Longevity is Different, Caishikou Was Beheaded at the Beginning

Chapter 260: The Holy Son was originally 25, and Tao Qian added the magic pill

Sister Hong hurriedly came over with a voice transmission, but a big change happened.

When Tao Qian went down to Anzi, the burst of wills said that the ninth prince Zhu Qi planned to practice Mrs. Mei in ten days.

But who would have thought?

The ten-day period was actually ahead of schedule, and the reason for the change was obviously the last spiritual material "Devil Soul Devouring Corpse Essence".

Tao Qian also knows this strangeness.

There is even a record in the Lingbao Book.

"It is rumored that there are seventy-two kinds of spirits between heaven and earth. They can be said to be unrecognized by the sky, regardless of the earth, not controlled by the five mountains, unrestrained by the mountains and seas, easy to kill and disorder, and evil to eat flesh and blood... This demon soul swallows corpse essence, and it is the first kind."

"It is said that the form is a twenty-eight woman, with a red face and red lips, green eyebrows and red cheeks, body cream, turquoise blue, and a crown. People can see it, but they think it is a fairy from the sky. Who would have thought that this is a kind of Spirits who specialize in disorderly practice."

"This monster is extremely rare. No wonder Zhu Qi's power resources have also set a ten-day period, but his luck has improved and he was caught in advance?"

In the flickering thoughts, Tao Qian frowned.

While reassuring Sister Hong, her mind was running fast and she began to think.

"Mei Niangzi is the robber, which means that she has a huge effect on whether I can save the robbery."

"Even if she is not, such a kind woman, since I know it, I have to find some way to rescue her."

"I was a newcomer before, and I had no chance to speak of. I just succeeded in instigating the 'Yin Seven Nights', so I can use some methods to save people."

"But now there is a sudden change, Mrs. Mei is about to be put into the elixir furnace for refining. How can I save her?"

"Although the ninth prince Zhu Qi is perverted and disgusting, his strength is unquestionably powerful. As a supreme devil, his mansion must be no different from the real devil's cave."

"With my means at this time, can I sneak into Prince Zhao's mansion quietly and bring people out?"

The last question came up, and Tao Qian immediately gave himself the answer.


No matter how high his self-esteem is, and he has a record like killing Lianyulou, he can't forcefully break into Zhao Wangfu to save people.

Not to mention anything else, if Zhu Qi's master at this moment, it may also be his biological father.

If the "Tai Shang Yuan Demon Xian Sheng Zhen Zhen" was in the Zhao Wang Mansion, Tao Qian sneaked in, almost no different from sending him to death.

Demons with bizarre abilities, such as avatar demons and invisible demons, can see through them in the blink of an eye, just like a child's trick in front of a cultivator in Elysium.

Even without the True Monarch, Zhu Qi still has a large group of demon cultivators from the Supreme Demon Sect.

Huang Chong, the son of the alchemist, the helmsman of the Cao Gang who repaired the Book of Blood River, etc.

It is no exaggeration to say that there are strictly guarded demons everywhere.

"I'm afraid I still need to ask Yuan Gong..."

In desperation, Tao Qian thought of his old grandfather who was with him, and was about to ask for advice through voice transmission.

Suddenly, Sister Hong's urgent voice resounded in Tao Qian's mind.

This time, her tone was more puzzled.

"My lord, another strange thing happened."

"Then Taishang Mozi's subordinates seem to be traitors and are secretly adding ingredients to the alchemy material."

"This stupid woman just drank the fairy dew, vomit, it's full of worms, help, my lord, this stupid woman drank a belly of worms."


The new change made Tao Qian also frown.

Immediately, I wanted to ask the red sister-in-law to pass the scene directly, but it was so exhausting that Tao Qian had to promise to give some more magic pills.

The next moment, Tao Qian saw a very strange scene:

The panorama of Zhao Wangfu's mansion is fleeting, the lights are bright, and an ancient pill furnace is floating in the air, and each pill furnace has different spiritual materials.

In one of the statues, Mrs. Mei, who seemed to be sick and weak and like a goddess descended to earth, was sitting with a calm face.

The ancient well in the eyes is not wavered, full of indifference to death.

Light and shadow flickered and quickly entered her body.


With Tao Qian's current supernatural power cultivation base, there are very few scenes that can surprise him.

But in front of him, there is another.

Mei Niangzi was originally a dead woman, but accidentally merged with a "Jiangzhu Xiancao" and died and reborn as an alien.

In her interior scene, the image of fairy grass is faintly emerging.

But at this time, this fairy grass has been covered by countless tiny insects.

Those worms are long and round, with red flesh and double tails. The front end can be split into nine petals like a "flower", revealing the densely packed sharp teeth inside, as well as the disgusting saliva that keeps flowing down.

Although the worms seem to be in a half-asleep state.

Attached to Lady Mei's internal organs, bones and large intestines, some of them even flowed into the skull with blood, and one by one lay directly on top of Lady Mei's brain.

Full of worms!

The always mighty and domineering Red Girl Demon had to stand alone on Mrs. Mei's heart at this moment, watching her temporary residence turn into a terrifying wormhole with a sullen face.

Tao Qian's knowledge is not low now, but after watching it for a while, he can't even recognize what it is?

I had to raise my hand and project it in the quiet room.

At the same time, I plan to call Yuan Gong and ask for some advice.

Unexpectedly, a sharp cry suddenly came from Tao Qian's arms, Yun Rong raised his head and looked at it, and there was a rare hint of fear in the emerald green eyes.

Without waiting for Tao Qian to ask, Yun Rong's voice came:

"This worm is called [Yellow Spring Mite], it is a very sinister worm that can only be cultivated artificially."

"To cultivate this Gu, you need to cultivate a place of extreme yin, irrigate it with precious yin source qi day and night, and then 'seed people', so that each human race with a special fate and a physique of extreme yin, They were planted in the soil, and they were tortured by Origin Qi and died of pain."

"In this way, planting nine hundred and ninety-nine people, and then trying to attract a stream of yellow spring water to irrigate, and then seal it up."

"Nine years later, when it is opened, all the trees of the most yin people must have dissipated their flesh and blood, their skins will fall off, and their bones will turn into black jade."

"Smash the bones and get this worm from the bone marrow."

"Huangquan Mite, a poisonous poison between the visible and the invisible. It has only one effect, and that is to control others."

"As long as this Gu enters the body, even a high-level cultivator will probably have to obey others."

"At least the cultivator of the cave is not exempt, and the realm of bliss is unknown."

"This Gu is from Zuo Dao's book "Gu Nerve". It is the life scripture with extremely terrifying power, but Gu Nerve has long been lost."

Yun Rong's side, just finished speaking.

Seeing the red smoke drifting, Yuan Gong appeared.

A dignified expression also appeared on the rare face, pointing to the yellow spring mite and said:

"In the middle ages, there was a powerful monk who cultivated this sutra. The big sect 'Long Que Temple' nibbled it up and down."

"This move angered the Buddhists, and attracted the bald donkeys from the Dazhuanlun Temple and the King Kong Temple. In the end, this senior was blocked by the glazed King Kong Arhat of the King Kong Temple, and he was forcibly hammered into powder."

"Even so, the Glazed Arhat, who was expected to achieve a higher fruit status, was also reincarnated and rebuilt by Gao Tianma's death by a Gu God eating flesh.

"And that volume of "Gu Nerve" should have fallen into the hands of the royal family at that time."

After Yuan Gong finished the last sentence, Tao Qian's face immediately appeared stunned, and there was speculation in his mind.

"I don't know how many years have passed since the Middle Ages, and the royal family has changed countless generations. At that time, the royal family had the "Gu Nerve", I am afraid it has nothing to do with the current royal family."

"Even if the prince Zhu Qi really exists, he won't go crazy and attack himself, right?"

"Besides, there is still one person in Zhao Wangfu, who is very closely connected with the royal family."

"Huang Chong!"

"This holy son is from the alchemist organization."

"This organization is committed to maintaining the national title of the Changsheng Tian Dynasty. There are a lot of old monsters and many lost volumes of the Book of Life, and they seem to have a collection."

"For example, when they were all in Nanyue, Qin Wuxiang, a little white face, took out "The Book of Huangji's Astonishment" for Ji Xianxian to practice. This is also a lost book."

"So, when Zhu Qi was chosen on the bright side as the holy son Huang Chong who he wanted to support Qianlong, he was actually a 25th boy secretly?"

"Do you plan to use this 'Yellow Spring Gu' to control Zhu Qi?"

These thoughts poured out, and although there was no hard evidence, Tao Qian somehow felt that he had guessed right.

good guy!

None of them are sincere, and they are all secretly playing tricks.

Tao Qian sighed silently, and at the same time did not forget to ask Yuan Gong, if there is no way to rescue Mei Niangzi from Zhao Wangfu.

Then he got a sneer in response, Yuan Gong pointed at himself again, and said angrily:

"Although the old man Ling Wa is far from Duobao's opponent, he can't beat me back then."

"But he is also an elder of the Supreme Demon Sect. His killing power and magical means are far from what ordinary cultivators can compare to."

"I just took a look at it, that old thing has returned to the magic capital, and now it is in the Lao Shizi Zhao Wangfu."

"At this time, unless you invite Duobao or an old bald donkey like Kong Chan, whoever goes there will not be able to escape the end of death."

"If you reach the Cave Profound Realm, you can still summon a few high-level demons to operate one or two. You won't be able to fight, but there should be no problem with stealing someone out."

"Just in a Foundation Establishment realm, be honest and calm down, restrain your murderous intentions and malicious intent, so as not to be noticed by him... Besides, that little girl is now full of Huangquan Gu, how about you save it? Can you still have that body? Gu nerves. Gu worms are more difficult to understand than each other, aren't the bald donkeys of Longque Temple better than your kid? Didn't they get wiped out by others?"

Yuan Gong's last cruel and realistic words completed the lore of Tao Qian.

From the descriptions of the two, it is not difficult to know that Huang Quan Mite is an extremely vicious Gu insect, and it is difficult to solve it if it is recruited.

But even so, Tao Qian still did not give up hope.

Sitting silently and thinking, after a while, he seemed to think of something, and suddenly asked: "Does this Huangquan Gu only contaminate the body and body, and does not hinder the true soul?"

Yuan Gong heard the words, nodded and said:

"Although Huangquan Gu can be invisible, but this Gu was born to control the body of others, but it can't control the soul. If the child named Huang Chong really cultivates the "Gu Nerve", there must be someone who can control the real soul. Gu worm, but the ninth prince is Ling Wa's disciple, it is almost impossible to plot his soul, if there is any movement, it will startle the snake."

"It's very appropriate to replace Huangquan Gu."

"Even if the ninth prince ate the [Six Desires Demon Pill], if he couldn't find a chance, he wouldn't dare to activate Huangquan Gu."

"There is only one chance to be discovered by Ling Wa. Even if he can't get rid of Gu worms temporarily, it is not difficult for him to suppress them."

This sentence is in my ears, and I don't know what kind of inspiration has inspired Tao Qian's idea, and there is a rare smile on his face.

In front of Yun Rong and Yuan Gong~www.wuxiaspot.com~, he began to take out the bronze cauldron that contained the corpse worms, the Different Fire Pill Scroll and other things.

At the same time, he muttered to himself:

"Alchemy, it is necessary to add ingredients."

"Since Huang Chong, who is the subordinate of the Ninth Prince, can add it, I can also add some if I want, and let the devils help send it away."

"It's not just about sending magic pills. Apart from the fact that the body can't be sent, there are still many things that can be transported by the demons."

"Ms. Mei's body is too bad, but as long as she rescues her true soul when the fire is burning, and brings her back to me, she won't know it."

"She can be compatible with Jiangzhu Xiancao, and she must also be a natural seed of cultivation."

"I rescued her soul and sent it to the Lingbao Sect. I can always find a suitable master for her. This is also a chance... Why is it supposed to be here?"

"Fantastic, wonderful, just do it."

Tao Qian thought about his excitement, but he didn't realize that his actions, in the eyes of others, also looked like a little devil who secretly plotted against others.

Fortunately, there are two people in the quiet room, Yun Rong is a raccoon slave and a banshee, and doesn't care that her family is the devil.

And Yuan Gong, looking at Tao Qian's actions, was full of relief, and sighed in his heart:

"Born secret devil, **** treasure."

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