Longevity is Different, Caishikou Was Beheaded at the Beginning

Chapter 472: Merit pool is successful, the Buddha will be born

Yuan Gong has been in the sculpture for many years, and it is not interesting.

Until I followed Tao Dazhen out of the mountain, along the way, I encountered a lot of interesting things.

Now, I have seen the wonders that I have not seen for thousands of years, so I am overjoyed and appreciate the joy of eating melons.

The fun of many audiences is based on the pain of [Wanmiao Daojun Gao Huan].

It's a pity that this is also an old senior in the cultivation world, with a great reputation, and it is also recorded in the history books.

Its **** is being cut.

All eyes are on!

Sparks fly!

More than a dozen transcendental Bodhisattvas, put away the rest of the magical powers, add up to more than 10,000 arms, each of which has been transformed into cutting machines, laser teeth, black gold gun barrels, etc., where the third emperor of the Gao family is located. The Tiangong Yunlou is the starting point, and the inhumane cutting is carried out.

The gaps and cracks visible to the naked eye are expanding little by little.

The Tongtian Treasure Building was shaking frantically, intending to pull it back.

In the secret area of ​​the cancer, Gao Huan's "wail" was clearly heard by the whole world.

Most people know that Gao Huan is an old devil who has done many evils and survived by sucking blood, but at this time, he could not help but feel a little sympathy.

There are also "penis" creatures, and they all have phantom pains.

In fact, this predicament is not really unsolvable. If at this time, Gao Yang, Gao Zhan, and Gao Wei, the three good sons and grandsons of the Gao family, are willing to let go of the forbidden law and let their ancestors take the treasure back.

Naturally, Gao Huan didn't have to suffer like this.

It is a pity that the three children and grandchildren are not willing.

The reason is also simple, as soon as the Wonderful Treasure Building is gone, the three of them will surely die.

Gao Huan also wanted to bring the three back to the secret realm together, but unfortunately he also suffered a change, and he couldn't do it for a while.

It's up to you when it's hard, but it may not be able to follow your heart when it's soft.

About six breaths or so!

It's such a short time.

By the time Gao Huan was able to take his children and grandchildren away together, his life had already been missed.

At this moment, Gayin once again dropped three mechanical relics from the Buddha's homeland, refining the flesh and blood around the mountain, and refining the brains, and three mechanical Bodhisattvas were born.

Nine plus nine makes eighteen.

Great Transcendence Bodhisattva, complete in an instant.

A total of "18,000" Bodhisattva arms, gathered in one place.

Accompanied by the flash of sparks shining in the sky, and a scream that was so terrifying that the human race could not utter at all.

Wonderful Tongtian Treasure Building!

This thing is broken.

The one that was embedded with all kinds of treasures and covered the world-shattering giant umbrella was forcibly cut in half by eighteen mechanical bodhisattvas.

Ordinary people were suddenly subjected to such punishment, and they would have to roll around on the ground, wailing in pain.

What's more, Gao Huan's treasure tower is the treasure of his Taoism.

Far from being just a piece of flesh and blood, it is a true spiritual root that has been completely integrated with Gao Huan's spiritual body and spirit and the way he practices.

When this treasure is broken, it is really painful.

In an instant, the soul-shaking continuous mourning resounded outside the domain.

The entire Qiantang seemed to be shattered by the sky and the earth, trembling and shaking endlessly.

The tumor that was already shrinking began to twitch at a frequency that was indiscernible to the naked eye. As soon as he saw the fracture of the treasure building, hundreds of millions of rainbow-colored waterfalls gushed out.

In the waterfall that covers the entire Hanshan and the surrounding land, there is a seemingly endless paste.

Mainly yellow and white, both fragrant and stinky.

Like pus, like some kind of tempting gravy.

As soon as you come into contact with this world, thousands of changes will be born immediately.

Some turned into gold, silver and precious stones, some turned into food cloth, and some turned into treasures and secret books... This scene appeared, even an ordinary people could not help but give birth to a trace of enlightenment.

The audience in front of the many spirit mirror crystal **** were stunned at first, and then they all scolded:

"People's fat and people's cream?"

"Yes, these Origin Qi Immortal Creams are probably the nutrients that Gao Huan, this evil beast, has swallowed from this world for many years, the hard work of the people."

"Is this the way of Gao Huan? The so-called Daoist Wanmiao is actually just a blood-sucking insect?"

"Actually, this mystery has already been revealed. When Yang Sui was the first to be righteous, the Emperor of Heaven, Zhu Yong, publicly disclosed the existence of the [Alchemist] organization, and Gao Huan, the master of Wanmiao, is the thirteen old monsters who are the masters of the alchemist. one."

"What a wicked beast. He has been lying on the body of hundreds of millions of people in this world to **** blood for so many years. He has been watching for a long time, and he is free and easy, but he did not expect to be cleaned up by the three demon monks of the Demon Buddha Temple in the end."

"Evil will be rewarded with evil, and I can't think of it as black eats black."

When public grievances boiled over, Gao Huan was finally relieved.

Once Yanggen is broken, he will have no constraints.

Although it is extremely painful, the remaining half of the [Wonderful Tongtian Treasure Building] can also be retracted into the secret territory of the cancer.

So everyone saw the blood dripping, pus-flowing giant again, trembling a few times, and throwing out a few waterfalls, followed by retreating outside the realm.

At this time, the three streamers went up against the waterfall, and each shouted:

"Ancestor, bring your children and grandchildren."

"Our Gao family has remembered this hatred, and the bald men of Mofo Temple will wait."

"As long as the three of me are here, it won't take a few years for the Gao family to grow and spread."

Listening to this voice, the identity of the three people is ready to be revealed.

It was Gao Yang, Gao Zhan, and Gao Wei.

These three emperors of the Gao family had an enviable demeanor not long ago, and all of them were very good-looking emperors.

Now, they seem to be lost dogs.

Showing the true nature of alienation, he did not shy away from drilling into the Yang root of the Gaohuan fracture, intending to follow the circle outside the realm.

This is also easy to understand. There are eighteen Bodhisattvas of Great Mercy, Great Compassion and Great Transcendence, plus three Bodhisattvas of Ultimate Bliss.

Even if a Taoist master who can truly enter the world and walk, he may not be able to get any advantage, not to mention the three of them who are crazily debilitating in the blissful realm?

Stay, you will die.

Gao Huan, who was drilled into the wound by three unworthy children and grandchildren in the secret realm of cancer, cried out in pain again.

He was so angry that he wanted to punish the three of them, and even wanted to swallow three of his children and grandchildren.

Fortunately, there is still reason, and the three of them are right.

If Gao Huan wants to recover slowly, he needs to continue his bloodline again, and he really needs three people's efforts.

He had to let out one after another raving roars of unknown meaning, accepting his children and grandchildren, and retreating to the secret realm.

And Tao Qian, who had always turned on the "Innate Spirit Vision" before the sky gap closed, but after a startling glance, the corner of his mouth couldn't help but evoke a smile.

Others can't see it, but he can see it clearly.

The cancer that had shrunk by half was hidden, and suddenly about a dozen huge, twisted shadows appeared.

Almost immediately, Tao Qian remembered the fate of Emperor Taizong of the Zhu Dynasty.

Yuan Gong, also aware of it, exclaimed and said:

"Good boy, this double-sided meticulous play is good."

"Gao Huan has been severely injured, and he is not far from his death. Without those minions of the Gao family, he will not only be unable to recover, but will weaken at a faster rate, and he will not be able to pay the price of backlash, let alone. Now the twelve short-sighted old monsters in the alchemist are planning to eat him."

"In a few days, Gao Huan will die."

"Tsk tsk, including the unlucky Zhu family, this is the second Taoist realm destroyed by your hands."

"Although it wasn't your own hands, it was indeed driven by you."

"In the past, it was not that there were no anomalies like you in the practice world, but none of them came from Lingbao Sect, most of them were Yuanshi Sect, or Zhuanlun Temple, or people in Zizai Temple."

"These large sects are also suitable for playing with them. On the contrary, if the Lingbao sect is mixed in, there is a danger of debilitating."

"You are reluctant to invite people to help you when you are in danger many times. I think you are also aware of this. You don't want Lingbao Sect to be contaminated with the poison of luck and evil in the world."

After saying this, Duke Yuan paused.

This time, he rarely gave any further advice, and seemed to know that Tao Qian had made up his mind.

Just after thinking about it, he explained:

"My Secret Demon Sect, don't be afraid of these."

"If your plan doesn't work this time, you can choose to reveal your secret devil's identity."

"For the master to cast spells, please invite the ancestors in the sect to project. No magical power can save your life, but it's okay. The ancestors project a projection. As long as those old monsters are a little sensible, they will choose to send you a gift out of the country."

When Tao Qian heard the words, he was immediately moved.

He Tao Dazhen is also a bit wise, where can't hear it, Yuan Gong has prepared a way for him to save his life in advance.

The Patriarchs of the Secret Demon Sect are probably equivalent to a large group of second-generation Patriarchs of the Lingbao Sect, including the Sect Master.

Please come to their platform!

Meaning, clear.

Yuan Gong is Tao Qian, who has been identified and is still the true biography of Lingbao on the bright side, and has entered the training list of "The Seed of the Future Sect Master of the Secret Demon Sect".

This promise, too heavy too heavy.

Tao Qian wanted to refuse the first time, but after Yuan Gong finished speaking, there was no movement, no matter how he called, he ignored it.

It is also at this time, that Hanshan world.

A change that amazes and fears many people in the seventy-two provinces is taking place.

The Gao family was destroyed, and even the ancestors were severely injured and retreated outside the domain.

That war, of course, the Mofo Temple side won.

The half of the [Wonderful Treasure Building] left by Gao Huan, together with those alchemists' fairy ointments, fell into Hanshan, and immediately turned into an extremely huge child filled with ointment.

Eighteen mechanical Bodhisattvas immediately surrounded the pool.

Eighteen thousand arms, all of them transformed into rotating wheels, prayer flags, and Buddha-chanting machinery.

Accompanied by the sound of the Cyber ​​Buddha, which makes people want to throw their souls and flesh, the half of the treasure tower was also in the refining pool.

Immediately, the Bodhisattvas began to go into the pool one by one.

The three Arhats of the Demon Buddha Temple all smiled happily upon seeing this.

"The pool of merit and virtue smelted with billions of sources of energy and human fat, clear and cold, sweet and soft, moisturizing and peaceful, quenching hunger and thirst, and growing roots... It is suitable for the birth of my Buddha. On this day, the merits are complete, It can be described as a new Buddha's birthday, and it should be celebrated."


"As it should be!"

After saying that, Nashibi suddenly turned his head and looked at the people in the provincial capital.

Especially the dragon fierce Arhat, with a face full of pity, said: "It is also lucky for you, according to the poor monk's original plan, you should also be the things in the pool, helping me to be born in the world."

Kong Chan glanced at the outside world and the crystal **** of the spirit mirrors, and said with a smile: "To have such great merits, I would also like to thank the Gao family and fellow Daoists for their accomplishments, otherwise, we will definitely not be able to gather all the resources."

Lian Killing Arhat was more honest, looked at Tao Qian Yunrong alone, and thanked him in a sincere tone: "If this plan can be accomplished, my nephew and fellow Taoist Qingjing will have a great contribution, but in the future we will all be a family, so there is no need to be polite."

The Three Arhats of the Demon Buddha Temple are acting at this time.

Both show off and intimidate.

Anyone can see that the eighteen Bodhisattvas of Great Mercy, Great Compassion, Great Transcendence are merging.

According to what the three of them said, they will merge from Bodhisattva into a real mechanical Buddha.

In other words, it is the mechanical clone of the robbing immortal-level powerhouse 【Destroying Demon Buddha】 in the Demon Buddha Temple.

Once it is merged, everyone knows what its combat power is.

Sweeping the northern land, it may be a little embarrassing.

But if coupled with the large-scale deployment of the Mofo Temple, it would be extremely easy to occupy ten and eight major provinces in a short period of time.

For a time, both the north and the south fell into panic.

Tao Qian should be the most sensitive person in the world to the perception of public opinion.

Even if he didn't listen deliberately, a lot of thoughts were projected into his mind.

"Everyone is fine, stop these three dead bald men. If they are allowed to succeed, wouldn't the so-called earthly Buddhist kingdom expand several times, or even a dozen times?"

"No one knows what the virtues of the Buddhist kingdom on earth are. I don't want to become a human incense Buddha candle, ignite myself, and be swallowed by these bald donkey demon monks."

"How can there be a good person in the demon monks of the Demon Buddha Temple? If they gain power, I'm afraid it will be more cruel and disgusting than the methods of those dog emperors."

"If you want to choose a ruler, let's not mention Yu Yanshi in the south, Zhang Jinluan, Hong Funu, Si Xixin...Which one is not better than the demon monk?"

"I didn't listen to what that demon monk said, their conspiracy can be accomplished, and there is also the means of Lao Shizi Wushou Buddha and his **** Master Qingjing monk."

"Zuo Dao Buddhist cultivator from the South China Sea guided all this behind his back in order to flatter the Demon Buddhist Temple..."

Seeing the anger of the seventy-two provinces, it gradually burned to himself.

Tao Qian was not surprised at all.

The two sentences that Lian killed Luohan were not only true thanks, but also confirmed in public that they had joined the group.

In the eyes of the three Arhats, this pair of "mysterious master and apprentice" must have boarded their pirate ship.

Even if there are still some plans, don’t worry about it~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The three of them have had a voice transmission communication and reached a consensus: what the master and the disciples are looking for is nothing more than greater credit, greater fame, and giving After all, the three of them even had plans to give a lot of benefits after the matter was over, forcibly sending the Wushou Buddha's Son into the Bliss.

In this way, the binding is deeper.

The strength of their lineage can also skyrocket again, which is the best of both worlds.

have to say!

The idea of ​​the Three Arhats is perfect.

Unfortunately, the starting point was wrong, so naturally everything in the follow-up was even more wrong.

Having seen rounds of "extraordinary wars", Tao Qian, who has seen the earth being smashed and the sky pierced, his eyes fell on the huge pool of merit.

In the pond larger than the entire Qiantang provincial capital, a giant cocoon of fetal membranes with a black and golden body suddenly appeared.

Eighteen Bodhisattvas have been integrated into them.

A [Mechanical Buddha] with life and profound Dharma is being conceived.

No one would have thought that such a big plan, a big conspiracy, was actually made by the three Arhats of the Demon Buddha Temple.


Fate dictates?

Even in the seventy-two provinces, they were shocked and angry, but they couldn't stop them.

Tao Qian, with the help of the existence of Lianjing'er in the human race bag, is resonating with the same "foreign object" in the body of the mechanical Buddha.

Lian Jing'er's mechanical voice passed over and said:

"Big Brother Tao!"

"Do you want to enable [Poison of Creation]?"

"I'm afraid it will be difficult to seize the house. That annihilation Demon Buddha is staring outside the realm, but if it is activated at this time, there is a 90% chance of destroying the birth of the Mechanical Demon Buddha."

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