Longevity is Different, Caishikou Was Beheaded at the Beginning

Chapter 604: The 7 sons called their father together, offering their loyalty and begging for divine

Zhang Dingtian, Zhang Xianzhong's seventh adopted son, felt something was wrong at the first time, and wanted to resist.

However, the medicine works faster.

In an instant, he turned around and surrendered to the enemy just like the dutiful son "Zhang Shao".

If it wasn't for Zhang Shao's quick stop, this young man with a body like a flesh and blood ghost's spider would immediately kowtow and call out for his father.

After polluting this son, he soon got another Qitu stele embryo, and at the same time got another treasure house of loyalty.

Among them, the share is even more than that of Zhang Shao.

But this time they stayed outside Nanyang County, but only stayed for about six days before setting off again.

After all, Tao Qian had recovered to the cultivation base of the Mortal Transformation Realm, and the speed of refining the gods accelerated accordingly.

When the magic circle was finished, he also officially stepped into the state of great consummation, and opened up his treasure bag again.

This kind of trickery is really convenient.

After succeeding twice in a row, Tao Mozi unceremoniously started to copy.

Ever since, in the next half month, Zhang Xianzhong began to lose his adopted son one after another.

Starting from Zhang Shao and Zhang Dingtian, there were Zhao Wang Zhang Baoshu, Ghost King Zhang Junbai, Whale King Zhang Ying, Corruption King Zhang Nengxiu, Corpse King Zhang Chunyang... a total of seven righteous sons, the whole army was wiped out.

All of them were fed Peach Nightmare Pills, and all of them were transformed into so-called Peach Blossoms.

After switching to the Peach Blossom God Sect, not only did they all offer the treasure house of loyalty, there was even a spectacular scene of the seven sons calling for their father together.

All of this, Zhang Xianzhong and the [Seven Slaughter Bodhisattva] were kept in the dark.

It's no wonder for them, it's really that Chong'er has extraordinary supernatural powers, and the broken way of heaven in the God Search Realm is also very suitable for Chong'er to grow up by spying on secrets.

More than a month after entering the world, the larvae have moulted several times.

Presumably, Tao Qian regained the mana of Bliss Dzogchen cultivation base, and when he retrieved the portable treasure bag, the larvae could officially enter the adult stage.

This day is also fast, successively refining seven copies of [Treasure of Loyalty], Tao Mozi has reached the realm of Dongxuan Consummation.

With a little more profit, you can completely recover.

Although Tiandao is a "foolish and stupid boy", he used to be undefended and attracted all the gods from the heavens to come, and most of them were prostitutes. Few gods and demons were willing to sacrifice for nothing and feed him.

Now there is a special case, and this day the way of heaven also responds to life.

Not to mention urging Tao Mozi to continue refining spirits and offering sacrifices, he even actively gave guidance in the communication with Yantian Chong:

[The spiritual cultivator of the gods and demons called "Zhang Xianzhong, the King of the Seven Slaughters" has a larger treasure house in his hand, which contains the relics of many gods and demons in Langya County. Afterwards, some convenience can be given for doing things. 】

"Good guy, the idiot has learned to trade."

"Thinking about it, I was forced to rush. The origin of the way of heaven, which should be selfless, actually wanted to open the back door for me, a secret devil."

"This business should be done."

Hearing the guidance from the Dao of Heaven, Tao Mozi said with a smile.

In fact, there is no need for this spiritual response, he also planned to attack Zhang Xianzhong.

Without him, it is path dependent.

The seven adoptive sons are all bewitched, so there is no shortage of a true father.

As long as the "Seven Slaughter Kings" are taken over again, Langya County will naturally fall into Tao Qian's hands, which can become his first stronghold in the world.

On this day, the rest of the opponents in Langya County have been completely wiped out, Zhang Xianzhong, the Qitu King who has unified the entire county, is determined to formally proclaim himself emperor, and his country name is Dashun.

The original Langya County was renamed Xijing.

After the grand ceremony of proclaiming himself emperor, he planned to dispatch nearly one million Qitu troops to sweep across the entire Liang Kingdom, and then went to swallow several neighboring countries.

The ambition is jaw-dropping.

However, what he is following is the insatiable Qitu Bodhisattva. As long as there is a chance, let alone a mere Liang Kingdom, the entire Ten Thousand Divine State, or even the entire Sogoth Realm, if he can swallow it, he must swallow it all, so that I can smoothly advance to the realm of the Tribulation Immortal and become the Qitu Buddha.

In the grand ceremony for the adoptive father to proclaim himself emperor, naturally all the seven adopted sons were present.

In that hall, in front of all civil and military officials, the seven sons presented big gifts at the same time:

"Father, this thing is called [Blood Peach], it is a foreign species that Shao accidentally obtained a few days ago, and it was watered with the blood of a hundred thousand people, and then a fruit was conceived. The sweet peach juice contained in it is really It is formed by the killing intent of all living beings, and after the righteous father takes it, he will be able to shorten the distance between him and the Bodhisattva, which is extremely effective."

"Father, Brother Xiaowang, that Tao'er just stared at him, let's take a look at the treasure offered by the heavens. This is [Killing Heart Bodhi]. Buddhism, as long as you swallow it, you can realize the killing heart of heaven, it is really a good treasure specially prepared for the father-in-law."

"The two younger brothers both offer snacks. It's really shabby. Father-in-law, look at mine. This book is called [The Secret Talisman of Life and Death], and it is also an extraterrestrial artifact captured by the child. The father-in-law wears it on his body. Mysterious blessings can eliminate all kinds of costs, and you can act on behalf of the heavens without any sin."

"Father, let's take a look at the child. The child spent a lot of effort to capture a ferocious beast from outside the region, and hereby present it. The name of this beast is [Warrior Bird]. It can show the demeanor of Yifu King Qitu."

"What are these? They are just small gadgets for entertainment. How can they be compared with the treasures presented by the children? Father, look at this jade tablet. It is famous. It is called [Heavenly God Card], but it can be used for To realize the unrivaled treasure of gods and demons, the adoptive father only needs to write his name and ambition, and the **** card will give guidance, and it is hopeful to become a god."

"The adoptive father wants to prove the gods and demons. What's the use of holding the jade card? It's not as good as this evil spirit that the child offered. I heard that it was the offspring of an extraterritorial **** and demon. But if you swallow it, you can have a glimpse of the Dao of Gods and Demons."

"The child knows that the righteous father has great ambitions. In the future, he will be able to resist the filth of the world and realize the way of gods and demons. It happened that during the expedition the day before yesterday, he accidentally captured a local **** and demon [Ruyi Shuxian]. If you can refine it, you will surely gain something.”

For a while, the hall was full of voices offering treasures.

The seven adopted sons competed with each other, as always, no one would let anyone else go.

But this scene made Zhang Xianzhong, the leader, very happy. He still maintained his human appearance, just a face with a slightly strange shape.

The face was red like jujubes, covered with sarcoma, a pair of scarlet eyes were hidden in the gap, half-opened, occasionally opened and closed, the terrifying murderous intent flashed and disappeared.

He has received the most source energy infused by Qitu Bodhisattva. He is not only a spiritual cultivator of gods and demons, but also the head of the family Bodhisattvas.

He didn't open his eyes at all, and it was also for the sake of his subordinates.

Once he fully opened his eyes and showed his true colors, his murderous intent could not be contained, and the entire county would be slaughtered by him.

"Hahaha... good good."

"The children are extremely filial, worthy of my king's careful cultivation."

"This king likes these gifts very much, so please present them to me. I will taste the flat peaches and bodhi first, and it is the first time for this king to eat the exotic fruits of gods and demons from outside the realm."

Zhang Xianzhong happily issued the decree, completely unaware that the seven adopted sons were malicious.

In the past, this would never have been possible.

But now it is quite different, the huge county has been covered by [Yantian Larva], it has grown for many days, and now the body of this worm is almost the same as that of the county, and the worm silk is hanging down from the sky, crazily peeping at the people including Zhang Xianzhong. While keeping secrets in the hearts of the city creatures, they are also casting spells to cover and guide them.

As a result, Zhang Xianzhong, the King of the Seven Slaughters, was blinded and completely unable to see the truth:

What kind of treasures did the seven sons present? They were obviously some killing magic treasures that Tao Mozi searched out from his own treasure bag. Talisman], two [Original Sea Demon Dog] that turned into fierce beasts and evil spirits, a [Heavenly Pleading Sin Card], and Tao Mozi himself.

That's right, the so-called "Ruyi Shuxian" is actually Tao Mozi's real body.

This kind of courtesy can be described as extremely vicious.

Tao Mozi clearly wanted Zhang Xianzhong to eat the Nightmare Pill first, then to be attacked and killed by a magic talisman, to be bitten by a magic dog, and then to be condemned by the heavens of this world... In the end, it was he who personally took action and completely subdued the Seven Slaughter Kings .

Zhang Xianzhong's morality is naturally stronger than those of the seven adopted sons, and he is a direct descendant of the Qitu Bodhisattva, and he has a bloodline, so it is difficult to easily subdue him with the Peach Nightmare Pill.

After Tao Mozi thought about it for a while, he decided to sneak attack first and force him later.

How could the poor Seven Slaughter Kings know this.

At this moment, he also lavishly praised the seven children for their filial piety.

Seeing that the Qibao was in front of him, he immediately took the [Blood Peach] and stuffed it into his mouth, the juice splashed, and the killing intent was delicious... and he ate the killing heart bodhi, after eating it, he really had the killing intent and felt a lot... Come on, his lack of vigilance was completely eliminated.

The next moment, a sudden change occurred.

The so-called exorcising talisman exploded as soon as it was worn on the body, and the strong magic light directly sliced ​​off half of Zhang Xianzhong's body. Next page! Current Page 1/Total 2 Pages

This surprise attack also made Zhang Xianzhong wake up instantly, UU reading www. uukanshu.com opened his eyes completely, and in an instant, he saw the killing intent soaring into the sky. There were a million magic spells calling out "Kill, kill, kill" overlapping and resounding. The hall collapsed in the burst of scarlet blood, and a terrifying giant statue The thing spreads the blood light to reveal the true form of the dharmakaya.

It looks like a bodhisattva.

There are hundreds of heads and hundreds of arms, each holding various weapons of destruction in the world. Under the seat, there is a mountain of corpses, and countless corpses and resentful souls are crying in it.

"Everything is born with man, man has nothing with heaven, kill kill kill kill..."

When the familiar spell resounded.

The mutation came again, but this time it was the beast and the evil spirit. With a flash of magic light, they all turned back into the Yuanhai magic dog.

This is the master who is not afraid of heaven and earth, not to mention that you just got the magic body supernatural power bestowed by the gods and demons, even if you are a real gods and demons, the Yuanhai magic dog can still bite you.

While roaring, one on the left and one on the right, Qi Qi bit Zhang Xianzhong's body of the Shashen Bodhisattva.

The unimaginable pulling force made it unable to move.

The next moment, he saw the plea card bursting out with divine light, this thing also has a background, it was researched by some ancestors of the Secret Demon Sect, and it is a treasure specially designed to kill evil spirits.

You can communicate with the Dao of Heaven, take the initiative to plead guilty, and ask the Dao of Heaven to send down divine punishment.

The reason why the secret magic cultivator has the title of "No. 1 civil war" in the magic way is probably from these weird things.

If it was in another world, even if this card was used, it would at most send down thunder and give up.

Bisheng is the God Realm!

Heaven in this world, because he has been prostituted too many times, has long been full of complaints about foreign gods and demons.

Since the rules set for self-help are not easy to break, I can only continue to endure.

Now that you have the opportunity, how can you not retaliate?

It should be noted that this is your initiative to plead guilty and ask for divine punishment.

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