Longevity is Different, Caishikou Was Beheaded at the Beginning

Chapter 554: Mother Xuan gave her fortune, wishing for a second life

The secrets described by Uncle Li Mei are also time-sensitive.

The depiction of the "Yin Xuan Mu", the fairy, stopped on the day when she rebelled and came out of the Doumu lineage.

But Grandma Taizhen knew the follow-up secrets:

"Mother Yinxuan tried to steal with the three-corpse secret method. Yes, it was stealing, not a sneak attack. She wanted to steal part of the Moon God's divinity in the Guanghan Palace."

"As a result, it was discovered, suffered a backlash, lost most of his life, and is now on the verge of death."

"But if you really want to find the old man and say goodbye, shouldn't you go to Doumu Palace, and why are you here?"

With this thought in mind, Tao Qian remembered that Wuyang and Wuyang had come to find trouble for his father and daughter, a large number of demons, evil spirits, children and family members, etc., and the bad omens in his heart became more and more intense.

The reason why he hadn't acted was because he didn't feel hostile and malicious, so he let Grandma Taizhen deal with it first.

Sure enough, Tao's thoughts just fell.

Seeing the indifferent female fairy with the head of a cat and her body full of brilliance, she suddenly raised her hand, pointed to the little liu slave in Taizhen's grandmother's arms, and said:

"I came here, one is to know that Sister Taizhen is here, looking for you to reminisce, and the other is for this little guy."

"shut up!"

Mother Yinxuan was halfway through speaking, and it was too late to spit out the relevant reasons.

The grandma Taizhen in front of her was already furious. Although her grandma was a little girl occasionally, she was the master of a mountain after all, a descendant of the orthodox Doumu lineage, and she was also in charge of the great treasure [Haotian Baojian]. By.

With her anger, a source of qi burst out, which made the entire Dengxian Xingqiao tremble.

In a trance, Tao Qian's eyes seemed to reflect a huge white cat comparable to the stars. At the center of his eyebrows, a red flame seemed to rise, and a pair of demon spirit pupils overlooked all living beings, showing full majesty.

Along with a bright blue light leaping out, the Haotian Treasure Mirror, which had been put away, appeared again.

Three years ago, Haotian Divine Light, who had killed the first emperor's son's clone with one blow, burst out again.

"Mother Yin Xuan, shameless old lady."

"How dare you? How dare you attack my good granddaughter, ah, do you really think I won't kill you?"

"If you dare to say one more lie, I, Yang Taizhen, will ask Doum's old man to grant Taoism today, enter the Taoist realm first, and then let Master Haotian unlock the first seal, and behead you on the spot... ..."

When Grandma Taizhen roared and spoke, Haotian Baojian was also releasing divine light.

That power is enough to break a star.

But not far away, he was blocked by another treasure.

But it was the Yinxuan mother who showed helplessness and sighed: "Sister Taizhen really has such an explosive temper. As a sister, I don't even have a chance to finish the sentence."

After that, she reached out and took off the fairy ring hanging from the back of her head.

After throwing it out, the wind rose, and it happened to turn into a moon that was bursting with the yin divine light, blocking the Haotian divine light.

Regarding this ring, there are also records in the compilation of anecdotes: the lunar moon essence wheel is a unique treasure in the lineage of Doumu Yuanjun, which immersed a dying lunar star in the depths of the great abyss in the congenital yin for nine thousand years. Its origin was cast at the moment when the inspiration was most intense, and it was given to him by Doum himself, his proud disciple Yinxuanmu, which was the treasure of his enlightenment.

With such a great history, it is not surprising that it can withstand Haotian Baojian.

When the two strange treasures fell into a stalemate, Tao Qian also turned cold and wanted to move.

Hearing his grandmother's words, Tao Qian knew that this "mother-in-law" was indeed an old-fashioned female fairy. It looked like a realm of bliss, but in fact, there were many trump cards hidden in it.

Before playing with the little raccoon slave, I'm afraid he didn't even move.

But Tao Qian didn't dare to allow his grandma to act, and he could guess without much thought that the price of grandma's promotion on the spot would be enormous.

"Doum's lineage seems to attach great importance to the precepts.

"Previously, Doumu said that if Mother Yinxuan persisted in cultivating for nine thousand years, she would be hopeful of attaining the Dao Tribulation Immortal. However, Mother Yinxuan would not listen to her and was greedy for merit, so she was about to die."

"Grandma Taizhen's 'Road', the old man Doumu obviously also has arrangements. If grandma breaks the situation on the spot, the price that will inevitably be paid in the future will not be worth the loss."

"If this Yin Xuan mother is the main body, it is indeed extremely troublesome, and you must ask the suzerain and Tianzun to take action."

"But there is only one projection clone, even if you bring a strange treasure, what is there to be afraid of?"

Before the thought came to an end, Tao Qian moved and appeared by Grandma Taizhen's side in an instant.

At the same time, his body began to swell, and in the blink of an eye he was about to align with the heavens and the earth.

Obviously, he is casting the [Secret Technique of Infinite Spiritual Treasures and All Things Returning to One], and if he disagrees, he will transform into the body of a **** and a demon.

At this scene, the Yinxuan mother who was looking at it sighed again.

Then, the fairy made an unexpected move:

The probing hand actually put away the Lunar Moon Essence Wheel in front of him, and the Haotian Divine Light with astonishing power blasted it over, blasting most of its body into minced flesh and crushing it into nothingness.

Only a black cat's head remained, hanging eerily.

Tao Qian and Grandma Taizhen were both startled by this.

Taking this opportunity, the cat head quickly opened his mouth and said:

"Sister Taizhen, don't be annoyed, let me vent my anger with you first. I will tell you what I did wrong back then."

"Tao Zhenjun, don't be in a hurry. I have seen your extraordinary means in the dark before. It is indeed a rare Taoist real monarch that has been seen in a thousand years. It won't take many years. Even if my body is against you, I'm afraid I won't be able to get the slightest advantage. Because of this, I also hope that the true monarch will give me this dying person a chance. I am not here to murder the noble girl, but only to entrust my wealth and to seek a small good fate."

Mother Yin Xuan finished like this.

Grandma Taizhen and Tao Qian did something at the same time, but they didn't kill them all.

Instead, they cast spells and seek induction.

After a while, there was feedback.

I don't know what happened to Taizhen's grandmother, but Tao Qian asked for a spiritual response from Tianzun, but he rarely got a response. Although it was only a few words, it also made Tao Qian willing to give this Yinxuan mother a chance to speak.

"It's a chance!"

These four words, Taizhen grandma also got it.

Seeing that the two of them didn't make another move, Mother Yinxuan's solitary cat head breathed a sigh of relief.

He didn't bother to restore his appearance, but directly explained his purpose:

"I want Tao Zhenjun to know that what Sister Taizhen said before is not wrong. My mother Yin Xuan has indeed reached the point where the oil is exhausted and the body is dead."

"I tried to compete with the Moon God of Guanghan Palace on the road. I am not as good as others because of my ability and skills, and it is not wrong to die."

"If my mother Yin Xuan was alone, she would die if she died, and the dust will return to the dust, which is a good end."

"However, I have been practicing and operating in Yuanhai over the years, and I have also saved a lot of family wealth. I have the Taiyin raccoon slaves, this great family, and the book "Taiyin Lingsu Yuema Sutra" that I have learned all my life. … all of these are all looking for a proper successor to entrust.”

"Of course, I also have a careful thought, hoping that if I can have a trace of true soul to survive the robbery, my heirs can save me in the second life."

"Tao Zhenjun's noble daughter was born from the harmony of Lingbao Miaoxiao and the innate Yin Xia. She is a natural cultivation seed, and it is also quite compatible with the way I practice."

"I would like to give all my wealth for many years, and I hope that the true monarch will allow me."

Now, there are only Lingbao Wanxian left, and most of them have come to the Secret Realm of Star Aperture, crowding in the passage and watching.

At this moment, they were shocked when they heard Mother Yin Xuan's detailed explanation.

good guy!

What kind of luck is this?

As soon as he was born, a Taoist female fairy came directly to give away all his net worth?

Although Yin Xuan Mu was about to die in the Dao struggle, she was a loser.

But it also depends on who she is fighting against. The Moon God in Guanghan Palace must know that it is a congenital **** and demon.

How heavy is the accumulation of her life?

However, it seems that there are also pitfalls to worry about?

Every practice has a price!

This iron law also applies in the Great Yuanyuan Sea.

Mother Yinxuan knew this, and without waiting for Tao Qian to respond, she turned her head to look at Grandma Taizhen again.

Without hesitation, he revealed his scars and said:

"I know that Sister Taizhen and the sisters in Asgard still blame me for what I did back then."

"I can't even make excuses. It's just a single thought, I did something wrong, and I have the karma that I have now. It's also right."

"My bloodline and talent are all first-class, but my disposition is really poor. This is also the reason why the old man Doumu forced me to cultivate for nine thousand years. I just hope it can wear away my arrogant temperament. It's a pity that I It's too late to realize."

"After leaving the Asgard, I was bewitched by the [Three Corpse Demon Lord], completely going astray."

"The only thing I am happy about is that the three corpse demon kings want to fascinate my heart and soul, and go with him to the demon world to be his concubine. , block the devil for me, and awaken my soul."

"I also begged the old man that day to allow me to return to Asgard to apologize."

"Unfortunately, I was never forgiven, so I had to wander outside. Until recently, I was destroyed by that Moon God's hoe, and I didn't have many days to live."

Having said that, Mother Yinxuan made another surprising move.

In the golden and splendid cat pupils, the terrifying scene in the distant secret land suddenly reflected:

Then, it is a dilapidated and lonely Yin star.

There is an extremely dark cave on it, and inside it crouches a raccoon slave that is even bigger than Taizhen's grandmother's true appearance, and its entire body is pitch black.

Its state is extremely miserable.

For a while, it was difficult for Tao Qian to describe and describe.

If I had to force it, it would be "a lump of cat-shaped flesh that was about to rot and melt."

Just this sentence, you can know the terrifying situation of this Yin Xuan mother.

In this way, it can also explain the actions of Mother Yin Xuan.

"Mother Yinxuan chose my daughter as her dying heir and entrusted her with her wealth, except that she wanted to form a good relationship, try to get a chance for herself, and she was lucky enough to have someone to save her after she was reincarnated."

"Actually, there is another careful consideration."

"This fairy was really arrogant back then, so she made big mistakes one after another."

"Before she died, she wanted to return to Doum's lineage, but unfortunately she was not forgiven by Doum Yuan-jun and was not allowed to return."

"She is also smart~www.wuxiaspot.com~ knows how to use detours, and wants to get in touch with Grandma Taizhen through my daughter."

"This life is impossible, the next life is indeed very possible."

"Heavenly Honored His old man's meaning is that it is good to not accept it for nothing."

"I just wonder what the old man Doumu Yuanjun thinks? To accept or not to accept?"

ps: It's too much to name Tao Bao and Tao Baibai, but Tao Yaoyao and Xianchan are not bad.

To be continued

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