Longevity is Different, Caishikou Was Beheaded at the Beginning

Chapter 222: There are 4 charms in the Dongying Western Building, and there is a reason for the pri

Tao Dazhen, who became famous overnight at the Yaowang Temple in the magic capital and was identified as the true legend of the secret demon, did not go too far after escaping from the four Dongxuan besieged and killed.

In fact, even the prosperous urban area of ​​Magic City is not separated from it.

The Xinghui flickered a few times in various places, and after confirming that no one was chasing after him, Tao Qian's figure suddenly appeared in an alley in the magic capital.

There is nothing unusual about this place. The only special place is that Tao Qian is stepping into an empty, dusty, and eerily dilapidated dilapidated foreign-style building.

There is still a plaque hanging in front of the building with the words "Dongying Cherry Blossom Suit Shop" written on it. Obviously, this building has some peculiar origins.

Since the immortality enchantment was broken, in addition to the entry of demons into the world, many foreign alchemy and methods were introduced into the immortal dynasty. In addition to those bizarre Western transcendent techniques, there are also some extraordinary techniques introduced in some remote and secret small countries.

For example, in the small country called Dongying, some practitioners who claimed to be onmyoji, psychic mediums, Dharma monks and the like came, and they were unified by the practice world and classified as a side door. These easterners and leftists, out of their own capacity, participated in the previous naval battles, and together with the Western Allied Forces, they were defeated by the Ninth Prince.

The Rakshasa Kingdom was defeated and was forced to marry a princess and a relative.

Eastern Ying is even worse. Now it is being divided up by Western countries. Most of those practitioners died in the magic capital, and a few fled back.

The reason why Tao Qian chose this western-style building at random is extremely simple.

The inside is dilapidated and uninhabited, but there are several ghosts hidden, which is just right for him to settle down temporarily.

As soon as Tao Qian entered the room, as soon as the aura of a stranger appeared, he immediately aroused a total of four ghostly auras.

Xu is that Tao Qian's qi and blood are really fragrant. The four ghosts were originally hidden on the second, third, fourth and fifth floors, but now they appear on the first floor at the same time. It shows that they are fighting for Tao Qian.

They thought that their true appearances were hidden, but their mana was so low that even if Tao Qian didn't have a high spirit vision, he could still see them.

The first was a woman wearing a Dongying wedding dress, with black teeth and unkempt hair, and her body was full of resentment.

The second one was an old woman, but there was no blood on her face, covered with a layer of white powder, with a big umbrella on her head, a cane and a wine jug in her hands, and she was grinning at Tao Qian, as if she didn't know her true face was terrifying. Thought to be amiable.

The third one is a little more special, and I don't know how he died. He originally looked like a giant snail, with the head of a young girl, and his neck turned into a soft sticky substance. He dragged a huge snail shell along the beam of the house. Tao Qian climbed up.

The fourth one seems to be the most normal, and she is very active. She is really a girl from the East, with a pretty face. She even wears the latest schoolgirl uniform that is popular in the magic capital, and jumps up to Tao Qian.

I saw her with her hands behind her back, and asked like a really cute girl all day:

"Am I beautiful?"

When Tao Qian heard the words, he directly sensed a malicious gushing from the female charm.

Immediately, his expression became strange, and he felt the plausible connection between this place and his previous life again.

Didn't look into it, just sighed.

Looking at the four ghosts in front of him, he said with a pity:

"You are neither a banshee, nor I am a florist, so it will be difficult for us to do anything tonight."

"In addition, the four of you are also guilty of heavy sins. Since you are unlucky to meet me, let's go on the road."

After Tao Qian finished speaking, the four ghosts and spirits in the western-style building could hear that they were not good, and almost at the same time, they showed a fierce appearance.

The ghost in the wedding dress turned back sharply, his mouth opened sharply, and foul-smelling smoke spewed out from his black teeth, the old woman turned her umbrella, and the highly poisonous white powder rushed over the sky, and the snail with human head was more direct and good A young girl's head flew towards Tao Qian's face, her mouth full of sharp teeth about to bite.

In the end, there was the Dongying girl. With some kind of tearing sound, her beautiful face disappeared immediately, her mouth was **** and it was torn to the back of her ear, her hands on her back were raised even more violently, and she was actually holding a huge pair of scissors. , cut it towards Tao Qian's neck.

In this scene, it is possible for a mortal human race to be scared to death.

But in Tao Qian, even if he stood still and let the four girls play, it wouldn't hurt him in the slightest.

However, he also disliked the trouble, spit out a cold snort, and the sound of the Nine True Spirit resounded throughout the room.

When the four ghosts heard this, they didn't even have time to let out a wailing and scream, and they went straight to the ground.

All kinds of terrifying sights dissipated like phantoms.

The originally gloomy and terrifying western-style building returned to normal with this breath.

Tao Qian was too lazy to touch these inferior ghosts and ghosts left behind by the Eastern Ying Warlocks after their deaths, even if they were killed by a single spiritual sound.

Afterwards, a gentle breeze and rain were called to wash the ground.

"It's time to receive the real benefits, the Great Perfection Realm, and the leader of the Changchun Association in the magic capital."

"There should be a lot of secrets that you want to know, don't let me down."

While muttering, Tao Qian waved his sleeve robe.

I saw a figure fall out like a gourd on the ground. It was He Sen, the evil cultivator who was wearing a medical gown and was born very well.

Don't see this person and Tao Qian just face to face, he can't even resist, and Tao Qian raises his hand and takes it away.

But whether it was the discussion between those good monks, or the narration that Tao Qian touched when he just threw him out, they all showed that the killing methods this person possessed were actually quite impressive.

If it really is a fair fight, although Tao Qian can easily crush him, he will never be unable to hold on to one move.

Can't blame He Sen for this!

Who would have thought?

A foundation-building cultivator who looks like a weak chicken is actually one of the Eighteen True Inheritances of Lingbao, and he has many supernatural powers and treasures.

Normally, it was Tao Qian who was crushed and killed.

Coming out of the holy fetus, even a cultivator of the profound cave would inevitably be in a daze for a while, let alone a mortal cultivator.

When the soul is confused, Tao Qian is not good at casting the soul search technique.

Therefore, after releasing it for an instant, he directly took the vicious treasure gifted by a certain uncle or aunt, and completely destroyed his cultivation base.

At the same time, he summoned the roots of the wonderful tree to tie it tightly.

Only then did I have time to look at the zhishu that burst out in my mind.

[Book name: He Sen. 】

【Category: Cultivator. 】

[Notes: This person is from Xinghua County, ancient Yuyu. His parents died when he was a child. He and a younger sister depended on each other for life. At first, he was able to survive with the help of neighbors from all over the world. However, there was a famine in a certain year, and others were too busy to take care of his brothers and sisters. He Sen and his sister had to start hanging out with some wicked people, doing evil things to get food, until one day, the refugee army passed through Xinghua County, and many people in the county were killed, including his sister... In order to avenge his relatives, He Sen ventured into the mountains to search The immortal master, but accidentally bumped into the immortal fate, and obtained a volume of the Zuo Dao book "Hunyuan Life and Longevity Sutra". This sutra brings together many side-by-side medical and Taoist methods, both right and wrong, depending on the cultivator's mind. 】

[Note 1: Because of hatred and hatred in his heart, He Sen became alienated and degraded as soon as he set foot on the path of cultivation. He learned a terrifying method from the Book of Life. He easily cured many diseases with this method. However, those who were cured by him would also die soon. After the soul belongs to him, all the knowledge and skills also belong to him. 】

[Note 2: He Sen practiced medicine with that evil method. Although He Sen killed hundreds of patients who believed in him, he quickly gained the title of "Medical Immortal". In addition, he later killed the group of refugees. Replenishment, cultivation base can be said to be a thousand miles in a day. 】

[Note 3: After He Sen took his revenge, he did not restrain himself. Instead, he intensified his actions and continued to do evil. He was soon spotted by the rest of the cultivators, and the name of Medical Immortal Dao was also added with an evil character. 】

[Note 4: Because of his similar experience, He Sen was deeply appreciated by Huang Chong, one of the holy sons of the alchemist organization, and he participated in many secret affairs. 】

The previous few zhi narrations, it is difficult to make Tao Qianxin, who has many experiences now, make waves.

In this troubled world, there are many pitiful and hateful people.

However, the fourth Dao Zhishu made Tao Qian's eyes have a hint of anticipation.

It was at this time that He Senyou woke up and turned around.

At first glance, he saw Tao Qian's strange, familiar face.

After all, he is also a metamorphosis cultivator with some status, and naturally he will not be confused about the situation after waking up.

The thoughts in his mind turned, and He Sen figured out the cause and effect.

Where do you still not know?

My eyesight was poor, I didn't see that this was a ruthless man.

In a word, it was a disaster.

The strange monk in front of him, who took him away with a wave of his sleeves, must be a sinister old man who pretended to be a pig and eats a tiger.

I just don't know what the purpose of this person is?

If it was because of the conflict of words, He Sen should still have some vitality.

"He Sen has seen the old senior, but it is the junior who made a big mistake, and he also asks the old senior to be forgiving."

"If seniors have any orders, He Sen will do his best to fulfill them."

"If the senior's request is big, He Sen can also go to ask my master, it is the trouble involving the Dongxuan cultivator, my master..."

Halfway through his words, He Sen suddenly realized that his whole body had vanished completely.

Before he could roar in anger, he immediately saw the meaning in Tao Qian's eyes.

With his wisdom, he soon woke up.

"Who are you? Are you here for my master...?"

The moment he opened his mouth, he immediately wanted to explode his body and soul.

Unfortunately, when he fell into Tao Qian's hands, he was destined to have no resistance.

You can't live, you can't die.

"Friend He, your real doom is here."

When he uttered this sentence, Tao Qian's **** were already between He Sen's eyebrows.

After searching for the soul, He Sen was boiling with many memories and secrets in Tao Qian's eyes.

Tao Qian's tragic and evil experiences in the first half of his life, Tao Qian passed by at a glance~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Soon, the first secret thing that interested Tao Qian appeared.

But it is not the other side, it is the follow-up and the reason of what was predicted by Huixianjing when Tao Qian passed through the magic capital with the Three Immortal Treasures.

"On the wedding day of the ninth prince, Xiao Chunjiao, the master of Taiping County, mixed into the magic capital and launched an assassination attempt on the street. Although the assassination failed under the protection of the Supreme Demon Sect, except for Xiao Chunjiao, who escaped by relying on the great bright purple and golden shuttle given by his father, all his men were Killed."

"However, when Xiao Chunjiao fled, he released another exotic treasure [Taiyin Xuannv Locking Dragon Needle]."

"This treasure has a total of ninety-nine eighty-one roots. If it is stabbed, it is a natural dragon species, and it will also be locked with dragon roots. From now on, it will no longer be humane."

ps: There will be two more updates, don't remind, you can cast a monthly ticket to remind, thank you Fat Fish.


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