Longevity is Different, Caishikou Was Beheaded at the Beginning

Chapter 616: Tao Qian exploded and died, and his body was absurdly refined

Tao Qian thought, the devil knows himself.

So at the moment, he also laughed in his heart and replied:

"You and I are one, and what I do is naturally yours. How can you call for injustice?"

"Don't talk too much, I'll search for the way for you to try. When you first entered the world, you will encounter such difficult people as Qitu Bodhisattva and Chisheng Shenjun. It can be said that you have gone up the mountain of swords and down into the sea of ​​fire. It is nothing to tarnish your reputation."

"Besides, it doesn't have to be to insult you..."

Mozi's muttering made Tao Qian's complexion darker.

Unexpectedly, he really has no choice but to be this guy.

The incarnation method bestowed by the Demon Lord Yin Zhou has certain effects comparable to the transformation of three cleanses in one breath, so it can easily avoid the hidden cultivation of Buddha seeds by Guanyin.

The benefits are gained, but the price is unavoidable. Although the "strange soul" that is exempt from all kinds of costs allows him to restrain the devil's body to a certain extent, but it is only used in unavoidable situations. Usually it is a waste, and it will Damage the growth of the devil's body.

Thinking about it left and right, he sighed, and said: "Forget it, maybe it is also part of the Daohua Calamity, and if you have a little reputation, it will be dirty if it is dirty."

After making up his mind, Tao Damozi ignored the main body's nagging, and immediately started to move.

Cut off the three major enemies in the territory of Liang State one after another, and the rest are some low-level ghosts and monsters, wild gods and prostitutes, and they can all be wiped out in a few hours.

Tao Qian didn't even bother to do it himself, so he gave the [Plague God Umbrella] and [Heart Binding Rope] to Xiaoliang and Xiaoliang respectively, that is, the Jiang sisters, a pair of peach blossom goddesses, and then sent Fish Basket Bodhisattva as the ultimate thug.

One day later, Liang Guo, which was full of wars and smoldering due to the absence of a monarch, became peaceful again.

No matter what kind of confusion, it was easily settled.

The wild gods who were quick to see the opportunity moved to the neighboring country early.

Those who responded slowly were sent to fill in the killing intent of the Fish Basket Bodhisattva.

Tao Qian has no interest in the power of the throne, so he still arranged for the children of the two goddesses under his command to succeed him, and he didn't even bother to change the country name.

It is also the customs of the God Realm that are very different, the imperial power is the lowest, and the divine power is the highest.

Peach Blossom Temple!

Like mushrooms after rain, they began to grow crazily in the territory of Liang State.

It is said that such large-scale construction and construction of temples and palaces will be disgusted by the common people.

Even in the God Realm, it often caused some resentment.

This is easy to understand, no matter how much "sweetness" the gods who entered the God Realm gave at the beginning, after all, every **** and demon will reveal their true colors, and they are essentially here to search and squeeze. People who believe in the gods are only influenced by the way of heaven, but they are not fools, and they will wake up sooner or later.

But the Peach Blossom God seems to be completely different. With so many temples built, there is no sign of looting and oppressing believers.

Instead, it gives benefits to believers.

In addition to many supporting miracles, there are also a large number of good things that are truly bestowed.

For a time, everyone was happy.

The efficiency of temple construction is also unprecedented.

About three days later!

In the territory of Liang State, such great achievements as one village and one temple have been realized.

Tens of millions of people of the human race recited the "Peach Blossom Sutra" that Tao Qian made up, and praised the name of the Peach Blossom God day and night, especially when they were in London, they worked hard.

Even countries around Liang, such as Tang, Song, and Zhou, gradually began to have traces of the Peach Blossom God. In these countries, some people who are very good at following the trend quietly began to spread the Peach Blossom Sutra, secretly built Peach Blossom Temples, and longed for the Peach Blossom God. Enter the Paradise of Peach Blossoms, where there is no disease or disaster, and you can live in peace.

With such a vigorous trend, the first to benefit greatly is not Damozi Tao, but the Celestial Insect.

Now the body of this worm has already covered half of Liang Guoda, covering several counties, and the worm threads have completely filled every corner of Liang Guo, and began to expand wildly to the surrounding countries.

Almost every moment, Tao Qian would hear the joyful thoughts conveyed by Chong'er, and the many secrets accompanying it.

To him, the secret of this country is like observing palm prints.

Tao Qian's body also felt these at the same time, so seeing him in the ascension star aperture, he sighed involuntarily:

"It's so clear that many difficult things in the world don't seem too difficult."

"Master Wei Dao was able to be the master of Lingbao back then, and he was destined to be the suzerain next year. With the two methods of Yantian and Wanbao, there are really few things and people in the world who can embarrass him."

"It's up to you to say how powerful this worm is. If I didn't lend this worm to me when I went out, guess whether I would like to leave."

"Lingbao Dao has tried the power of the sky, and this time I will look at the "Wan Lian Ling Shen Fa" of the Secret Demon Sect, and I don't know what kind of powerful Dharma body I can practice. Thousands of devout people will bless it, maybe I will Squeeze your laoshizi [Spiritual Treasure Body] over there."

While boasting to his body, Tao Mozi sat upright in the Taohua Temple and was about to practice.

This temple is called the General Temple, and its layout is not much different from other peach blossom temples.

The biggest thing is the location, the temple is being built in the harem, guarded by two empress dowagers, young and old.

There are no clay statues in the temple, only him, sitting shamelessly on the central altar, with a satisfied and curious expression on his face, watching the unbelievable scene in front of him.

Others can't see it, only he can see it.

The world of heaven and earth has become illusory, only the voices of people are buzzing.

Liang Guo's population of tens of millions seemed to appear before Tao Qian's eyes.

Their prayers!

their tribute!

One sentence at a time is quite clear.

All of them turned into countless dense clouds and mists, one by one, filling the heaven and the earth.

This scene, looking shocking, is actually extremely dangerous.

It's calm now, but it's because it hasn't entered the body yet.

If it is a monk of other lines, even the gods and demons who are the most proficient in this kind of practice, or people in Buddhism, it will be extremely difficult to face it suddenly.

If you are not at the level of a great Bodhisattva, you cannot refine it.

Tao Mozi was also shocked, but luckily this time he was going to cultivate the Secret Demon Dafa, so he was very sure that he would not be afraid.

Seeing him suppressing distracting thoughts, Baoxiang solemnly shouted: "I ask for the blessings of the supreme secret demons in the heavens. With the thoughts of all living beings and all peoples, I will refine the dharma body of subduing demons, destroying Buddhas and killing immortals... the world-leading spirit and god."

The moment the words fell, Tao Qian's mysterious magic body, which was originally closed and impeccable, suddenly opened up.

In a moment!

Its body, like a whale swallowing the sea, hundreds of thousands of orifices turned into whirlpools sucking and swallowing, sucking in all the sea of ​​spiritual thoughts that filled the world in front of him.

In just this moment, Tao Damozi realized what it means to be shattered.

His face was twisted to the limit, his eyes burst out, as if he was about to explode and die.

His heart and soul even let out a painful wail that shocked the body.

Even if he was nailed to death by Fish Basket Avalokitesvara with tens of thousands of "Heaven's Will Killing Needles", he had never felt such pain.

"It hurts me too!"

"Which Shaqiandao patriarch created the Dafa, how can he have the face to describe it in the inheritance as: the beginning of the practice is a bit painful, but it's just a thousand cuts, why not the secret demon sect?"

"This is nothing more than a thousand cuts, and it's not too much to add a hundred times..."

With Tao Mozi's cultivation base and deeds, it is obvious that the pain he is suffering is extraordinary.

The following appalling change of his Dharma body also thoroughly verified this point.


There was a bang, and it came simply and neatly.

Tao Mozi, it exploded.

Mo Zishen, who had never failed since his debut, exploded and died without warning this time?

The finely-divided blood millet smeared the entire inner wall of the Peach Blossom Temple, making it extremely delicate and beautiful.

Soon after another, the divine light surged, as if time had flowed backwards, and the flesh and blood gathered together, and he sat back safe and sound.

Not waiting for the pain on his face to ease, the next moment is... again.


The second time, Tao Qian blew up again.

So in the following hours, I don't know how long it will last, the sound of bang bang bang in Taohua Temple can be heard endlessly.

Without him, Tao Mozi is undergoing a punishment called "explosion".

Due to the rapid and short process of body explosion, aggregation, and body explosion, Tao Mozi couldn't even curse continuously, and could only utter some intermittent and incoherent curses.

This scene alarmed the main body again, although he knew a lot, but it didn't include such mysteries, so he had to call Yuan Gong here for advice.

Yuan Gong was also puzzled when he heard the description, so he went to ask the [Thousand Puppet Mother Jiang Luan] who knew more, and finally got the answer:

"This child, why did you go to practice spiritual magic?"

"Although the power of this method is great, it doesn't suit his temperament. Usually, only the secret demons who follow the way of the gods and prefer reckless hand-to-hand combat will try to refine the spirit god, and if they practice this method, they will swallow tens of thousands of human races. Thoughts?"

"No matter how talented you are, you should start with the level of '100,000 people' before you can stand it."

"The key to this method is to voluntarily hand over the right to transform the dharma body, and then absorb the thoughts of devout people into the body. With the help of the wisdom and strong will of all beings, after countless times of refinement, the spirit and **** will be formed. .”

"After being refined, there is great supernatural power, but when it is refined, it is inevitable to suffer."

"It's torture to listen to 100,000 people nagging and tearing at each other... let alone tens of millions of people?"

"Among the mystic demons of the heavens, there are only a few patriarchs who have practiced this supernatural power, and they just practiced casually, and they have never done hard work. It is said that halfway through the practice, the patriarch who created this method used it when recording the exercises. Some words were inappropriate, but Piansheng passed the inspection again, and it was completely recorded in the "Book of Secret Demons of the Heavens", and even allowed the patriarch not to taboo the title of the book."

"This child has never mentioned that he has the idea of ​​cultivating the divine way, so he didn't remind him, so why did he practice?"

After hearing Jiang Luan's reply, Tao Qian's body and Yuan Gong looked at each other, dumbfounded.

Of course, the ontology knew the reason why Mozi's body was trapped, but he didn't want to say it.

The reason is that the guy suddenly wanted to use the body as a cover, insisting on creating a "Peach Blossom God". After the creation, a large number of devout people were won, and they didn't want to waste it, so they simply used it to refine the law... Looking at it carefully, it is quite self-inflicted mean.

Tao Qian just wanted to keep the dark history of Peach Blossom God in Sou Shen Realm, even Yuan Gong Jiang Luan didn't want to confide in it.

So, he smiled and held his respect for the avatar and said:

"It doesn't matter!"

"If it hurts, it will hurt more. Once this method is practiced, the power of the gods will be great... This sentence is always true, right?"

After Tao Qian finished speaking, Jiang Luan nodded first.

Then, he suddenly smiled wryly and shook his head, and added:

"Pain is only the first key point, because the hearts of millions of devout people conflict with each other, causing their bodies to explode continuously."

"There are still many other strange feelings, such as the 'body shaping punishment' mixed in it. Most of the patriarchs and secret devils who practiced this method gave up at this level, or dealt with it hastily."

Jiang Luan's words were soon verified in the Peach Blossom Temple.

Tao Mozi was still yelling at a certain second-generation patriarch who created this perverted technique, but suddenly after a certain "flesh and blood gathering", he froze completely.

It's not just because the body didn't explode again this time, but because of the form of the dharma body after aggregation, people really don't know what expression to make.

Even with Tao Damozi's bad temper, he didn't know how to describe it.

Fortunately, there is no need for him, since the first plastic body was completed, the thoughts of faith in the people corresponding to this spiritual body also emerged.

The densely overlapping noisy voices vented out:

"My lord let us imagine its stalwart divine body to our heart's content. This is a big matter, so we need to be careful."

"Since my **** is named Peach Blossom, it should be the priesthood of mastering bed affairs, dewy marriage, the beauty of carnal desires, etc. UU reading www.uukanshu.com In this way, its dharma body should be full of temptations, gathering the essence of the flesh of all beings in the world. yes."

"The body of my lord should be covered with peach blossoms, and the essence will always flow out forever."

"All the 'wonderful things' that can bring happiness to people in the world are found in the dharma body of my lord. No, these wonderful things must come from my lord."

"It is rumored that there is a pillar of flesh from heaven and earth, which goes straight to yin and yang. I am afraid that the body of my **** is full of these..."

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