Longevity is Different, Caishikou Was Beheaded at the Beginning

Chapter 713: In the Fu Ni Formation, he became a Tribulation Immortal and refined the yellow clothe

After all, she is my good aunt and good senior sister.

Tao Qian had nothing to hide. After saying those few words categorically, he continued to reveal the conspiracy he had spied on about the Fallen Demon Ancestral Dragon and Yuanhai Huangyi.

And made arrangements:

"In the past few days, I have become acquainted with those evil ministers, drank a lot of ecstasy soup, and snatched the position of 'acceptance officer'. On the day when the Heavenly Concubine empress descends to [Xian Qin], I will take you, my aunt, as my wife." Entrust it to Concubine Tian with Senior Sister."

"On that day, civil strife will definitely break out in Xian Qin. When it calms down, I will go back to save Fu Ni."

When the two women heard this, they both nodded.

Regarding Tao Qian's "confidence" in being able to save so many evil gods, they did have doubts and worries at first. It was not until Tao Qian revealed some of his magical powers that they realized that this good nephew and good junior brother was not lying.

This son is indeed an outlier in the world, and it is very reasonable to measure him.

Even if the complete Senior Sister Xie Lingji is here, she can't compare to Tao Qian now.

The first genius of the Taoist sect!


It is also simple for Tao Qianqian to judge that Xian Qin will have internal strife.

The so-called "immortal Qin" created by the concerted efforts of all the evil gods is an illusion.

The scheduled day of collapse and internal strife was a long, long time later.

But Tao Qian and Tian Fei's plan brought this date much earlier.

Nine days later!

The Heavenly Concubine will marry the Demonic Ancestral Dragon, and on that day, according to what Tao Qian spied, the Yellow Clothes of the Origin Sea will ignite the energy in the Demonic Ancestral Dragon’s body in advance, and the entire Great Yuanhai, as many as thousands of them, will be destroyed. All the immortals, Buddhas, evil spirits, demons and demons born to Patriarch Wanqi were attracted to him.

Huang Yi will control the fallen demon ancestral dragon to devour these brothers and sisters.

After that, the most powerful evil dragon in the Origin Sea will be born.

If He is really successful, maybe Immortal Qin will also be changed to "Huang Qin"?

This genius of the human race who was born in the Immortal Realm and had accomplished many achievements and committed many sins was about to become his mount.

In fact, that's it for now.

Tao Qian's mind couldn't help but recall the scene he had seen in the inner hall before. Fed by Yuanhai's yellow clothes, the fallen demon ancestral dragon crazily devoured evil gods, spiritual concubines, and human pills...like a gluttonous beast, unable to get in or out. , practicing the "Wan Qi Dafa" at a crazy speed, chasing the Taoist status of the ancestor of the human race.

Its dharma body has filled the secret realm of Afang Palace, which was smelted from ten worlds.

After going through all the heavens several times, there is only one copy.

"Although he is a rare genius among the human race, it is a pity that he is obsessed with immortality, eternal blessings, and **** of all living beings, so he is targeted by the innate evil **** Yuanhai Huangyi."

"I lost my first move, and now my body is filled with [Yellow Seal Cysts]. Even I can't save him."

"That's alright, let's just wait and see how it turns out on the day of salvation?"

After muttering three words, Tao Qian and his aunt and senior sister endured the rage in their hearts and waited for a full nine days.

The hour comes suddenly.

On the ninth day, Xian Qin, which had a vast territory, had changed its appearance.

Every place was decorated with red makeup, and many dirty and horrifying spectacles were also covered up.

Even the cruel and bloodthirsty evil gods such as the Ten Fierce Men of the Great Abyss have also undergone changes, hiding all the strange parts of their bodies and turning into the auspicious appearance of immortal gods.

Even the Fallen Demon Ancestral Dragon, who loved to wear black imperial robes, changed into a black and red robe of the God Emperor inlaid with gold, just to look more festive.


It is the face of the Heavenly Concubine.

Although this person is an acquired **** and demon, there are too many forces in the world that he can involve.

Of course, the more obscure and real reason is the extraordinary significance of Tianfei to the "Devil-fallen Ancestral Dragon".

As long as you can get married to her, you will be nourished by the spiritual power of heaven.

He can exempt himself from the cost of swallowing too many evil gods and attack the realm of chaos. Therefore, He will not allow any accident to ruin today's wedding ceremony.

For this reason, under his strict imperial edict these days, Xian Qin, a real Yuanhai war machine, is extremely well-behaved and has no offense to the surrounding world and the secret realm of the dojo. Some of his ministers cannot control their evil deeds. Gods were also thrown into the heavenly prison by Zulong himself.

Now is the day of harvest.

In Afang Palace, the Demonic Ancestral Dragon was explaining:

"Lu Aiqing, you must be more polite when meeting the Heavenly Concubine. Don't offend her. Otherwise, don't blame me for being unkind."

"Your Majesty, don't worry, I know."

The one who answered was Tao Qian who was pretending to be Lu Sheng.

The wedding team was led by him, [Taichang].

After all, his subordinates are all ferocious and evil gods, and the only ones who can be released to meet immortal gods such as Tian Fei and the Empress are really only human Qi refiners like Lu Sheng. This made it easy for him to come up and take over the position of wedding officer.

Very quickly, before the team even moved.

All the gods and demons in the scene were aware of it, and then they used their eye skills to look towards the border of Xian Qin.

It is a coincidence that the path chosen by the Heavenly Concubine is also the location of the stars.

At this moment, the auspicious and auspicious team, accompanied by fairy music and divine music, slowly flew over the cold plains in the high sky, just as they were about to pass through a strange mountain range shrouded by the stars in the sky. At this time, a sudden change occurred.

What was seen was a Milky Way of Starlight composed of endless colorful bubbles surging up from the mountain.

Then, at the top, an extraordinary **** and demon appeared who seemed to have melted all the stars in the sky into his Dharma body. He had no body, only a brilliant light that no living being could look directly at.

Seeing this **** and demon, all the gods in front of the temple were shocked.

"Heavenly Curse Star Lord? What does he want?"

"Hmph, this guy is trying to ruin my good deeds."

Just when Zulong was about to get angry, Huang Xiang cast a spell on his side, and the light and shadow in the evil lake flickered. The next moment, the distant voices of gods and demons were transmitted over.

It was exactly the content of the conversation between the two after Tiancu Xingjun stopped Tianfei.

Tianfei is the language of the human race, but Xingjun has a strange tone. Ordinary creatures would go crazy after hearing it. After being translated by Huang Yi, it was all turned into human language.

"It's Xingjun in person. I haven't seen him for eight thousand years. Is Xingjun still fine?"

"Okay, this is my doppelganger dojo [Savage Mountain], but I don't want to accidentally see the empress passing by. Where are you going? In recent years, a new Taoist line called Xian Qin has arisen. It was the work of the 'crazy yellow ghost' Those who came out have gathered a group of evil spirits to cause evil, so if you have nothing important to do, you should stay away to avoid getting into trouble."

"Thank you Xingjun for reminding me, I am here..."

When talking about this, the Concubine Tian seemed to have realized something, and showed her true body in the phoenix chariot, and then cast a spell to cut off the eyes of Yuanhai Huangyi.

At that moment, all the gods in the field saw the charm of [Tianfei Empress].

The Goddess of the Great Abyss who has been blessed by heaven and earth, is graceful and beautiful, unparalleled. She is also wearing the divine clothes of thousands of clouds. The auspicious glow of the clouds can almost compete with the stars in the sky on the Heavenly Curse Star Lord. In turn, it sets off the Heavenly Concubine. She is the first goddess of Dayuan.

Even the evil **** with confused mind and alienated soul couldn't help but lose consciousness after seeing it.

Inside Tao Qian's robe, Aunt Yunhua couldn't help but marveled after seeing it secretly. Then she hugged her beloved disciple tightly and sighed:

"It's a pity that you, Yu Pu, have a broken body and a broken soul. If you, this child, could be complete, you would only need to reach the realm of Taoism to be comparable to the Heavenly Concubine. If you set foot on the Tribulation Immortal, I'm afraid that all living beings in the world will be destroyed in front of you. You should be ashamed of yourself."

"Innate genius, taking over the creation of heaven and earth, created endless disasters out of thin air, and no one had a good ending."

I heard Master sigh.

At this time, Liu Yupu suddenly showed a mysterious smile on his face that was so pale that it was almost transparent. Then he hugged his master tightly and joked: "Master, how can you be so tacky? How can you let your disciples go to see Tianfei?" Even if you compare beauty, as for the integrity of your disciples, it may not be impossible..."

Yunhua didn't have time to hear what he said next.

Outside, the Demonic Ancestral Dragon roared in surprise and anger.

The surprise naturally came from seeing the Heavenly Concubine in the Ten Thousand Clouds Divine Clothes. I suddenly realized that the hundred thousand concubines I had married in the past, as well as female gods and demons such as the [Ten Thousand Demon Queen], were nothing compared to the Heavenly Concubine. Liu, not worth mentioning, no matter what, he must get Tianfei.

Needless to say, I was angry. An innate **** and demon who didn't look weak suddenly appeared in Laoshizi Savage Mountain. He dared to talk too much and slandered him and Xian Qin. How could I bear this?

"That **** Heavenly Curse Star Lord, where did this mean-mouthed **** and devil come from, to actually want to ruin my good deeds."

"Lu Sheng!"

"Hurry, quickly go to the land of stars to welcome the bride. Although the Heavenly Concubine has agreed to my promise, I still have to beware of these cheap maids trying to stop me."

"After today, I will send troops to conquer the Cursed Star Lord and Savage Mountain... no, I will flatten the entire land of stars. Anyone who dares to stop them will be killed without mercy."


After all, he is the Immortal Qin Emperor.

When He is angry, all the officials respond.

Even Tao Qian pretended to be angry. After receiving the imperial edict, he immediately set off with his team.

Zulong, who was in a rage, was concentrating on the appearance of the Heavenly Concubine and the inspiration of the heaven and earth. He was completely unaware of the tumbling body hidden by the evil light under the robe of the "Yellow-dressed Father" beside him. Endless malice.

At this moment, in the thick yellow evil lake at his feet, all the evil spirit slaves could hear the voice from the ancestral god.

"Pity my son, if this accident hadn't happened, if this 'Spirit Girl of Heaven and Earth' hadn't come, you would have lived hundreds or even thousands of years longer."

"After today, you will be both my adopted son and my mount."

These crazy evil sounds made all the evil spirits in the lake get excited and shout wildly.

The outside world had no idea, they could only see the "Huang Xiang" who had always been like a loving father, and suddenly said to Zulong who was leaning closer to his side:

"Your Majesty, come with me."

"To absorb the spiritual energy in Tianfei's body, your previous methods are too wasteful. I will teach you another secret method that can fully absorb the spiritual energy in her body and save the life of the spiritual woman."

"Sooner or later, you will be the [Great Abyss God Emperor], and you should have a queen by your side. I think this spiritual girl is very suitable."

After hearing these three sentences, Zulong was overjoyed.

He turned around, supported Yuan Hai in yellow clothes, and went to the inner hall. At the same time, he said a few sincere compliments:

"My father-in-law has such an accurate vision!"

"I am very happy about this girl."

This scene of deep love between father and son really did not arouse any suspicion.

Even the Jinpan Shenjun and other evil gods who were secretly on the side of Zulong and wanted to resist Huang Xiang were not aware of it.

No one expected it!

The moment Zulong was mixed with Huang Xiang, extremely terrifying and horrifying movements began to occur within his body:

Under the Epang Palace, there is a great underground world.

In the belly of flesh and blood that was crawling crazily all the time, the first of the countless [yellow-seal cysts] burst with a sudden "bang".

The parasitic yellow seal bug inside emerged, spitting yellow flames from its mouth, and began to burn the flesh and blood.

Suddenly, an unimaginable fragrance rose up.

Then came the second cyst, the third, the fourth, the fifth... As the evil insects all appeared, the underground world of flesh and blood, yellow flames surged, and the exotic fragrance gradually filled the source sea.

It's just that in the world, only the child born from the union of the "Ancestor Wanqi" and the evil spirits of the heavens can smell this irresistible barbecue aroma.

Then, they rushed towards this place uncontrollably.

But Zulong himself was completely unaware of all this.

He is just like the "Ying Qing Emperor" back then, his cognition is completely distorted, and he doesn't know what the world in his eyes looks like. Whether he is repeating the experience of making achievements and sweeping across the world in the immortal world, but this time from the immortal world , replaced by the entire Great Yuanyuan Sea.

At the same time, Tao Qian also met Tian Fei at the border of Xian Qin.

Somewhat unexpectedly, the empress failed to leave the "Land of Stars", but instead, all the gods, demons and Taoist masters hidden in this land emerged.

Faintly blocking Tian Fei's way, she was trying to persuade her.

As soon as Lu Sheng, disguised as Tao Qian, stepped forward, he immediately attracted a series of terrifying eyes with murderous intent.

"What a thief, you really dare to come."

"It's that evil thief of Xian Qin who is just trying to invade our dojo. He actually wants to seduce Heavenly Concubine to become the queen of Xian Qin. It's really a fool's errand."

"What nonsense, kill them all."

"Kill them all and use them as fertilizer for this god."

During these shouting and killing, Tao Qian felt the strong malice, and also saw the helpless and panic look on the face of the Concubine Tian.

A message came over to explain that because the Heavenly Curse Star Lord suddenly appeared, and knowing that she wanted to use him as bait to destroy the Immortal Qin Queen, he said that she was taking too many risks. Calling friends and calling friends actually woke up the entire land of stars, causing a lot of friendships. Fellow Taoist, it happened that she couldn't reveal all her plans, so as not to alert others.

So, I'm stuck here.

Under the introduction of Tian Fei, Tao Qian learned the identities of these gods, demons and Taoists one by one. He took a closer look and even saw one or two familiar relatives and friends.

For example, a female fairy in a black dress with a cold temperament was the "Dream Goddess" who came to attend his and Yun Rong's wedding.

But I didn't expect that His dojo would be here.

I didn't take a closer look at www.wuxiaspot.com before, so I missed it.

When the gods, demons, and Tao masters saw him, a traitor coming to welcome his bride, they each came up to kill their huge team. Behind Tao Qian, the descendants of gods and demons in the Tao transformation realm, including the two brothers Shi Yin and Shi Zhi, also He was furious and wanted to resist.

A war between gods and demons is about to break out!

Suddenly, Tao Qian's expression changed, and he finally sensed what he had been waiting to happen.

He immediately showed a bright smile, and simply peeled off the skin on his face, revealing his true identity as Tao Daojun, facing the gods and demons, and laughed:

"Everyone, please slow down!"

"Don't waste your energy. I may not be able to ask you seniors to lend a helping hand after a while."

"As for these scions of evil gods, I can take care of them."

Before Tao Qian finished speaking, in the horrified and angry gazes of the evil ministers and generals behind him, the Haotian Treasure Mirror flew out automatically, and the supreme divine light fell down, freezing them all immediately.

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