Longevity is Different, Caishikou Was Beheaded at the Beginning

Chapter 539: Spiritual Mother Maitreya, Tao Qian guards the gate

In the secret realm of Xingqiao, Tao Dazhen shouted that sentence, which meant that he had another aunt.

But he wasn't shouting indiscriminately. In front of him, this baby girl who came into the world with a vision, had fine yellow hair, was holy and evil, had exactly the same features as Tao Qian's spiritual mother aunt whom she had never met before.

Although I have never seen it before, I have seen Duobao's illusionary portrait.

The facial features are nothing but the resemblance, and the distinctive yellow hair and yellow eyebrows are exactly the same as the spirit mother fairy, which is in line with the bloodline of this aunt.

Back then, Tao sneaked into the Sea of ​​Immortals, and got the Holy Mother's Fetal Bag in a land called "Island of Aliens".

In the process of collecting the treasure, he killed an alienated artifact spirit whose face was the imitated spirit mother fairy.

Daoist Duobao once said: The Spirit Mother Fairy was originally an amazingly talented female fairy in the mountain gate, second only to Mai, Yunhua, and Wuling, especially when she cultivated an extraordinary Taoist body, although she failed in the final battle. , but after his death, strange treasures such as the [Spiritual Mother's Holy Fetal Bag] were born in his body.

After many entanglements, and by chance, the holy fetal bag was created several times.

This moment made up for the "congenital defect" and made its power potential to a higher level.

Therefore, Tao Qian guessed that the fairy godmother was resurrected as a precious artifact spirit, which is also reasonable.

But soon he knew that his guess was both right and wrong.

But I saw the yellow-haired baby girl sitting on the golden lotus. After birth, every breath changed, and not only her magical body, but also the accompanying magical treasures, including the pair of Tao Qiancong [Shpi Luohan] The treasure of Jinnao that came from the place.

In an instant, the baby girl disappeared.

Instead, it was a six- or seven-year-old girl wearing a strange cassock, still with yellow hair and yellow eyebrows, wearing a gold hoop, holding a golden cymbal, but with a stronger Buddha-nature on her body and more strange evil spirits. Some.

She directly bowed to Tao Qian, and then answered the preface with a smile:

"Master, don't shout like this, it's a mess of generations."

"Although I have a wisp of spirituality left behind by the 'Spiritual Mother Fairy', I can't really be regarded as a spiritual mother aunt, and naturally I can't be the master's aunt."

"But to be more specific, my body was transformed by the spirit mother fairy, and my soul and life took part of the master's and this real Xiao's mana and energy. What should I count as a master... I don't know it myself, but I also Lord, please give me my name first."

"If I don't have a good name, I'm not good at practicing."

While speaking, the girl seemed to be showing off, or to show herself to Tao Qian, the master.

I saw her ringing the golden cymbal, and this star aperture immediately sounded the sound of thunder.

In the turbulent Yuan Qi, first saw a vibrant spirit treasure immortal Qi rising, followed by a baby spirit source Qi, and then a thousand-zhang Buddha light, which closed together and shot out, and suddenly revealed a statue that was taller than a mountain. Weird Bodhisattva Dharma comes.

This dharma look is really strange, wearing a cassock like a Guanyin, with a Buddha ring behind it, and a fairy light from a spiritual treasure.

The most amazing thing is that there are countless baby spirits under its knees, either laughing or crying.

When he saw this dharma image, all the narrations in Tao Qian's mind were also complete, which made him clearly understand the transformation process of this treasure and the spirit of the tool, as well as the secret of the roots.

While looking at the dharma image of the Yellow-browed Bodhisattva, he said loudly:

"For this treasure spirit, you do have a complicated relationship with me."

"Although you have obtained many good things, your future path has been set. You should diligently practice Buddhism and refine this [Lingmu Maitreya Holy Bodhisattva Dharma Image]."

"However, the source of your life is still from Aunt Lingmo, why don't you call it 'Lingmei'er' in the future."

Tao Qian just finished speaking.

The Bodhisattva immediately smiled, and thousands of infant spirits cheered in unison, all seem to be extremely satisfied with this taboo.

Seeing this scene, Tao Qian also had a strange look on his face, and secretly said in his heart:

"Although it is somewhat different from the previous expectation, it has indeed filled the fatal congenital deficiency."

"Lingmei'er is an artifact spirit, refining the Infant and Mother Supreme Holy Origin Qi, and also makes the human seed bag completely enter the realm of 'Yin-yang transformation and birth innately flawless'."

"As long as my child is born, before he sees the acquired world, I will walk around in my spiritual mother's holy fetus seed bag, and then those congenital filth and evil curses will be removed."

When the thought came to this point, Tao Qian also showed joy.

Xiao Zhenren, who matched his posture, also gave birth to perception. Knowing that the baby was perfected, he smiled softly and rejoiced.

This is the moment when the atmosphere is very good and everything is done.

Suddenly, in the crystal marrow channel, a very sharp, painful raccoon slave's cry resounded.

In an instant, Yun Rong, who was still full of pregnancy and charming and cute, immediately showed a slightly hideous and strange appearance.

The hair is gone, and the jade-like skin is revealed.

Pale rainbow light burst out, and icy milk poured out.

Nine demon tails, which seemed to shatter the sky, swayed out, and the golden bells that urged marriage and soul rang through the passages and star apertures.


"The hour is approaching, this little devil can't help but want to come out."

Before Yun Rong shouted like that, Tao Qian had already sensed it.

And faster than him, is Xiao Zhenren.

Although this female fairy has never been married, and has never really given birth to a child, she is an elder from the Infant Sect after all.

She could handle the movement in front of her instinctively.

Jingfei flew to Yun Rong's side, and together with the Spiritual Essence Empress, mixed Yun Rong, who had become painful and fierce, into the star aperture.

During the process, the tidal water of the precious and rare baby and mother source in his body also seemed to pour into the cloud body.

This Qi is a divine artifact that protects the fetus.

Ordinary women get a wisp, dare not have any pain, no matter how bad the birthplace is, they can still give birth safely.

Although Yun Rong's situation was a little more special, with such a large amount, he really felt a lot more peaceful.

The many "evil images" also dissipated a lot.

But there are still many remnants, and with Xiao Zhenren's mana, it can't last long.

Tao Qian hurried forward, touched the lady's body and immediately knew the reason, his face changed slightly:

"It's really unpredictable, my good sister just watched my aunt and I perform magic tricks, and my heart was agitated, so I'm going to give birth early?"

"The original due date was three days later."

"Now, it has been directly advanced to after twelve o'clock."

Although he Tao Qian is already the top Dazhen in the world of immortality, the enemies in the past can't help him at all, but worry about his careful revenge.

But what he encountered now was that the lady was about to give birth, so he couldn't help but look worried.

Especially in his perception, the "little creature" in Yun Rong's belly was constantly tumbling into the sea in her mother's belly. As she approached childbirth, the filth and poison seemed to erupt together. The fetus couldn't control it at all, and it became more and more stubborn. , It seems that the real one is a demon embryo.

What's worse is that Tao Potential intervenes very little.

Although his mana was incomparably powerful, it couldn't erase the pain Yun Rong suffered.

Of course, coercion is also possible.

It's just doing that, and there will be troubles on the side, and Yun Rong will not allow him to forcibly cast spells.

Just when Tao Qian was a little flustered, suddenly there was movement in the crystal marrow channel.

But seeing Zhong Doudou in front, while leading the way, he shouted to Tao Qian: "Master, the fairies from Yuhuan Mountain are here, saying that they are going to deliver the wife's birth."

Hearing this sound, Tao Qian looked back and saw Yun Yan, Mei Niang and other female cultivators from Yuhuan coming together.

And the one headed in the front is naturally Grandma Taizhen.

After getting married, my grandmother no longer hides her true temperament.

Leading a group of female cultivators to the Star Aperture, while starting to set up the unique battle of Yuhuan Mountain, while looking at Tao Qian, the spiritual lady and Xiao Zhenren, they rambled and said:

"No matter how much your husband and wife play, they should pay more attention to the children."

"It was supposed to be three days later. If it wasn't for my grandmother, I kept asking Master Tuo Haotian to watch. How could I know that it was suddenly so many hours earlier."

"It's fortunate that my grandma has always prepared the Doumu Treasure that will seduce [Xiantian Yinqi] in Yuanhai, otherwise, in such a hurry, where would I have time to arrange it?"


"You've been honest for three years, you peach blossom, and grandma still accepts you when you're a real person, and you're going to cut off the fate without mercy..."

Halfway through the sentence, Grandma Taizhen also realized that she accidentally hurt Xiao Zhenren who was still comforting Yunrong.

Immediately turned his head to look at her, he laughed and said, "No wonder Zhenren Xiao, I'm not talking about you, grandma, it's really a little worrying about this young couple."

When Xiao Zhenren heard the words, he also smiled softly, saying that he didn't care.

At the same time, their eyes fell on Yuhuan Mountain, the female revisionists, and they took out the rare treasures that could not be seen in the longevity world. With the cooperation of Tao Qian, the treasures were embedded on the surrounding star walls.

With Tao Qian's hands-on next page! Current 1 page/Total 2 pages

Because of this, the Yuan Qi, which was originally filled with star apertures, began to flow against the Great Yuan Yuan Sea like a low tide.

In an instant, the star aperture became empty.

But the next moment, when Grandma Taizhen presided over the operation of the battle, the azure light of Hongmeng surged, and an inexplicable force of suction was born. At the entrance of the star aperture that blocked the rest of the hundreds of millions of Yuan Qi, a stream of incomparably wonderful, incomparable ray suddenly poured into it. Rare Origin Qi.

The strands are like pulp and mist~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Its color is milky white, and there are stars twinkling in it.

Gathering, flowing, like a cold fog coming in, trying to wrap the suffering Yunrong,

"Xiantian Yin Qi!"

Even if it is Xiao Zhenren, at this moment, his heart is also born.

This Qi is an extremely rare and extraordinary spiritual object, and it is also of great use to her.

As the congenital Yin Qi gathered more and more, Xiao Zhenren also knew that the "first difficulty" that Tao Qian had previously said had been solved.

It was not him that dared to deal with it, but Yun Rong's maiden family.

It is reasonable, no matter inside or outside the realm, if you want to say that you can call the huge Innate Yin Qi force at will, the number one will definitely not be the Lingbao Sect, but the detached Doumu lineage.

"It's hard to say first!"

"What about the second difficulty? Evil spirits and monsters, the descendants of the evil gods, and even the evil gods themselves... If they come together, how can they deal with it? Could it be that the Lingbao Sect is going to come out and start a war here?"

When Xiao Zhenren thought of this, his brows couldn't help frowning, and he didn't know what to do for a while.

It was also at this time that she heard Grandma Taizhen speak to Tao Qian:

"It will take six hours to seduce the innate yin and fill this star aperture."

"It will take six hours to make Yunrong give birth to this little devil star and cut off the umbilical cord of the primordial fetus to prevent those filthy curses from contaminating Yunrong."

"During this period, those 'ghost spirits' and 'evil gods and evil spirits' in the source sea will come to invade, bright and dark, and it is hard to prevent."

"A total of twelve hours, you need to guard the Xingqiaokou, kill them all, or block them all."

"If you win this battle, your Tao Dazhen's name can be launched even outside the realm."

"But you also know that your wife is giving birth. Don't be stubborn in everything. Ask for help. If you can't hold it in a critical moment, call your suzerain or Tianzun for help."

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