Longevity is Different, Caishikou Was Beheaded at the Beginning

Chapter 274: Ten thousand demons come out of the cage, and the corpses stand as forests

In the Xianheng Hotel, Tao Qian felt the movement in his body and his face was solemn.

"The benefits are so great, this second calamity is rushing to kill me."

Tao Qian murmured in his heart.

In the disaster-stricken area reflected by Lian Jing'er's treasure wheel, great changes occurred suddenly.

The scene "Tianjiang Fish and Dragon Dance", which only existed in mythological picture albums, was suddenly destroyed.

Zhu Qi obviously also knew that since he had not yet been able to refine a map of mountains and rivers, he couldn't have a secret realm of all people presided over by a cultivator of Elysium, nor could he destroy the Huanghuang Tianjiang that attracted millions of disaster victims.

However, just because he can't do it doesn't mean his father can't do it either.

Zhu Qi immediately used a secret method to send a message to the Taishang Yuanmo Xian Shengzhen who was fighting with the Kong Chan Arhat in a faraway place.

Almost in an instant, the voice of the Supreme Elder immediately resounded in the sky above the disaster-stricken area.

"Tianjiang child, you also want to prevent me from becoming enlightened?"

"Don't forget that this place is the magic capital. Your Yuan Shizong wants to use my territory to plan your return, and you dare to embarrass me. I really think that I am too high to be afraid of your Yuan Shizong."

Ling Wa's real body was entangled by Kong Chan and could not return for the time being.

Voice transmission through the air, coming up is a great threat.

And it fell into the ears of other demon monks, and it was another big revelation.

Yuan Shizong!

As long as the monks who have been in the practice world for a long time will know the weight of these three words.

Today, Taoism is respected by the "Twelve Schools", the first of which is occupied by Taishangdao and Lingbao School, such as Shenxuan, Shenxiao, and Shaoqing. Although they are too powerful and unreasonable, Still in second place.

But in more ancient times, the Taoist sects were respected by the three schools of Taishang, Yuanshi, and Lingbao.

Just halfway through, Yuan Shizong disintegrated inexplicably.

But I don't want this world of great contention to come, the inheritance of Yuan Shizong has shown traces again, and it is already planning to return. In addition, in several major provinces such as Modu, Jiangnan Province, Qiantang Province, Wuyue Province, etc. The famous blissful cultivator [Three Immortals of the Great Wilderness] was actually a member of Yuan Shizong.

These secrets will only be regarded as nonsense by others, but at this time, it is Ling Wa, the real monarch of the Supreme Primordial Demon, and every word of his is iron proof.

Everyone can also hear that Ling Wa is threatening Tianjiang Immortal, the Three Immortals of the Great Wilderness prevent him from becoming enlightened, and he will also prevent the great event of Yuan Shizong.

But soon he was rejected, and it was reasonable. Although Yuan Shizong was disintegrating, how could he care about the threat of a demon in the realm of bliss?

It may not be useful to change the suzerain of the Supreme Demon Sect?

Ling Wa is only an elder.

"Whether Fellow Daoist Ling can become Dao or not has nothing to do with me."

"What I'm cultivating is the wonderful method of the beginning of the Yuan. If you watch the son of a Taoist friend slaughter four million mortals and remain indifferent, I'm afraid that tonight when you enter meditation, your soul will be alienated and your body will die."

"Daoyou Ling, why should you struggle? With your eyesight, how can you not see that this little friend of King Zhao is really short-lived, and it is absolutely impossible for you to ascend to the great treasure, let alone cultivate the way of your Supreme Demon Sect."

"Fellow Daoist changed his life against the sky and is destined to be futile. If you follow the advice of fellow Daoist Kongchan, both your father and son can go with him to the Mofo Temple and seek great freedom, otherwise both of you will not be able to escape death. end."

Jiang Xian's response resounded that day.

Tens of thousands of demon monks who could not control their own life and death, and gradually entered the theater, all looked wonderful.

As long as you're not stupid, you can hear the viciousness of Tian Jiangxian's words.

In front of the father and son, eye drops were applied directly.

Your family died prematurely!

You are destined to change your destiny in vain!

The target of Tian Jiangxian's attack is not the old devil Ling Wa, but the arrogant narcissistic maniac who compares himself to the saint.

In a few simple words, Ling Qi was directly pulled down from the position of the aloof sage, and then directly rolled into the dust and mud.

Tao Qian also heard the meaning, and through Lian Jing'er's treasure wheel, he saw Ling Qi's extremely ugly face at the moment.

Just like Ling Wa opened her mouth, her credibility is extremely high.

Tian Jiangxian said the same thing.

"I didn't expect that Senior Tian Jiangxian would be able to... talk like that."

When Tao Qian muttered, the voice of Duke Yuan in his arms came over.

"You think that you are allies with the Yuanshizong people now. When you become an enemy of them, you will know how shameless the Yuanshizong people are."

"You Lingbao Sect, you have a lot of treasures."

"But Yuan Shizong, there are a lot of old monsters who are good at calculating. If it wasn't for the disaster that happened to this sect many years ago, I am afraid that the position of the second child of the Taoist sect would not be your spiritual treasure. Although your kid is slippery, However, they may not be able to compete with the true disciples carefully cultivated by Yuan Shizong."

"Then Lao Shizi [Saving the Nation], I advise you not to join, so as not to be trapped."

Yuan Gong's words were quite abrupt and unexpected.

However, after Tao Qian heard it, he did not immediately reply or refute, but thought about it carefully.

It's just that the situation is changing rapidly.

Just as he was about to think about it, Tian Jiangxian's words over there completely angered the father and son of Ling Wa and Ling Qi, and their hatred instantly filled up.

"Old man, you are courting death, and I will destroy all of you."

"Tianjiang child, since you like to play tricks so much, let you taste the taste of ten thousand devils."

Ling Qi's threat was obviously ignored by Tian Jiangxian.

He has not completely refined the mountain and river map, and there is no way that a blissful state exists.

But his father, it was completely different.

Obviously it is the same bliss, and there is a huge gap between them.

Before Ling Wa's voice could fall, the Huanghuang Tianjiang River that spanned the disaster-stricken area had begun to speed up, and fish and dragons were flying in the sky. Thousands of people rushed to the secret territory.

But at this moment, on the sky above, there was no sign that an extremely large and demonic cage appeared.

Without any delay, the cage was opened directly as soon as it appeared.

One after another has a real body, but is squeezed out by the terrifying demon head full of forbidden rune shackles and mouth cages.

These devils, no matter their size, Qi, or anything else.

It is far more terrifying than the extraterrestrial demons summoned by Tao Qian, and even more terrifying than the "power demons", "scorpion demons", "death demons", etc. that Tao Qian had called before. many.

As they squeezed out, they roared:

"Old Ling Wa, remember your promise and let us return to the outside world after gnawing on this guy."

When the cry fell, the demon cage was empty that day.

But in the disaster-stricken area, Yuehua, Xinghui and other objects can no longer be seen.

Even the Yintian River, which carried two million people, was surrounded by countless demons. Although Tianjiang Immortal immediately cast a spell, summoning a large number of yellow springs, large rivers, and the scene of Tianhe pouring down, everyone with discernment could see. It can be seen that Tianjiang Xian is falling bit by bit.

This scene directly made tens of thousands of people dumbfounded.

Obviously, it was the first time they saw the fighting skills of the cultivators in the Land of Elysium. They thought that Tianjiangxian had a good reputation, and that the Supreme Yuan Demon Xiansheng Zhenjun was fighting with the Kong Chan Arhat in a distant place. At least Tianjiangxian should have the upper hand.

But who would have guessed? The situation was the opposite.

Surprised, there was Tao Qian.

However, he has an old grandfather with him, and he immediately explained by voice transmission:

"Don't look down on Tianjiang's children because of this. That cage is called [Wan Mo's Prison], which is Ling Wa's proud method."

"Although they are all envoys from outside the realm, the methods of the Supreme Demon Sect are different from our Secret Demon Sect. They like to introduce the devil into the world, create alienated and powerful bodies for them, and then enslave them."

"The Ten Thousand Demons Prison must be prepared for Kong Chan."

"Now I have been moved to deal with Tianjiang children, hehe, Ling Wa is going to be miserable, Kong Chan is the most evil taste, at this moment, I must rely on my Arhat body, forcibly get close, and beat Ling Wa's handsome face."

Yuan Gong was laughing, but Tao Qian couldn't laugh.

The scene projected by Lian Jing'er's treasure wheel, the situation in the disaster-stricken area is going downhill.

The numbers broadcast by his mechanical voice rose wildly, representing the passing of lives.

"Tianjiang Xian is blocked by ten thousand demons... One hundred and eight altars are being destroyed... The army of fungus demons has completely invaded the territory of the magic capital. One of the disaster-stricken areas [Bai Na Ying], half of the population of about 100,000 victims, has been The mushroom monsters were slaughtered completely... Yin Qiye reported that he had received an order, and the target Zhu Qi asked him to lead the army to slaughter the victims, and he could only delay for three breaths."

"One-tenth of the ten thousand demons released by the target Ling Wa broke away from the collective and began to wreak havoc in various camps, eating people they saw, and another 50,000 victims lost their lives..."

Accompanied by Lian Jing'er's voice, a scene of purgatory on earth followed.

In an instant!

In the disaster-stricken area, corpses are scattered everywhere.

Seemingly aware of Tao Qian's movements and thoughts, Yuan Gong said again:

"Don't blame yourself, it's useless."

"You are just a mere spiritual treasure foundation-building cultivator, even if you add the so-called national salvation, how can you fight against a large group of careerists who have been planning for a long time, not to mention Ling Wa is an extraordinary cultivator who is comparable to the blissful realm, regardless of Tianjiang child. Whether or not he is playing tricks, as long as someone does something wrong with him, he will face the [Ten Thousand Demons Prison]."

"Moreover, he must have more than one method. If you go and expose yourself, unless you invite Duobao or your group of aunts, you will surely die."

Yuan Gong's words did not stop Tao Qian at all.

I saw that he took out the magic reed and shook out a star zha demon. With a flash of starlight, Tao Qian had disappeared in the Xianheng Hotel.

A star ray turned against the monks and demons who were watching the lively cultivators fleeing the disaster area and entered the camps called Qianshan Camp, Wanli Camp, Kitchen King Camp, and Iron Pot Camp.

When he set foot on the [Bai Na Camp], the extremely terrifying and deserted scene did not reflect any signs in Tao Qian's eyes.

The stench of black snow, I do not know when, enveloped the entire disaster-stricken area.

The scenery only in the cold winter and twelfth lunar month, with black snow covered with dead bodies.

There are males, females, old and young... each of them is yellow-faced, skinny and skinny.

Many people don't even have a shirt on them.

But they were not frozen to death, they were eaten.

A terrifying thing that ate up their flesh, viscera, bone marrow, and brain, leaving only a skin sac, filled with countless disgusting, sticky spores that looked like "negative toad eggs", and even became a result of it. My ears, nose, mouth, anus, top of the head... and even the surface of the skin, are covered with mushrooms that are as black as ink, and keep flowing down the black liquid~www.wuxiaspot.com~10 Thousands of people were eaten up.

But not a single corpse fell down, they turned into mushroom people, standing in the black snow.

When there are many people, it becomes a forest.

Where Tao Qian is at the moment is like a corpse forest.

In front of him was a small fungus tree, a girl in ragged clothes, and her body was dirty.

His face was dry and thin, as if he had just died, but his eyes were still a little fresh.

But the freshness was also disappearing, swallowed by two tiny, stinky mushrooms. Little by little, the black mushrooms ate up the eyeballs and eventually occupied the girl's eye sockets.

In Tao Qian's ear, Lian Jing'er's mechanical announcement continued to come from the air:

"The army of fungus monsters has slaughtered [Bai Na Camp], 200,000 people were killed, and they are attacking the next [Qingming Camp]. There are 500,000 victims in this camp. There are three hundred in total to the devil, and the danger level is extremely high, and it is close to Qingming Camp from the western region..."

Tao Qian suddenly sighed when these voices entered his ears.

Then he made a certain decision, his face was solemn, the killing intent in his eyes was almost violent, and he said coldly:

"I've fought several times since I entered the Devil's Capital, but I haven't done any slaughter yet."

"The second robbery should be here, but whether it will survive or not is another matter. Let me kill it first."

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