Longevity is Different, Caishikou Was Beheaded at the Beginning

Chapter 348: 0 Flowers, please kill the intelligence officer, and the toad **** tile will stand up

The latest website: Demon monks, sneaky people, most of them are cunning and crazy.

When he gained power, he was arrogant and reckless. . .

But once they lose their power, especially when they are oppressed by a powerful external source, they will all show their ugliness, attacking each other, killing people and fleeing.

It is said that the current Seven Evil Sect is in such a situation.

But in the main hall of the Overlord's Palace in front of him, no one showed a terrified gesture, still looking for fun, so happy.

Qin Wuxiang glanced at it, and immediately said with certainty in his heart:

"After the outbreak of the New Moon Uprising, the rebels from all walks of life in the whole province landed 70% of the territory in a short period of time. Many of the strong elders in the house are entangled by Beichan Temple and Xuandao Sect and cannot come to help... The defeat is set, and there is no reason for it."

"It would be fine if it were a united sect, but the Seven Evils have already had internal strife and have been in turmoil for many years. If disaster strikes, it will never look like this."

"So these things in front of you are either the last carnival, or you have a lot of success in your chest, and there is something terrifying behind you."

"If it's the latter, I have to use some means to find out, lest the Crescent Uprising really fail."

The thoughts that emerged from the bottom of Qin Wuxiang's heart can also imagine the horror of the Buddha's art.

What a complete transformation, the person is still the same person, the soul has not changed, only Qin Wuxiang's original self has been completely wiped out and replaced with another.

On closer inspection, this secret method is even more evil than the "Yellow Clothes Evil Seal".

When Qin Wuxiang was thinking about it, the two of them were also stared at by various demons because they interrupted the carnival in the hall.

Nothing else is worth mentioning, but the most striking one is a figure lying lazily on the throne of Naba.

This person is a handsome male cultivator, with a very good appearance, red lips and white teeth, and bright eyes. If he is not half-open, his behavior is sloppy, and he looks ugly, just relying on this skin, he can make a lot of fairies. The witch is fascinated by it.

However, he doesn't have to eat soft rice. He looks like a little white face, but in fact, his energy is turbulent and his cultivation base is amazing.

Rough perception, it has reached the realm of Dongxuan perfection, and it is only one step away from the realm of bliss.

Now in New Moon Province, even a nameless loose cultivator has heard of this person's reputation.

Jade Noodle Fairy Jia Sanyuan!

The Young Sect Master of the Seven Evils Sect is also the ancestor of the alchemist and the disciple of Yang Longxi, an old monster in the Taoist realm.

Of course, there are many monks in the field, not much weaker than him, and each has an extraordinary identity.

There are a few people who see that Zhou Yingchun is fine.

After seeing Qin Wuxiang, his face immediately showed disgust.

The real person Baihua knew Qin Wu's situation and didn't want him to be insulted by others' words, so he hurriedly bowed his hands and said to Jia Sanyuan, who was at the head:

"Young Sect Master, brother Wuxiang and I have returned from the assassination of the Zulong Society's grain and grass official. The murder ended in failure. Yingchun dared to ask the Young Sect Master to behead Sun Zhaoquan's son."

This sentence sounded in the hall.

Immediately, everyone was shocked.

What's the point of this?

The two of you failed in the assassination. If you don't immediately confess your guilt and punish you, you will behead your own people as soon as you turn around?

The most shocking thing after hearing the words was a green-robed male cultivator who was hugging the two dancers and sucking wildly behind the white jade strip below.

This monk, dressed in a green Taoist robe, was enjoying it. Hearing the offensive words, he immediately raised his head from the four groups of warmth.

Everyone can see clearly that there is an extra scarlet blood eye between his eyebrows, which does not seem to be the result of supernatural powers, but a natural abnormal organ.

Such aliens are so powerful.

He is exactly that Sun Zhaoquan, whose title is "Three-eyed Real Man". He has an extra **** eye from his mother's womb. He has the ability to see the sky and measure the earth. He has also been a fierce person since he was a child. Being tamed by him, he rode a tiger into the deep mountains, searching for caves and caves everywhere.

After spending several years, he actually found a place where a senior from the side door sat down, and obtained a large and incomplete volume of "Searching for Nerves".

With innate supernatural powers and the Book of Life in hand, Sun Zhaoquan set foot in Dongxuan as a loose cultivator after 45 years of painstaking cultivation, and anyone who knows about it must praise him as a genius.

After he joined the world for a few years, he knew that his status as a loose cultivator had no future, and he had no ambition to inherit the mantle of that senior. If you enter the sect to serve as an offering, you will be able to supply all the food you need.

After the rise of the Seven Evil Sect, Sun Zhaoquan became one of the intelligence officers of the Seven Evil Sect.

Asking Qin Wuxiang and Zhou Yingchun to assassinate Tao Qian was also the result of his deduction and peeping.

Of course, Zhou Yingchun knew how everyone would react and did not give anyone time to attack.

An angry look appeared on his face, and he pointed at Sun Zhaoquan:

"Young sect master, fellow disciples, it's not that I and Brother Wuxiang are incompetent, it's really that the **** Sun Zhaoquan has wrong information."

"What do you say, the grain and grass official called 'Lin Ru Niu' is just an ordinary Dong Xuan. Although he has the secret identity of the Toad Sect, he has never had any great reputation. can be successful."

"But who would have expected that brother Wuxiang and I had just sneaked into the magic pit, and was immediately seen by that person."

"Just one face-to-face, one face-to-face, my brother Wuxiang and I were captured by him."

"If it weren't for the two of us, Jiren, who have their own celestial appearance, this trip would be dead, and even a true spirit would not be able to escape..."


In the hall, all the demons were shocked and couldn't believe it.

Below Jia Sanyuan, on the left and right sides, there is one person on each side, all of them are male cultivators and their identities are not low.

One is a little older, in his thirties, wearing a brocade robe and holding a white fan, showing his style.

A young man, in his early twenties, with a light coat of clothing and a beautiful crown, if he were to look at him with a qi-looking technique, he would immediately see that this son should belong to a certain generation of royal blood.

These two are from alchemists.

One is the alchemist saint son Han Xiao.

The other is Yang Cang, a son of the Yang family.

The latter is more expensive, after all, it is supported by the ancestor Yang Longxi.

Not to mention, within the Seven Evil Sect, if you go to any of the seventy-two provinces, as long as you don't anger some great sects like Lingbaozong and Taishangdao, you can walk sideways most of the time.

The two of them looked at Qin Wuxiang with undisguised contempt, and they didn't even care about the identity of Zhou Yingchun, the real person of Baihua, and looked at them with disgust.

Hearing Baihua Zhenren's defense, Yang Cang sneered and spoke directly, interrupting Zhou Yingchun:

"Both of you are Dong Xuan, but Lin Runiu can subdue both of you in a single glance. Could it be that he is a blissful old monster?"

"If the assassination fails, it fails, and it's just a matter of making excuses and biting your own colleagues."

"The two of you can still contribute to the battle strength. This time you are exempted from the death penalty, but you have to make an apology to Sun Daoyou..."

In the Hall of Overlords, Jia Sanyuan is the leader.

The second is Han Xiao and Yang Cang, the next is the first of the true lineages, and powerful foreign aid demons such as Sun Zhaoquan.

Everyone saw that Yang Cang deliberately humiliated Qin Wuxiang, and no one showed surprise on their faces. Obviously, this was not the first time, and they were all used to it.

Some arrogant evil cultivators immediately followed with that contemptuous smile.

Some muttered in their hearts:

"Although the alchemist is strong, the level is too strict."

"This Qin Wuxiang has the cultivation base of Dongxuan, and also has the name of the Holy Son, but because he lost power, he was repeatedly humiliated by Han Xiao and Yang Cang."

"It's me, I have rebelled a long time ago, how can a good man be so angry?"

Qin Wuxiang watched the reactions of the demons and could guess what they were thinking.

If it was him in the past, he must have been boiling with anger at this moment, going straight to his primordial spirit.

But now, he just finds it funny.

Still silent, like a wooden monk.

Zhou Yingchun, who was beside him, felt even more distressed when he saw this.

Regardless of his status, Yang Cang, who is a blood descendant of Yang Longxi, can crush him.

Taking a step forward abruptly, he also interrupted:

"Yang Daoyou, the punishment of my brother Wuxiang and me is not a big deal."

"This time, the information brought back by the two of us is to be known by the Young Sect Master and all of you."

"It's not that I am biting Sun Zhaoquan, it's the information he gave this time, and the error is huge."

"That Lin Ru Niu looks harmless on the bright side."

"In fact, it is extremely ferocious and cunning. Not only does he possess an unfathomable secret technique of the Toad Sect, but he also carries a Toad Sect's supreme treasure [Nine Toad Pearls]. In addition, he also has a bizarre treasure that is even more terrifying."

"On the Hidden Dragon Mountain, this person defeated Yin Susu, the princess of the Demon God Army, Xu Wenkai, the remnant of the Taiping Army, and the poisonous-hearted fairy and the six-eyed demon boy."

"Although this person does not have a state of bliss, Yingchun asserts that in this hall, apart from the Young Sect Master, Fellow Daoist Yang and Fellow Daoist Han, no one is his opponent."

Once again, when Zhou Yingchun finished speaking.

In the hall, the group of demons shouted and sucked in the cold air.

Defeat four powerful Dong Xuan with one's own strength, and one captured two of his own generals face to face... These achievements, it sounds like a powerhouse in Elysium can do it.

On the Zulong Club side, when did such a fierce person appear?

The most frightening thing was Sun Zhaoquan. After listening to this, he subconsciously exerted force with his hands, and his mana burst out, and he actually crushed the two Yin Demon Dancers beside him into meat sauce.

He didn't care about the dirt on his hands, and immediately stuck out two fingers.

With a puff, he actually forcibly dug out the **** eye, and shouted "Go" in a low voice. The eyeball turned into a **** light, and it swept out of the palace like a shooting star to the nine clouds. The direction was the Hidden Dragon Mountain Realm. Between ten mountains and eight waters.

Seeing his actions, Yang Cang, who had been refuted in the first place, immediately sneered and replied:

"Oh, toad sect has such a strong man?"

"In this case, how did you and Qin Wuxiang escape from heaven? Is it because that person kindly let you back, or the two of you were greedy for life and afraid of death and let that person down, and when you returned to Shangyang City, you should be careful. ?"

Yang Cang spoke viciously, and directly took a few **** pots.

Of course, he didn't think so in his heart.

There are many demons in the hall who were recruited by the Seven Evil Sects.

Even some disciples in the Seven Evil Sect may rebel.

Only Qin Wuxiang and Zhou Yingchun will definitely not.

The former is the holy son of the alchemist, not only his wealth and life are in the organization, but also has the great Qin family and his mother and sister to threaten.

The latter is the master of the Huasha lineage in the Zongnei, the four righteous and the three evils.

Sure enough, he just finished.

Zhou Yingchun didn't even think about it, so he directly transmitted the sound to several decision makers in the hall.

"Young Sect Master, Fellow Daoist Yang, Fellow Daoist Han."

"Brother Wuxiang and I were able to escape, but it was because of the blessing of Emperor Ying Qing, that Lin Ruoxu couldn't get away from refining food, so he gave me two to a lewd charm under Emperor Ying Qing's command, the lewd charm called it. Her master had a tacit connection with us, escorted us halfway, and let us go when she found an opportunity."

"The lecherous charm also said that if we send people to assassinate Lin Runiu again, remember to send them to the Land of Elysium."

"Dong Xuanjing, definitely not that strong opponent."

Just as Zhou Yingchun's voice transmission, there was some movement in Tao Qian's place.

But it was that Sun Zhaoquan, who relied on the supernatural power of "Searching for Nerves" that he had cultivated, coupled with his natural ability to "see the secret blood eye", his intelligence has always been extremely rude.

In the previous battle, he arbitrarily captured a cultivator of the Ancestral Dragon Society Rebel Army, searched for his soul, and learned the superficial information of Lin Runiu, so he sent Qin Wuxiang and Zhou Yingchun to assassinate him.

Now that something went wrong, he wanted to save face, so he simply used his true skills.

Directly release the strange blood eye with the ability to "peep the sky and the earth", and superimpose the search mystery.

Across thousands of miles away, he wanted to forcibly peep into Lin Runiu's details.

It's also a coincidence!

At this moment, Tao Dazhen, who was trapped in the devil's pit, just led a hundred Buddhas and birds to rub the Buddha's light of Ba Tuo Bodhisattva in Dazhuanlun Temple.

I'm in a good mood, and I'm about to reap the rewards.

But at this moment, throbbing emerged, and a sense of perception came.

Tao Qian immediately turned on his spiritual vision, and immediately saw between the virtual and the real, above the Jiuxiao, there was a blazing **** eyeball, peeping into his secret in a strange way.

Sun Zhao's whole body is a natural human being, relying on the "eye of blood to see the sky", he has fought many cultivators, but some of the great factions have not been able to obtain benefits in his hands, and many people have been caught by him and lost. The bottom is fine.

But this time, he fell.

The two looked at each other, and Sun Zhaoquan felt bad. He had peeped many times in the past, but this had never happened before.

He didn't care that his real body was in the temple, he opened his mouth and exclaimed:


"How is it possible that I peeped at Zhong Ziyang and other such a high-ranking true biography in the past without being noticed. Who is this son?"

In horror, Sun Zhaoquan was eager to take back the **** eye.

Unfortunately, it was too late.

Tao Qian saw the other party's state at a glance, and immediately showed a malicious smile, and said in a loud voice:

"Meeting is fate. Today, I teach fellow Taoists to be good."

"Such an easy-to-use secret peeping eye, you must not leave the body easily."

"If you have bad luck, you will be smashed."


Tao Qian is obviously also a sinister, and before opening his mouth, he started.

He raised his hand to call out the toad **** Wadang, and threw it directly regardless of the distance.

Before the word "Zhi" fell, the invisible divine light transformed by Wada was already rushing up to the sky, and he bluntly smashed the eyeball that was still connected to tens of thousands of scarlet bloodshots that were invisible to the naked eye~www .wuxiaspot.com~ I just heard a puff, that eyeball has become meat sauce.

In the distance, Shangyang City, in the Bawang Palace.

Sun Zhaoquan, who was enjoying himself not long ago, suddenly let out a pained wailing, his face twisted and said:

"Ah, it hurts me too."

"My **** eyes."

Before he finished speaking, a ball of eyeball meat sauce was pulled back, and it was stuck between his eyebrows.

It seems that because of this weak shock, Sun Zhaoquan's eyes turned white and he fainted.

In an instant, in the main hall, all the demons were silent, and no one doubted Zhou Yingchun's statement.

Without him, the ruthless and **** evidence is in front of us, who can refute it?


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