Longevity is Different, Caishikou Was Beheaded at the Beginning

Chapter 528: Police and illusion bestow the law, Hongluan star moves

Knowing the cause and effect from the ancestral spirit, Tao Qian also clearly realized that his own Tianzun should have specially come to give him magical powers.

Although he didn't say it clearly, it was considered support for him.

He also took advantage of the details of the supernatural powers to pull the Taishang Laojun in.

"Heavenly Lord Yuanshi issued the decree, the treasures of the ancestors and gods, and the various sects also knew about my dangerous Dao nightmare. The excuse was just right, and they refused me to join the world again."

"Human Sovereign's position is of great benefit, so it's understandable to do so."

"If I really wanted to be in that position, I would definitely be furious this time, and I would have to say something like '30 years in Hedong, 30 years in Hexi' and 'Shu Zian dares to bully me'."

"Unfortunately, I didn't mean that."

"Wouldn't it be better to live on Dengxian Island to cultivate immortals, eat peaches, and cuddle cats?"

Tao Qian's thoughts flickered.

Although judging from the successive statements of Yuanshi Tianzun, his own Tianzun and Taishang Laojun, he feared that the human race's indiscriminate use of the cost transfer method to cause a more tragic war should not happen, but he still has to verify it again.

There is no need to ask others to do other things, just open your mouth and ask the ancestral daoist friend in front of you:

"Daoist friends are the spirits of the human race. They have the wisdom of many generations, and they know the fate of qi and fate. Can you agree with the decree of Yuanshi Tianzun?"

"The human race in the longevity world really won't self-destruct? Is it really the future of the prosperous world? The immortal dynasty will be born?"

When Zu Ling heard the words, he immediately saw Tao Qian's ambition and what he cared about.

He thought for a moment, then closed his eyes, as if he was sensing something.

After a while, I just heard him reply:

"The recasting of the forbidden law and the combination of the two worlds have indeed made our human race flourishing. In the next hundred years, countless heroes and heroes will be born, all of which are to deal with the terrifying doom. If you eliminate the doom, these heroes will be born. Instead, it is not a lie to help qi and destiny, and the future of prosperous times is not false."

"As for the matter of the Immortal Dynasty?"

"Although I am the spirit of the human race, my supernatural powers are far inferior to those of the three gods who have transcended the heavens. Since they have given prophecies, both explicit and implicit, it is true."

Hearing this, Tao Qian's face suddenly showed a smile, and his mind was calm.

He doesn't care about the honor of the emperor, whoever loves to be who should be, let Zhang Jinluan, Si Xixin, and Yin Yuehua fight... In a hundred years, the number of outstanding people has exploded, and it is impossible to say that it is not any of them who finally won that position.

"After the recasting of the forbidden law, the fighting and killing are all in the 'upper level', so their brains are beaten into dogs' brains."

"I cultivate my fairy, find my way, and stroke my cat."

"I have done everything that I can do. People's hearts have changed, and the world has been vicissitudes. Even if a few Tianzun Daojun want to come, they can't fully grasp it."

"Hey, it's time to rest."

Tao Qian thought so, and then dragged Zu Ling to drink.

Unexpectedly, at this time, Zu Ling calculated the time, and immediately said with a smile: "Don't be busy, don't be busy, there are many relatives and friends to entertain, don't make people wait for a long time."

Tao Qian only regarded him as being polite, and replied directly: "There are still two days until the wedding date, and all the relatives and friends have not arrived yet. How much entertainment?"

As soon as he said these words, Zhong Doudou outside the hall happily reported: "Little master, little master, come out to entertain, many... many aunts from outside are here."

To be able to make Zhong Doudou shout like this, obviously the aunts who came here are not Mai, Caiyun, Wuling, Lucai.


Tao Qian murmured to greet him, but the next moment was a little stunned.

Climbing to the immortal island, it is usually a rare immortal atmosphere.

But at this time it was different. I could only see the sky in front of me, auspicious clouds suddenly formed, the rays of sunshine bursting, the ceiling led the way, and the colorful mist accompanies the flying. Inside, you can see the gods and beautiful female cultivators, and the wonderful fairy aunts are gathering and flying to the island. .

It just so happened that Tao Qian came out at this time, and with a glance, he immediately saw several old acquaintances.

Such as the Infant Sect Master Xiao.

Or, Xue Baobao, the daughter of the king.

These two are all female immortals that can be counted in the world, but at this time in the vast cloud of colorful clouds, they can't be regarded as suppressing Qunfang.

Tao Qian's Taoism is very high now, but among these foreign fairies, there are several who are not weaker than him in the slightest, and their qi skills are also extremely extraordinary.

When he looked at it, the color of the clouds was already in front of him.

Accompanied by bursts of fairy sounds and fragrance, Tao Qian was instantly surrounded by a dozen female cultivators who looked like immortals and concubines.

Everyone looked at him with "curious" and "loving" eyes, not only seeing it as a rarity, but also coming specially for him.

Tao Qian panicked for a while, not knowing who to greet first.

Fortunately, Zhenren Xiao and his daughter, the king, were also there. The two women came over at the same time. They both looked at Tao Qian with a look of joy and admiration, and sighed successively:

"When I was in Nanyue, I knew that you were not in the pool, but I only thought that you had extraordinary talent, but I didn't want to underestimate you. It's just so many years, and it's really incredible and amazing. ."

"I wanted to be your Aunt Xue, but now I'm afraid it's impossible, so I have to call Master Tao."

Xue Baobao's words are not a problem in the world of practice.

This is a junior, but the cultivation base mana came later, and it is normal to change the name.

However, Tao Qian was not used to it, so he hurriedly greeted him and shouted with a smile:

"An aunt is an aunt, and it has nothing to do with practicing magic."

"The two aunts in Nanyue were close to me back then, so how can they be separated now?"

Immediately after he finished speaking, both Xiao Zhenren and Xue Baobao's eyes lit up, obviously they both had memories.

It was said that it was that year, but it was not too long in fact.

Xue Baobao, the daughter of the country's lord, is better. In comparison, she only owes Tao Qian some small karmic debts, which is not a big deal.

It is Xiao Zhenren, who owes a bigger cause and effect.

In order to save her life, Tao Qian in Meiling, Nanyue could be said to have given up.

Thinking of the Meiling scene, Xiao Zhenzhen was full of emotion at this time, and held Tao Qian intimately, just about to say something.

But at this time, she remembered something, and quickly said:

"Just looking at the old times, I almost forgot about the business."

"My sisters are all entrusted by Sister Yunhua to arrange a marriage for you."

"The wedding banquet and the ceremony are handled by the seniors in Mai and a group of fellow spiritual treasures, but my sisters are good at it, but it's a side thing."

"I heard that your wife has a great background. She is a fairy on Yuhuan Mountain. We all know the prestige of Grandma Taizhen."

"But don't worry, with our sisters here, you can't lose anywhere."

While speaking, Xiao Zhenren was already smiling, and together with his daughter Xue Baobao, the king, turned around and began to introduce the rest of the fairies to Tao Qian.

The first sight was a female fairy with a height of more than 10 feet, full of red hair, and her exposed skin was covered with "leopard prints". She was graceful and heroic, wild and barbaric, but had divine charm. She was smiling. Standing there, the wonderful fairy sound of the ringed ding dang came from all over the body, and it was refreshing to hear it.

"This is Sister Wuluo, the goddess of the Qingyao Mountains in the immortal mountains overseas. She has magical powers that can wash away the evil and filth, burn away the evil poison of acne, and make people return to the most pure and beautiful state. With her here, you can Be the most beautiful groom in the world."

When Xiao Zhenren introduced, the goddess named Wuluo was also looking at Tao Qian.

The more I looked at it, the more rare and happy I became, and I was eager to try:

"Good appearance! Good body! Good smell!"

"I have only heard the reputation of [Spiritual Treasure Body] before, but this is the first time I have seen it."

"Just leave it to me on the wedding day, and keep someone more handsome than you in the world."

"By the way, since Bao Bao and Mei Niang are both your aunts, can I, Wu Luo, be worthy of it?"

Hearing these words, Tao Qian immediately understood the temperament of this Qingyao Mountain Goddess, a rather straightforward female fairy.

At this time, although Duke Yuan was not here, but the ancestral spirit was there, he also knew a lot, and he went straight to the sound transmission and said: "Wuluo is the name of the ancient goddess, and she is the goddess conceived by Qingyao Mountain, but I don't know who this is the first. For several generations, the background is not small, and the roots are extremely hard."

Tao Qian bowed his hands and shouted with a smile, "Aunt Wuluo."

The goddess laughed when she heard the words, and agreed again and again.

Xiao Zhenren also led Tao Qian to see the next female fairy. She looked like a bright girl with a small fan, her eyes were full of brilliance, her color was like a lotus flower, her muscles were like condensed honey, and her whole body was accompanied by visions, surrounded by colorful clouds and shining stars. .

"This is sister Zhinu. She will weave the wedding dress of your husband and wife."

"Aunt Zhinu."

This time, there was no need for others to speak. Tao Qian sighed at Aunt Yunhua's great face and made many friends, and at the same time, she was very knowledgeable and called out first.

In my mind, the introduction of Ancestral Spirit's roots came in time, and there was no unexpected tyranny.

And the next female fairy, her beauty and enchantment is even better than the previous Wuluo and Zhinv, and she is not only immortal, but also more popular, where she stands, she should be angry and happy, bright and moving, who is it? Looking at it, I don't want to call out a fairy sister.

"This is Sister Jinghuan, she can teach you and your husband..."

Although Xiao Zhenren had children, strictly speaking, she was still a big girl.

Halfway through, I don't know how to continue.

Fortunately, Xue Baobao, the daughter of the king, smiled and said, "Sister Jinghuan is responsible for the love of the world, and the girl in charge of the world complains about the man's madness. She is very good at everything in this world, and Sister Yunhua is very good at it. If there is a request, Sister Jinghuan will not hide her secrets, and she can give it to your husband and wife as much as possible."

After Xue Baobao finished speaking, she kept looking at Tao Qian's Jinghuan Fairy with strange eyes.

He suddenly smiled mysteriously and said:

"The Way of Clouds and Rain, Grandma Taizhen is the best at it. Since your wife is her true inheritor, she has already learned the wonderful method."

"Although your practice is high now, I'm afraid this way won't overwhelm her."

"It doesn't matter, I can teach you some other secret methods, and the two are combined with the method of Taizhen, so that you and your husband and wife will be in harmony with each other, and they will be perfect."

Before these words could be said, Fairy Jinghuan pointed a white and tender finger directly on Tao Qian's eyebrow~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In an instant, the incomparably complex and red-faced magical powers poured into Tao Qian's mind.

Rao is that Tao Qian has tasted many tricks, and this moment is also an eye-opener.

It took a long while before digesting and accepting, bowing hands to salute, and shouting with sincerity:

"Thank you, Aunt Jinghuan!"

Although the difference in his treatment was not obvious, which of the female fairies in the field was not clear-eyed and tyrannical, they spat a few times when they saw it, and immediately covered their mouths and chuckled.

The next female fairy did not wait for Zhen Zhen to be introduced, but stood up first, wearing a fishtail crown and purple silk robe.

When she looked at Tao Qian, there was a strange starlight coming from outside the domain. At first, there was only one, but in the blink of an eye, it turned into a prosperous star shower, filling the sky of the immortal island.

The fairy, who is the starlight guide, saw it, and she couldn't help showing surprise, and immediately praised:

"Sister Yunhua is right, her junior is extremely special."

"Ordinary monks are blessed by my [Red Luan Starlight], which is already a blessing."

"It's good for you to attract so many."

"It's the first time in a thousand years."

ps: I was temporarily caught on a business trip for a week, the update may be unstable, sorry.

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