasure Orb is in the hands of the Immortal Doctor He Sen, who plans to spend ten years to recover all the gold bricks one after another. At that time, the power of this treasure could increase by another 50%. 】

[Note 3: It can be exempted from being absorbed by the blessing! Not exempt from being taken back to the golden tower by the orb! 】

"Oh, you know, a fisherman is a fisherman."

After seeing Zhishu, Tao Qian immediately complained in his heart.

Before coming here, Tao Qian slaughtered several disciples of Xie Xiu called He Sen.

Judging from the experience of those few people, this excellent medical immortal is actually a shameless fisherman.

Now, it doesn't seem so.

However, his method is indeed very concealed. If Tao Qian is cheating without any abnormality, he will not be able to detect it at all.

"Ten years, who will remember this in ten years?"

"The mortality rate of the lower-level monks in the cultivation world is already high. Even if someone notices some clues ten years later, there is probably no evidence at all."

"It is said that the opening ceremony of this kind of business should not be done again, so as not to affect the reputation of the market in the future."

"But if you can do this kind of concealment, a demon like He Sen will not refuse."

A few thoughts flashed, Tao Qian insight into the key behind.

At the same time, Tao Qian also speculated about the reason why Jinta took the initiative to vote for him: it should not be the handwriting of the black-bellied master, but more like the accident that occurred after the calamity was superimposed on the body of the nine toad beads to absorb the power of the baby.

Absorbing foreign objects such as treasures and blessings should also attract each other.

Just who **** whom?

Naturally, it depends on the order.

In this regard, Jiuchanzhu is naturally far better than the Golden Pagoda.

Tao Qian blinked his eyes to understand this, and heard He Sen's words of moral kidnapping.

Immediately, Tao Dazhen's rebellious psychology surged up.

He weighed the golden pagoda in his hand, and then asked innocently and doubtfully:

"Didn't fellow Daoist He say before that, let me wait to use it?"

"Although I don't like this thing very much, it's weird."

"But I like gold. You said that there are more than 10,000 gold bricks here. That's great. After I go back, I will melt it and build a golden house with a golden bed, a golden table and a golden toilet. very…"

Every time Tao Qian said a word, he could see He Sen's face in front of him was ugly.

Only before, it was the promise he spit out.

Fang City is on the verge of opening, and it is not easy to go back on its word.

He couldn't directly take out the [Gathering Treasure Orb] and take back the golden pagoda, otherwise his reputation would be completely stinky.

Therefore, at this moment, He Sen had to suppress his anger, bowed his hands again, and then said more sincerely:

"Friend Daoist, if you want a golden house, that's easy. I can just build one and exchange it for you."

"No, two, just as Changchun will make friends with fellow Daoists and cast two golden houses in exchange for this golden pagoda, how about that?"

He Sen thought that this was very sincere and should be successful.

Unexpectedly, the eccentric monk with big earlobes in front of him still shook his head after hearing the words, and shoved the golden pagoda into his arms.

Shaking his head, he pretended to be an expert and said:

"Fellow Daoist, don't talk too much, although I don't care about this golden pagoda."

"But it is enthusiastic, and it took the initiative to vote. I want to have some relationship with me. How can I bear to refuse it."

"Friend He, don't entangle with me anymore, go and take a break."

When the words fell, Tao Qian led three small turns and left.

Perhaps it was because he walked too happily, and He Sen couldn't react for a while.

However, he still did not make a move, but secretly said:

"Friend Daoist is very clever, I, He Sen, admit it."

"Just ask fellow Daoists to come up with the conditions. I, Changchun will be willing to admit defeat."

Tao Qian heard the sound transmission, but he still ignored it.

Walking into the crowd, three or two breaths have reached the edge.

Seeing that he was about to leave the Yaowang Temple, He Sen's expression turned ruthless, and he moved to stop Tao Qian.

On the bright side, he still spoke aloud and said stubbornly: "Fellow Daoist, slow down, and listen to what the poor Taoist has to say..."

He said these words to the audience, but his voice transmission to Tao Qian was:

"I can see it. It seems that fellow Daoist is deliberately making trouble. I think it's the devil boy from Wan Mofang City?"

"Don't dare to pinch Lianxin Temple, but think I will be easy to deceive in Changchun?"

"If fellow Daoists don't return the pagoda today, I'm afraid they will lose their lives."

As soon as the sound transmission spit out, Tao Qian's body stopped abruptly.

Seeing this, He Sen thought it worked and was about to make persistent efforts.

But the next moment he saw the strange monk in front of him, and he acted strangely again.

First, he raised his head and glanced at the several Dongxuan cultivators above his head who were holding their own identities and refused to land. Then he raised his hand to calculate, suddenly opened his mouth, and actually revealed his roots and feet in public.

"Daoyou He, although you are a righteous person from the sidelines, but you cultivated the "Hunyuan Sutra for Prolonging Life and Life", deliberately spread the beast heart art to create puppet slaves, and abused mortals everywhere, and cultivated medicine men for you to cultivate... All kinds of behaviors have become demons. That's it."

Not only He Sen was taken aback by Tao Qian's words.

Many demons and cultivators around him reacted the same way.


Hehe, if it is calculated according to this standard, there are not many people who are not enchanted in this Temple of Medicine King.

Many monks are also doing what He Sen is doing.

It's just that due to the difference in strength, what he does is not as excessive as He Sen's.

Thinking of this, He Sen opened his mouth to laugh at this weird young man.

Tao Qian seemed to have known this before, took another step forward, winked at him, smiled and said again:

"It's probably nothing to be enchanted, but you are so entangled in me."

"This proves that Daoyou He, your doom... is here!"


The last sentence was in his ears, and He Sen immediately had a warning sign roaring in his heart.

On the face, there was also a look of shock and disbelief, as well as shame.

No wonder he reacted like this.

Who would have thought?

A cultivator of the Foundation Establishment Realm, how dare he take action against the cultivator of the Great Perfection Realm?

Isn't this kind of behavior courting death?

However, Tao Qian not only made a move, but he was definitely not courting death.

Before the words could fall, Tao Qian grinned and waved his sleeve robe to He Sen suddenly.

I saw a white light flashing suddenly, and a dignified monk who was in the state of transcendence and great perfection disappeared.

It was so easy to be taken away by Tao Qian.

Immortal Doctor Immortal He Sen!

He has practiced many magical powers, but at this moment, facing a base-building cultivator, he didn't even resist or wailing, and just disappeared like that.

When this scene appeared, the atmosphere of the entire Yaowang Temple was stagnant.

Then, it boils completely.

In the area where Tao Qian was, all the demons and cultivators around him wished his parents would give him an extra leg so that he could leave as quickly as possible.

No one is stupid, this eccentric monk must be relied on for doing so.

No matter whether he can withstand the Changchun Society and the killing of the two Dongxuan cultivators above his head.

Those of them who were close to each other had to flee as soon as possible, lest the kid would be affected by them when he was bombed and killed.

The thousands of monks and demons who did not wait for the onlookers to express their horror, and the few highly-anticipated monks in the cave above all showed surprise on their faces.

Then, he turned his attention to Tao Qian.

Because Tao Qian didn't touch the lotus pond, the White Lotus Sect did not have much hostility.

But the monks in the Changchun Society were all frightened and furious. The giant merchant in the magic capital, as well as the elders of the monks, immediately erupted in aura and moved towards Tao Qian to suppress them.

"The universe in the sleeve? People from Lingbaozong?"

"No, fellow Daoist Liu, don't read it wrong, this son used a bag-like magic weapon to take He Sen away."

"It's interesting, take this bag, and the bag belongs to me."

"Slow down, this son grabbed my golden tower first, then let me catch him."

Xu is the two great cultivators of Dongxuan, and they are completely certain that Tao Qian is only a small cultivator in the Foundation Establishment realm, and what he relies on is only a rare treasure.

Even though their faces were torn apart, the two did not immediately take action against Tao Qian, but they fought over the ownership of Tao Qian's "holy bag".


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