Longevity is Different, Caishikou Was Beheaded at the Beginning

Chapter 346: Bhakta Bodhisattva, great opportunity

Latest website: Speaking of prisoners, Tao Qian has captured many people.

But when it comes to the beauty, it can't be compared with Qin Wu.

It's really convenient, Tao Qian doesn't need to think hard about strategies, he arranges it according to the situation, and it is very appropriate to maximize the benefits.

After all, according to Qin Wuxiang's method, it can not only allow him to return to the alchemist and the Seven Evil Sect smoothly, but also put the blame on the henchmen of Emperor Ying Qing.

Tao Qian thought about it for a while, but he couldn't think of anything better, so he nodded in agreement.

While wanting to summon Wei Ziyan, he instructed Qin Wuxiang:

"I will do it according to your clever plan, but the method of transformation is temporarily unavailable, and it cannot be used again for Zhou Yingchun, the real person of Hundred Flowers. You need to handle it well, not only to win his trust, but also to deceive him."

"The person who will come later will be called Wei Ziyan. He is the secret servant of Emperor Ying Qing, and he has some secret methods. You should be careful and don't leak any traces."

"Possible to do?"

After Tao Qian finished speaking, Qin Wuxiang's face immediately appeared confident. .

He has changed himself, but his temperament and demeanor have not changed in the slightest.

With only a smile, he replied firmly:

"Fellow Daoist, don't worry, if I am a demon, I can harm the common people, and if I am a righteous way, I can also save the world, but it is hard for me, Qin Wuxiang, to hide people's eyes and ears."

"I just don't know that Wuxiang sneaked back to the alchemist and Qixie was the dark son. If the detective heard the secret, how would he communicate it to fellow Taoists?"

Qin Wuxiang asked a question, and Tao Qian hesitated for a while.

After thinking about the horror of "Saving the Buddha and Transforming the Corpse", at the same time, he reached out his finger to trigger the Zhishu to verify, and confirmed that Qin Wuxiang had completely changed.

Only then did I feel at ease, smiled wickedly, and replied:

"A long time ago in Nanyue, you caught two demons that I deliberately let go."

"One is the avatar, and the other is the Xing Zha boy."

"It is estimated that your predecessor hated me very much, and the two demons should still exist in your storage bag, and they will be used to curse and track me."

"You take it, and I will give you some empty demons, phantom demons and other demons to listen to."

Qin Wuxiang originally looked like he was calculating the world and was full of confidence.

Unexpectedly, these words came to my ears, and I was stunned immediately.

He is a smart man. After a few thoughts, he understood the cause and effect, and he also guessed Tao Qian's identity and origin.

If he is still a normal Qin Wuxiang, he should be trying his best to blow himself up at this moment.

Now, he has been tempered and can't fight.

With only a wry smile on his face, he bowed and saluted, and said in admiration:

"Fellow Daoist, there is no truth."

"In those days, fellow Daoist was just a weak and loose cultivator who was lucky enough to get the Spirit Treasure Refinement Method, but he could rely on his means to deceive Wuxiang and help Xiao Meiniang of the Infant Sect break through the ten unique formations of the Meiling Mysteries, which shows that the ability of a fellow Daoist is extraordinary. ."

"Ancestor Li Wanshou is not wronged if he suffers, and he is not wronged if he is not defeated."

"With the help of fellow Daoists, this new moon uprising will definitely succeed, and Wuxiang can also atone for one or two sins."

Qin Wuxiang finished his worship, and also accepted a few demon heads from Tao Qian.

Not long after, Wei Ziyan, who was graceful and charming, also entered Tao Qian's quiet room.

Tao Qian's transmission did not say much, Wei Ziyan fell into a deep sleep due to excessive wear and tear, and did not hear Tao Qian's previous transmission.

Hearing the call, he thought that this prudish thief was thinking about her body, so she let her go to the room to do something good.

In order to make it easier to get rid of the evil seal in yellow clothes, she also specially carried a pot of spiritual liquid called "Desire Demon Wine". It is refined with thousands of jins of secluded flower liquid, and the effect is extraordinary. Even if a pure-hearted person who has attained Dao and true cultivation will drink it, he will not be able to curb the eruption of lust.

This yellow-clothed lewd and charming man deserves to be a loyal slave, and it can be said that he did his best for the great event of Emperor Ying Qing.

Unfortunately, as soon as she entered the room, she saw that in addition to Lin Runiu's seriousness, there were also two male cultivators sitting cross-legged.

In her mind, the first thought emerged:

"This thief is playing like this?"

"It's not impossible, three people are three people, don't think I can't handle it."

Because of the impression from the day before yesterday, Wei Ziyan preconceived that Lin Runiu was a prude, and this gave birth to these deviant thoughts.

Stepping into the room, when you mention the demonic wine, you have to speak.

Tao Qian didn't give her a chance, so he spoke first, pointing at Qin Wuxiang and Zhou Yingchun, and said:

"Fellow Daoist Wei, I called you to come but I have something to trouble you."

"These two people are Qin Wuxiang, the holy son of the alchemist, and Zhou Yingchun, the true inheritor of the Seven Evils. Hearing that I took up the post of food and grass officer of the Zulong Society, they came here to assassinate me, wanting to take my treasure and destroy many food and grass here. It's a pity that the means were not enough and I was captured."

"Now that I can't be separated, it is your duty to **** these two to Hidden Dragon Mountain."

While speaking, Tao Qian raised his hand a little, and a little streamer fell into Wei Ziyan's hand, but it was a bronze talisman.

"Both of them are from the cultivation base of Dongxuan, and they are quite strange. I have banned their mana with the [Five Elements Forbidding Spirits and Sealing the Gods], and they can't be monsters for the time being."

"This is the talisman. If the two of them have any changes, you can use the talisman to kill them."

"But you need to be careful, don't let the two take away the talisman, or let them escape."

"I've lost a lot of mana to deal with the attack, so I won't talk to you any more, I've worked hard, fellow Daoist Wei."

As soon as Tao Qian finished speaking, he waved his sleeve robe and sent everyone out, closing the door to thank the guests.

Wei Ziyan came to his room once, but she didn't even have time to say a word.

With a stunned face, the [Desire of Demonic Wine] was still in his hand, and after he reacted, he looked at the two of them.

Now Qin Wuxiang and Zhou Yingchun have woken up.

It happened to meet Wei Ziyan's eyes, and it was too late to get close, and together they gained a comment:


"Two wastes, just trying to assassinate my Zulong Society's grain and forage officer with just such a little means. You must know that Fellow Daoist Lin is a fierce man who can defeat four with one."

Wei Ziyan scolded so clearly.

She also scolded and scolded secretly, but she also knew the seriousness. Although her master and the Seven Evil Sect and the alchemist had no conspiracy, there was some tacit collusion.

The identities of these two people are unusual, and they are both useful. It is not good to let them go to Hidden Dragon Mountain. The death situation is the second thing. What really matters is the secret information in their souls, and they must not fall into Zhong Ziyang, In the hands of Chen Xiyi and these people.

The best way is to let them escape halfway.

As soon as he thought of this, Wei Ziyan took out a treasure like a rope, tied the two of them tightly, and led them to the outside world.

At the same time, Transsion said:

"You two don't want to make a statement. I will send you out of the secret realm first, and then find a reason for you to take this talisman away."

"After escaping and going back, remember to send a powerful person over to assassinate the next time, and you are not allowed to kill the little thief. It's good to beat him half to death, and it can also make it easier for me to do it."

Wei Ziyan slipped away with the two of them, but Tao Qian in the wing room didn't really have a method to practice scriptures.

Instead, he sat cross-legged on the futon and laid down the forbidden law, showing a bitter look on his face, preparing to do something.

Yuan Gong, who had already returned to the statue to cultivate, seemed to have sensed it, and floated out of the red mist again.

When he was a master, he didn't have a serious attitude. He couldn't hide the gloating on his face, so he stared at Tao Qian.

Seeing this, Tao Qian looked for help in his eyes.

Yuan Gong also responded to this, smiling even more happily:

"Good disciple, don't be pretentious. You also know that the price cannot be avoided."

"Besides, listening to the scriptures is not such a terrible torture. As long as you don't become a monk because of this, you can't gain anything by persevering."

"I may still worry about the secret demon disciple next to me. As for you, you will definitely not become a monk."

"Even if you promised, your aunts and sisters won't let them go."

Tao Qian was just trying one or two. He did know that the price could not be waived.

Anyone who has seen Qin Wuxiang's changes before and after will be shocked by the terrifying effect of "Secret Magic to Save Buddha's Corpse".

Such a secret method naturally has extremely high requirements and a terrifying price.

Not to mention the requirements, Tao Qian has a deep connection with Buddhas and demons. Other monks may not be able to get started after practicing for several months or even years, but Tao Dazhen learned it with just one look, and he practiced extremely well.

As for the cost?

The first price is that this method is limited to refining three corpses. If you want to replace it, you need to cut off one corpse first. If you forcibly exceed the number of three, the caster will become alienated and degenerate, and will die on the spot.

The second price is that every time after corpse refining, you need to listen to the scriptures once.

That scripture, the origin is also terrifying.

The secret demon ancestor who created the "Buddha Mantra" back then sneaked into the Dazhuanlun Temple to steal the secret scroll, and happened to meet the well-known eminent monk Bhatuo in the temple reciting the "Buddha Against the Devil Sutra". The seal of the law is tumbling, as if the Western Paradise of Ultimate Bliss is in front of the eyes.

The old ancestor was not polite, and directly used a secret method to intercept the scene, so as to enlighten to the art of saving the Buddha and turning the corpse.

Afterwards, the ancient ancestor of the secret demon once said: The old Badana did not cultivate on purpose. Knowing that he came to steal the secret scroll, he deliberately recited the scriptures with the intention of saving it. To spread the secret scroll, every time there is a Mozong Tianjiao who cultivates the Buddha's formula, he needs to receive a [Baduo Chanting] after the event.

It's okay to suffer the cost, but it's beneficial.

If you can't bear the price, you will immediately escape into the empty door and go to Dazhuanlun Temple to become a monk regardless of everything.

The old ancestor also knew about this, but he didn't care. The so-called Lang Youqing concubine has intentions. This connection between the Buddha and the devil makes the Buddha and the devil have their own way of saving.

"Master Yuan, isn't that old ancestor too good-faced? If you think about it seriously, this is obviously a big loss to the Secret Demon Sect."

"If I guessed correctly, because of this method, the Secret Demon Sect has lost a lot of talent."

"A genius like me must be able to withstand it, but others may not."

Before Tao Qian started to call the phantom of the eminent monk Baduo to recite the scriptures, he complained.

He thought to himself that what he said was correct. Although all Buddhas and demons have the method of transmutation, it is not a two-way street. When the monks of Dazhuanlun Temple cultivate the secret scroll, they do not need to bear the cost of entering the devil.

Wrong is right, but the conclusion is wrong.

After hearing this, Duke Yuan smiled and said proudly:

"You kid can guess it, our Secret Demon Sect will not know."

"This secret method can not be practiced by everyone in the sect. It needs to be approved by our elders. If you are not mentally strong, you should obediently practice some other methods. No matter what, you will not give this Buddha-saving formula."

"It's the arrogance of the same sects as the Demon Buddha Temple, the Nie Zong, and the Supreme Demon Sect. If there is a need to borrow this method, the benefits are sufficient, and most of them can be learned."

"Speaking of which, fellow Daoists have indeed lost a lot of good disciples. Back then, the Demon Buddha Temple cultivated a powerful Demon Buddha disciple, who will at least become an Arhat in the future. Because he borrowed this secret method to practice, he couldn't stand the old thief Ba Tuo. After talking about it, he lost his magic power, and traveled through mountains and rivers to Zhuanlun Temple, and worshipped under the gate of Baduo.”

"I can't tell you that you can meet that person in the future, and you changed your name to "Chan Master Peeping Buddha". Now you must have certified the Arhat."

"Because of this, the old bald donkey Tiansheng at Mofo Temple was very saddened and indignant. He had to go to the Zhuanlun Temple every once in a while to find trouble in Zhuanlun Temple. Unfortunately, he couldn't beat Bada.

"Tsk tsk, these two teachers and one apprentice are really a bad relationship."

Yuan Gong was talking and talking, and suddenly realized that something was wrong, so he stopped in time and didn't say any more.

Two teachers and one apprentice!

If Tao Qian didn't listen to the foreword, he would probably think that Duke Yuan was alluding to the relationship between Tao Dazhen, Duke Yuan and Duobao.

After listening to an old story, Tao Qian was greatly satisfied.

Remembering that the price is getting more and more difficult, no longer delay, as if accepting fate, pinched a Buddha seal, and immediately returned to the dignified appearance of the treasure, and said reverently:

"The junior borrowed the Buddha's light and listened to the chanting of the senior."

"Master, please."

As soon as the words fell, Tao Qian's fingertips spontaneously ignited without incense, accompanied by the curling Buddha smoke, the pale golden Buddha light poured out.

Inside, walked straight out of a strange but kind-hearted old monk, holding a Buddhist pagoda in his hand and a round of Buddha light hanging from the back of his head.

The old monk sat cross-legged in the void, and after looking at Tao Qian, he politely returned the salute.

Immediately, without any extra words, he opened his mouth and praised:

"Hearing this, Buddha for a while..."

It was only a phantom, and it was considered a dead thing, but after being seen by him, Tao Qian had a strange feeling.

Before I had time to think about it, the sound of Buddha came into my ears.

It's still the secret volume "Buddha's Speaks Against Demons", which Tao Qian himself sang about.

But now it sounds like the difference between the two is simply heaven and earth.

After only listening to a few breaths, Tao Qian knew why this was the price? Why are even the Buddhist sons of the Mofo Temple being converted?

There is no need to say more about his own feelings. In his mind, Zhishu burst into madness:

[It is being corroded by the sound of Bhakta Bodhisattva... Partially exempted! 】

[It is being corroded by the sound of Bhakta Bodhisattva... Partially exempted! 】


Almost, Tao Qian was about to swear again.

The bodhisattva in the chronicle is not a self-proclaimed bodhisattva like "Yanshi Bodhisattva", but a real fruit status.

In other words, Yuan Shi said that the old thief Baldur of Dazhuanlun Temple did not pass away, but became a Bodhisattva instead?

Although the cultivation realms of Buddhism and Buddhism do not correspond well, it can be seen from a rough conversion.

Bhakta Bodhisattva!

This old monk must be a Taoist realm, or even stronger.

Thinking of this, Tao Qian couldn't help but wonder if he couldn't bear to talk.

But it was also at this time ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ that a new chronicle burst out that made Tao Qian extremely happy:

[Therefore, the sound of the Buddha was chanted by Bada Bodhisattva before he attained enlightenment, and it does not contain the power of the true Buddha...it can be exempted! 】

[Note: This Buddha's sound is the transmutation of the Buddha Dharma, and it has the same origin as the Buddha's bird relic, which can increase its power. 】

As soon as this narration came out, Tao Qian suddenly remembered this treasure that he had almost forgotten.

Buddha bird relic!

The treasure that Baiqinzi made after exhausting his hard work, if there is no Tao Qian to make trouble, he will not be able to rely on this relic in the future to escape from the Dazizai Temple, and then open the [Baiqin Temple] line and become a Buddha and become an ancestor.

Because Tao Qian is not a son of Buddha, he never thought of how to make the most of the relics of Buddha birds. He only used it as a slaying Buddha treasure, which would be a slap in the face.

After joining the WTO, it is even more difficult to find the opportunity to use it.

But I didn't expect that a great opportunity would come?

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