Longevity is Different, Caishikou Was Beheaded at the Beginning

Chapter 358: Extinguishing the blood soul and calling the flesh god, Yu Ding in 9 states finally ap

Latest website: Outside Shangyang City, Tao Dazhen once again became the focus of the battlefield.

In addition to fighting in the sky before, except for the most powerful Emperor Ying Qing and Jia Sanyuan, it is him who is the real person who smashes the skull and Zhong Ziyang, the two ceremonial killing gods. When it comes to killing momentum, it is naturally Emperor Ying Qing and Zhong Ziyang the strongest.

But after the scene just now, both parties knew about Lin Runiu's methods.

So, go see him now.

Everyone is guessing: whether this Skull Smashing Master will use that treasure, and also give a scoop to the Young Sect Master of the Seven Evil Sect.

Tao Qian was holding the toad **** Wadang, and he was indeed thinking.

His original intention, of course, was to smash.

But listening to Jia Sanyuan's words, if he really smashed it, it is likely to be a one-shot and two-scattered ending, so he was hesitant again. .

At this moment, the toad **** tiledang trembled a few times, and the familiar toad **** prompt also came.

"Smash it down, there will be a big reward."

As soon as the prompt came out, Tao Qian knew it immediately.

It was not in vain to smash so many heads before, and the big brother Chan Shen, who was annoyed by him, finally cast a loving gaze again.

The treasures that were lost without being smashed before, such as [Love Treasure Money], [Sky Toad Beads], [Unmoving Toad Clothes], [Five Turbid Sky Banners] and so on, are so tyrannical treasures that it is possible to find them again?

Thinking of this, Tao Qian immediately had the urge to smash people.

But at this time, two sound transmissions entered the ears one after another.

The first one is from Emperor Ying Qing.

While he struggled to resist the self-destruction of a large number of dragon beasts, he said silently:

"Brother Lin, don't do it. Although Jade Mian Xianlang is a cunning devil, what he said at this time is correct."

"He used himself as a matchmaker to call the dragon rhinoceros evil force into the world, and he had to recite the scriptures of the dragon **** scripture at all times in his heart to control how much. It is a good thing that Jia Sanyuan will die, but my great cause will also fail."

The second, very unexpected, came from Zhong Ziyang.

"Fellow Daoist Lin, I have verified it with the secret method of the Supreme Being. Jia Sanyuan didn't lie. Don't knock him out."

"I don't have to worry. I think that Emperor Ying Qing will have a backer. Since he has prayed to the evil **** in yellow, it is absolutely impossible for Jia Sanyuan to succeed so easily. I will wait and see what happens."

Compared with Emperor Ying Qing, Zhong Ziyang's voice transmission is naturally more convincing.

Under everyone's attention, Tao Qian sighed, put down his palm silently, and buckled the toad **** tile back into his sleeve.

At the same time, I was very helpless in my heart, and once again said to the indescribable figure in the emptiness:

"God Toad is above."

"It's not because the disciples don't want to smash it, it's really impossible."

"If it's not like this, I don't need to give the rewards to the disciples for the time being. The dozens of heads just now are in the account. When the disciples are good at smashing them next time, will you give them together again?"

Tao Qian became more and more comfortable in his speech after knowing that the Toad God was a rare and friendly foreign god.

If any of the Nine Chan Sect disciples heard this, they would have to fight with him on the spot.

But what is quite strange is that Nawadang trembled again after spitting out these rebellious words, and he didn't drop those gold coins and orbs.

"God Toad, agree?"

Even Tao Qian himself couldn't help but be surprised.

His side was inconceivable because the Toad God was optimistic about him. On the other side, everyone saw him put away the tile, and they were half regretful and half relieved.

In Xuanyang Huangjing Lake, Jia Sanyuan couldn't help but get up again when he saw that the "crazy of broken brain" was gone.

Anger almost lost face, and subconsciously increased output.

In my heart, chanting scriptures is faster.

The dragon rhinoceros that poured into this world skyrocketed again, and finally all the creatures within a thousand miles except the Ancestral Dragon Society were wiped out, turned into dragon beasts, and slammed into the Ancestral God Monument.

One head and one head are all painted on the liver and brain, and it is not a pity to die.

The demons and ghosts that the Seven Evil Sects had brought in were also dead.

Sadly, those demons are unusual monks everywhere.

There are great demons who roam the provinces, there are monsters that dominate a spiritual mountain somewhere, monsters that ravage a certain evil water, sneaky people who can eat thousands of people, deserters from famous sects, demon cultivators who are sideways, and wild warlocks who drink blood. , a strongman who also cultivates Taoism and Buddhism but has gone astray... The new moon comes to the benefit of opportunity.

Thinking of clinging to the seven evil spirits, relying on alchemists, being able to obtain resources, and being able to cultivate the Dao.

Now, it has become the resources of others.

The rush of the jade-faced fairy, and the corrosion of the dragon rhinoceros, finally coated the "ancestral monument" with a thick layer of foul-smelling, indescribable turbidity. All things are alive, and in an instant, the hundreds of shining names on the monument are covered up, and most of the magical powers of the monument suddenly disappear.

At this time, Emperor Ying Qing was still unable to kill all the alienated dragon beasts who had served one after another.

Seeing this scene, Jia Sanyuan was immediately excited and complacent, briefly forgetting the pain and laughing wildly:

"Hahaha... Emperor Ying Qing, Emperor Ying Qing, after all, I, Jia Sanyuan, won."

"Seven Saints Fascinated God, wake me up."

While laughing, he immediately cast a spell.

Han Xiao, Yang Cang, Zhao Tianba, and Qi Wuxin immediately cooperated, and immediately saw the terrifying seven pillars of rainbow light burst into power. Forbidden law, under the control of a group of demons, finally put up the towering ancestral monument.

The air was surging, and it was about to explode the monument.

Jia Sanyuan shifted his target again, still reciting the scriptures in his heart, but he reached into his arms with one hand and took out an iron sand that was about the size of a fist, irregular in shape, half scarlet and half black.

As soon as this thing came out, the sky above Shangyang City suddenly burst into blood, and I don't know how many ghosts of resentful souls appeared, maybe one hundred thousand, maybe one million, or even more... Uncountable grievances, roaring, crying But no matter how hard they struggled, they couldn't get out of that weird iron sand.

What is quite strange is the life of these resentful souls.

When the demon cultivators and the like use their souls to refine treasures, they are usually not picky about who they are, and there is no need to select their age or gender.

But at this moment, most of the grievances of strong men, young women, and young children gushing out from the iron sand.

Old man, nothing in a thousand.

Seeing this scene, all the monks of the Ancestral Dragon Society, including Tao Qian, Zhong Ziyang, and Lin Bujue, all changed their expressions in an instant.

Even if Jia Sanyuan didn't say it, everyone could guess the origin of this thing.

Lin Bujue was still a young man with a kind heart and blood, and he couldn't bear the sight in front of him the most. He was so angry that his face was twisted, and he shouted:

"Beast! Jia Sanyuan, you are really a beast, not as good as pigs and dogs."

"I, Lin Bujue, swear here that I will kill you, take your life, and cut your path in this life."

These two sentences roared out, Tao Qian's complexion changed slightly, and then he looked at Jia Sanyuan's eyes, as if looking at a dead man.

If it is an ordinary nameless loose cultivator, suddenly making such a vow, it will be backlashed.

After all, Jade Face Immortal Lang Jia Sanyuan is not an ordinary evil cultivator.

He is not only the young sect master of the Seven Evil Sect, but also the favorite disciple of the old alchemist Yang Longxi.

Even Emperor Ying Qing couldn't kill him for a while.

But Lin Bujue was different.

Others don't know the origin of his roots, but Tao Qian does.

Coffin line!

Yuan Gong personally stated: The origin of his roots is not weaker than that of Tao Dazhen.

Suddenly being cursed like this by a junior, Jia Sanyuan was about to laugh, but at that moment, he somehow found something wrong.

It seems that in the dark, what kind of terror is really provoked?

Of course, that feeling passed in an instant, Jia Sanyuan was being tortured all the time, and he didn't care about it.

He just sneered, and then threw the iron sand in his hand in the direction of Shangyang City, deep underground.

The iron sand, which turned into black blood, penetrated into the ground, like a thunder, and made a loud roar. It blasted towards the huge Flesh God No. 1 machine that was dormant deep in the ground.

After Shi Wei, the jade-faced fairy man wanted to revenge and stimulate the people of the Zulong Society.

Deliberately said to Lin Bujue, Tao Qian, and Zhong Ziyang:

"You guessed right, this thing is called the [Great Extinction Blood Soul Orb], and it is an incomparably pure magic treasure."

"My Seven Evil Sect has opened all flesh and blood factories in New Moon Province, using people as materials, alchemy and medicine, flesh and blood, bone marrow, soul, and even desire for life can be used to refine, until the last trace of value is drained, and then some hay is scribbled. With such great deeds, the vast territory of New Moon Province, over a hundred cities and a hundred counties, is flooded with the black cloud blood miasma and the soul-grinding blood beads."

"And this treasure is forged by mixing the 'soul essence' in the black cloud blood miasma with the 'soul essence' in the soul-grinding blood beads."

"The so-called best use of things, can you all recognize my Seven Evil Sect's methods?"

Jia Sanyuan just finished showing off.

In Shangyang City, there was a terrifying loud noise from the depths of the ground.

Immediately, there was a sound that made five million people, and even Tao Qian, Zhong Ziyang, and other true cultivators show pain and pain.

This sound is in the ear, like countless steel needles piercing the soul, stirring endlessly.

"Hahaha... It's done, it's done."

"External flesh god, wake up quickly."

"These flesh-and-blood idiots are fortunate enough to enter the world and feast on it, but they say anything about fear. There are five million ordinary people in the city. Throughout the ages, this must be the biggest meal. Don't be afraid of stupid people, and don't be afraid of anyone."

"Let's start eating, you just eat it, give it to me..."

Jia Sanyuan seemed to be insane because he was tortured too much.

However, his methods were extremely vicious.


"The extraterritorial flesh **** originally captured the divine power on the ancestral monument, and there are signs of entering a deep sleep, daring not to eat people, but now he was woken up by this guy using the [Great Extinction Blood Soul Orb], just to break free from fear Start to eat people, and the Ancestral God Monument will be banned by the Seven Sages again... Our uprising will be defeated?"

At this moment, anyone can see the sudden change in the situation, and the ending that slides into defeat.

On the Zulong Club side, everyone's color changed.

Everyone looked at Emperor Ying Qing, who was still being entangled by Jia Sanyuan regardless of the cost, and the hearts of the people who were not in good order immediately began to float.

Zhong Ziyang, Lin Bujue, Chen Xiyi, Qi Daozhen, Shen Ruolan, etc., cultivators with lofty ideals, after looking at each other, each sighed, and at the same time began to devise their own means of pressing the bottom of the box, but they all wanted to work hard.

Yin Susu, Xu Wenkai, and the others, each had a ghost, retreating in different directions, and they could turn into a rainbow and escape at any time. All of them were full of unwillingness and regret. It was a pity that the fruit of victory that was about to be conceived would suddenly wither. , cannot be extracted.

The only "strange" is Tao Qian.

In other words, the head-smashing real Lin Runiu.

After he saw the [Great Extinction Blood Soul Orb], Ben also fell into a rage.

Especially looking at the resentful souls that numbered one million, he was even more angry to the extreme.

Most of the people in a province will not live beyond the age of twenty-five, which should have taken a large-scale war.

But the Seven Evil Sect was made by opening a flesh and blood factory.

It's not enough to do such desolate and dehumanizing things. Jia Sanyuan really squeezed out the last bit of value, and used the remnants of their souls to make magic beads, which were used to wake up the flesh gods outside the realm.

Tao Qian also sighed abruptly, first glanced at the people of the Zulong Society who were floating in their hearts, and then looked at Jia Sanyuan, the arrogant and arrogant jade-faced fairy.

This person's name is Jade Mian, which sounds like a silver pewter head.

Today, no one thinks so.

He first tortured himself, chanted the "Dragon God's Wonderful Sutra", used the dragon's rhinoceros to break the situation, and then used the flesh and blood of dragons and beasts to defile the ancestral **** monument, and used the extermination of soul beads to awaken the flesh god.

The Zulong Society, which wants to win completely, is about to lose in a blink of an eye?


"The one million resentful souls awakened... but it's not just the extraterrestrial flesh god, but also a treasure."

Suddenly, Tao Qian shook his head and spat out two words.

At the same time, he stretched out his hand and made a move in Shangyang City, in front of the Bawang Palace.

There, there is a very ordinary bronze sacrificial tripod.

"Named Yu Ding, born because of humanistic merit."

"Millions of souls are suffering and need to be liberated. If it doesn't appear at this time, when will it be?"

It was at this critical moment when all the cultivators had to work hard.

Tao Qian shouted loudly, resounding through the battlefield.

What followed was a scene that made both good and evil eyes widen.

Only a magnificent ancient sound could be heard, and the copper tripod neighed.

An incomparably innocent and vast humane righteousness rose to the sky in front of the Overlord Hall.

In the air column, a fetish object appeared impressively.

That thing is also made of bronze.

With three legs and two ears, the shape is ancient and clumsy, and the divine light is surging.

Its surface is engraved with ancient astronomical seals, monsters and sea monsters, wild foreign objects, ghosts, ghosts, wind and rain... It seems that everything in the world is on it, and it will come to life in an instant. Just wait for the master to say a word, they will all fly out and suppress it. present.

As this tripod flew out, the vast and magnificent aura suddenly fell.

All righteous and evil cultivators are all startled and all greedy.

Even a fool can see that this is a treasure, and it is a set of ancestral treasures that have made the entire Seventy-two Provinces of the Longevity Celestial Dynasty and the entire cultivation world boil over in recent days.

The twelve weapons of Kyushu!

One of them, Yu Ding.

Subconsciously ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ many cultivators wanted to fly to grab it, even Han Xiao and Yang Cang were no exception.

But soon, they all discovered an unacceptable fact.

This fetish Yu Ding has just appeared in the world, and he has already recognized his master.

It's not the other side, it's the Zulong Club's side, the head-smashing real person who is reaching out to call for treasure, Lin Runiu.

As soon as he raised his hand, Yu Ding flew over.

At the same time, he did not forget to ridicule the evil spirits of the Seven Evil Sect:

"Jia Sanyuan, you stupid people have been entrenched in Shangyang City for a long time, but you don't know that such a magical thing is right in front of you."

"Being in Baoshan but not knowing it, it can be seen that they are all people with no virtue and no blessing."

"If I were you, it would be better to kill myself as soon as possible, so as not to suffer more troubles in the future, and I would not be able to get rid of it."

ps: 4,000 is enough, ask for a monthly pass.

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