In Yuhai County, more than 200,000 people who were awakened by dream bugs all stared at the smashed Zuni Ridge under the light of the Buddha's light.

A purgatory land was destroyed in the hands of the three-headed and hundred-armed true Buddha.

After slaying hundreds of beasts and demons on the mountain, Tao Qian dissipated the dharma images, sat in the void, sprinkled the heart lamp and Buddha fire, and burned the remaining ruins.

Within a few dozen breaths, the land here is filled with the aroma of broth that makes you want to vomit.

Although the smell was unpleasant, the people were full of joy and encouragement when they saw this scene, not to mention the fact that it was late at night, lighting up the lights and setting off firecrackers, turning the originally deserted and strange county town into a busy city where celebrations were held.

There was a monk official in the city, called "Zhixin Zen Master", he had received the letter early, and he knew that there was a good show on Zongni Ridge tonight, and he was also assigned some tasks.

Although it is strange why the local Garan Dharma Protector was willing to be bombarded by the Buddha in order to act, but the Buddha's decree above could not be disobeyed.

He started to agitate the people first, with a beaming expression on his face, he urged the mana and shouted:


"My Buddha is merciful, and after hearing the wishes of the believers, I sent the Wushou Buddha's son to come to subdue demons and eliminate demons."

"The poor monk Zhixin suggested: Why don't we set today as a festival in Yuhai County, and if the name is called, it should be called the Wushou True Buddha Festival]."

"it is good!"

"Master, this proposal is good."

"Buddha Wushou is merciful, born with three heads and a hundred arms, subduing demons and eradicating demons is just a matter of time, and he should be a true Buddha."

The layout of this head is extremely simple, and Zhixin can easily do it.

At the same time, he also passed the news of the destruction of Shini Ridge.

The rest of the layout of the Mofo Temple also took effect. In just half an hour, the entire Qiantang Province learned a piece of news:

Five strange places that make the life of the people of Qiantang worse!

Within two days, they were all annihilated by the means of Lei Ting, who came from the South China Sea.

For a time, the name of Wushou Buddha's son not only shocked the entire Qiantang, but also began to spread to the surrounding provinces.

And in the next few hours, let tens of thousands of ordinary people in the province also know about this, this is a feat.

I don't know how Duobao fooled the three Arhats, so that the three Arhats were convinced: The pure and pure line of the South China Sea must enter the Demon Buddhist Temple, and treat the Wushou Buddha as his own, and he is still the one who can suppress the Zizai Temple. The third Buddhist son Shenxiu master Tianjiao Buddha son.

It should be noted that Zizai Temple is an old opponent, and it is hard to come up with a "magic Buddha" who can overcome the opponent. How could the three Arhats give up such a good opportunity.

Therefore, when facing the common people, he preaches that the Son of Buddha is a true Buddha who is compassionate and compassionate.

When facing the world of practice, it is almost clear that Nanhai Qingjing's lineage is about to join the Mofo Temple.

This kind of news was also believed by the cultivators that the Mofo Temple was proud of the spring breeze, and it not only cut off the Huan Lun Temple, but also slapped the Da Zizai Temple in the face.

The next day was also the third day when Tao Qian left the city of Gusu with the Zhen brothers and sisters and a group of obsessed female cultivators.

Tongtian Pagoda crossed the sky and went straight to the provincial capital.

Still halfway through, I was sitting cross-legged in a Buddhist pagoda Zen room, and my wife and my wife flirted with Tao Qian, who seemed to be feeling something, and a look of surprise suddenly appeared on his face.

I saw in the void, without warning, a surge of humanistic luck, invisible to the naked eye, came surging and crashed into the Buddha.

In an instant, everyone has a share.

Ninety percent of the money went to Tao Qian, a small portion went to Yun Rong, and a smaller portion went to Zhen Buchi. Even Zhen Ci'en and the group of female cultivators also got some of it.

Humanity and luck are actually the willpower of the hearts of ordinary people. Although it cannot directly help practice, it has its own mystery.

If Zhen is not crazy!

This son has special roots and feet, and the "loving monk" who has cultivated in this life has also spread the old thief and bald Kong Chan as his master.

It is said that he cannot escape the fate of being used by Kong Chan as a robbery.

But this time, when the human spirit was transported into the body.

Zhen Buchi was stunned, and he didn't know what happened in his heart and soul, but he seemed to have drank a glass of Taizhen Immortal Wine again, and fell into some kind of illusion again.

And Tao Qian, who has the most luck, is the real one who has got a big benefit.

He even wiped out the five monsters!

From this, five embryos of Buddhist treasures were obtained.

They are all things of demons and Buddhas. You have to use the ancestral **** Yu Ding and humanistic luck to train them, in order to reverse the demons and turn them into Buddhas, and make the real treasures.

It would have taken some time to do this, but with the surging luck and the will of the people, it was done right away.

The Zen room is secret, so that no one can see it.

Tao Qian laughed loudly and took out Yu Ding.

The next moment, I saw the chaos and turbidity in the cauldron, and the five treasures of light suddenly flew out from the earth, water, fire and wind.

The entire meditation room was suddenly flooded with Buddha's light, the ceiling was scattered, the ground was filled with golden lotuses, the Sanskrit sound was clear, and the ten thousand Buddhas praised... If anyone else is here, I'm afraid their eyes will pop out.

The five treasures are a golden lotus, a misty spring mixed with golden fine sand, a Qingning treasure mirror shining with six kinds of brilliance, a Buddha bowl filled with gold paste, and a piece of auspicious light lingering with profound truth. Buddha clothes.

Even though these Five Treasures, it looks like they are only embryonic wares, and they have never been perfected.

But a monk with a little bit of eyesight can see that: if you get any treasure, there is a chance to get the Tao.

This pretty monk in the Zen room had no idea where the luck came from, but he got it all.

Tao Dazhen didn't know how to be polite, so he raised his hand first, and approached the golden lotus that had not yet opened, but only had a bud.

A perception was born in my heart, my mind ran through Zhishu, and I said directly:

"Karma and retribution, the sea of ​​suffering is endless, only Nirvana can break free."

"This treasure should be the Nirvana Golden Lotus."

When the voice fell, Jin Lian suddenly became bright and seemed to be responding.

It's just that the time is obviously not enough, and it still doesn't open.

Tao Qian didn't care, and looked at the treasures below.

With the continuous burst of perception and narration, Tao Qian's voice sounded again and again:

"Whoever drinks this spring will not suffer from old age, sickness and death, and will gain immeasurable longevity. This treasure should be a spring of immeasurable merits and virtues."

"If the six senses are pure, the six senses will not be defiled. This treasure should be the six senses clear mirror."

"In the Saha world, everything is suffering. Eating this paste can relieve the eight sufferings. This treasure should be the golden bowl for saving suffering."

Speaking of this, Tao Qian's appearance has changed drastically.

He used to look like a wonderful monk in white robes that was not stained with dust, but now he is attached to the golden lotus of Nirvana, the spring water of merit and virtue is surging under his feet, a pure precious mirror hangs behind him, and he holds a golden bowl in his palm... The Buddhist disciples who came out of Zhuanlun Temple were not so great.

Still not satisfied, he probed again. Gu Tuan

The last Buddha robe flew over and wrapped around its body, as if it was tailor-made. Not to mention it was very suitable, but it also showed that the Buddha's nature was multiplied and mysteries were infinite. , some Buddha beads, relics, coral agate and other objects hanging on it are made from the unbroken bones of those Buddha birds.

That's all, they're all appearances.

The real mystery of this Buddhist robe is that it contains the Buddha-nature of many vajras, arhats, bodhisattvas, and Buddhas, as well as countless fragments of Buddhist teachings.

Tao Qian felt silently, and went straight:

"This Buddhist robe smelts the Buddha nature and the Buddha Dharma in one body, turns the Buddha against the devil, and saves all the misfortunes in the world."

"Its name should be called Du'er's cassock]."

The cassock that got the name taboo suddenly flashed Buddha's light, as if responding.

At the same time, two treasures appeared on Tao Qian's body.

The human seed bag hanging on his waist instantly disappeared from the gray-faced appearance, releasing divine light, and the inside of the bag was agitating, as if it was about to unfold, taking away the worlds of the ten directions and hundreds of millions of beings.

The Buddha bird relic in the body voluntarily flew out and hung on the top of the head. There were a hundred Buddha bird guardians with a mighty appearance and extraordinary Buddha nature.

This scene shocked Yun Rong and Yuan Gong.

It's just that after the two of them saw it, the thoughts in their hearts were different.

Yun Rong looked at her husband who looked like a real Buddha, and said in her heart:

"Good brother, as expected of the only true biography of True Monarch Duobao, in this outfit, not to mention pretending to be a Buddhist son from the South China Sea, just pretending to be a Buddhist son of Zizai Temple, no one can doubt it, I am afraid that Zizai Temple itself will doubt it. , is this son the reincarnation of one of his own Buddhas?"

Yuan Gongze secretly clicked his tongue, then he was angry and gloating:

"Yes, no need to say more, this must be the plan of Duobao's old man. It's not my Secret Demon Sect that dares to be targeted by him, but the bald sects of Buddhism."

"This kid doesn't need to do much, as long as he puts on this style and goes to any big temple, the Buddha is willing to come out and accept him as a disciple."

"Honey, Duobao really knows how to play."

Compared to the two of them, Tao Qian himself didn't make much of a fuss.

Although he looked at himself with satisfaction, he quickly put away the babies and muttered at the same time:

"These five treasures, for the time being, I'm afraid they won't be able to see the light."

"If it still looks like the devil Buddha, the evil lotus, the six dust magic mirror, etc., and it is displayed in the provincial capital, the three Arhats may not be dissatisfied, but it is just that the fat water does not flow into the fields of outsiders, and they cultivate their own devil Buddha children."

"But now it looks like this, once I take it out, I'm afraid any excuses I have will be useless, and I will directly reveal the truth. Well, turning the Buddha into a demon, the master and the apprentice are all meticulous and have not run away."

"The other thing is that these five treasures are still embryos, and they are not very powerful. They are really useless except to look good."

The last sentence is the real reason.

Don't look at those old life-eating fairy boys, evil spirits in the forest, etc., they boasted very well.

The truth is, right and wrong.

If these five Buddha treasures are in a mature state, the power is naturally more tyrannical than the other.

But it is only the beginning, only the embryo, and it is still far from maturity.

Just like the immeasurable fountain of merit and virtue, when it was first touched, it was said that its internal life span was tens of thousands of years.

The truth is: if you take it for mortals and drink it all in one breath, the bright side can indeed increase your lifespan by tens of thousands of years, but the cost is as high as tens of thousands of species. Terrible curse, eternal life can not be reborn.

If you take it for monks, the life expectancy will be less, and the cost will be less, but the amount is limited. I am afraid that only the existence of the Buddha level can bear it, but when you reach that level, why do you need a fountain of merit?

The other four treasures are in a similar situation.

After Tao Qian turned them into Buddhas, their power was reduced even more.

"There are still many uses, but it can't be compared with Buddha bird relics and human seed bags."

"However, this is still an incredible opportunity. If I want to work hard to cultivate treasures and cultivate Buddha... It will take tens of hundreds of years to open a Buddhist temple. It will definitely be possible."

"Inadvertently, I saved up to open a family of Buddhist veins."

"Master must have deduced these things before he is willing to risk losing a fake vest to come forward in person, act in partnership with me, and plot against others."

"Of course, I see that Master is also enjoying it."

Just as Tao Qian was thinking about it, he was slandering Duobao.

Suddenly, a tyrannical spirit mana swept over aggressively, but soon stopped outside the Buddha.

A rude laughter resounded through the sky.

"In the stupa, is the Wugou master who has wiped out the five evil places of Qiantang in recent days?"

"I heard that the master came from the South China Sea. He never left a living, nor stained with blood, so he took the name of Wugou."

"If this is true, it is too wonderful, too coincidental."

"In Xia Gao Tianci, there is such a hobby. If you fight with people, if you win, you must first wipe out the enemy's soul, then refine his body into a pool of pus and blood, drink it clean, and keep it without leaving any traces."

"The next time you hear the master's name, you will know that you are a fellow person, can you come out and talk about the mystery."

This laughter just sounded, and a **** light suddenly appeared in a certain position on the ground below.

The light was still very far away for a moment, and he just blinked, and he appeared outside Tongtian Buddha Then a giant man appeared, with a height of more than 10 feet tall and a long beard all over his face. They are all blood-colored, with scarlet fierce pupils, dark blue lips, and a mouth of fangs. They are uneven, and they are more vicious than Specter.

It holds two treasures in both hands, namely a pitch-black magic flag surrounded by all souls, and a magic sword that is ticking and oozing pus and blood like never ending.

What's even more terrifying is the mount under this big man.

The beast?

No, it can no longer be called a beast.

It is an extremely strange giant meat mass. There are no gaps on its surface. It is full of hands, feet, limbs, wings, etc., which come from human beings, demons, fairy Buddhas, aliens, etc. Or the fan, its speed is fast, its power is huge, and the void is turned into a chaotic soup.

Obviously, the speed of escape that was almost on a par with Da Zizai Temple's Heart Light Escape Technique just now was given by this strange evil.

At this moment, even the most ignorant person can see it.

This cultivator, called "Gao Tianci", must be a terrifying demon who killed countless people.

But at the next moment, the devil couldn't wait for Tao Qian's answer.

From all directions, there are many spirits and voices coming, some of which directly exposed the roots of this demon.

"Hahaha... It is said that Zhang Mazi has a general under his command, named Gao Tianci, who cultivates the secrets of ancient demons and has a reckless temperament. Tianjiao, they are all native chickens, and now they are asking to see a native monk from the South China Sea, but it seems that the rumors are wrong."

"Monk of the South China Sea? What a big tone. Your Excellency looks down on Gao Tianci, but I don't know if there is some incredible backing, and even the Wushou Buddha who has the ability to overwhelm Master Shenxiu?"

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