Longevity is Different, Caishikou Was Beheaded at the Beginning

Chapter 651: All the demons take turns reporting the names of the dishes, and Tao Qian casts magic

Tao Qian thought it was a matter of "crossing the mountain and passing the customs", so he should go one by one. the

But I didn't want all the demons to be busy people who couldn't stand loneliness, and they rushed up the mountain directly.

This is not enough, some strange wild gods and prostitutes seem to be afraid that the descendants of the gods and demons guarding the checkpoint and their family members will not know what the name of the blood food at the entrance is, so they began to report their families halfway, and some of them were more considerate. Confiding all his tastes made Tao Qian a little bit dumbfounded.

"Grandfathers of the three gods and demons, the little **** [Rampant Wolf Lord] is here. I am originally a wild wolf in the mountains. I have been enlightened by luck. I have practiced for more than five hundred years. Before the change of heaven, there were dozens of temples in the God Realm , Those who enshrine this **** will surely achieve success and will be rampant. I come here today to worship under the sect of Grandpa Huangpao, please take me in."

"The name of this **** is [Donkey Dragon Immortal], and he was originally a domestic donkey. He occasionally ate dragon blood to open up his wisdom, and he got a volume of "Dragon Transformation Scripture" and became enlightened. , Donkey meat on the ground, the good food people in this world used to build hundreds of temples, and now they are all destroyed, so I come here to pay homage to Immortal Yeyue, I am willing to donate blood and flesh, and ask for immortal books."

"The name of the little **** is [Splendid Carp God]. It is actually a brocade carp with the ability to transfer luck. Before the change of heaven, there were hundreds of temples in the world, and millions of people worshiped me. Although most of them were dishonest in their beliefs, they also Help me become a **** and demon, come here to pay a visit to Immortal Lord Yeyue, and ask for a volume of "Tai Yin Sutra", from now on, I will only follow the lead of the Immortal Lord."

"I am the [Toilet God]. I heard that the three gods gather together and all the gods accompany each other. There must be all kinds of filth that cannot be dealt with. Why don't you leave it to the little gods, and keep everyone satisfied."

... 徻

In Tao Qian's eyes, this demon who is usually weak in Taoism and mana, but has a very strange temperament, has been equated with cannon fodder.

Especially the "Donkey Dragon Immortal" and "Splendid Carp" among them.

No matter how they sounded like their self-reported family names, they sounded like the names of their dishes.

Of course, there are also serious gods and demons, such as the following:

"The three gods are above, and the younger one is called [God of the Flood Dragon in the Cloud]. In fact, it is a different species of dragon dragon, who is good at turning clouds and rain. There are also many shrines and temples in the world, and they often eat sacrifices such as boys and girls. However, I have been hunted down by a Buddhist disciple recently, and I have nowhere to go, so I came to the gate to have a banquet, seeking a way out."

"Look at me, three seniors. The name of this little **** is [Star Pond Turtle Lord]. He was originally a creature in Yuanhai. If you like it, you must lure me to Lingshan, and here you go, and I am willing to enter the Baimu God Lord and ask for shelter."

... 徻

There are so many gods and demons invited by Jushen Post, half of them reported their family background, and the rest seemed smarter, just passing through the barrier without saying a word.

However, the former may not be unintelligent, most of them are stupid, but a few of them have high morals and strong divinity, so they directly enter the eyes of the three great gods and demons, and they can be obtained as soon as the level is passed. Some errand benefits.

Of course, whether it is reported or not reported.

The basic origins of all the gods and demons here have been seen by Tao Damozi who is mixed in the rear of the team.

"Overall, more than half of them are native chickens and tile dogs, wild gods and blood eaters."

"If the devil is right, it's time to have a feast first."

Tao Qian's sentence seemed to be a prophecy. the

Almost as soon as he finished speaking, the jaw-dropping, gut-wrenching eating scene was born on the Wanshen Mountain.

The children and families of the three great gods and demons who warmly welcomed the gods and demons showed their true colors at this moment:

First, I saw that a large group of Kuixing wolf monsters who obviously belonged to [Huangpao Yuanjun], all of them holding dipped steel knives, smiled and greeted a group of gods and demons who came to worship the mountain, shouting in their mouths:

"It's easy to say, all of you come to pay homage to my family's star master. As long as you pass our level, you can watch "Kui Xing Tianshu" as you like, and you can use Kui Xing's divine energy as you like."

"It doesn't matter if you have to, just sit in my belly."

When he finished speaking, the knife light containing the terrifying Kui Xingyuan Qi had already blown like a torrential rain.

In an instant, there was a **** storm, and the gods and demons with slightly poor moral skills were directly cut into fresh and tender meat slices, and they were cooked by Yuan Qi while they were still in the air. The wolves greedily swallowed them up and ate them up. the

And this is just the beginning.

Looking up, I saw a large group of fluffy "rabbit monsters" jumping forward with chirping laughter, all of them were ugly and ugly, holding medicine pestles, osmanthus axes and other magical soldiers in their hands, and they also said something in their mouths. The high-sounding words, but the subordinates are extremely ruthless.

Accompanied by the chaos and slashing, flesh and blood flew everywhere on the mountain.

These rabbits are obviously more ferocious than the wolf monsters. They have to use their mouths instead of using the tableware.

As long as there are any gods and demons that can't persist in showing their slumped appearances, they will jump over immediately, gnawing at the flesh with the pair of sharp-edged rabbit teeth that look like double door panels.

Of course, compared with the [Egg People] under Hundred Eyes Demon Lord, not daring to be a wolf or a rabbit is considered an acceptable category.

What are juvenile egg people? the

At this time, Tao Qian saw it.

All I could see were giant meat eggs everywhere on the majestic and towering Wanshen Mountain.

Their bodies are pink and white, swollen, and they have hundreds of evil eyes, which can release the divine light that can fix all the flesh, body and soul of a person.

Regardless of whether you call yourself an "immortal" or a "god", when you are illuminated by the [Qualitative Divine Light], you will immediately freeze in place.

Then I watched those meat eggs crawl over with the support of a large number of dry hands and feet under my body, and then bit by bit, forcefully squeezed in from the slightly larger holes on your body, such as the mouth, Nasal orifice, or posterior orifice.

After being parasitized by them, everything in the body will be turned into nutrients and food in the blink of an eye, and only a layer of skin will be left for them, which also means that the eggfolk have officially grown up.

... 徻

"Do you dare to believe that this is the coming-of-age ceremony of [Eggman Clan]?"

"He has a ferocious temper, and a terrifying supernatural power. It seems that he is even more fierce than the [Shenguang of Destiny] that is good at Buddhism and the [True Light of Dingling] that is good at Taoism."

"The Taishang Demon Sect is also stupid. Since there are still such terrible patriarchs in the sect, why don't you know to invite them out early? If you can really let the 'Yuanyang Demon God' back you, even if you can't restore the glory of the ancient times, you won't be condemned." Zong, Mofo Temple and Secret Demon Sect took turns to ravage."

Tao Qian paddled deliberately and hung behind the team.

Looking at the lively scene of the gods and demons dancing wildly with great interest, the scene that can scare ordinary monks to death is nothing to him.

This is also normal, don't look at these passers-by who claim to be gods and demons, but in fact it is a special environment in the God Realm.

In the world of longevity, these would only be called monsters. the

Tao Qian watched for a long time, and saw that the damned gods and demons had turned into dishes, the gods and demons who should go up had successfully passed the level, and the descendants of the three gods and demons also started paddling, and immediately knew that it was time for him, Tao Da Plague God, to appear.

Choosing to pretend to be the God of Plague to attend the Banquet of the Gods was not only for the fun of it. There is another consideration, the three demons are thinking of cannon fodder, if they are too strong, they will be assassinated, and if they are too weak, they will not be able to attend the banquet.

Such as [Plague God], a **** and demon with low morals but good at group attacks, is just right, and there is a high probability that they will be reused.

Of course, the precondition is that he operates well, at least a wave of people must come to show his sage first, stepping on other wild gods and worthless heresy, to show his own value.

So the fellow didn't hesitate any longer, and shouted with a loud smile:

"The three gods are above, and the lesser gods will come."

"Everyone can call me [Plague God], the human race has attained the Tao, but the flesh and blood is really sour and smelly, it's unbearable, everyone, don't talk about it."

"Of course, when we meet for the first time, the little **** will give some meeting gifts to fellow Taoists to express our feelings."

Tao Qian's timing was right, just at the moment when the bustle subsided, his shout immediately attracted the attention of all the gods.

Especially those sons and family members guarding the gate were shocked, and then they all saw a human race wild **** with a face full of bad luck, exuding the plague all the time, turned into a streamer, and started rushing up from the foot of the mountain.

The first few checkpoints really allowed him to pass without hindrance. The wolf monsters and rabbit fairies guarding the checkpoints were subconsciously unwilling to hack him, neither wanting to eat sour and smelly flesh, nor dirtying their own treasures.

Unfortunately, they didn't want to embarrass Tao Qian.

The God of Plague is happy, but he is unwilling to let them go.

As soon as he spit out the words "meeting ceremony", the guy suddenly started rubbing all over his body indiscriminately. After a while, a black lacquer pill the size of a calf suddenly appeared, and the plague poison and moldy smell could be seen surging on it. the

Thinking of the names of gods and demons yelled out by this guy, apart from the egg folk who have no taboos, the two big family members, Kuixing Sirius and Yeyue Rabbit Immortal, all have a bad premonition.

Sure enough, the next moment the guy shouted again:

"Xiaoshenlian has a piece of 【Heavenly Plague Rejuvenation Pill】, which can help you to go further in your Taoism."

"It's just a bit fishy, ​​fellow daoists, bear with it."

After saying that, the great pill held by Tao Qian's hands exploded immediately.

Then the wind blew violently, wrapped in the sky full of red dust, and blew towards the top of Wanshen Mountain.

Wherever they went, no matter whether it was the Wild God Youshen who was still struggling to break through the barrier, or Kuixing Sirius, Yeyue Rabbit Immortal, and even Yuanyang Eggmin, the three major gods and demons, they all fell into the trap. the

Everyone seemed to be drunk, covered in red tides, stumbling around, and then...began to break through.

That's right!

Unusual, incredible sights are born.

Regardless of whether they want it or not, all the people who inhaled the pill, the source of mana in their bodies, started to go berserk at the same time.

In an unreasonable way, he began to break through the realm barrier, and his Taoism generally increased.

Among them, the comfort is unspeakable.

The Wanshen Mountain, which was still a **** storm a few breaths ago, has become a smooth road when Tao Qian, the "God of Plague", breaks through the barrier. the

He flew up slowly, and was greeted with grateful glances from those wolf demons, rabbit fairies, and eggmen.

Seeing this, Tao Qian burst into laughter, and laughed at himself:

"My real spiritual treasure, Zhenjun Fu Nie, is very good at alchemy. Whether it's a elixir or a magic elixir, just shout [Heavenly Flame Essence] and you can easily grab it."

"This demon only knows how to make magic pills, and it's the kind of magic pills that make people addicted, can't stop, and obey my orders."

"Heavenly plague rejuvenation is just the first drug addiction."

"Just wait for me to win the trust of these three demons, and then do the second one..."

When thinking about it, Tao Qian raised his head, his eyes pierced through the clouds and mist, and looked at the three gods and demons who were infinitely approaching the Taoist realm entrenched on the lonely peak of Tianzhu. the

At the same time, they, as well as those gods and demons who have successfully broken through the level and have good strength, also cast their eyes on Tao Qian at this time.

"Huh? A plague **** is here, interesting."

"Real plague and fake plague? How can there be a **** of plague who will give benefits when he comes up? Shouldn't he bring disasters to be entitled to call himself plague?"

"Hmph, this guy is cheating, I waited until I tried my best to get up the mountain, and this guy came up after rubbing a ball with the dirt on his body?"

"Absurd, a fool dares to call himself the [Plague God], but there is a real plague **** [Plague Immortal Lord] in the abyss, who can kill hundreds of millions of people with a breath of Yuan Qi."

Tao Qian passed all the checkpoints leisurely, broke through the sea of ​​clouds, and went straight to the top of the mountain. the

Soon, the eyes reflected a majestic city that was completely soaked by the source of gods and demons, and began to generate many Taoist rhymes and strange shapes. There are three big characters on the top of the city:

City of Proverbs!

Seeing this city, Tao Qian couldn't help it, he was both disgusted and admired:

"What a city of enlightenment. Everywhere in the city is soaked with Kui Xingyuan Qi, Taiyin Star Essence and Yuanyang Demon Qi."

"To achieve this, it may not be enough for the three demons to sit in command. The three demons must continue to 'fight' in the city and scatter the divine essence full of energy in their bodies."

"It's no wonder that we were wary of each other before, but after a period of time, we became very affectionate and sworn brothers as three brothers."

"It's just that I don't know if the person who is reconciling yin and yang in the middle is the lewd rabbit master Yeyue Zhenjun, or the heir of the Yuanyang demon **** Baimu Demon Lord? Ordinarily it should be the former, but I guess it's the big fleshy egg..." 徻

Although the three gods and demons didn't know that the unlucky Taoist who claimed to be the **** of plague was arranging them in his heart.

But it doesn't prevent them from feeling disgusted with this guy at the first sight.

Without him, the face made by Tao Damozi is really disgusting.

Tao Qian knew this early on, so he didn't enter the city immediately after successfully breaking through the barrier. Instead, he first bowed to the three extremely huge gods and demons that filled the sky, and then deliberately showed a flattering smile and said:

"The little **** has seen the three gods, and he came here to worship the mountain because he really wants to ask for something."

"The little **** was originally just an ordinary human race in this world. By chance, he picked up a volume of "The Plague Sutra" that flew from outside the region. Xinmin, UU Kanshu www.uukanshu.com has prepared and built at least a hundred [Plague God Temples] for me, so I was recognized by the Dao of Heaven and named Plague God."

"After obtaining the priesthood, the little **** should feel at ease to practice."

"But the little gods have given signs recently that the Buddhists in the heavens will look at the supernatural powers of the little gods in the future, use poisonous tricks to save me, and go to the Lingshan to be some kind of venerable spirit plague. It sounds like a good job, but it is actually a small The gods and spirits are completely annihilated, and they are used as puppet slaves by those bald donkeys."

"After some calculations, the little **** knew that the only way to survive was with the three seniors, so he asked for protection from here."

"To show his sincerity, the little **** is willing to spend a hundred years of Taoism, and perform the "Ten Direction Heavenly Plague Gathering Luck Technique" once to gather good luck for the three seniors. If it comes true, all kinds of treasures will come from outside the region to vote."

Having said that, Huangpao, Yeyue, and Baimu Sanmo couldn't refuse, and they were all interested.

Everyone nodded, let Tao Qian try.

He wasn't too polite, and directly pretended to set up rituals and perform divine arts.

At the beginning, the gods and demons only thought that the "God of Plague" was just pretending, and at most they summoned some visions, and then made some nonsense. the

But the next moment, a vision that surprised the three demons appeared.

This place can be said to be close to the sky, suddenly a gap is opened, and there is an endless surge of precious light inside...

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