Longevity is Different, Caishikou Was Beheaded at the Beginning

Chapter 519: The mountain ghost was robbed, the true monarch Fuxie

Accompanied by Mrs. Pei, Tao Qian, who left the invitation card, went out of the gate of **** and left the Foodless Country.

Before leaving the customs, there was a vast fog of red umbrellas and lanterns behind him, and there were many sophistry from the little flower priest, nothing more than "Miss, listen to my explanation", "It's not what you think", "I No one was sent to invite them to come”, “It’s just the past” and so on.

What responded to him was Pei Niannu's snow-white sword glow and tender drink.

"The taste of their young couple made Daoist friends laugh."

"It doesn't matter, they'll figure it out on their own."

"Three days later, you must go to Penglaihai to drink the wedding wine of Daoist friends."

"It's a pity to say that, when I knew that Daoist friend and Xiaohua's child were friends, I also wanted to introduce the other daughters to Daoist friend. Daoist Taizhen from Shan took the lead, and being able to get such a good son-in-law is truly enviable."

The one who spoke was the Mother of No-Eat Ghosts.

This lady looked like a holy bodhisattva in hell, and her face was full of regret.

If you change the monk next to you and be treated with such courtesy, you must be moved.

Tao Qianqian has also seen the rest of the ghost mother's daughters in the hall. Indeed, each of them is extremely beautiful and charming, and he is also quite admired and delighted by Tao Dazhen, but he still does not dare to talk too much. move.

"Little Flower Daoist, this mother-in-law, is very personable."

"Taoist, please take care, and when your love calamity is over in the future, I will find you Haosheng for advice."

Tao Qian said a few words from the bottom of his heart, and then he did his best to say goodbye to Madam Pei.

After leaving the Foodless Country, Tao Qian did not rush back to Penglaihai.

Instead, cast spells to cover up the traces of the figure, stroll around in the courtyard, and wander in the magic capital.

Although this realm is under the control of "Si Xixin", the forbidden law enchantment is also under his control, but as long as Tao Qian does not borrow the sky rail, the ancestral **** forbidden law will not be able to find him.

About an hour later, Tao Qian stood at the border of the Demon Capital with a rather complicated expression.

There is both joy and doubt.

Hi, it is for the millions of people in the magic capital.

He wandered all the way, went to the prosperous land, and also went to the civilian residential area. Everything he saw and touched was real.

There are very few filth and crimes. Even the original "refugee den" in front of them has now become a strange high-rise building. Although the appearance is strange, it seems to be a heavenly building. Plus the artifacts made by the casting method of the outer kingdoms, but it can indeed live in people inside, and the treatment is good.

Doubt, of course, is the price.

"Providing millions of people, and still jumping in the direction of the [Cyber ​​Cultivation Immortal] in the previous life... If you really ask Si Xixin to find this method, you can save the cost, spread the seventy-two provinces, and benefit dozens of people. Billion people, he is really secure as the emperor."

"Look at it again, there are still Yu Yanshi, Zhang Jinluan, Yin Yuehua and other heavenly arrogances competing with him, Zuling Taoist friends and Yuan Mingzhen, Zheng Yin, Shenxiu and others are also watching, it should be no problem."

"The most important thing is that today's humanitarian scene is really good."

Tao Qian thought about this, and a smile appeared on his face.

He is special after all. The Ancestral God's Forbidden Law was recast because of him. Although he did not want to be the emperor of the emperor, all the treasures of the forbidden law did not vote for him, but the cause and effect of this merit is recognized. At present, that is the only one who recognizes him.

From this, he can also see the current humanitarian situation.

Prosperity like never before!

Unprecedented boiling!

All over the north and south, in the seventy-two provinces, a large number of outstanding people are being born.

Looking at the majestic momentum, Tao Qian and Zu Ling both judged: This generation of outstanding people will far exceed any dynasty in the past two thousand years.

After these thoughts fell, Tao Qian felt a lot more at ease.

Nothing to see, so I plan to turn around and go to the immortal island.

The rest of the guests have their own Lingbao messengers to send invitations. He is a groom, and the wedding is approaching, so it is not good to hang out.

Just when he was about to cast the spell, suddenly, a looming cry was transmitted through some medium.

"Rescue the suffering and the evil, the real monarch, come and save us, we are all going to die, and the mountain ghost sister is going to die too."

"Why, why are we so honest and kind, but the end is worse than those monsters."

"Although we are mountain spirits and ghosts, we have never harmed anyone. If True Monarch Fu Nie is really effective, please drop the magic sword and kill this bad guy."

"Hmph, don't struggle, this **** True Monarch is also a human race, the human race will only help the human race, will it help us monsters?"


Tao Qian was not surprised by this sudden change.

But soon, he understood the source.

The "medium" that transmits these voices is actually sacrificial incense.

And the source of the sound was a realm that was not far from the devil and had been there a long time ago.

Tianmu Mountain!

This mountain is close to the magic capital. It is a beautiful place. It has nurtured many mountain spirits and ghosts, and also attracted some honest and kind monsters to live in it to avoid the chaotic mortal and spiritual world.

Back then, Tao Qian used this mountain to kill Lianyuloukeng, a disciple of the Nie Zong, in it.

The two fought to destroy the mountain, causing the elf "Ghost of the Mountain" to cry, and Tao Qian cast a spell to compensate her for a more beautiful Tianmu Mountain.

Looking at it now, the mountain really has some signs of a cave.

In that mountain, there was a dilapidated Muxian Temple, but now that temple has been renovated and renovated, it has also changed its name and called it [Fujie Temple].

The gods enshrined in the temple are called...the True Monarch of Rescue and Rescue!

Tao Qian looked very familiar, it was clearly himself.

The statue he made was his true appearance after he killed Lianyulou.

In front of the temple, there was a stone tablet with some cute and crooked characters on it, which described in detail how True Monarch Fu Nie subdued a head that was about to harm Tianmu Mountain and the evil creatures in the world, and summoned him. Come to Ganlin, bestow the spirit of good fortune, and the deeds of rebuilding Tianmu Mountain are also recorded one by one.

"It's what that mountain ghost did."

"However, this temple is really small, and the worshipers are all monsters in the mountains. It was mixed in the countless prayers of the people, so I couldn't hear it at all."

"Now, because it's near, and there have been some changes, I'm only aware of it."

In his thoughts, Tao Qian directly cast the spell with the heart of inquiry.

There is also no need to use the escape method to rush past. There is a magical power in the Sutra of Delivering Human Beings called [Spiritual Manifestation Seal], which is originally used for the manifestation of the sanctuary of the gods.

Tao Qian pinched the seal, and when he opened his eyes again, he was already attached to the statue of True Monarch Fuxie in the temple.

The clay statue opened his eyes and immediately saw the scene in the temple:

First, there were a number of mountain spirits, including the "mountain ghost" riding a black panther who had not been seen for a long time, as well as vegetation spirits such as willows and locust trees, or beasts such as tigers, deer, and pigs, and Some ghosts and spirits that showed the illusion of a beautiful woman... almost wiped out all the spirits in Tianmu Mountain.

These monsters are all imprisoned.

In addition, there is a human race man.

That life is extremely beautiful, with sword eyebrows and star eyes, like a turbid young master.

He was wearing a student outfit that looked like a Taoist robe but had some differences. There were four small characters embroidered on the chest and cuffs, which was... [Xin Xin Xuetang].

This man looks so good.

But this Temple of Fuxie Zhenjun, because of him, has become three points more terrifying than purgatory.

All monsters are crying.

One is the inexplicable grief of being hurt by things, and the other is because of fear.

This person set up a dan cauldron in the center of the temple. The ground was engraved with a magic circle of dan fire. The cauldron was burned red, and the dan liquid inside was boiling. Among them, a large number of spiritual corpses were seen floating up and down. The souls that have not been completely wiped out are wailing.

On the ground in the temple, there were bloodstains, corpses covered with tooth marks, sticks with bone marrow drained, and skulls with their brains hollowed out, and discarded everywhere.

The corners were covered with hay, on which lay seven or eight female corpses of half-human, half-demon creatures, snake demons, fox demons, colorful sparrow spirits, banana spirits... each of them had no clothes, lying naked, with empty eyes and body. blue and purple,

After seeing these scenes, I went to see the young man, what kind of good son?

Clearly, it is a beast with evil spirits draped in human skin.

This beast was scolded by the spirits of the mountain, and swayed to the mountain ghost who was bound by the talisman and hung in the air.

Staring at its graceful and natural body, his eyes were full of **** and greed, he leaned in and smelled the fragrance, and said with a sinister smile:

"The best, of course, should be left at the end."

"Wait for me to refine this [Bailing Eternal Pill], and immediately set foot in the Transcendent Realm after taking it."

"At that time, my transformed body will be able to withstand your backlash, and after reconciling with you, this Tianmu Mountain, which is transforming towards the blessed land, will forever belong to me, Fu Yupu."


When the man named Fu Yupu laughed wildly.

In the other corner, several angry curses came one after another:

"Fu Yupu, you shameless beast will be punished sooner or later."

"Bah, who was the blind examiner who actually included you in human skin into the Heart Washing School."

"Brother Shien told me earlier that you, a beast, has been with a mysterious whereabouts in recent days, and your body is full of evil spirits. You must have done something bad. I'll wait to see you tonight, and then I will know that you, Fu Yupu, are crazy. At this point, the mountain spirits of Tianmu Mountain began to do good and accumulate virtue many years ago, often going down the mountain to help ordinary people, and never harming the human race, and you have directly killed the living beings in this mountain for the sake of alchemy, isn't it crazy?"

"shut up!"

Fu Yupu turned his head, his eyes flashed scarlet, staring at the limp in the corner ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ three men and one woman, all dressed in the same student clothes as Fu Yupu, were cursed and unable to move.

Judging from the situation, they should all be students from a school called [Xin Xin Xue Tang].

Fu Yupu looked at them and replied with a sneer:

"God **** it?"

"Hahaha... Xu Shien, Hu Langui, Zhou Zhiru, Li Chun, aren't the four of you the top students of the Heart Washing School? Don't you know that God's Condemnation is something that will be treated differently."

"Previously, it was abusive human race."

"But since the great Tao Zhenren recast the forbidden law, it is the rest of the spirits except the human race that have been abused by the gods."

"As long as I, Fu Yupu, don't attack the human race, the stupid forbidden law will not judge me as an evil cultivator, and naturally I won't be able to use supernatural powers to destroy me."

"With the support of the forbidden law, I, Fu Yupu, can do whatever I want."

"All this, I really want to thank Tao Qian Tao Zhenren."

"It's funny to say that this group of idiots actually enshrined Tao Zhenren who brought them down to this point, and even gave them a nickname, what is the real Lord Fu Nie."

"Irony, really ironic."

ps: There are two more.

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