Longevity is Different, Caishikou Was Beheaded at the Beginning

Chapter 504: On the Dragon Slaying Stage, all the blood of the emperor, the people's fat and t

The ancestral spirits perform magic, which is called humane judgment.

This magical power is amazing, but it is extremely simple to perform.

In fact, it is to inform all ethnic civilians in the seventy-two provinces, and tell them to follow their inner thoughts and make judgments on the "judgment object".

If it is this method, with the influence of history books and the picture of immortals outside the territory, it is impossible to say that the twelve emperors of alchemy and their descendants will take a lot of advantage.

Unfortunately, before the trial.

The power of the ancestral spirits showed all the actions of all the alchemists over the past two thousand years, in every detail.

Subverting all previous cognitions, billions of people were stunned on the spot.

Good and evil turn around!

History subversion!

That voice also penetrated into the ears of the Twelve Emperors and all their heirs, and the instant feedback made them feel an unprecedented omen of crisis.

At this time, the Twelve Emperors completely ignored Zhenjun Duobao, and went into the realm regardless of everything.

And how could Daoist Duobao, who was besieged and killed for a long time and lost a lot of treasures, allow it?

Haha and laughing, the "Ten Thousand Treasures Demon Body" like a vast mountain range is 12 minutes apart. It is still a terrifying flesh and blood body. road:

"Slow down, slow down!"

"My fellow Daoists' opponents are my treasures, how can I wait for the opportunity to attack and kill my disciple."

"Let's keep fighting, don't stop."

After all, Duobao, regardless of the price he kept paying, urged all kinds of treasures to release their divine might, dragging the Twelve Emperors out of the realm.

After such a delay, the first judgment in the human world was about to appear.

Billions of people, both mortals and monks, fell into uncontrollable rage because of the scenes projected on the sky.

A torrent-like wave swept through every corner of the seventy-two provinces.

In the midst of this uproar and commotion, the ancestors knew the result, and on behalf of all the people, they issued a judgment, and said loudly to the world inside and outside the world, saying:

"The Twelve Emperors of the Alchemist, since Liu Pei, the great ancestor of the Liu clan, have lived for many years by consuming the resources and blood of the human race in this world. The crime deserves death. First, the right to enter the world is deprived, and the forbidden laws possessed by the twelve emperors due to their status are eliminated. Power, cut off the legal system of the twelve emperors in this world..."

Accompanied by this sentence of magnificent Daoyin.

The Twelve Emperors were first deprived of the authority to enter the realm, as well as their backstage authority in the Ancestral God Forbidden Law, and then some visions began to appear in various regions of the seventy-two provinces.

The temples, sects, sects, and Taoism related to them have all suffered disasters, and they can no longer get the feedback of luck, and the gift of blessings and other benefits.

In the end, it was even more evident that a series of "fireworks" were staged.

But it is the residence of the twelve of them in the world, the clothing dojo, and the imperial mausoleum.

The imperial mausoleums they built during their lifetimes may not be all gorgeous, and may not necessarily consume a lot of people's fat.

But after entering the alchemist, the body, soul, and soul were polluted, and all of them rebuilt the imperial mausoleum.

Building construction, accumulating resources and treasures, consuming a lot of human flesh and blood... Even among the alchemists, there is a wind of comparison.

You Liu Pei sent your heirs to capture five towering mountains, pile up the world's treasures, fill the lives of millions of civilians, and build a very luxurious one.

I, Li Wanshou, also ordered future emperors to excavate the Tianchi Lake, introduce water from all directions, fill it with rare and rare beasts, and build it like a fairy dojo.

These two emperors did this, how could the other dozen or so be polite, and followed suit without saying a word, and each of them used magical means to show their own heritage.

Even if he initially entered the alchemy with the idea of ​​"being a spy", he could not resist several emperors who had fallen due to evil, such as Liu Xuande.

He also often entered the world, borrowing the power of alchemists and forbidden laws to build a huge imperial mausoleum for himself. There were not many extravagant things inside, but a lot of resources, treasures and human corpses were spent, and he reproduced the scene of the year for himself. It is so convenient for him to cherish the memory of the brothers who have died and their beloved military advisors.

These are the secrets of alchemists.

Now they are all exposed, and there is no need for others to dig it. Once the trial comes out, all the imperial mausoleums will burst, without exception.

The emperor's mausoleum has a blood connection with them. Now the disguise has been peeled off, the gorgeous shell has been blasted, and the filthy foreign objects and disgusting scenes inside are all poured out, which once again deepens the disgust of the people of the human race.

And this is still just the beginning.

After all, the Twelve Emperors are Taoist monsters, and they are outside the realm. Although they have been judged and disposed of, their Taoist veins have been cut off, leaving them with no resources to supply, and they have to suffer an unprecedented backlash from luck, and there is no way to survive. ...but to really kill it, it would take a lot of time.

The secret realm of twelve cancerous tumors that has been sucking blood for thousands of years, if there is no external urging, it will not shrink and collapse, and it will not be completed in just one or two hours.

Therefore, the Twelve Emperors can still live for a while.

But their heirs were in a dire situation.

If you hide in the secret territory of those cancerous tumors outside the domain, there is still a chance to breathe.

All the students were ordered by their ancestors to go to Qiantang to besiege Tao Zhenren.

So at this moment, one net was captured, and even one emperor could not escape.

I only heard the gradually cold voice of Zu Ling, and resounded again:

"Humanity has a spirit, and rewards and punishments are measured."

"The sons and grandsons of the dragons of the alchemists have deep-seated evils, and they have eaten hundreds of millions of human flesh and blood in the past two thousand years. Please ask the ancestors to forbid the law to uphold the law, cast them, and judge the descendants of the evil dragons here..."

Accompanied by this sound, the sky regenerated and changed.

The Ancestral God Forbidden Law that covers the seventy-two provinces does have incredible power.

It is enough to obliterate the demons and evil cultivators who have committed sins and touch the rules. This time, even these corrupted emperors of all dynasties are included.

I saw an incomparably thick and magnificent pillar of divine light descending from the sky and crashing into the Qiantang.

The brilliance dissipated, revealing an ancient torture platform, blood stained, and even more majestic and terrifying killing Origin Qi erupted in all directions.

Tao Qian just glanced at it, and immediately judged: This thing is even more terrifying than the master's, and it seems to be related?

It was too late to go up and touch it, but the next moment, the torture platform burst into endless blood light, and the entire Qiantang was reflected like a blood prison in an instant.

Unrelated people and ordinary people are in prison, but they are not affected in the slightest.

Only those "emperors" who surrounded and killed Tao Qian, although each of them were in the realm of bliss, and many were even close to Taoism, but as long as they were illuminated by the blood of the dragon, they would instantly feel their bodies stiff, their mana frozen, and their souls froze. The delay and the danger of their lives swept up, making these dragon sons and grandsons go crazy and want to flee back to the outside world.

It's a pity, how can it be so late?

The forbidden law above the sky resurfaced, releasing millions of bronze chains that were attached to blood and extended indefinitely.

Bind all the descendants of evil dragons one by one and send them to the Dragon Slaying Platform.

Tao Qian's danger was solved immediately.

Instead, it fell on these alienated emperors.

In front of the whole world, the trial and execution began.

I thought that there were not many waves, and since Zulong's backhand has been activated, it is enough to slaughter these evil dragons one by one.

But quite unexpectedly, the cuts were all cut, but there were some differences in the middle.

The judgment of the ancestors began to resound one by one:

"Liu Huanxiao, the descendant of the evil dragon of the Liu clan, was a Ming emperor during his lifetime, but after his death he became an alchemist, and he gained Liu Pei's trustworthiness and gave him the secret book of the ancient demons. Although he practiced this scripture, he could obtain great magical powers, but the price was that he was covered in abscesses that could not be eliminated. It can only make the clan **** the venom every day to relieve the pain, so not only did this cause hundreds of thousands of deaths, but also created a savage and tyrannical poison dragon clan, and the consequences are endless...sentence and decision!"

"Cao Ziheng, the descendant of the evil dragon of the Cao clan, after this monarch became an alchemist, he was given a secret book of Taoism by his father. This is a true cultivator of the Dharma. In order to achieve quick success, this lord went from the Tao to the devil and reversed this scripture. Guarding and stealing, devouring the lifespan of mortals to strengthen one's own body, the victims of the disaster were killed in vain, and I don't know who the perpetrator was... sentenced and decided!"

"Sima Anshi, the descendant of the evil dragon of the Sima clan, has a very lewd temperament. He likes to spread and other filthy methods in the world. Screening the cauldron, the scourge is endless... Sentenced to be executed!"

"Li Sanlang, the descendant of Li's evil dragon, fell into the devil because of the secret book created by his ancestor, and he had a hobby: eating carrion fish. The so-called carrion fish is to alienate ordinary humans into murlocs, and then slaughter them with special The method stacks the composted fat to make rotten fish for them to devour, and when their appetite arises, they once devoured the people of a city...sentence and decision!"

"The descendant of the Zhao clan's evil dragon, Zhao, has benefited. After the death of this monarch, he did not want to become an alchemist, but his ancestors coerced him into entering. Although his soul and mind were tainted by evil poisons and committed many evil deeds, he rarely left a trace of kindness. Concealing the good deeds of his ancestors and accumulating virtues in order to pay for his sins... The merits and demerits are equal to each other, and he will be sentenced to death, and he will be reincarnated after his true spirit and remnant souls are erased from their memories."

The emperors of Elysium were bound to the Dragon Slaying Platform like criminals.

Every time the ancestral spirit recites a trial, there will be unparalleled killing spirits on Xingtai, even if it is the realm of bliss, it will also turn into nothingness in the time of those spirits.

Dust to dust, dust to dust, not even the true soul remains.

Most emperors end up like this.

But there are a few who are left with true spirits to reincarnate.

despite this!

This situation still caused the Twelve Emperors from outside the territory to fall into madness and rage.

They may not all value family affection and blood, but after all, they are their own descendants, and they are their heritage.

Seeing them being slaughtered like livestock, how could they not be angry?

Helpless to be deprived of authority, has been unable to enter the world.

So the next moment, the Twelve Emperors of the Alchemists turned their attention to the other "controllers of forbidden laws".

Si wash your heart!

Zhang Jinluan!

The other three were out of control, but these two were supported by their alchemists, and they controlled the largest territory. The provinces under the two of them added up to forty-four provinces, how vast.

While entangled with Duobao, the Twelve Emperors approached the sky and shouted and roared.

Inside and outside the words, they all ordered the two to give them authority again, and at the same time recalled that, releasing all the dragon sons and grandsons.

If it was before, the imperial decree of the Twelve Emperors would be of great use.

But at this time, how can there be deterrence?

After Tao Qian heard this, he laughed and said:

"It's true that the mind was polluted by the poison of the ancestor dragon, these twelve old monsters have pinned their hopes on Si Xixin and Zhang Jinluan?"

"They thought they were two people supported by alchemists, and puppets were similar, but they all forgot that behind these two, there were more than one big power that was not weaker than alchemists, such as Xingkui Sect, Northern Demon Race, Taishang Demon Sect, Sijia, Dazizai Temple... alchemists suffered, and it is strange that these big forces don't take the opportunity to step on their feet and plunder their treasures."

"As for the secret hand of the alchemist in the ancestral dragon clone and the stillborn, ah, as early as the two of them were recognized by the torrent of humanity, and they were automatically eliminated after they took control of the forbidden law."

"At this time, when you ask for help for these two heroes, you can only get one response: fall into the trap and draw a clear line."

As soon as Tao Qian's words fell, they came true.

The roaring orders of the Twelve Emperors had just reached the ears of the world, and the imperial capital and Fengtian were each showing two stalwart figures with the appearance of a human emperor.

First, Si Xixin, who has already put on a dragon robe, is really handsome, a natural hero, and behind him is a large number of civil servants and military generals who are all outstanding generations. They control the territory of 24 provinces and surround this "House Washing Heart".

I saw him standing upright, first arching his hands at the Qiantang where Tao Qian was, and then with a cold face, he said to the Twelve Emperors outside the Territory:

"Before you came into the world, you said that you would inherit the legacy of the ancestor dragon and save the world and the people, so I believed you."

"But I don't want you to be deceived and steal your reputation. Why didn't you comment before you died, and after you died, you all became monsters from outside the territory who sucked the fat of the people and survived."

"My Sis wash my heart, I am ashamed to be in the company of you."

"Not to mention giving you authority again, I wish I could personally lead the army and conquer you gigantic rat cysts."

Si Xixin finished her righteous and dignified words.

Immediately after, Zhang Jinluan also stood up. His stature is not high, but he is inexplicably domineering. When he appeared, even if it was a bright day, it made the stars of Zhou Tian show their brilliance and shine, setting off his power. .

There are also a large number of outstanding people standing beside him. What is even rarer is that there are not only human races behind him, but also a large number of monsters and alien creatures next to him. It seems that they live in harmony and order.

Such a situation seems to be proclaiming to the world: he Zhang Jinluan is really capable of ruling the world, and he can make hundreds of clans coexist harmoniously, with immeasurable merits and virtues.

Zhang Jinluan's background is not as good as Si's heart washing, so his speech is more direct. After showing up, he opened his mouth and scolded:

"You old immortals, dog emperors, you lied to me, Lao Zhang."

"Damn, I still want my old Zhang to save you."

"Be obedient and wash your buttocks outside the realm, I, Lao Zhang, will free up my hands and slaughter you sooner or later."

As soon as the two Human Sovereign candidates finished speaking, there was a pair of masters and apprentices in the outside world, both burst into laughter.


Tao Qian smiled, and Duobao laughed too.

Even if he looked at the unsmiling Ancestral Spirit, he couldn't help but be amused.

Outside the realm, Duobao laughed the loudest.

"Fellow Daoists, hurry up and wake up. All of them were emperors of the founding dynasty. Before their lifetimes, they were all outstanding people among hundreds of millions of people. Although they were poisoned by Zulong's legacy after death, they should still have some leftovers. Wisdom is."

"At least, one should not forget the most basic means of a heroic master: a thick face and a dark heart, and to draw a clear line with those who are not good for oneself in time, it is best to turn around and hit the ground."

When Duobao laughed like this, he resounded.

The twelve emperors of the alchemist did indeed calm down.

Ming Wu's own tragic situation, and knowing that it is impossible to recover, they each looked at each other and made the same action in tacit understanding.

Desperately besieging and killing Duobao?

No, but escape.

The Twelve Emperors abandoned Duobao at the same time and turned to escape from this world.

Although the process was somewhat different, Liu Pei, Li Wanshou, Zhao Xuanlang, and Yang Longxi were decisive in their killings.

The rest of the emperors were still thinking about their family property, and they went back to the dojo on purpose, trying to escape with their savings for many years.

Needless to say, this move was decisive.

It's a pity that Duobao laughed again. This Daoist with a demon body like a mountain pointed at the Twelve Emperors who were fleeing from outside the realm, and laughed loudly:

"Everyone, run slowly, don't fall."

"Alas, now it seems that none of your fellow Daoists' brains have survived, and they have all been burned by the ancestral dragon's evil poison."

"Although you are in the Taoist realm, which one is the real Taoist?"

"It's just a power that was obtained by chance. Even if you are lucky enough to escape into the abyss, I'm afraid the end will be even worse. There are some gods and monsters in there. Anyone who comes here can treat you as snacks and eat them all in one bite. go."

"Is Zulong strong enough to play with your juniors among applause, he went to Dayuan and was beaten and lost his life, not to mention you?"

Speaking of which, Duobo paused.

Then, he pointed out the crueler truth and said:

"Don't struggle any more, all of you are sucked by blood. Each of you twelve is like a cancer, parasitizing this world with hundreds of millions of roots and tentacles."

"As time goes by, it melts together."

"These ugly things can help you **** the blood and fat of the people, but when they backlash, they are the deadly chains that lock you. These thousands of years of fat cancer dojos are also your death cages."

Almost at the moment when Duobao's voice fell, twelve muffled noises erupted all over the sky at the same time.

The picture reflected in the eyes of billions of people suddenly became like this:

Outside the barrier of this realm, twelve monsters rose into the air, breaking through the cancerous tumor and wanting to go into the depths of the abyss.

But their huge and filthy bodies~www.wuxiaspot.com~ suddenly stopped halfway.


All they saw was purple-black, thick like pillars, like tendons, and like tubular tentacles, connecting their dharma body with the secret realm of cancer, as well as the entire world.

Although these countless "blood-sucking tentacles" have been cut off by the Ancestral God's Forbidden Law.

However, the Twelve Emperors were still tightly bound in the Cancer Dojo.

Integrate together, cannot be separated.

Even if the Twelve Emperors just tried to separate and cut off a chain, they would feel unimaginable pain in an instant.

And give birth to the perception: if the tentacles are cut off, they themselves will wither and die in an instant.

This cruel scene, cruel reality, and the unstoppable Peiran force that pulled them back finally made the Twelve Emperors including Liu Pei and Li Wanshou show despair on their faces.

Once upon a time, the twelve of them were all high-ranking emperors and ancestors of alchemists.

I never thought that one day I would end up in such a situation.

The life of the family falls into the hands of others and is left to be slaughtered.

The Twelve Emperors were already on the verge of despair and madness, almost bursting out, but at this moment, Daoist Duobao came to tease again:

"Seriously, all Daoist friends were actually calculated by Zulong."

"But it's not good to really blame him. It's just that you are too stupid. You obviously have the right path and don't follow the evil path arranged by Zulong."

"Do you still remember how you taught my disciples a lesson before, don't forget the iron law of the world of practice, and everything in practice must have a price?"

"Now you are in the realm, and it is also the price."

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