Longevity is Different, Caishikou Was Beheaded at the Beginning

Chapter 339: The new moon uprising is known to the world, and Zulong takes half of the province on

Latest website: Tao Qian scolded Emperor Ying Qing angrily, naturally he knew how powerful this fellow's "prayer technique" was.

Saying it is a prayer is actually no different from a curse.

It can even be said to be the most vicious and inexplicable curse in the world. No matter the common people, fairy, or whatever, as long as it is contaminated, life and death will be beyond their control.

"Master once said: I, Tao Dazhen, chose the third method to practice in the world. It has become a disaster star, and disaster is always with me. No matter where I go, I will encounter disasters. It proves that."

"But if I were to compare with Emperor Ying Qing, I would still be willing to bow down."

"This fellow, it's not too much to say that Tiansha Lone Star, starting from that Zhaojia Village, no matter who is associated with him, no matter the power, which one gets the best end?"

I thought that when I had reached such a cultivation level, my magical powers were almost invincible to my peers.

But now, that feeling has returned.

Tao Qian recalled the glorious past of Emperor Ying Qing, only to feel his body trembling, his hairs stand on end, and strong omen of crisis poured out.

Once again, he listened to the wish made by Emperor Ying Qing, which was spit out from Wei Ziyan's mouth.

Involuntarily, an incomparably sure conclusion spit out from Tao Qian's mouth:

"Zulong Club, it's over."

"Crescent Province will suffer!"

"It's me, it's going to be bad luck, it's bitter."

Although Tao Qian touched Emperor Ying Qing's body before, he could not see much of the secret.

Naturally, he didn't know the ins and outs of this fellow.

Now, after listening to this lewd glamour in yellow clothes, it is true that all concepts have been reshaped.

Are there such people in this world?

"Thinking of being compassionate and compassionate, saving the country and the world, who would have thought that you would be the biggest threat in the world."

"Emperor Ying Qing and Senior Sister Xie Lingji have something in common, but they are very different."

"All the root causes may still lie in his bloodline... heir of the evil god."

Tao Qian pondered, and involuntarily came to his mind the story told by Wei Ziyan, that in Zhaojia Village, Emperor Yingqing, who was about to be cut off from the grass, was finally rescued by a yellow-clothed lama.

That lama can move a mountain with a wave of his hand.

It should be noted that today's Tao Qian has no such ability.

If there is no accident, the yellow-clothed lama is probably a projection incarnation of the "yellow-clothed evil god".

An opponent next to him, or a conspiracy or something, Tao Qian thought he could deal with it.

He has a powerful mana, and he can rely on a strange soul to spy on secrets and cheat at critical moments. When it comes to desperate moments, he can use his trump card to call for foreign aid.

But this Ying Qing Emperor made Tao Qian feel that he had no idea what to do.

Judging from his life experience, he is serious about being a good person and doing good deeds every time, but there will always be some unexpected accidents, resulting in a desperate and tragic ending.

Even Emperor Ying Qing couldn't think of it, how could Tao Qian think about it? How to guard against it?

It takes a long time to think about it.

Before you know it, the outside world is already bright, and the secret realm in the pit has some light.

Tao Qian finally sighed, woke up and turned around. As soon as he put down the chaotic thoughts in his mind, he heard a red-faced and red-faced voice in his ears.

Turning his head to look, a graceful figure is still shaking, shaking, and the body of Bai Huahua seems to have inexhaustible energy.

Who would have thought?

Poor Wei Ziyan had been working hard all night.

It is also fortunate that she is a foreign evil spirit, a yellow-clothed lewd, specializing in this matter.

Not to mention one night, even three days and three nights, I will never be tired.

It's just hard work, and it's a major blow that he failed to get the Yuanyang essence and blood of Tao Qian, the thief, and planted the evil seal of yellow clothes in his soul.

Fortunately, Tao Qian himself was a little bit hard to see, and after all, it was early in the day, so it was necessary to do and watch such things at night. How could there be a reason for prostitution in the daytime?

With this thought, he immediately opened his mouth to explain the secret of the mantra and the secret method of Xiao Yutian's joy.

"Friend Wei Daoist!"

"The lecherous ghost qi has been resolved, and if you don't wake up at this time, when will you wait?"


Following Tao Qian's stern shout, Wei Ziyan, who was undulating, suddenly woke up and turned around as if on the back of a horse.

Opening her eyes, what she saw was not the fragrant scene she expected.

She doesn't have a wisp of her own, but the little thief in front of her who should have been conquered by her is now neatly dressed and looking at her with a look of merit.

She felt it in an instant: Yuan Yang has not been taken, and the yellow seal has not been planted.

what happened?

What is the chaos in your mind?

Doubts appeared on Wei Ziyan's face. Tao Qian, who was understanding and understanding, first threw a long gown and robe, and then opened his mouth to explain:

"You don't need to thank me, fellow Daoist."

"Last night, you came to find me, saying that you were involved in the plot of a five evil spirits, and you need to reconcile yin and yang to detoxify the ghosts."

"It's also a coincidence, I happened to practice a [Xiao Yutian Huanxi Zen Incarnation Secret Method], this method is the secret of the Jokhang Temple, the top power of Buddhism. Poison, but also to preserve your innocence, my Yuanyang essence and blood, it can be said to be the best of both worlds, everyone is happy."

"Of course, Daoist friend's perfect body was accidentally looked at, and he looked at Daoist friend Haihan."

Tao Qian spit out some words.

It is not difficult for anyone to hear the pride in this.

Although Wei Ziyan is an evil spirit from outside the realm, apart from this background, the rest is no different from a real human female cultivator, and naturally he can hear the subtext of this fellow.

Therefore, her complexion could not help but turn blue and white.

Deep in my heart, I couldn't help but curse.

If she was really a female nun who had been poisoned by mistake, being detoxified so well would be considered a kindness.

Not to mention praise, but also to repay.

However, she is not.

All she knew was that she was being tricked.

Wei Ziyan, who couldn't accept the failure of her mission for a while, stood up abruptly, staring at Tao Qian, resisting the thought of throwing him down again.

The action last night was a little deliberate, and if it was so reckless, it might have ruined the master's plan.

In desperation, she had to put on the long gown, bowed to Tao Qianyingying, gritted her teeth secretly, and said tenderly: "The kindness of fellow Taoist detoxification will be repaid by Ziyan in the future."

She wanted to speak with her throat tucked in, but who knew that when she opened her mouth, her voice was so hoarse that her throat seemed to be dry.

She naturally knew the reason, and after she finished speaking, she turned around and left.

Behind him, Tao Qian, who was puzzled by his style, sprinkled salt and said, "After returning home, fellow Daoist Wei, drink more nectar and jade liquid to moisten his throat, but last night was a little harder."

Rao is Wei Ziyan with extremely thick skin, so he couldn't help staggering when he heard the words.

But as soon as she went out, she thought of the method of revenge.

Early in the morning, the rest of the banner officers and food delivery officers in this secret territory were already up, either meditating and practicing, or upholding forbidden laws, or talking about mysticism under the arches of some palaces.

If Wei Ziyan turned around quietly, no one in this world would be able to find her.

But she didn't. She deliberately showed her figure, covered her face with a shy face, wearing a man's slender long sleeves, and came out of Shangguan Lin's room.

All the flag officials were stunned when they saw this, and then showed a look of "that's it".

Some daring mouths also made a few comments:

"Langcai and female appearance, Wei Daoyou and Lin Shangguan are indeed the right match."

"Well said, I think so too."

"Just in time, a model for our generation."

Tao Qian could naturally hear the movement outside the door, but he didn't care at all.

He sat back cross-legged and muttered to himself, "It's Lin Runiu who has been stigmatized, what's the deal with me, Tao Qian?"

After all, he ran the Lingbao Booklet to restore the mana that was depleted yesterday.

If the cultivator next to him was squandering his mana source qi like he did yesterday, without several days or even dozens of days of penance, he would never be able to recover.

But Tao Qianxiu's "Salvation of Human Beings" is one of the most important life scriptures in Taoism, and a few hours are enough.

Even so, he was too slow.

I thought that when the foundation was built in the past, the mana would be used up. As long as you think about it, you can use the [Lingbao Returning Immortal Technique], and you can fill it up in an instant. That is really fast.

Of course, that mana was borrowed.

In the magic pit, unlike the ground, there is a fierce sun shining.

Even if it was noon, it was a little brighter.

Tao Qian's mana has been fully recovered, and he left the wing, thinking that he must continue to refine the military rations, so he went to the mountains of demon corpses.

The aroma of the remaining grains and refined grains from yesterday collided with the **** smell, and there was a strange sweetness that filled the palace archway.

Tao Qian sniffed and frowned, intending to work hard today, and then refine the sea of ​​blood from most of the corpses to make the air clearer.

It was also at this time, suddenly.

The outer layer of the forbidden law opened, and a figure broke in.

Everyone including Tao Qian could see clearly, but it was a food delivery officer who left last night.

At this time, this person's face was flushed, and the excitement was beyond words. Anyone could see that this person was in a happy event, so that he was a little lost and couldn't help himself.

After he broke in, he raised his hands and shouted:

"Fellow Daoists!"

"Good news, great news is coming."

"It was originally scheduled for later today, the province's rebels will rise together."

"But because of an accident, traces of the rebels outside Shangyang City were found, and out of resignation, the leader announced that they would launch in advance."

"Order, all cities and counties in the province will start swordsmanship at the same time."

"The so-called way of getting more help, and losing the way with little help, this is the ultimate principle of heaven."

"In just a few hours, our Ancestral Dragon Society has captured Crescent City, including Hongquan City, Lingchi City, Wuling City, Tianshan City and other important cities, a total of six cities, thirteen cities and twenty-one counties. "

"Most of the Crescent Province has fallen into the hands of the rebels under the Ancestral Dragon Society, and the seven evil sects that oppressed the people of the Crescent Moon will be completely destroyed."

"All fellow Daoists have great merit, and the realization of our heart's ambition is now at hand."

This man was obviously delighted to the extreme, shouting and shouting, and directly used his mana.

After the rest of the banner officers and food delivery officers heard about it, they were initially stunned, but then they all responded with the same expressions and cheered.

Zulong Club!

This secret association organization is not only the founder of Ying Qingdi. It is also the hard work of Zhong Ziyang, Chen Xiyi, and Qi Daozhen. Although Yin Susu, Xu Wenkai, Xiao Linger and other monsters and ghosts are mixed in, there are also many cultivators who uphold the concept of salvation.

Those who are willing to do dangerous things such as banner officers and food officers are naturally ambitious people.

It is normal to be overjoyed when suddenly hearing such good news.

Tao Qian naturally won't disappoint, and blends into this atmosphere very naturally.

But at the same time, he couldn't help but worry.

It didn't take long for You Qi to receive a summons from Lin Bujue and Lian Jinger at the same time.

First, Lian Jing'er's treasure wheel sound transmission, very brief and clear.

"Today, the secret organization [Ancestral Dragon Society] in New Moon Province launched a revolutionary uprising, which was a great success."

"Several hours to capture six major cities, thirteen cities, and twenty-one counties."

"With the power of the new moon victory, the Zulong Society became famous in a battle."

"Because of the concept put forward by Emperor Ying Qing, the leader of the Zulong Society, the southern provinces all support the Zulong Society."

"The Salvation Council will also inform the whole country that it will send the strong into the new moon to help the Zulong Society to unify the whole province, so as to form a trend of echoing between the north and the south."

Compared with Lian Jing'er's summons, Lin Bujue sent the invisible ghost to tell the news in much more detail.

There are more details that others don't seem to have.

Falling into Tao Qian's eyes, it was a warning sign roaring.

"This new moon uprising seems to be helped by God?"

"A rebel army of the Zulong Society outside Shangyang City was discovered by an elder of the Seven Evil Sect because of a flaw in the Tianlei magic weapon used to attack the city. The plan of the Zulong Society... With such a big thing, this uprising was supposed to be a complete failure."

"But who would have guessed? When the elder of the Seven Evil Sect returned to summon the news, he accidentally bumped into a deadly enemy and was killed directly. Although a secret letter was sent before his death, he had already won enough time."

"Emperor Ying Qing announced an early uprising, and suddenly launched it, the Seven Evil Sect and those left-handed and century-old families were too late to react, and most of the New Moon Province was robbed."

"As much as 60% of the flesh and blood factories in the province were destroyed."

"A dozen of the seven evil spirit machines have also been destroyed."

"Although Shangyang City has not yet been captured, it has been besieged by us and others. Beichan Temple and Xuandao Sect also shot at the same time, intercepting all the powerful people in the Seven Evil Sect."

"If there is no accident, this new moon uprising can be completed, and all people have hope."

"Only Big Brother Zhong and Big Brother Chen felt that this matter was strange, but after some deductions, they found nothing."

"For today's plan, we must guard against the dog of the Seven Evil Sect jumping over the wall."

"The friends of the Calculation Hall have deduced that the Seven Evil Sect will send out some demons to assassinate all the important members of our Ancestral Dragon Society."

"Fellow Daoist Lin, you are the first to take charge of the food and grass."

"Extremely careful, remember to remember."

After listening to Lin Bujue's summons, Tao Qian's attention was completely distracted from the so-called assassination.

His eyes were only fixed on the unreasonable "accident".

The uprising, which should have failed, has become inexplicably?

Are the members of the Zulong Club lucky?

Others may think so.

But Tao Qian knew that there was something strange here.

"I'm coming!"

"Gan Linniang's Ying Qing Emperor~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This evil sect's wishing technique has begun to take effect?"

"The first accident, forcibly reversed the ending."

"I'm afraid this will be the case in the future. Although the Seven Evil Sects are demons, they can't escape the end of the disaster."

"But soon it will be the turn of all the members of the Zulong Club, as well as the people of the new moon."

"What will be the ending? The evil gods from outside the territory come and devour the entire new moon?"

Tao Qian's thoughts were surging in his mind. Since his entry into the WTO, he has never felt so aggrieved.

A powerful enemy, he has a way to deal with it.

But Ying Qing Emperor, he really has no way to start.

He actually thought about sending a secret letter back to Penglaihai, inviting Senior Brother Xu Xun, even Shizun Shizun, Senior Uncle Mai, Aunt Baiyin and others, and simply sent a Spirit Treasure Sect Killing Evil God... But he is not So reckless, what if doing this is just a part of the tragic end of that strange wishing technique?

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