Longevity is Different, Caishikou Was Beheaded at the Beginning

Chapter 384: Preserving fine food? Rewarding ㄉ scar? Tao Dazhen broke 2 levels

Hundreds of miles outside Guangping City, Xianhe Mountain.

After the mountain of demons and ghosts died, Tao Qian in Yu Ding didn't delay at all. He changed his body, but he would change into the appearance of the "Five Tongs Real Man", and Shi Shiran would come out.

During the battle of Shangyang City, Tao Qian's new vest [The Secret Legend of Toad Smashing the Skull] fell along with him.

Lingbao Daozi has strong enemies all over the place, and the secret devil has a big target. The overseas dragon demons have already fallen, and now they have lost the secret biography of the Toad Sect. If Tao Qian wants to build a new vest, he will not have too many choices. .

However, it is not easy to build new ones in this Xianhe Mountain. For the sake of safety, it is safest to act with a real person from Wutong.

At least the Gao family members near Guangping City will not be disturbed for the time being.

And those powerful enemies started from the moment Yu Ding covered everything and lost Tao Qian's trace.

To find him again is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Those powerful enemies are incapable of breaking through Duobao's fate cover, as well as Tao Qian's own peculiarities, locking him in the air.

If there was such a thing, Tao Dazhen would have been obediently hiding back to Penglai Sea.

At that time, the situation in Shangyang City was critical, because the specific location was leaked, and the powerful enemies came together to form a siege.

Once that position is blurred, its potential is self-defeating.

When he stood, the real Wutong Zhenren was dying.

Not to mention his alienation and depravity, even the true spirit of his soul was bitten and devoured by a group of resentful souls, which saved Tao Qian's efforts to silence him.

"You... who are you?"

Wutong Zhenren, who had almost melted into a pool of rotten flesh, struggled to ask.

It's a pity that Tao Qian, who was wearing his appearance, still didn't answer.

It just moved over and pointed at its remnant soul.

The soul-searching secret technique, which has not been used for a long time, comes in handy again.

After Tao Qian understood the mountain and the surrounding conditions, Wutong Zhenren also died completely, not even a trace of his true soul was left, and naturally he had no way of reincarnation.

"Xianhe Mountain is located at the junction of the three provinces, with sufficient Origin Qi. In addition to giving birth to many treasures of heaven and earth, it also breeds many demons."

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"Wu Tong has obtained the Toad Pearl, set foot in the Profound Cave Realm, and occupied this mountain. Without his permission, no matter what kind of extraordinary creatures come from, whether it is a demon or a true cultivator, you cannot enter this mountain without authorization."

"In this situation, it is convenient for me to take up the retreat, digest the harvest, and not worry about being disturbed and peeping through my feet."

"However, there are still four forces around, and they may come to intrude."

"The leader of a Gao clan who is in charge of Guangping City is called 'Gao Buyi', and is only a line away from Dongxuan. Yinxue Frost Saber], relying on that saber to be able to fight against Dongxuan, plus the tyranny of the backstage, it is not afraid of Wutong real people at all."

"Nearly two hundred miles away, there is a big river called Wuling River, and there is a remnant of a water house at the bottom of the river, and in the middle is a demon of the profound cave. The old turtle, who has hundreds of shrimp soldiers and crab generals under his command, has always coveted Wutong's real toad beads, and the two sides have fought several times, each time Wutong won."

"Three hundred miles to the direction of Qiantang Province, there is a dog fairy mountain, and in the mountain there is a mysterious monster, the title is 'dog fairy', this is also a human race, and the book "Spiritual Dog Ascension to Heaven" is compiled by the side door. Shang Ke, trying his best to maintain a state of being both righteous and evil, his heart is arrogant and arrogant, thinking that people like Wutong Zhenren are not worthy of Lingshan's exotic treasures, they often come to invite battles, and the winners and losers are inconsistent."

"More than a hundred miles to Qilu Province, there is a place called Qujia Village. The people of the Qu clan are born with different bloodlines and have the ability to ward off ghosts. They can melt all kinds of ghosts and nightmares into their bodies. It also makes his own temperament change greatly, he is extremely fierce, capricious, and he has to fight and kill every word that doesn't fit, and there is friction with all the extraordinary beings around him."

In his thoughts, Tao Qian clarified the information.

Judgment was soon born: this mountain can stay for the time being, but some arrangements still need to be made.

Tao Qian moved extremely fast due to his urgency to retreat.

First, I picked from the holy fetal bag, and selected a set of flags called the [Ten Fang Local Spirit Sealing Mountain Formation]. The name sounds quite good, but in fact, it is not very top. It is also the harvest of Tao Qian's past killing people one.

As for which fellow Taoist took it from, he could not remember.

With a wave of hands, dozens of flags turned into auras and settled on the orifices around Xianhe Mountain.

The moment the battle was set up, the earth qi spurted out, and a fog filled the sky immediately formed, even in this bright day, it still shrouded the huge Crane Mountain in it.

The sudden change in the spiritual mountain has alarmed many weak, elusive, and inexperienced cultivators around.

When they panicked and doubted, they only listened to the familiar Daoyin command from Wutong Zhenren from the mountain:

"This view of the Lord occasionally gains, and the mountain is closed for half a month."

"During this period, no one is allowed to set foot on Xianhe Mountain. Anyone who violates it will be killed."

After all this is done, Tao Qian will no longer care.

There was the divine light that fell into Xianhe Mountain as a foreshadowing, plus the action of Wutong Zhenren to seal the mountain.

From the perspective of others, this evil cultivator got some good treasure by luck.

Closing the mountain is for sacrifice and training.

This is very reasonable!

Of course, the four forces will definitely send meticulous work to find out the truth, and the dog fairy and the Qu family may even come to intrude themselves.

But it doesn't matter, the mountain sealing formation is not the top in Tao Qian's eyes.

But to deal with these wild demons, human race wild demons, there is no problem at all.

After making arrangements, Tao Qian looked back at Xianhe Mountain.

I thought that this mountain should not be considered a very good mountain since it was occupied by a toad wild road as a training ground.

Looking at it now, Tao Qian realized that he was wrong.

I saw this beautiful mountain, ancient forests and bamboo forests, deep waterfalls, and old caves of Xianfeng... But there is no shortage of scenery in the blessed land of Lingshan. I saw dragons roaring and tigers roaring, cranes dancing and monkeys croaking. The elk emerges from the flowers, the green luan sings to the sun, and so on.

It's a pity that this beautiful spiritual mountain is occupied by Wutong evil cultivator.

Except for the five-passage view, because the righteous Lord loves cleanliness, it barely looks like a pure Taoist view.

The rest of the world was filthy and fouled by the monsters and ghosts in human skins under his command.

These demons were killed by Tao Qian just now, which made the mountain stink even more.

Especially after some demons die, they automatically show their true colors.

Wild boars the size of a mill, bear demons the size of a thatched cottage, elephant demons the size of hills, snake demons as long as ten feet... These filthy things smell bad before they are alive, but after death they disintegrate and rot, and the blood of the corpse gradually seeps into the ground. The terrestrial veins of Zuo Lingshan have been polluted.

Tao Qian shook his head, and moved Yun Rong, Xiao Xiao Sui, Lian Jing'er, and Shan Jiu out.

As soon as Sister Yunrong appeared, she jumped straight into Tao Qian's arms.

The latter is also very skilled, reaching out and hugging.

Immediately, he pointed to the corpses of the monsters all over the mountains and plains, and asked Shan Jiu casually:

"I know you have a big appetite, but would you like to eat it all?"

As soon as he asked the exit, he saw this wild leek, with green hair swaying.

On that rather comical face, a look of panic appeared immediately, and he said with disgust:

"Brother, why do you miss me so much?"

"My appetite is not small, but I don't eat everything. If I was willing to eat these slightly stinky things a long time ago, I can't now."

"Shan Jiu followed his eldest brother to practice in the Penglai Sea, and then traveled south and north. He ate dragon liver and phoenix marrow, and drank nectar **. Xianjia Lingdan was just a small snack. I can't eat it."

Shan Jiu is also quite unbeatable.

While rejecting Tao Qian, he was quite content, took out a handful of elixir from a treasure bag hanging from his waist, and threw them into his mouth like fried beans.

Looking at his new treasure configuration, it is clear that this wild leek demon has assisted the disciples of the plain female vein to sneak into the seven evil caves to save people, and the harvest is very good.

However, after he refused to come off in person, he seemed to be using an illusion, and suddenly he pulled out a baby arm-length from his leek sac. The whole body was pale pink, covered with spiral patterns, and the head was a monster with fangs and big mouths. insects come.

He handed it over like offering a treasure, and boasted at the same time:

"Don't worry, big brother!"

"Shanjiu developed with you, and can't eat these dirty things, but my pets love to eat them."

"They are called [leek worms], and they are my companion spirit worms."

"As long as you give them time, there is nothing in the world that they can't chew, and they like to eat while pulling. The dirty things they eat are all good things."

"Brother handed these dirty and rotten meat to them, and after a few days, I will keep you a blessed land of Xianshan Mountain."

"If Big Brother is willing to cast spells to attract Lingbao Ganlin, it can be shortened to one day."

"My mountain leek has such a high status in Savage Mountain, in addition to being popular, I also have a credit for these little treasures."

After listening to this, Tao Qian also became a little interested.

Reaching out and touching the monster, Zhishu in his mind confirmed what Shan Jiu said.

If he didn't delay, he just asked casually. The serious plan was that Shan Jiu would not eat it, so he would take all the grains and make them into the essence of the five grains.

However, Shan Jiu's method is also good. After casting the spell to summon Gan Lin, De Shan Jiu began to pull the monsters out of the leek bag, dragging Xiao Xiao Sui and Lian Jing'er to sprinkle insects all over the mountains and plains.

With Yu Ding guarding him, and Lian Jing'er's treasure wheel of good fortune can monitor thousands of miles, this place is enough for him to retreat and digest.

Tao Qian went straight into the Wutong Temple, ignoring the pavilions and pavilions, and at first glance saw the flawless white jade building in the deepest part.

Moving closer, poetry couplets on the left and right sides of the portal came into view.

Tao Qian couldn't help laughing, and then said: "A toad, who also delusionally thinks that he is the moon toad of the moon in the Guanghan Palace, it is ugly, but beautiful."

With a sarcasm, Tao Qian got to the top of the building.

With the face of a real Wutong, he just sat down.

Sister Yunrong, who was still warm in her arms, suddenly jumped out and said softly to Tao Qian:

"Good brother, my grandma said that the first practice after stepping into the Profound Cave Realm is very important."

"Remember not to have delusional thoughts, and protect the essence and life, so as to be comprehensive."

Having said that, Yun Rong maintained the original appearance of a raccoon slave, and with graceful steps, he jumped on the white jade glazed tile above and fell down.

It seems that he is waiting for Tao Qian to finish his training, and it seems that he is protecting the law for his good brother.

At this time, Duke Yuan's somewhat sour voice transmission in Tao Qian's arms also came:

"Boy, your good sister is right."

"After the cultivator sets foot in Dongxuan, it is extremely important to practice Qi for the first time."

"The three small realms of Dongxuan are to preserve the essence, eat the energy, and activate the spirit."

"For the first time, it depends on whether the cultivator can pass the level of 'preserving essence'. If he can pass it, how many points can he pass."

"It's 8 or 9 points for very functional, and the road is promising."

"If you only get two or three points, it will be rough in the future."

"If there is a leak in the bad luck, it is not uncommon to die suddenly on the spot."

"How to practice, there must be a secret in your "Lingbao Saving People Sutra", I don't need to say more."

"Just to tell you one thing, those who can successfully pass the level of preserving the essence will most likely be able to step into the realm of bliss in the future, and the strongmen who will be able to step into the realm of Taoism in the future will use ten percent of the effort to maintain the essence in the first practice. , The second pass of eating qi... But this is extremely difficult, I heard that Duobao's babe is also a ten-point guard of essence and six points of qi-eating."

"You kid has a wonderful body of spiritual treasures, and more humane qi and luck help you. If you want to come, you can be equal to Duobao..."

After Yuan Gong finished speaking, there was no response from Tao Qian.

But he finally couldn't stand the urging of the mana in his body and the book of life, digested the breakthrough harvest, and the time to refine the Qi for the first time had come.

I saw him sitting in the Baiyu Building, holding the Lingbao Seal in his hand.

His eyes were slightly stunned, and he said in a loud voice: "The first ancestor of the Yuan Dynasty, the transformation of the heavens, the enlightenment of the three scenes, is the root of the sky."

As soon as this slogan was exported, Tao Qian had been brewing in his body for a long time, and all the majestic mana he had accumulated was vented out.

In a matter of moments, Tao Qian's whole body turned into a glass-like glaze, the avenues of spiritual light and the supreme wonderful brilliance burst out together, and it was even more visible that a congenital avenue species jumped out, and its body and soul seemed to leap up together, breaking open the door of the avenue with an unrivaled momentum. .

As soon as the door opened, Tao Qian's eyes immediately revealed an extremely terrifying, extremely vast, and extremely mysterious world.

Immortals, demons and gods live here, and the eternity of time is silent.

No guesswork, the answer is obvious.

Here are the heavens.

Or another name: Da Yuan.

Tao Qian knew that if an unprotected creature entered the Great Abyss, it would simply be courting death.

But his experience was different this time. He practiced the Spirit Treasure Magic Method, chanted the Spirit Treasure Dao Sutra, and knocked open the door of the Spirit Treasure Dao, and now he has a safe place in the Great Abyss.

"Lingbao Shrine protects my life, so it is."

This is hardly a distraction.

Tao Qian ran the Book of Life, let go of his body and soul, and officially started his first Qi Refinement.

The next moment, he saw what "Qi" was.

The vast abyss in front of him suddenly turned over, and in a trance, Tao Qian seemed to have seen an endless ocean of origin, with all kinds of Origin Qi inside.

It is so huge that there is no limit, and all the types of Origin Qi in this world are in it.

Without any filtering, it came surging.

Unceremoniously, poured into Tao Qian's body.

In just a moment, if the amount of Origin Qi contained in Tao Qianling Baomiao's body is converted into mana, he thinks that he can explode the Bliss Realm and compete with the Taoist Realm.

But soon, Tao Qian understood why the first pass of this cave was "preserving the essence".

The essence is not just that essence, but also the source of the blood and the spirit of guarding the bones.

The incomparably complex all-heaven Genesis Qi was poured into it, even if Tao Qian had a spiritual treasure and wonderful body?

In an instant, all kinds of unimaginable alienation appeared on Tao Qian.

He looked at himself, and only saw a handsome and extraordinary figure with divine light inherent in Taoism, which directly turned into an extremely disgusting and sticky mass of flesh, which also gave rise to tentacles, iridescent hair, evil eyes, sarcoid, and scorpion. Teeth... and so on, even more saliva flowed, and began to split into all kinds of freaks, making sharp roars and howling in pain.

Fortunately, this scene didn't last long, and Tao Qian didn't have any panic reaction after watching it.

He just continued to hold the Lingbao Seal, and then chanted the Sutra: "In the beginning of the blue sky, the blue sky sang, the great floating earth..."

As Tao Qian spit out word by word, many changes in body and soul disappeared. The glass-like spiritual treasure continued to emit incredible brilliance, and the divine light of the innate avenues above his head also sprinkled down, and the source qi of the heavens came and went in his body, and he couldn't shake it at all.

A kind of enlightenment, followed by:

"The so-called protection of essence means that the monks need to protect their own blood and bone spirits under this level of Origin Qi perfusion."

"This is extremely difficult. If you are not careful, you will be permanently alienated. It is strange that many highly talented cultivators will gradually lose their human body when they start from the Cave Profound Realm."

"For example, "Lingbao Infinite Human Sutra" and other large volumes of the Book of Life, can easily fix the root, protect the essence and protect the life, those who are struggling to set foot in the desert and the wilderness are the real ones who have no way to survive."

Along with this enlightenment, Tao Qian also knew that he had broken through the barrier of preserving the essence with ten thousand efforts.

Very smoothly, he began to eat Qi.

Why Eat Qi?

The source qi of the heavens is Qi, which is incorporated into one's body and refined and transformed into food.

The difficulty and danger of this pass lies in how to choose the Qi that matches one's own cultivation path from the vast ocean of sources.

It should be noted that every time the process of eating qi is like a circular Dao ring, which can be accepted and refined, but not regretted.

If you choose the wrong one, you will also have to pay the price of the wrong one.

Ordinary Dongxuan cultivator, after passing the level of Bao Jing, it will be enough~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Come back next time, although this will not get the most benefit, next time you will still face danger, but at least there is a ** machine.

But Tao Qian is different.

The danger here is equivalent to nothing here.

First, there was the mysterious sense of the spirit treasure body, and there was also the divine light of Taoism. In addition, the spiritual vision bestowed by Senior Sister Xie Lingji, and the strange soul of his own... Only when he thought of it, he chose the spirit from the huge sea of ​​​​sources. Baoyuan Qi directly took the most extreme mass into the body, and it took a moment to refine it into mana.

In my mind, a zhishu burst out: [Break the two barriers of protecting essence and eating qi in succession... The price has been waived! 】

Tao Qian looked at Zhishu, with no sorrow or joy, and naturally entered the level of enlightenment.

Outside, inside the Baiyu Building.

Whether it was Duke Yuan, or Yun Rong lying on the white jade glazed tile.

At the same time, what he felt at the same time showed horror.

Especially the nearest Duke Yuan, when he sensed the sudden surge of mana in Tao Qian's body and the incomparably clear realm, he couldn't help but tremble a few times.

If he turned into a face, he would be dumbfounded at this moment.

In the bottom of my heart, it is even more sour, and proud and secretly said:

"Good boy!"

"Dongxuan three passes, I don't know how many Tianjiao died, but in front of you it is like a paper paste, so easy to break through the two first?"

"Such a terrifying talent, it's strange that Duobao was shameless to steal people."

"Tsk tsk, if you can break through the level of spirituality, you will have to call someone if you can't say it. I can't count against that old man."

ps: Thank you for your monthly pass, Fat Fish kneels and thank you. (To be continued) Click to download the APP of this site, massive novels, free to read!

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