Longevity is Different, Caishikou Was Beheaded at the Beginning

Chapter 556: The moon mother star hides myriad treasures, and the gods and evil world are destroyed

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Tao Qianzhi said clearly that even though his daughter was just born, she had never practiced any supernatural powers.

But the bloodline is extraordinary, and it has affinity and suppression for any creature born from the "Xiantian Yin Qi", including Yin Xuanmu and her Taiyin raccoon slaves.

Coupled with Lingbao Tianzun and Doumu Yuanjun's spiritual response, Tao Qian was released happily.

At the same time, he nodded to Mother Yin Xuan and said:

"I answered this matter for my daughter, senior can choose a good opportunity to send the inheritance of the Taoism and this Taiyin raccoon slave family to Penglaihai."

"However, whether to repair and how to deal with it, I still need to wait for my daughter's wisdom to grow up and make her own decision."

"Senior, are you willing?"

After Tao Qian finished speaking, he immediately saw Yin Xuan Mu's black **** head being lit up again and again.

Excited, grateful and inexplicably said:

"I will, I will."

"This secret place is called [Moon Mother Star]. It is not only my shelter, the place of cultivation, but also the place where I hide my treasures."

"When I settle the cause and effect, and I have no worries, I will let these children drag the Moon Mother Star to the Penglai Sea. At that time, my life savings and the inheritance of the Taoism will be handed over to the True Monarch."

"If I am lucky enough to live a second life and realize my previous life, I must come to worship the true monarch in order to repay."

Xu Shi was too excited, and the divine light of the yin flashed behind Mother Yinxuan, which once again reflected the dilapidated and cold Yin star.

Only this time, it was different.

There are many caves, large and small, on it. In each cave, there are many good things hidden, there are immortal artifacts and foreign objects, there are also secret books and books, and there are special things such as "dried fish" that are unique to the great source sea. Delicious food, full to the brim, spectacular.

The surging Baoguang swayed both Tao Qian and Grandma Taizhen for a while.

Tao Qian couldn't help but secretly said: "My good fellow, don't seem to think, the girl's blessing is better than me, and she will be a rich woman in the world of practice when she is born? It seems that in the future, she will have to urge her to practice, otherwise the magical power will not be enough, I'm afraid I can't stand the many costs that will follow."

Grandma Taizhen also clicked her tongue when she saw it, and said to herself, "My sister had a quirk in collecting treasures back then, and she often couldn't stand itching, so she ran to steal some gadgets around Doum's old man's side, and she didn't want to leave the palace to wander. , this problem is not only not getting better, but it is getting worse."


The appearance of the two of them made Mother Yinxuan feel a little relieved, and she also gave birth to some joy and happiness.

One practice, the lower the realm, the more tolerant of mistakes.

The higher the realm of the cultivator, it is easy not to make mistakes.

Especially Daoist strongmen, if they take a wrong step, they will die under the chain reaction of evil force and price.

Mother Yinxuan was bewitched by the "Three Corpse Demon Lord" and betrayed Lord Doumu Yuan, which was almost a dead end.

On the bright side, she still maintains the appearance of the Moon Mother Fairy, but in fact, she has reached the point of death, and the gods and demons are hard to save.

The only way to live: in the second world.

And this time, she consciously made the right bet.

Because there are still many karmic and evil relationships to be settled, Yinxuan mother had to leave here, and when the time is ripe, she will entrust her family and Taoism.

When she just turned around, she seemed to think of something.

Looking at Tao Qian again, he hesitated, but in the end he couldn't help but say:

"Tao Zhenjun!"

"I know that you have already started to contact the "Dao Nightmare", I'm afraid that it will not take many years to go to the Great Yuanyuan Sea to find the Tao. If it is in other generations, I believe that with the true monarch's innate strength and roots, even if the Great Yuan is dangerous In all probability, you can save yourself from danger and find your own path.”

"Only in today's generation, especially in the next ten thousand years, even Tao Zhenjun should be careful and cautious, cautious and cautious."

"If you are not careful, I am afraid that you will die."

"Everything is due to the changes in the deepest part of the source sea, that group of the most ignorant and powerful 'primitive ancestral gods' are waking up... the gods and demons next to them, even the primal ancestral gods followed by some extreme demon monks. Chaos Demon Ancestor], if used properly, they can also communicate."

"Only the craziest group of innate gods and demons, they will not care about Lingbao Tianzun or Doumu Yuanjun's prestige, because they are closer to the 'Dao' than all gods and demons."

"Although (this chapter is not over!)

Chapter Five Hundred and Fiftieth Chapter Moon Mother Star Hides Myriad Treasures

In this way, they brought only alienation and destruction and a belly that was never full, and they even fed on gods and demons. "

"They are called evil gods."

"If the true monarch is unfortunate enough to meet in the future, escape, flee at all costs, and may be able to survive..."

Tao Qian could see clearly, when Mother Yin Xuan revealed this, she was clearly immersed in fear.

On the cat's face, the originally soft black hairs stood up straight.

Inside the golden pupil, it began to reflect the broken scenes that made Tao Qian frown, even nauseated, and wanted to vomit after watching it:

It can be seen from the beginning that it is a vast and prosperous world, with thousands of races, but the human race is still the master of all things, and has developed another more special way of cultivation.

Although it is also collecting "Origin Qi", it is not refining, but constantly stimulating the body with Yuan Qi, making itself gradually alienated, and thus possessing various supernatural powers.

The strongest among them are comparable to the Taoist realm.

But soon, the human race in this world excavated a huge secret relic.

In the depths of the ruins, there is a spring.

When they lifted a stone slab covered with ancient spells and secret texts covering the spring, it seemed like a ghostly yellow spring appeared in the world, like a living thing... No, that is a living thing, although the appearance is a turbid, viscous gray-yellow liquid , But at that moment, all the strong people around Quanyan seemed to see the existence that they should not see.

Qi Qi wailed and screamed, blood oozing from both eyes, and then his head exploded.

Clouds and mists like scarlet yellow arrows gushed out.

One breath filled the cave, two breaths overwhelmed the mountain, three breaths covered the city... After ten breaths, the world was completely shrouded in yellow mist.

Everyone in that world smelled an inexplicable stench, and they all turned pale and vomited when they turned over, even the strong ones.

When hundreds of millions of people vomited, the infinitely extending yellow mycelium suddenly pierced everyone's brain.

No one can resist, all lose themselves.

Immediately, under the control of the mycelium source organism, hundreds of millions of humans, beasts, and even plants began to perform various actions and experiments that no one could imagine.

As far as the eye can see, there are nauseating deformities, twists, sins, madness... Even Tao Qian's face becomes even paler after seeing it.

But he couldn't avoid it, and only cast spells and went to Xingqiao Outdoor with Yinxuanmu.

Looking at this fairy again at this time, there is still a trace of indifference and beauty.

A face, all rotten.

The golden pupil also gradually turned into a foul-smelling eye socket, and pus and blood flowed out.

Tao Qian's complexion changed again, he didn't know where it was, this was the price of Yinxuan Mother forcibly calling out that "projection illusion".

The rotten face and blindness are second, this time, I'm afraid she's more seriously injured.

"What is the realm? Could it be that there is no backing in the source sea? How can an evil **** easily play and humiliate all the creatures of the whole world?"

"Then what is the origin of the evil god?"

No need to guess, Mother Yin Xuan also knew that Tao Qian was puzzled at this time.

Since she acts regardless of the cost, she naturally wants to solve her doubts, otherwise how can this heavy human relationship be settled?

Seeing Mother Yin Xuan pulling at the corners of her rotten mouth, her yellow teeth mixed with foul saliva, and her voice was sticky:

"That world is called [Shen Sha World]."

"The human race in this world once had a good fortune, and there were several innate gods and demons who were friendly to the human race passing by and gave some pointers, so that the human race in this world created a unique practice system called "The Magic of Human Demons". The mortal body collects the vast and miscellaneous sources in the sea, stimulates the body to obtain alienation, and produces alienation organs such as fairy eyes, **** feet, ghost hands, evil bones, red blood, and sword hearts. Power, extraordinary power."

"This method is extremely sacrificed and the price is extremely high. With ten thousand people practicing, only one person can succeed."

"Although it started a little late and has no roots among the gods of the source sea, the human race in this world is extremely united, and there should be some future."

"But luck is really bad. One day, a ruin with a **** of evil was accidentally dug up, and the whole world was played with to death."

"That evil god, called... bang!"

Mother Yin Xuan didn't have time to reveal the name of that terrifying goddess.

The first word was never spoken, and the rotten cat head shattered directly. (This chapter is not over!)

Chapter Five Hundred and Fiftieth Chapter Moon Mother Star Hides Myriad Treasures

If Tao Qian hadn't seen the opportunity quickly, he would have been splattered with pus, blood, and rotten flesh.

Fortunately, she died only as a projection clone of Yin Xuanmother.

Not long after, a Taiyin raccoon slave jumped from the void to Tao Qian.

His face was full of lingering fears, and he said:

"True monarch, forgive me, that evil god's name is taboo with its own evil power. If I want to mention it, I have committed a taboo, so I have damaged a clone."

"If it is forcibly mentioned, I am afraid that the main body will have to pay in advance."

"Besides, the true monarch has not yet entered the Tao, if the true one hears the name of the evil god, I am afraid that he will suffer, so he will not mention it."

"The real monarch just needs to remember this section, and the gods and demons beside him, no matter innate or acquired, Tiling Bao Tianzun, Doumu Yuanjun and even the toad god~www.wuxiaspot.com~ have some effect."

"Only the group of 'Nie Shen' is not acceptable. If you see it, you will run away, otherwise your life will not be guaranteed. "

"Of course, among the gods of the source sea, there are also many gods and demons who are coveting the true monarch. Please be careful, I will go."

After speaking, Mother Yinxuan seemed to feel that her journey was complete, and she controlled the Taiyin raccoon slave. She turned around and disappeared into the void, disappearing completely.

She left, but Tao Qian did not move.

In order to be a human being, Mother Yinxuan did not care that Tao Qian had not yet prepared to enter the Great Abyss, so she leaked her terrifying secrets ahead of time.

With some words, Tao Qian's doubts were resolved.

At the same time, it also brought more doubts:

How much danger is there in the great abyss?

How many unsolved mysteries are there in the source sea?

What kind of existence are the so-called congenital gods and demons, acquired gods and demons, ancestor gods, evil gods...?

Tao Qian is now an existence with a cultivation base that reaches the sky, but the scene he just saw in the eyes of Yinxuan mother still makes him feel trembling and fear.

Ask yourself, if Lao Shizi's "God of Evil" is dug up in that world, I'm afraid he won't be able to resist it at all, and he will turn into a plaything in an instant.

However, it is not without gain.

After seeing that picture, although a little trembling and frightened, it also made Tao Qian a little excited.

It's not a bellicose quest for death, but a curiosity, a longing.

In a trance, Tao Qian had the feeling he had when he first glimpsed the corner of the cultivation world in Xunxian County.

Mysterious unknown!

Extremely dangerous!

Dao is also hidden in it.

To be continued

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Chapter Five Hundred and Fiftieth Chapter Moon Mother Star Hides Myriad Treasures


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