Longevity is Different, Caishikou Was Beheaded at the Beginning

Chapter 572: The road is ambushed and killed, the ecstasy concubine

The level of the three body demons is far above a group of black-skinned joy demons.

But at the moment it was stuffed in the middle, but it was aggrieved, like a little daughter-in-law who was bullied by a lot of big men.

Holding the phantom mirror, his face was gloomy, his lips moved slightly, obviously he had the guts to reject Tao Qian, but he didn't have the courage, or he couldn't find a suitable excuse.

In the end, he had to put on a bitter face, and timidly said to Tao Qian:

"Master is so handsome, how can he be so virtuous when he is small, and transform into a master?"

"By the way, what does the lord want me to do like this?"

After all, it is a demon who has recognized himself as the master, and Tao Qian is too lazy to hide it, lest there is no cooperation when setting up the trap, which will lead to flaws and ultimately fall short.

Seeing this fellow's sincere expression, he opened his mouth and said:

"Don't worry about it, sir, I'm going to participate in the election of the secret demon sect master."

"Perhaps it's because I am really outstanding, sir, and I have attracted the jealousy of many secret devils from all walks of life."

"On the way, there were at least three ambushes."

"And you change into the appearance of my master and induce the ambusher to take action. At the critical moment, the master can ambush in the opposite direction."

"This plan is feasible, with little risk and a lot of benefits."

Tao Qian finished like this.

The three-body demon knelt down with a puff and shouted:

"Master Ming Jian, although the little one was lucky to be promoted to the third rank in a row, he is still a weak demon."

"Especially for the cultivators of the Secret Demon Sect, there are many ways to deal with my generation."

"The young follow the master from the very beginning, and his feelings are very strong. Presumably the master will not bear the young man's hope of attaining the Tao, and he will die halfway."

"Please have mercy on me..."

Talking and talking, this three-body demon seems to be really moved.

With a wow sound, he began to cry, and it was like tears for those who heard it and those who saw it.

Let Tao Qian, the master, look like a ruthless man who enslaves his subordinates.

If Tao Qian's main body "Tao Dazhenjun" is here, there is no room for discussion.

Unfortunately, this is Tao Mozi.

Hearing the words first, then watching the performance of the Three Body Demons, he still had a smile on his face, and then ruthlessly exposed:

"Don't make noise, don't struggle."

"I've been familiar with the [Book of Ten Thousand Demons], and I didn't know that since you have practiced the three-body ecstasy, it means that you have three lives."

"Even if I get killed for pretending to be me, I can still be resurrected in the Demon Realm."

"Let's do it this way, in order to prevent you, a cunning female devil, from going back and speaking ill of me and ruining my master's reputation, this time I will pay you some remuneration in advance, and there will be no next time."

"Take it, take it, don't delay any longer, act quickly."

While Tao Qian was talking, he raised his hand and summoned a gourd magic pill from the treasure bag and directly stuffed it into the three body demon.

Taste the stick first, then the sweet dates.

The three-body demon couldn't say any more words of rejection, so he could only transform slowly, and at the same time complained in a voice that happened to be heard by Tao Qian and the rest of the demons:

"Master's reputation in the world of demons is excellent, but that was deliberately spread by my generation, so that other devils were unprepared and fell into master's trap."

"As for the advance payment..."

When it came to the second sentence, it wasn't just the three body demons who changed their faces.

The rest of the demons also all looked sullen, and they all wanted to say something but didn't dare to say it.

In the end, it was the most favored and honest Xingzha Demon, and he added a knife: "I know this, whenever there is a life-threatening drudgery, the master either pays in advance, or gives some promises, which is the mortal world. The [art of painting cakes] is also mentioned.”

Hearing this, Tao Mozi's face darkened, and he was about to punish these noisy demons.

However, the devils are all good at observing words and expressions, and seeing signs of anger from the master, they turned around.

The three-body demon immediately lost the crying appearance, put away the gourd magic pill, and patted the mirror in front of him again and said, "Don't worry, my lord, take money to do things, even if you risk your life, the little one will not reveal the secret.

Even if the Demon Lord is coming, if you don't cast spells seriously, you can't see any flaws. "

The rest of the demons happily began to play and sing, while flattering wildly: "Lord, just look at it, I can handle any errands, what's the cake or not, we don't know what it is."

In the blink of an eye, except for the Xing Zha Demon who was stabbed in the back, the scene was laid out exactly as Tao Qian wanted.

As the magic light flickered, another "Tao Mozi" appeared on the seat of the chariot.

Not only is the appearance of Qi and machine exactly the same, but also the demeanor and eye light are the same.

Even if Tao Qian got closer to take a look, he couldn't see the slightest flaw.

"Good magic!"

After Tao Qian sighed, he also cast the mysterious magic spell.

It flickered on the spot and turned into a majestic law demon like a small general, shouting:

"Everything is ready!"

"Set off!"

After that, the high-profile and luxurious Secret Demon's chariot of honor started.

The team is huge, beautiful women perform dances, and magic sounds burst forth.

Even if it is hundreds of miles or thousands of miles away, the custody can be seen at the first time.

Tao Qian was very satisfied when he saw it, he smiled, took out a [white bone hole flute] from his arms, squeezed into the devil's team, and hummed along with it.

The Longevity Realm and the Infernal Demon Realm were, after all, two worlds far apart in the Great Abyss.

Although the secret path isolates most dangers and shortens the long distance, it still takes nearly twelve hours to travel.

Fortunately, there are many wonders in the Deyuan Sea on the way, which is not boring.

Just like that, after two hours on the road, the team completely left the realm of longevity and entered the depths of the abyss.

Tao Qian's transformation into the "Demon of Law" took the lead and began to fish and paddle. Together with a group of little devils, they looked at the magnificent and strange scenery along the way and pointed.

After all, it is the secret path opened up by the ancestors of the Secret Demon Sect, and the end point is the [Inferior Demon Realm] with hundreds of millions of demons. What appears on the way, whether it is living or dead, is naturally related to the heavens and demons.

When it comes to supernatural powers and female deception, Tao Qian considers himself second, but no one in the field says first.

But the knowledge in this regard is still more known by these indigenous demons.

In order to invite credit and flattery, all of them worked very hard, and the voice transmission introduced:

"Master, look over there, it's a [Hundred Sons Demon Mother Tree], and the flesh and blood magic pills hanging in the air are filled with demon babies that are being conceived. If they are born, they will be born demons. Lord, but this is difficult to achieve, and it is usually impossible to conceive a serious young demon master for ten thousand years. If someone is skilled at the [Heavenly Demon Summoning Mantra], he can cast a spell on this tree and sing it a hundred times, and he will get a son. , is a demon baby, there will be disasters."

"Look at that place, my lord, there are two demons arguing with each other, both of them are Buddha incense demons, but one is practicing meditation, singing and debating scriptures, and the other is practicing closed-mouth meditation. Although they are the same kind of demon, once they meet, they must If there are Buddhist practitioners who can understand the process of debating the two demons, the Dharma will surely make great progress.”

"Master, turn around quickly, don't look over there, huh, a bunch of shameless wild warblers, the mutant angel of the Huanxi Demon [Ecstasy Demon], although the Daoists of Huanxi Demon also cultivate the way of yin and yang happiness, but they still know restraint, They won't run out of water to fish, but these ecstasy demons only want one breath of joy, often on the side of the road without a strand, posing thousands of charming gestures, attracting people to have sex. It's really ugly."

"Look, my lord, there is a field of Mysterious Devil Gourd over there, wow, it's growing really well, the grains are full, I want to come here is full of juice, so that the master knows, this [Secret Devil Devil Melon] is a rare delicacy in our heaven and devil world. , the flesh inside is full of secret evil spirits, which is very thirst-quenching, and can make up for the lack of qi and blood. The only price is that the seeds are difficult to digest. No matter how much you eat, you must pull them out. If you pull it in a suitable place , and a melon field will grow again.”

"Master, don't move around here. If I'm young, I'll pick a few ripe magic gourds and let the master have a taste."

Hearing the last sound transmission, Tao Qian couldn't help but turn black again.

That Luo Shizi's "Secret Devil Gourd" sounds like an edible fruit, but if you think about it carefully, the melon field doesn't even know that the seeds pulled by the passing devil grow into it, how can it be tolerated?

Tao Qian was about to stop it, but his eyebrows twitched and the blue veins burst out.

In the seat of the chariot, the three-body demon gradually entered the play.

It thinks that it is very capable of guessing the thoughts of its master, so at this time, when the convoy passed by the group of ecstasy, it immediately had a magical thought in its heart:

"Master's main body is known as [Peach Blossom Daozi], but now that he has transformed into a soul body, you can see at a glance that it must be a copy of the main body's greed and lust, and even magnified it a little bit. Faced with this scene, how would you let it go? Pass?"

"Hey, my three-body demon, I have always been a clean-minded person, so I had to sacrifice myself in order to do a good job."

The idea is not yet settled.

The devil opened his mouth and said:


"Come on, little ones, invite those ecstasy demons over and have a good look at me."


Such a warm response.

Obviously, it's not just the three body demons who have those thoughts.

Tao Qian's face was even darker, but he could only smirk. Along with the demons, he looked at the group of ecstasy demons who were being invited.

It is said to be ecstasy, but in fact it is actually a group of rotten flesh that is constantly wriggling, entangled with pus, flesh thorns, and hair.

After seeing the human face of "Tao Qian", the magic light flickered, and a mature beauty with a plump body came out of it.

And every one of them doesn't have a thread.

The **** are soft and soft, all have slender waists and large hips.

At the same time as the frank meeting, a strong aphrodisiac fragrance continued to overflow from the body.

The **** atmosphere that was so strong that ordinary people couldn't refuse, shrouded Tao Qian, who was transformed into a three-body demon.

"Enhanced version of Joy Demon?"

"Or, the fast food version?"

"If there are human monks, or other races beings fooled, fall into it, and fight with them in groups, I'm afraid it won't take a while, and not even a single bone will be left."

Tao Qian saw it for the first time, gave birth to disgust, and also gave comments.

At the same time, he also planned to transmit the sound to the three-body demon, and scolded this fellow.

what taste?

Clearly a fake public service.

If he Tao Qian really likes this mouthful, where will it be his turn to play it out of thin air?

I have long held the "Book of Ten Thousand Demons", a magical thought, ten thousand magic pills, not to mention the ecstasy demon, even the higher-level Joy Demon, Bliss Demon...even higher-level, and it is extremely difficult to capture. The [Tianmo Concubine], he can also catch them one by one, play with fun and achieve good things.


Tao Qian wanted to complain, just as he was about to move.

Suddenly the scene in the eyes changed, and the group of ecstasy wailed at the same time, and then exploded with a "bang".

The flesh and blood gathered together and turned into a strange cave covered with blood and stinking.

Then there was the sound of "chi chi", and a purple-black poisonous mist filled with terrifying and highly poisonous poisons that could make the demons go limp spewed out from it, filling this secret path in an instant.

The guard of honor team was suddenly paralyzed.

And there was a murderous cry from the cave again, and the next moment, ten thousand demons came out of the cave.

Tens of thousands of demons forced their way out of the cave.

They are all of the same species, powerful gods and demons.

Moreover, these powerful demons were obviously raised by demon cultivators. Not only did they all wear armor, they held magic weapons and magic treasures, but they were also good at formations.

As soon as he rushed out, he instantly formed a killing formation called [All Heavens and Ten Thousand Demons Defending Immortals].

In a trance, the three-body demon who turned into Tao Qian only felt the sky darkened.

The endless demon soldiers came over, trying to dismember it.

At this moment, it heard Tao Qian's voice transmission in his mind:

"Don't act rashly!"

"Hercules is just a pretense trick, it's a killer move, behind you."

When this word came out.

Tao Qian turned into a demon of law, staring behind "self" with a strange expression, and slowly sticking out half of his body from the demonic fog, holding a dagger exuding strange blood, and inserting it into the skull of the three demons charming figure.

Tao devotes his mind and suddenly said in shock:

"Can that be said?"

He was so surprised, UU reading www.uukanshu.com was naturally because the person who came was just mentioned by him.

It's a female demon!

Its appearance is human-like, and it is extremely beautiful.

The clothes and accessories on his body are quite similar to the original "Yanshi Bodhisattva", which is holy and full of charm.

The difference is that there are some traces of his true appearance on his body.

Such as a pair of twisted horns on the forehead, the fluff on the chest and under the abdomen, and the hoof that shows a pair.

"High-level devil!"

"Emperor Concubine!"

Tao Qian didn't brag, he was proficient in reading the Ten Thousand Demons List.

With just one glance, he recognized the origin of the assassin who killed him.

"According to Duke Yuan, compared to the Demons of Joy and Ecstasy, the demons who still fail to understand their nature and resist their nature, whether they are cultivators of the Secret Demon Sect, the Supreme Demon Sect, or the Demon Buddha Temple, etc. When choosing a concubine, the cultivator will always choose a higher-ranked concubine.”

"Because of this kind of demon, in addition to being born with many bloodline supernatural powers and accompanying magic treasures, some of them are even more extraordinary, with strong backers behind them."

"If you can capture it, in addition to getting a concubine of a great beauty that is hard to find in the world, you will also have the opportunity to get help from the [Devil World]."

"That's why, in the Devil's Way back then, if anyone could marry a concubine of the Heavenly Devil, it would be enough to make other devil cultivators envious, and would even **** it at all costs."


"Is this 'Tianmo Concubine, the concubine of a certain secret devil child, I don't know how to know some of my hobbies, so I sent her to ambush and kill me?"

Tao Qianxin gave birth to a guess, and the probability is close to the truth.

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