Longevity is Different, Caishikou Was Beheaded at the Beginning

Chapter 406: Good and Foolish Demon Monk, Transcendence Bodhisattva

"This is the difficulty of the bald donkeys in the Mofo Temple. Most of the methods they spread are aimed at 'inner demon addiction', and their attainments in this way are stronger than those of the bald people in Dazizai Temple and Zhuanlun Temple. ."

"Especially in a chaotic world, among the mortals at the bottom, the magic door is even more unrivaled."

"When the Buddha disappears, if it is a one-on-one fight, the Demon Buddha Temple is enough to crush and beat any righteous Buddhist temple, even the Da Zizai Temple."

"If you really want to save these poor people, there is only one way that might work..."

Before Master Yuan's voice transmission was finished, Tao Qian had already guessed it in advance.

Almost at the same time, he spit out four words: "Calm down the troubled world!"

Seeing that Tao Qian already knew, Yuan Gong did not say more.

The reasoning is actually not complicated.

Even, going straight back to what Tao Qian said earlier:


"As long as the troubled times disappear, the price will tend to be balanced, and it will be better to choose between life and death. Although there will still be people who will sing and burn incense, but there will not be many people. You will feel that it is tasteless, and you will not want to respond again, spread it again, and the disaster will be self-solved."

"Unfortunately, who would dare to say that the current chaotic world can be pacified?"

Once again, Tao Qian felt powerless.

However, he was not disappointed.

I just looked at the nearly ten thousand people who were at a loss and felt uneasy, and said in my heart:

"There is no cure for the root cause, but there are expedient measures."

After all, Tao Qian blinked and pulled out a thin middle-aged man in a monk's robe and three beards from the townspeople. .

This person is that Wang Jinyin, a native of Changle Town. He left home when he was young and traveled abroad to study abroad. He wants to return to his hometown to show his ambition and lead the people of his hometown out of poverty and suffering.

It's a pity that mere mortals can't resist the magic of the Buddha, and they will fall after struggling for a long time.

Unlike other townspeople, what he seeks is not money and beauty, but a practice method.

Previously, a monk from the Mofo Temple gave him a volume of "Serious Indulgence Technique", so that he could perform some hypnosis and other strange techniques, and he was barely a monk.

Of course, since he recited that Buddha verse, it was useless to cultivate anything, and most of the essence, including his soul, was dedicated to the demon monk, and it was not a few days to live.

When he first met Tao Qian, what he asked for became a way to prolong his life.

At that time, I was crazy and greedy, and I was hardly human.

Now that I wake up, some wisdom emerges from the sunken eye socket.

He was sweating profusely and trembling all over, but he was not afraid that the Buddha in front of him would destroy him, a fallen demon.

But fear, regret.

He stepped forward, knelt down, and shouted hoarsely, "The Buddha's Son and Bodhisattva is above, Wang Jinyin, the mayor of Qiantang High Guanle Town, thank you for saving your life and saving the people."

At this time, the middle-aged Ren, who was few days old, shouted and gave a big gift, his head banged bang bang bang, and he was full of strength.

Tao Qian let him knock a few times, and suddenly slapped the top of his head with his palm.

This person immediately spit out a large mouthful of blood, and the cultivation base was completely useless.

But in the next moment, Tao Qian spent another mana in the past. After healing his wounds, he chose an article from his mountain of treasures to clear his mind, see his nature, eliminate disasters and cure diseases, and called it "Medicine Buddha". The Buddha's verse from "Talking about Porridge", and a wooden fish, which is considered a low-level Buddhist instrument, were sent to him.

Immediately, the sound transmission explained:

"Although the poor monk has cleared the filth and drug addiction in your hearts, the inner demons will still breed intrusions."

"If you have the heart, use the poor monk to pass on your treasures of the Dharma, and chant scriptures every night to eliminate the repeated drug addiction of the townspeople."

"Changle Town has a small population, and it is close to the Jiefang Ridge. I think that as long as you don't take the initiative to sing the [Burning Incense Buddha], it will not be easy to attract demon monks."

"In this way, it should be able to temporarily maintain peace for a period of time."

Tao Qian's method sounds really laborious.

But if you think about it hastily, there is no other way.

First of all, Changle Town is located in Qiantang, which is far away from Crescent Moon Province.

If this is done, nearly ten thousand people were not killed by the evil monk, and they must die in the middle of the migration.

The treasures of Buddhist scriptures that Tao Qian gave to the mayor were not rare, nor could they be given to rare ones, nor could they be given to Daomen dharmas and instruments, so as not to cause trouble for nothing.

In addition, there is another arrangement Tao Qian did not say. When he and Yun Rong left, he would cast a spell to erase the memories related to the two of them in the minds of thousands of people, and only planted an obsession in the heart of the mayor:

Every night!

He would go door-to-door and chant the verses of the Buddha to disinfect his addiction.

Work harder, the picture is weirder.

But the lives of thousands of people can naturally be saved.

As soon as he finished explaining, a smile appeared on the man's face, and then he seemed to have made up his mind.

He kowtowed violently again, and said while kowtowing:

"The Buddha is merciful, this arrangement is excellent."

"Changle Town is really remote, and there are no monks visiting at all. The previous demon monks were all invited by us at a considerable cost, and almost all of them were passing demon monks, who occasionally stopped to eat and went to find them. Bigger and better meals, look down on our small villages and towns."

"However, in order not to cause trouble to the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, I also asked the Buddha's son to clear the memory in our minds when he left. In addition, please entrust others to chanting the Buddha's verses."

"Disciple Wang Jinyin, wants to do something else."

"The demon monk next to him won't come, but one monk is an exception."

"This monk is called [Shanyu], and he is the monk at the bottom of the Mofo Temple."

"He couldn't compete with the rest of the demon monks, so he was exiled to the vicinity. A hundred miles away, he built a black cypress temple and regarded the surrounding villages and towns as blood and food, and I, Changle Town, were among them."

"Every few days, he will come to harvest me. Before, I couldn't stand its temptation, fell into a demon, and paid the price. I begged him to pass me a secret magic trick."

"If he doesn't die, I'm afraid that Changle Town will inevitably be destroyed."

"Buddha and Bodhisattva are merciful, can you plant a Buddha flame and Buddha light in my body when I leave, so that I can perish with that devil monk."

"Disciple knows that there is a price for all cultivation and action."

"The disciple is willing to pay with my remaining life essence, as well as three souls and seven souls."

This middle-aged man called Wang Jinyin, the mayor of Changle Town, although he didn't make it clear to Tao Qian.

There is no need, Tao Qian has used a secret technique to see his life before.

Since participating in the New Moon Uprising, Tao Qian already knew that the world is not really that hopeless.

There are many perverted animals, but there are also many people with lofty ideals.

"Okay! I will fulfill you."

"Only the first half, as for the demon monk called 'Good Foolishness', I just happened to be useful."

"Don't worry, he won't be here again."

After saying these few words, I did not wait for this person and nearly ten thousand town residents to react.

Tao Qian directly cast spells: wipe memory, obsession.

After nearly 10,000 people blinked, there were no Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in front of them.

Only the mayor of his own house suddenly shouted in anger:

"What do you all do in a daze, and continue to worship the Buddha."

"By the way, no one needs to close their doors and go to bed early tonight. The mayor of this town has newly acquired a Buddhist verse, and I will read it to you at that time."

"Although this Buddhist verse is superficial, it has mysterious Buddhist principles. After chanting, there is no disaster or disease, and you can still fill your stomach. It is very mysterious."

It is a hundred miles away from Changle Town.

There is a dark and lonely mountain, and there is a temple on it. In front of the temple is a row of cypress trees that are very strange and dark in color.

This tree is actually called [Wild Monk Evil Cypress], and it is a monster that needs to be watered with human blood and human blood, and virgins are the best.

It is of great use to Buddhist monks who have entered the devil. It is similar to the bodhi tree, pure bamboo and other spiritual plants of the righteous Buddhist sect, but the level is very low, and the slightly more tyrannical monks do not look down on it.

But for the owner of this mountain and this temple, that is, the demon monk called Good Foolishness, these low-level demon trees are the key to his ability to break through and build a foundation.

That's right, this monk was born in the Demon Temple.

He is so famous. He has been repairing for more than ten years, but he doesn't even have a foundation. That's why he was pushed out by the same family.

If he hadn't been smarter, he would have been swallowed by his fellow disciples in the temple.

But at this time, he would rather take the risk of turning around in the temple, there may still be a chance of life.

The reason is also simple!

His doom has arrived.

All I can see is this monk, what a waste of a good name such as "Shanyu", with a fat head and big ears, a face full of flesh, and a scar from the center of the eyebrows, extending directly to the chin, he is really ugly and fierce. .

In his turbid eyes, there was a disgusting look that couldn't be concealed.

At this moment, he was almost **, kneeling in the temple and kowtow frantically in front of him.

Around him, there are more than a dozen human race women, choking and weeping.

Just before one breath, this monk planned to have a bare-faced meeting in this Heibai Temple.

After enjoying himself, he would kill these poor women and use their flesh to water the evil cypress outside the temple.

Now he can't do it, and while kowtowing, he burst into tears and begged for mercy:

"Senior, forgive your life, and the Buddha's children and Bodhisattvas, who are merciful and compassionate, forgive your life."

"The little monk's name is Shanyu, and he was deceived into practicing in the Demon Buddha Temple. Because he still has good thoughts in his heart, he took this Dharma name for himself. Unexpectedly, he was bullied by many of his classmates and pushed out to this remote rural area."

"Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, although the little monk was taken advantage of by the side effects of these costs because of the practice of the Buddha's Dharma, he did some small evils, but he really never killed too much, and he did not carry sins that could not be resolved but could be turned into merits and virtues. , can't stop any catastrophe at all."


Hearing this, Tao Qian suddenly burst into laughter.

To the fat demon monk who insulted the word good and ignorant, he laughed and said:

"You demon monk is clever and shameless, and your eyesight is also very vicious. When I saw my husband and wife coming, I knew that they were not opponents, so I didn't even resist, so I just knelt down and begged for mercy."

"But no matter how cunning you are~www.wuxiaspot.com~, you still get the wrong direction for begging for mercy."

"Saving others by myself, I actually think of me as the kind of Buddhist cultivator who relies on beheading sinful monks, transforming merits, and protecting himself from disasters."

The good and foolish demon monk heard this sentence, and at the same time felt the killing intent that made his soul go mad.

In an instant, he knew that he was about to die.

Even now, he doesn't know why he suffered this disaster inexplicably?

He couldn't even guess the sacredness of this pair of Buddhist companions, who had magical powers in the sky and couldn't see through at all.

The only thing I know is that if you don't struggle and work hard for one or two, it will be over.

This demon monk was so eager to survive, he hurriedly shouted at the last moment, and quickly said:

"Slow down, don't kill Xiao Seng, Xiao Seng still has value."

"Grandpa Buddha and Grandma Bodhisattva, you all came to Qiantang Province for the sake of those [Great Mercy, Great Compassion, Great Transcendence Bodhisattva] who are being sacrificed and practiced in our Mofo Temple."

"The little monk has a way, so that Grandpa Buddha and Grandma Bodhisattva can get one, and we can guarantee to get one."

"Just beg for my life, from now on, the little monk will follow orders and change his ways."

ps: The second update is here, continue to try tomorrow (may not be able but try hard), ask for monthly ticket support.


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