Longevity is Different, Caishikou Was Beheaded at the Beginning

Chapter 303: Tao Qian Debao, Toad God Wadang

Tao Qian knew that there were gods outside the realm, and there were many of them.

However, God is also divided into good and evil, good and evil, or neutral.

For example, the [Shou Xing] who sprinkled Xiantao on Meiling back then was probably the kind of alien **** who didn't care about the faction.

The Toad God, on the other hand, belongs to the friendly category.

"When I got the Nine Toad Beads that day, I triggered a chronicle that said: Toad God is a lazy, fat foreign god, very friendly to the human race, and has helped many strong people in the Nine Toad Sect to advance to the realm of Taoism."

"It is rare for this foreign **** called 'Evil Dragon' to provoke the toad **** to attack it."

"Looking at the scene in front of me, Zhong Ziyang's worries are not unreasonable. Although this evil cockroach is completely dead, the residual will of the true spirit is trying to exorcise the sores in the corpse and transform it into a mysterious creature like a **** corpse. If it succeeds, it is not just Changliu Mountain who will suffer in the future."

"Just, how to deal with it?"

Tao Qian had this thought in his heart. The two of them wanted to avoid the corpse of the evil beast, and they stopped when they left Changliu Mountain.

Zhong Ziyang frowned, and after looking at it carefully for a moment, he suddenly turned to Tao Qian and said:

"This place is in the territory of [Donghai Province]. There are no Daoist Buddhist sects in the province, only Hai Laozong, Qianlong Cave, and Zhaixing Cave are the left-path side gates. Although they all have some good methods and mysterious magical powers, how can they be defeated? An alien corpse."

"This corpse fell into Changliu Mountain for a month. These sects must have noticed it. They have never come to conquer it. If you think about it, you will know it."

"The poor Taoist wants to send a message to return to the sect. Please come to the teacher to dispose of this corpse. I wonder what Lin Taoist friend thinks?"

Hearing the last question, Tao Qian couldn't help but have doubts in his mind.

Zhong Ziyang wants to invite the elders to slaughter this corpse. What is my opinion?

Fortunately, at this time, Yuan Gong sounded into his ears:

"Although this Supreme True Inheritance failed to calculate the origin of your roots, it can be guessed from this that your kid must not be an ordinary loose cultivator."

"For the existence of the Supreme Dao and the Spirit Treasure Sect, the corpses of the gods outside the realm are not only considered disasters, but they are good fortune. If they are captured back to the mountain gate, they will be skinned and dismantled. Whether it's practicing magic or treasure, they will be of great use, this kid. It’s true that my heart is not dirty, this is asking for your opinion, asking if you want to invite someone to share the spoils.”

"Promise quickly, just send the message to Duobao. This guy is the most skilled at this kind of thing, so he won't leak your roots."

Tao Qian immediately knew how to reply after receiving the instructions.

Before opening his mouth, he also had two sighs in his heart. First, he sighed that an old man is like a treasure, and then he complained that his cheap master really knows how to calculate, and he is very lazy. When inside the sect, it was entrusted to Aunt Yunhua, and when outside, it was entrusted to Master Yuan.

Tao Qian complained and pretended to ponder for a while, then returned to Zhong Ziyang and said:

"Zhong Daoyouguo is a generous person, so it's not easy to refuse."

"Although Lin Runiu is a loose cultivator, he does have some origins. There is an elder who is good at disposing of such dirty corpses. I can summon him."

"But before that, allow me to perform a secret technique to find out the details of this corpse."

Hearing this sentence, Zhong Ziyang showed curiosity.

At the same time, I remembered something, and quickly reminded:

"Fellow Daoist, don't be reckless. Although you have an escape talisman on your body, if you get too close and cast some big-moving magical powers, you will still be discovered by the **** corpse. With this method, even if you can't find you, You can also use some means to cover Changliu Mountain to kill you and me in the mountains."

Tao Qian felt the restlessness from the nine toad beads that were being bred in his body, and pointed his hand to the group of toads that were swimming in the 'pus lake', and said with a smile:

"Fellow Daoist Zhong, look at the group of toads, they are called 'Moon Toads', don't see how rotten they are now, but in fact they belong to the spirit beasts."

"I have an elder who practiced the secret method of the Nine Toads, and he passed on my magical powers in my spare time. At this time, I can do it, calmly, and catch this group of moon toads from a distance. At that time, the origin of this corpse will be detailed. You can hear it clearly."

After saying this, Tao Qian started directly.

The supernatural powers used were naturally taught by Master Yuchan, one of the Eight Immortals at the time, the toad fishing method.

Tao Qian was not at all worried that Zhong Ziyang would spy on him because of this. If he deduced it again at this time, he would only think that Lin Runiu was a member of the Nine Chan Sect.

On the left side of the road, there are a large number of sects.

But there are few stronger than the Nine Toad Sect.

Coming from this faction, it is also reasonable to block his deduction techniques before.

Zhong Ziyang didn't do the calculations, he just seemed curious.

I saw Tao Qian probed his hand very casually, pulled out a silk thread from the sleeve robe, wiped it with his fingers, and immediately saw a surge of spiritual light, and then pinched the Fa seal on the "spiritual thread" for nine consecutive clicks. Click it, and there will be an extra piece of money on the line that gathers luck and luck.

This is not the end, Zhong Ziyang suddenly looked up.

Sure enough, I immediately saw a bright moon on the head of this fellow Lin Ruiniu. In the middle of the month, the celestial toad loomed, and then heard a "quack". This day, the celestial toad actually opened his mouth and spat out a Zhan Zhan bright pearl.

The pearl was solidified from the emptiness, and fell into Tao Qian's palm, and he put it at the end of the spiritual thread, making it a bait.

In a matter of seconds, a fishing line capable of catching the world's treasures was made.

"Fellow Daoist Zhong, look at my methods."

Before the words fell, Tao Qian suddenly threw the fishing line out of his hand.

I saw that the spiritual thread turned into an invisible thing, extended in an instant, and appeared on the top of the evil corpse like a thousand feet of silk.

In the pus lake, a large group of moon toads were croaking in response to the attacks of corpse slaves and demon servants.

At this moment, Qi Qi jumped out unexpectedly, ignoring the attack that fell on his body, and biting towards the Lingzhu.

The front one won the jackpot.

Just after swallowing the pearl, the rotten body disappeared and disappeared without a trace.

The moon toads fell back into the lake and continued to croak.

At the edge of the other end of the mountain, Zhong Ziyang saw a magical scene:

The rotten moon toad was caught, and it was still in the air. It turned over and shed its tattered clothes, revealing a gray body. Then it made a croak and turned into a very strange fragment, falling into Taoist Lin Ru Niu. hands.

The two looked intently, and the fragments were extremely irregular.

The material seems to be a kind of tile, with tadpole characters and toad-shaped runes on it.

A thick and heavy air machine radiated out.

Zhong Ziyang was puzzled, but Tao Qian knew the details instantly.

Before even waiting for the narration to burst out in his mind, Jiu Chanzhu, who was pregnant, passed on the information first.

"This thing is a fragment of a treasure."

"That baby is named [Toad God Wadang]."

"There is a secret book in the Nine Toad Sect. There is a toad **** outside the sky, living in the temple of the mountain. This treasure should be a tile on the temple."

"This corpse was a lively **** toad when he was alive. When he was besieged and killed, he threw a piece of tile over and smashed a big hole on his body. Now it has festered, and while it has not been cured for a long time, it has also infected this tile. "

"But you and I don't need to be in a hurry. The moon toad that this fragment has transformed into has also told me that this corpse is called 'evil scorpion', and its injuries are extremely serious. Even with the help of these corpse slaves and demon servants, there is no It’s impossible to recover after decades.”

Tao Qian confided these, of course, to be true.

It's just the source of information, not all the tile fragments, but also the triggered narratives.

Zhong Ziyang saw the scene just now, and heard Tao Qian say these words again.

While believing in this fellow Daoist Lin, he was also more and more convinced of his roots, and secretly said in his heart:

"Fellow Daoist Lin Runiu must be the direct disciple of an old senior in the Nine Chan Sect."

"It's no wonder, I heard that the disciples of Jiuchan have always been blessed, and they can pick up treasures at will when they go out and practice."

"Lin Daoyou can see that he has attained the true cultivation of Taoism, and it is normal for that [Gu Shengui] to take the initiative to take refuge."

"Excellent, excellent, although the Nine Toad Sect is a side sect, its strength is extremely strong. It is not weaker than the remaining ten sects except my Taishang and Lingbao. If you can be cleverly persuaded and influenced, it is best to participate together. It is about to start. The [Shangyang Uprising], Emperor Qing can get a big helping hand."

When these thoughts were settled, Zhong Ziyang suddenly clicked on the other end, outside Changliu Mountain, the huge black shadow lingering in front of the gray and white clouds, and pointed at the remaining large group of moon toads.

Then, with a relaxed smile on his face, he said:

"As I expected, Gao Zhan's servant is crazy, but he is also aware of the dangers. He realizes that this corpse is terrifying, and he doesn't dare to enter the mountain."

"Fellow Daoist, continue to do what you do. Since you have a piece of debris, there is no reason to retreat."

"That piece of [Toad God Wadang] can hurt the evil gods outside the realm, and it is also a great treasure if you think about it. Fellow Daoists can fish the remaining pieces one by one."

"After I get the baby, I will leave immediately."

"Even if there is no suppression of this treasure, it will take at least ten years for this corpse to recover its vitality."

"Since you and I know the details, let alone more than ten years, even more than ten hours can't tolerate it."

"Right on my mind!"

Tao Qian also replied with a smile, and then threw out the silk fishing line in his hand again.

And so on, after dozens of repetitions.

The moon toad in the pus lake dissipated and no longer croaks.

For such a change, the corpse slaves and demon servants do not know the reason, they just regard it as the result of their hard work.

And the corpse with only a trace of chaotic will also thinks so, exhaling some corpse gas with great joy, rewarding these undead servants.

At the other end, Zhong Ziyang was rather envious, looking curiously at the round tile in Tao Qian's palm.

The shape is ancient and clumsy~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The inner connotation of divine light.

It really deserves to be the treasure of an alien god, even if it's just a piece of tile, the energy it emits is extremely terrifying.

But looking at it, Zhong Ziyang suddenly felt a chill in his head.

And there is an inexplicable danger at the "back of the head".

Especially when he saw Tao Qian holding the tile in one hand, his face eager to try, a strong sense of déjà vu emerged.

"Fellow Daoist Lin, the usage of this thing will not be..."

"That's right, this treasure is extremely powerful, but its usage is limited to death. There is only one way of 'smashing people', especially at the back of the head. Even a cultivator in the Profound Realm, if you hit it, you might faint immediately. , life and death do not know."

"Fellow Daoist Zhong, don't be nervous. I, Lin Runiu, have some willpower, so I won't be harassed by it, so I'll hit you on the head with it."

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