Longevity is Different, Caishikou Was Beheaded at the Beginning

Chapter 484: Fight to save the nation, gather 12

In the extra-territorial cancer dojo, the shadows that were too scary to look at disappeared too quickly.

Tao Qian didn't even have time to see the true identity of any emperor, but he didn't need to see it clearly, just thinking about it, it must be disgusting and twisted, making people look at the alienated body of the collapsed soul.

Even just listening to the drunken words of these alienated emperors, you will know their situation.



They were all emperors.

Even most of them can be called a wise man.

However, now they are not human races, but cannibals and blood-sucking monsters.

The funny thing is that the first ancestor of the Li family and the first ancestor of the Liu family took a fancy to Tao Qian at the same time, one wanted to be adopted as a son, and the other wanted to be a son-in-law.

No matter which one it was, Tao Qian shuddered.

This is completely different from the treatment of the little flower priest who eats soft rice. If he really falls into such a situation, Tao Qian would rather end himself.

Although the twelve old monsters were talking nonsense because they were drunk, there were really no mistakes in those few words.

Tao Qian's status, the resources he possesses, and the fate of humanity he is in charge of... Not to mention calling all the ancestral gods' forbidden law fragments and rebuilding the enchantment, just calling Qi Na [Twelve Artifacts of Kyushu], it's still a thin line.

Now that the eleven weapons have come, the last thing has never arrived.

After a long time, not only the twelve old monsters, but the whole world guessed it.

Real Tao!

Although he has great ambitions and has accomplished many great things, he is still far away from Zulong, and I am afraid that he will not be able to call all the fragments to rebuild the enchantment.

From the seventy-two provinces, sighs came from one after another.

Tao Qian didn't care about this, he was trying to sense the whereabouts of the last treasure.

The Zen Master Qingjing, the Duobao avatar by his side, frowned. It was obvious that the main body was already calculating and immediately passed on the result.

"It's going to be bad!"

"The Twelve Artifacts of Kyushu, the last part is the [Emperor's Jade Seal]."

"This thing is a sacred weapon that suppresses luck, a real treasure of humanity. If it is lacking, the wave of your momentum will not be able to be lifted."

"With the humane luck you have, this treasure should have been the first to vote for you."

"The reason it didn't come is because...it already has a master."

When Duobao was halfway through, Tao Qian also sensed the result.

After all, he already has control over the Nine Provinces Eleven, and can easily know the status of the last component.

As soon as he knew the result, Tao Qian's expression became strange.

"The Emperor's Jade Seal was actually obtained by Yu Yanshi."

"Well, it's normal."

"The birth of this treasure, Zulong is not the main reason, Yuan Shizong is deeply involved in it, and it can even be said that this jade seal was sent to Zulong by Yuan Shizong."

"Yanshi Yu was cultivated by Yuan Shizong as a new emperor, and it is also a matter of time to get this thing."

After Tao Qian finished speaking, he himself had no comment.

On the contrary, the old monk Qingjing showed a helpless look, and then said: "No wonder when I deduced earlier, I always felt that the baby [Emperor Jade Seal] would have a change. It turned out to be on Yuan Shizong, and it must be the twelve old people who interfered with me together. Otherwise, there is absolutely no way to be deceived.”

Before Duobao's avatar was finished, Master Yuan couldn't hold back.

Suddenly, at this time, the voice transmission, and came up with an idea:

"Boy, I told you earlier that Yuan Shizong's people are extremely insidious. Since Lao Shizi's Emperor Yuxi has fallen into their hands, it will be difficult to get it back. Yuan Shizong's old and young people will not care. What the big picture, what the common people, only think that only what is in their interests is the real big picture."

"For today's plan, I'm afraid I can only ask Duobao to ask the Sect Master Lingbao to make peace and persuade Yuan Shizong to temporarily give up the treasure."

Yuan Gong's idea does not sound very clever.

But it is quite rare that Duobao nodded in agreement immediately after hearing the words, and echoed:

"The old monkey is right this time, Yuan Shizong people are the most difficult to deal with, don't be shy."

"If you want to get back that [Emperor's Jade Seal], I'm afraid I really have to ask the sect master to talk about it."

Having said that, the True Monarch Duobao, who was still in Penglai Sea, immediately planned to go to the Sect Master of Lingbao and said.

But at this moment, Tao Qian shook his head and refused.

In my mind, the scene when I was in the magic capital could not help but emerge.

In fact, in this world, he Tao Qian not only has a special temperament, but his ideological aspirations are also very different from those of most monks, and he cannot find a similar person.

However, after he entered the WTO, he encountered a few similar ones.

In the area called "Xianheng Hotel", he and Yu Yanshi, Shi Yingqiong, Li Wenyan, Wen Ruyue, and Yang Li had a good conversation.

At that time, these several people claimed to be the people of [Saving the Nation].

From the name of this small organization, you can also know their ambitions.

Although Tao Qian can't guarantee that these friends will not be corrupted in their minds, and their bodies and souls will not be alienated.

But inexplicably, he has a strong intuition and confidence.

It was at this time that Tao Qian's humanistic destiny resonated suddenly, and he faintly passed on some fragments and conversations.

Just listening to the beginning, Tao Qian showed joy on his face.

Chuanyin stopped his master, and at the same time, he was very confident and said with great certainty:

"What Tao Qian wants to do, I can't do it alone."

"I'm just getting started. If I can't get past this first level, and I'm going to ask the sect master to help me trade behind the scenes, it means that this kind of human calamity has indeed been eliminated and cannot be shortened."

"The Emperor's Jade Seal falls into the hands of others, so I have to worry."

"Since it's in Yu Yanshi's hands... I can't say it's a good thing."

It was rare for Tao Qian to betray him in front of his master, and he didn't answer after speaking.

He just closed his eyes and continued to listen to the follow-up conversation.

The source is the south, and there are quarrels and dialogues.

Although the first few sentences did not reveal who the person who opened the mouth was, Tao Qian knew that it must be "Li Wenyan" based on his explosive tone.

"Yu Yanshi!"

"What are you doing, you think I don't know that the [Emperor's Jade Seal] is in your body. Although Brother Tao has never discussed with us, he has made it clear that rebuilding the longevity enchantment is indeed the first and most important thing. One step, only by completing this matter, can we truly let go of our hands and feet and truly save these billions of ordinary people."

"You still don't let go of the emperor's jade seal, don't you really want to be an emperor?"

"If you rebel, I, Li Wenyan, will be the first to fight with you. If I can't kill you, the Daozi of Yuanshi will splatter your blood."

"Li Wenyan, what nonsense are you talking about, when did I Yu Yanshi say that I want to be the emperor, you think I don't want to let go of the [Huangtian Yuxi] immediately and let it fly to help Brother Tao, but the suzerain has an order, don't act rashly for the time being, lest Catalyze catastrophe and increase casualties."

"You bullshit, do you think I can't perceive the prayers of the people? Now is the best opportunity. As long as you hand over the jade seal and let the twelve weapons of the Kyushu gather together, it will surely resonate with all the other ancestral gods and strange treasures, and wait for the reunion. Together, the old monsters of the alchemist have to obey."

"Brother Tao sacrificed so much, he will be revenge by the alchemist afterwards. If you drag him down at this time, I, Li Wenyan, will never let you go."

"I, Shi Yingqiong, think so too. If Brother Yu doesn't follow suit, you have to be careful of Yingqiong's killing sword intent."

"Wen, the same is true."

"Yang Li, please also ask Brother Yu to help Brother Tao once."


Yu Yanshi was robbed by everyone in the National Salvation Council, and his face was red, and he was anxious and angry.

But soon, he quickly calmed down.

He is also a decisive person, and he has never forgotten his ambitions.

After thinking for a few moments, he was about to start.

Suddenly, at this moment, a magnificent sound from his suzerain came into his mind.

Immediately, Yu Yanshi's face was filled with joy, and he stood up abruptly to face the fellow fighters with lofty ideals, and said very excitedly: "I will not only release the Emperor Yuxi to help Brother Tao, but I will also add a fire to the alchemist. A group of old monsters burned out..."

After talking about the details, everyone in the Salvation Nation also rejoiced.

Afterwards, Yu Yancei directly cast the spell and contacted the Shen'er Sect and the Tingdi Sect, so that his body and face appeared on the face of the mirror in the seventy-two provinces.

Naturally, it appeared in Tao Qian's eyes.

When he was in the magic capital, Tao Qian judged Yu Yanshi to be an extraordinary person.

Looking at it now, this popularity has undergone many transformations, and it seems that there is indeed a human emperor's appearance, and it is no wonder that Yuan Shizong will vigorously cultivate him.

As soon as Yu Yanshi appeared in front of the world, he took out something.

As soon as the thing appeared, a divine light rushed into the sky.

It is an ancient jade seal, no need to remind, everyone guessed the name and origin of the object immediately.

The last part of the Twelve Artifacts of Kyushu, the Emperor's Jade Seal.

Sure enough, the next moment everyone saw Yu Yanshi speak loudly:

"This thing is the [Emperor's Jade Seal], and I have already recognized me as the master of Yu Yanshi."

"But Yu Mou heard Tao Zhenren's great vows and was willing to offer this treasure to help fulfill his vows."

"At the same time, Yu also represented Yuan Shizong~www.wuxiaspot.com~ on behalf of the southern provinces, and did his best to help Tao Zhenren rebuild the forbidden enchantment."

The voice fell.

No matter the north or the south, the whole world watched Yu Yanshi throw the treasure in his hand, and the jade seal path turned into a terrifying divine light, wrapped in infinite luck, and shot towards Qiantang Province.

When the eleven weapons went, there were still big monsters trying to intercept the treasure along the way.

Only this [Imperial Heavenly Jade Seal], no one dares to **** it, no matter the gods or monsters.


As long as you are not blind, you can see the vast fortune contained in the jade seal.

Everyone knows that robbing the jade seal at this time is equivalent to fighting against the whole world, and the evil fortune that has come back is enough to poison a Taoist monk half-crippled in an instant, and even to the point of death.

After Yu Yanshi finished speaking, it didn't take a few moments.

Tao Qian suddenly opened his eyes, the void in front of him split open, and the Emperor Yuxi arrived as promised.

The twelve weapons of Kyushu!

This is comparable to the original [Shanhe Society Jitu], and even a stronger ancestral **** fragment, finally complete.

When the twelve divine lights converged into a sky-penetrating beam of light, it began to expand, engulfing the provincial capital in an instant, followed by other cities, and even the entire Qiantang Province.

During this process, Tao Qian's whole person seemed to enter a wonderful state.

As the beam of light spreads to the sky, wherever he goes, all existences related to transcendence, whether living or dead, seem to be under his control.

It seems that he can completely obliterate these existences with just one thought.

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