Longevity is Different, Caishikou Was Beheaded at the Beginning

Chapter 622: Demons also learn to fish, and in the future Buddhism will deceive golden cicadas

Tao Damozi thanked himself for keeping it a secret, and then saw the golden cicada grandiosely calling Qitu Bodhisattva, the "suffering master", to come and see him.

They didn't call before, but now they want to see each other for no reason, obviously it can't be reminiscing about the old days.

This Buddha son must have wanted to inquire about the root of the [Peach Blossom God] from Qitu Bodhisattva, so that he could use means to subdue him.

Tao Qian is still guessing that the Buddha and the Bodhisattva are already face to face.


In terms of magical powers, the Qitu Bodhisattva who has tried to break through the kalpas and set foot in the fairyland is sure to win.

But if you compare your status, Jin Chanzi doesn't lose at all, and it seems that because of some secrets, Jin Chanzi's aura is even more overwhelming than that of Qitu Bodhisattva.

Quite unexpectedly, it was Qitu Bodhisattva who spoke first.

He didn't seem surprised by Jin Chanzi's appearance in Sogod Realm, and the terrifying voice of half Buddha and half demon came:

"Jin Chanzi, you have finally left the Tang Kingdom."

"After ten years of hibernation, you can't hold back anymore? Huh? No, the time has not come yet. You may have to wait for the forceful action to create a lot of variables. Knowing this, you still have to start the big plan. Could it be that something happened in the God Realm? ?”

"The day of collapse has come earlier?"

Jin Chanzi didn't hide anything when he heard the words, and just nodded yes.

"The Bodhisattva's predictions are correct, but for some reason, Search God Realm is more fragile."

"A few days ago, the origin was activated and the [Ten Tribulations of Heaven and Earth] came into the world. If there were not some calculations, I am afraid that the souls in the God Realm will be slaughtered."

"I, Buddha, save all sentient beings, how can I delay any longer?"

It's okay not to mention these things, but as soon as it was mentioned, Qitu Bodhisattva was furious.

The cold and majestic magical body actually started to move, trampling and jumping in the secret realm, the movement was no different from the catastrophe of destroying the world, she shouted even more angrily:

"False Buddha, what are you saying to save all living beings?"

"Since that's the case, why don't you want to save me once, and just tell me what the fate is like, so that I can sit down peacefully. It's really ridiculous."

"Now I replace the Buddha's heart with my murderous heart. I don't know how happy I am. Who wants him to save me?"

Ordinarily, Jin Chanzi, as the second disciple of the contemporary Buddha of All Heavens Buddhism, would definitely refute when he heard such "rebellious" remarks.

But at this time, no.

Jin Chanzi just smiled lightly, but didn't answer, and asked instead:

"This time I seek to see the Bodhisattva, I have a puzzle to solve."

"Jin Chanzi first came out of the Tang Kingdom, and is now in the territory of the Liang Kingdom. I heard that the Bodhisattva once revealed the Buddha's traces in this country, and even lowered his avatar, and passed on the Taoism... But then something happened, and the foundation that had just started was called by a statue [ Usurped by the unknown wild **** of Peach Blossom God.”

"Even, even the avatar was lost."

"The Bodhisattva has fought with him before, so he should know the origin of this **** and demon? Can you tell me a thing or two."

"In return, Jin Chanzi is willing to give a helping hand to help the clone of the Bodhisattva [Avalokitesvara in Fish Basket] escape from the realm."

A deal was happily placed in front of Qitu Bodhisattva.

She revealed the truth about Tao Damozi, and Jin Chanzi helped her regain her clone.

In the sea of ​​great origin, when it comes to the word "transaction", all kinds of tricks and abductions are indispensable. Buddhist monks are especially good at it.

There is no need to say much about Qitu Bodhisattva, a ruthless person who can steal all the Buddha's teeth and be fine.

Jin Chanzi also knew it, so he had been prepared for a long time, and was about to play tricks and compete with Qitu Bodhisattva.

But who would have expected that after hearing him finish speaking, Bodhisattva Qitu was shocked at first, and then burst out laughing immediately.

"Hahaha... You don't know the details of that kid?"

"This is wonderful. I remember that there are many Guanyin Temples in the territory of the Tang Kingdom that you and others occupy."


When Jin Chanzi frowned upon hearing this.

The next moment, Qitu Bodhisattva vomited out all the details he knew and the secrets of the previous fight without reservation.

Yantianchong could cast spells to erase the memory of the Buddha Cicada monk, but he couldn't wipe out Qitu Bodhisattva across so many worlds, let alone with his power of Taoism, even in front of him, Yantianchong couldn't do anything about it.

"That kid is not Lao Shizi [Peach Blossom God], but a cunning secret devil."

"Pretending to be a ghost and swallowing my foundation in the search and shooting world was originally not my avatar's opponent, but I used some poisonous tricks to divert trouble and drive away tigers and swallow wolves, and successively attacked and killed the avatars of Tianfu Emperor and Chisheng Shenjun, and then I don’t know how I hooked up with that Merciful Avalokitesvara.”

"This guy sent a clone over, and cast a spell to help the mysterious devil tame my fish basket clone."

"The blood, heart, and soul have been completely cut off. It seems that the secret demon has planted [soul imprint] in my clone. If you want to help her, it is very simple. Go right now and cast a spell to destroy the secret demon." .”

"Buddha's subjugation of demons is justified."

"Go quickly, don't delay, hahaha."

After saying that, Qitu Bodhisattva took the initiative to cut off contact, and no longer entangled with Jin Chanzi.

In this scene, the seven big monsters behind the Buddha were at a loss.

On the other hand, Tao Qian, who was peeping in the dark, knew the reason at a glance:

Regarding the foundations of the Fish Basket clone and the Qitu Army, the Qitu Bodhisattva has already admitted his losses. Even if the clone that was planted with a soul imprint by others was rescued and returned, he might not dare to take it.

Now he didn't hide anything, nor did he take the initiative to reveal the news without asking for benefits, but it was just to make that "divisive plan".

It is the Buddhism of the heavens represented by Jin Chanzi and the great master Guanyin who are separating the two parties.

"The Qitu Bodhisattva only knows that I am the [Secret Devil Child], but he doesn't know that behind me is the Lingbao True Monarch Fu Nie."

"Seeing that I can invite the avatar of Master Guanyin, I'm afraid you will think that Master Guanyin has a connection with the Secret Demon Sect. This is normal. Taoism, demons, heretics, and all heavens... Which faction doesn't bet around. Strong?"

"Unfortunately, he thought wrong this time."

"Master Avalokitesvara doesn't care about the identity of my secret devil child at all, the one who asked him to come here is the true master Tao Dazhen."

Thinking of this, Tao Damozi didn't feel lucky or relaxed at all.

Because the golden cicada actually started to cast spells again, the person who communicated this time was naturally the Guanyin master.

The latter seemed to have been waiting for a long time. When the Buddha mirror was opened, the Buddha's voice came:

"Jin Chanzi, do you want to inquire about the details of Liang Guo [Peach Blossom God]?"

"It's nothing to hide. He appears to be a mysterious devil, but he is actually a person of my righteous way behind him. He has some ties to me, and the roots are also big. I don't want to tell you, so as not to be blamed."

"You don't need to be too scruples. You can surrender when you should, and you can do whatever you want... You preached and learned from the scriptures, and you were destined to be doomed by many strong people, and that person was no exception."

"Let's go."

After finishing speaking, Master Guanyin also took the initiative to cut off contact.

There was no surprise on Jin Chanzi's face, and a lot of doubts were gone.

Combining the words of Qitu Bodhisattva and Guanyin, the mystery will be solved.

"I think the so-called Peach Blossom God was created by a secret demon. I heard that the secret demon sect is selecting the suzerain. A large number of Tianjiao and secret demons rushed into those worlds that were on the verge of being broken, just to **** the world's spiritual materials to forge [The Heavens] Secret Demon Nest].”

"This son should also have the same purpose."

"It's just that behind it, there is still a strong man from Taoist Buddha or a certain righteous path. It should have a plan."

"Making Guanyin to help him must have a great background. Could it be that he is planning a position as the 'Secret Demon Sect Master'?"

"I thought it was an obscene priest who usurped a country by chance, but now it seems that it is a **** with a background. Let's go and see it first. If you can hide the truth in person with me, the land of Liang Kingdom will be given to him temporarily. Can."

"If you can't hide it, just accept it."

Jin Chanzi's few words immediately startled Tao Mozi again.

From these two dialogues, we can get a glimpse of Jin Chanzi's temperament and behavior style.

He has an exquisite mind, but also has no scruples, acts directly, breaks the law with the law, and reduces the force with the force.

Playing ghost tricks with this kind of person, I'm afraid there will be no gain.

Tao Mozi even suspected that Jin Chanzi's last words were intended for himself.


Use power to overwhelm others, and tell you plainly, I will come to subdue you.

Whether to surrender or to fight, make a quick decision.

Acting as a worm, he immediately gave him the deduced answer: what he thought was right, Jin Chanzi had already guessed that he was peeping in the dark, and the last sentence was indeed what he heard

Immediately, Tao Mozi frowned, and couldn't help thinking about the strength gap between the two sides and how to deal with it.

The opponents this time are completely different from those before.

He doesn't need to think about it to know that if there is a fight, there is no chance of winning, let alone escape, even if he invites all the elders of the secret demon sect of the ancestral land, the ending will be the same.

"Let's not talk about the many disciples of the Heaven's Chosen Buddha, the great monster in the Land of Ultimate Bliss that stretches for miles, the bodhisattvas and arhats looming behind them, and even the Buddhas."

"Just one golden cicada is already faintly overpowering the main body."

"If this son really wants to surrender me, no matter whether it is a frontal fight or a secret plan, it will have no effect."

"The Buddhism of the Heavens sent out so many arrogant Buddha disciples in one go, and also sent a large number of great monsters in the blissful realm to follow the order, and the leader is a disciple of the Buddha like Jin Chanzi... It is so powerful that I am afraid that I have to search the God Realm All the descendants of the Taoist sects, or all the secret demons can be dealt with by uniting, etc., but unfortunately these Taoisms do not have the courage to unite like the Buddhism of the heavens."

"When the Buddhist sect makes a big plan, whoever blocks it will die. No matter how many avatars of gods and demons are filled in, it's not enough, let alone a mere secret devil."

"It's not as miserable as a mantis arm when it's a car, what should I do?"

While muttering, Tao Mozi's eyes suddenly lit up.

There is no right strategy, but he has a lot of crooked plans. When he had an idea, he communicated with the main body in his heart and soul:

"If you can't beat it, then join, what do you think?"

"Oh, how do you want to join? The second disciple of the dignified Buddha, you are a secret devil, do you want to convert?"

"No, no, I can join for the time being, but I can't join as a slave and subordinate. I don't say that I have humiliated you for nothing, and I will also be punished by him with the Buddha's soul seal."

"Looking at the temperament of this Buddha, he must be a strong man who can't be fooled. If you don't want to be a slave and subordinate, I'm afraid you won't believe you... The Buddhism of the heavens has a big plan, and it won't show its fangs at the beginning, so as not to attract others. The encirclement and suppression of Dao, demons, demons, and those gods and demons of the great abyss, so as long as you reveal a little bit of the truth, it is not difficult to save your life, but it is impossible to mix in."

"My deity, you are not in this world, so you can't comprehend the subtleties between this Buddha, Qitu Bodhisattva, and Avalokitesvara. Yan Tianchong also said that this son came to complete the calamity. If you want to achieve great things in the God Realm, you must be a Then 【Kindness Buddha】, such a person should have his own team."

"Now these are all given by his teacher. You say that if he meets a mysterious devil like me who has a hidden foundation, an independent heart and soul, and has a 'wisdom root Buddha heart' that has never been seen in the world, will he have the love of talent? Heart? Can you give birth to the idea of ​​turning it into your own use?"

"As for the [wisdom root Buddha heart], although I don't have it, you do have it. I borrowed it to help you, so that the virtuous Buddha who overwhelms you can learn from the power of future Buddhas."

After all, it is one.

As soon as Tao Damozi finished speaking, Tao Qian, who was far away in the star aperture of Dengxian, immediately understood his plan.

With a strange face, he spit out:

"Based on the time when you came into the world, you are still a young boy, and you actually learned such poisonous fishing tricks from my memory?"

"This method of yours will definitely fail if someone else uses it, even if you ask for the cooperation of Buddhist masters such as Guanyin, it will be useless."

"Let me help you, but there is a glimmer of hope for success."

"But you also have to be careful. I acted so carefully in the Longevity Realm so that the Buddhists of the heavens did not notice the future Buddha's inheritance on me. Don't let me vent the bottom of it here."

"With your borrowed Wisdom Root and Buddha Heart, and the help of the Celestial Insect, I will definitely be able to count on this golden cicada, so there is no need to worry."

The deity's avatar must be planned, so don't delay, act immediately.

So it didn't take long, Jin Chanzi who had just led the seven-headed monsters to set foot in the territory of Liang State, only had time to let the big monsters under his command transform into human forms, and before preaching, casting spells and blessings, he was immediately welcomed by the big battle.

It was an envoy who came directly from the imperial capital, and respectfully stepped forward and said:

"But the holy monk from Tang Kingdom?"

"My lord has an order. I respectfully invite the holy monk to sit in the Peach Blossom Temple and discuss the Tao."

"My lord still has instructions. He has admired the Buddhadharma for a long time, and he has also heard about the merits of the holy monk. He knows the great merit of the holy monk. I have to wait."

These words fell into my ears.

Jin Chanzi couldn't help showing a strange look on his face, but the seven-headed monster behind him, as well as the gods, demons and ghosts who secretly sheltered Jin Chanzi, all had a familiar expression.

Obviously ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ they all know the power of the three characters Jin Chanzi, such scenes are perfectly normal.

In their view, the great achievements made by the golden cicada will sooner or later achieve the honor of the meritorious Buddha, and no matter how respectful others are, they should be respected.

The same is true for the so-called "Peach Blossom God".

Jin Chanzi is not so arrogant, but secretly said in his heart:

"This Peach Blossom God can descend [Avalokitesvara in Fish Basket], and his foundation is extraordinary, I'm afraid it won't weaken me too much."

"I should have listened to what I said on purpose before, but now you respectfully invite me, maybe you want to form a good relationship?"

"If so, it's a bit difficult to handle."

"Let's take a look first, what is the background?"

With thoughts flickering, Jin Chanzi and his party, who were supposed to make a lot of big noises according to the original plan, were invited into the Liang Kingdom's imperial capital very calmly.

Not long after, within the Peach Blossom Temple.

Through the fierce incense rising like a sea of ​​clouds, Jin Chanzi saw the Peach Blossom God sitting on the altar, that is, Tao Damozi.

At the first glance, he was stunned.

He should have seen the brilliance of gods and demons, or the qi of secret demons.

But what he saw at this time was clearly the light of Buddha, so dazzling that it was almost dazzling.

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