Longevity is Different, Caishikou Was Beheaded at the Beginning

Chapter 429: Tao Qian meets treasure, master and apprentice conspiracy

As soon as Tao Qian came to power, exclamations sounded one after another, and one after another looked at him.

Even in the Liuli Palace, a group of inhumane demons and animals also looked at Tao Qian.

Without him, the appearance of Wushou Monk is too good-looking.

All the wicked people in the audience do not know the secrets of cultivation, so they are only amazed at this son's skin, and all have a coveted heart, some for the love of men and women, and some for the desire of food and drink.

But the monks in the palace were all shocked.

They can all see that with such a posture, such a skin and flesh, it is absolutely impossible to be a desperate villain, or a demon cultivator who cannot bear the price and will be alienated.

More likely, it is a Buddhist son who came to subdue demons.

Only for a moment of stagnation, there will be a frenzy of anger and drinking in the palace building.

But soon, the evil monk [Master Mijia], who was parked on the last jade step on the fourth floor of the palace, let out a cold snort, suppressing the riots of the evil demons.

Immediately, this evil monk with three heads and six arms moved and landed on the evil mirror stage.

After taking a closer look, he actually gave Tao Qian a serious bow, and then he also asked the two questions that the old Jialan had earlier.

"Where did the Buddha come from? What do you want?"

Tao Qian also glanced at him.

The legal body is tyrannical, and he has cultivated a tyrannical magic flame-like supernatural power.

There are also many treasures. Each of the six arms holds a sword, a long spear, a bronze bell, a wooden fish, a prayer flag, and a Buddhist bead, all of which are extraordinary spiritual things.

The Mofo Temple has been in charge of Qiantang Province for a short period of time, and the kingdom of wicked people has just formed, and there are no evil demons in this evil land.

Only the old monk of Hanshan Temple, who was called "Master Mijia", was a little threatened.

However, only a little bit.

Today's Tao Qian is not arrogant and arrogant. In fact, after stepping into the late stage of Dongxuan and breaking through the level of enlightenment, his combat power has skyrocketed.

First of all, I said that I had to subdue the monk Shenxiu, even though it was bullying the ugly monk, I couldn't refute it.

But Tao Qian knew that if he did his best, Master Shenxiu would definitely not be his opponent.

Daoist Zhong Ziyang, whom Tao Qian also found difficult to beat before, would not be able to beat him if he was still alive.

Of those characters, Tao Qian dared to say that he could win, but what about a mere Mikha monk?

Because of this, Tao Qian did not immediately respond to the evil monk in front of him, but stepped out one step, and reached the front of the [Evil Mirror] in an instant, and touched it with his fingers.

Here, only this object made Tao Qian quite curious.

He touched the mirror, and the mirror naturally saw him.

Initially, the mirror was empty, but soon there was an explosion of divine light, which reflected the Buddha's light.

Seeing this scene, the whole city was shocked.

"No, he's not a villain, he's a Buddhist, and he's here to subdue me."

"There is no sin, only spiritual light. How is this possible? Even if the real Buddha is here, it is impossible for him to have no evil thoughts in his heart."

"True Buddha? Is there a true Buddha in this world?"

"Who is this son? In Qiantang Province, has there ever been such a person."

"No matter who he is, even if he is a real Buddha, we can kill him, just eat the flesh of the Buddha, drink the blood of the Buddha, and cut off the roots of the Buddha."

With the exclamations of tens of thousands of people, a vague figure was about to be reflected in the depths of the Buddha's light.

But suddenly, only a "click" sound was heard, and the evil mirror seemed to be unable to bear the breath carried by the figure, and it shattered abruptly.

It was also at this moment that in Tao Qian's mind, a detailed narration burst forth.

I don't know what he saw, and there was a look of surprise in his eyes.

At the same time, behind Tao Qian, ten thousand demons are already attacking.

The scene reflected by the broken mirror is enough to scare anyone into a faint.

It seems that the most disgusting things in the world are gathered at this moment.

Facing this terrifying siege, Tao Qian said abruptly: "The scene here, I'm afraid it can be compared with the ugliness that Senior Sister Xie has seen since she was a child."

On the face, he was not in a hurry and opened his mouth with a Buddha name.

Lion's Roar!

The majestic mana was displayed, and the demons retreated.

Even more than 90% of the ordinary people were wiped out in an instant.

But soon, as the evil thoughts surged and black light swept through, they were all resurrected.

All of them grinned and rushed again.

Foul language, full of foul language.

The evil monk Mikka finally made up his mind, roaring and roaring to kill him with three heads and six arms, accompanied by the magic flame and wind.

"Don't eat and drink a toast!"

"I think that the Buddha came from a certain big temple. He thinks that he can get it through cultivation, and his supernatural powers are acceptable, so he came here to subdue demons."

"Your master is also incompetent. He didn't tell you that in the kingdom of wicked people, all demons are immortal and immortal."

"Not to mention that you are a young monk, you are the Arhat Bodhisattva of Dazizai Temple and Dazhuanlun Temple, who entered the country and are like fish on a chopping board, so we can eat them."

It's better that the Mikhara monk doesn't say these things.

As soon as he finished speaking, Tao Qian immediately burst into laughter.

"Hahaha... You demon monk, you will blow the air."

"If you ask me what I want to do, I can tell you what I want."

"The poor monk is here to teach you a truth."

"Whether it is common or not, there is a saying in the world of practice: everything has a price."

Gu Ting

"Everyone has done evil, countless, all souls are twisted into such a shape, not even a reincarnation reincarnation, do you really think that you can hide here and escape the world by shouting [I would like to put down the butcher's knife]?"

"No, it's impossible."

"The poor monk is your doom."

Tao Qian smiled and spoke with certainty, while he repeated his tricks and untied the cloth bag around his waist.

With a rush of mana, he threw it straight up.

The cultivator bag rose against the wind, and the mouth of the bag opened, only after the word "received".

All demons, including the Mikhara monk, all fell into the bag.

Suddenly, the country of the wicked was empty.

"That's what it looks like."

Tao Qian looked at the lanterns in front of him, the glazed glaze was shining, and the empty city that lacked all those inhuman beasts was very satisfied.

After that, Tao Qian did not do anything else.

Instead, he suddenly took out the [Golden Xia Order], and then called out the statue of Yuan Gong, and told the two masters at the same time, telling the two masters at the same time.

Almost in no particular order, surprised voices came from both ends.

On the other side of Duobao, a loud laugh came:

"Good boy, you can meet rare treasures by taking a walk at will, and you will have the demeanor of my treasured lineage."

"Everyone knows that thing exists, but few people guess where to get it, but they don't want to be bumped into by you."

"But you went too early. If you want to get a flower bud, it would be good. There is no chance that there will be a lotus flower for you."

Hearing this, Tao Qian shook his head.

Then, refuted Shizun: "It's not too early, it's too late."

Duobao knew his own disciple's temperament and thoughts, and he was not annoyed after hearing it.

Just after thinking for a while, he voiced over again and said:

"Since you are planning to save people and save the world, you should not take that thing, so as not to annoy Kong Chanshi Pilian and kill these three dead thieves."

"It's just a rare opportunity, and that thing plus the Buddha bird relic will be of great benefit to you. It would be a pity to miss it."

"Well, it seems that after this incident, my fake body will also be scrapped."

"I'm going to use my clones now to find a few corpses, and promise to open a separate vein in the Mofo Temple... With this great achievement, these dead thieves will be happy and bad, and they won't care about your treasure-hunting behavior, after all, they were their own at that time. people."

"Don't be polite. Just don't do it again and again, and go directly to the few remaining wicked places. Since there are black lotuses in the wicked country, if you want to come to other places, there are some natural spirits hidden, so you **** them away."

After Duobao finished speaking, both Tao Qian and Yuan Gong were shocked.

His scheming is really simple and rude.

Nanhai Qingjing Chan Master, who has a good reputation, has recently been rumored to set foot in Daohua and open a line of dharma.

Many big forces are coveting.

Zhuanlun Temple is considered to be the closest, after all, Zen Master Qingjing used to teach the Dharma at Zhuanlun Temple.

Secretly, the Tiannan Gao family felt that they were already allies, and Kong Chan felt quite close.

Now Duobao intends to come to the door in person and smash this great benefit directly on the heads of the three Arhats, Shibi, Kongchan, and Lotus Killing, saying that the Dao Lineage will be incorporated into the Mofo Temple.

No one can deny this benefit.

In comparison, the Wushou monk who was wandering around in Qiantang Province and accidentally got some magic Buddha treasures was not at fault.

After all, fat and water do not flow into the fields of outsiders.

As for the later exposure, at that time Shipi, Kongchan, and Lotus killed the three Arhats, I am afraid they have already fought with Tiannan Gao's family.

Not to mention that there is no more energy left, even if there is, who can help this master and apprentice?

You can't kill Penglaihai, the means are not good enough to be tricked, and it is even more embarrassing to spread the three Arhats.

The only problem is, can the Duobao method hide the three Arhats?

The empty cicada is cunning, the corpse is arrogant, and the lotus kill is insidious, all of which are not good things.

Hearing Tao Qian ask back, on the other side of Jinxialing, Duobao swayed with two hairy legs, and said angrily:

"Boy, don't listen to that red eyebrow's demeaning remarks about your teacher."

"This old monkey is used to brag about himself and belittle his peers. If you believe it, you will be a club."

"You've been practicing as a teacher for so many years, it's a waste of practice, not to mention it's just coaxing, if you're in a hurry to be a teacher, then you really separate a clone, how difficult is it to go to the Demon Buddha Temple to open a Dharma line?"

Duobao said so, Tao Qian couldn't refute it.

So the master and the apprentice discussed for a while to complete the details, and then they had to act independently.

As soon as the Jinxia order stopped, inside the statue of Duke Yuan, a sigh came out:

"Put your two masters and apprentices on the stall~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The three beasts of the Gao family, the three thieves of the devil, the three thieves, it's really **** mold."

"But what Duobao said is not wrong, that thing, plus the Buddha's bird relic, and your precious cloth bag that looks like a Tao but not a Tao, like a Buddha but not a Buddha, as your cultivation grows, you will even pretend to be a true Buddha in the future. , you can also install a seven or eight image."

"If you have enough luck, you may really be able to open up a new Buddhist dharma."

"That's a lot of shit, a hundred birds, and half a lifetime of planning, but it's all fulfilled for you."

"Boy, what do you think of the name Baiqin Buddha, it sounds majestic."

Listening to Duke Yuan's babble, Tao Qian's mouth twitched.

What is the prestige of Baiqin Buddha?

Master Yuan really has a worrying taste, and he is also a waste of names.

ps: There are more, please ask for a monthly pass, it is very necessary, please extend your hands.

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