Longevity Martial Arts: Starting from Tai Chi

Chapter 815: Temporary appointment as the head of Dan Pavilion, courtesy and reciprocity

Spiritual Medicine Building.

Yang Chan was stunned for a moment when he heard what Pavilion Master Bai Keyi said.

Because he didn't expect that Bai Keyi's purpose of coming here was like this.

Originally, he thought that the other party came to congratulate him for being able to refine the Purple Source Blood Exchange Pill. After all, this is a big step for a top pharmacist.

But when Pavilion Master Bai Keyi spoke, he knew that the other party's purpose of coming here was not to congratulate him, but for other things.

"Pavilion Master Bai, I have read the records in the books in the Canggong Pavilion. The process of breaking through the Blood Exchange Martial Saint is a bit dangerous. Have you made all the preparations for the breakthrough?"

Yang Chan didn't expect Bai Keyi to want to break through the Blood Exchange Martial Saint in seclusion.

But thinking about it carefully, it is reasonable.

He knew that the other party's martial arts cultivation had reached the peak of marrow washing, and the next step would be the Blood Exchange Martial Saint realm.

Although he relied on pills to improve to this level, his body tempering had also reached the extreme. At this time, the next step would be to break through the Blood Exchange Martial Saint realm.

And when asking, he could only ask about the other party's preparations.

"I have been preparing for a long time, but I felt that the time was not right before. Now it is almost right!"

"So, I have to ask Pharmacist Yang to help me temporarily in the matter of acting as the agent of Dan Pavilion. It will take about one month at the shortest and half a year at the longest."

"I also helped you, Pharmacist Yang, to act as the agent of Lingyao Building for a year and a half before. Now Pharmacist Yang should help back!"

Bai Keyi looked at Yang Chan and said with a smile.

It seems that the two of them are helping each other.

However, the nature of some things in between is different.

"Logically speaking, Master Bai said so, I should not refuse, but I have been promoted to a top pharmacist for a short time. If I am only responsible for a part of the matter, I will naturally agree to it, but this is the entire Dan Pavilion, and my qualifications are still a little short."

"And Master Bai, you also know the situation of Lingyao Building. I basically don't care. I am still far behind in these management affairs."

Yang Chan said with a wry smile.

He has a clear understanding of his situation. Although his current alchemy ability ranks among the top pharmacists, he is the last one to be promoted to a top pharmacist among all the top pharmacists.

He has only been in Tianxuan Holy Land for a few years, and his reputation is not enough.

Although Dan Pavilion attaches great importance to alchemy ability, it also emphasizes seniority.

For example, in the matter of alchemy, he can refine the Purple Source Blood Exchange Pill, which other pharmacists cannot refine. Naturally, he earns those top spiritual materials, and those top pharmacists will not have any opinions.

After all, the gap in alchemy ability is there, and it is useless to have opinions, after all, it depends on alchemy ability.

However, in terms of managing the affairs of Dan Pavilion, although Yang Chan is in charge of the Spiritual Medicine Building, he is much worse than other top pharmacists.

Whether it is management time or the manpower trained in his hands, it is much worse, so he does not have many manpower in the entire Dan Pavilion.

Under this circumstance, it is also a big problem for him to take over the affairs of Dan Pavilion temporarily.

After all, from the beginning, Yang Chan rarely managed these affairs.

"Pharmacist Yang, you are too modest. I remember your quick success in gaining a foothold in the Spiritual Medicine Building. And this time, you are only asked to take over temporarily. Normally, someone is in charge of the Dan Pavilion, and you basically don't have to do anything."

"Only when there is a big event will you need to help deal with it. If you can't make a decision, just delay it or ask the Holy Lord to help deal with it!"

"As for the qualification, you don't have to worry too much. I originally wanted to ask Pharmacist Linghu, but he continued to study new pills, and he didn't care about anything, so I can only trouble you temporarily!"

"As for other top pharmacists, they won't have any objections. After all, it's just a temporary replacement."

Bai Keyi looked at Yang Chan, explaining carefully and persuading him.

He made such an arrangement, of course, for his own reasons. If there is an accident, letting Yang Chan adapt now will also help Yang Chan in the future.

Dan Pavilion wants to select the next Pavilion Master. Compared with qualification, he values ​​alchemy ability more.

In his opinion, it is not enough to have qualifications but not enough alchemy ability.

This time is also an attempt for him.

If he successfully promoted to Blood Exchange Martial Saint, he will naturally be the Pavilion Master next, and everything will remain the same. If there is an accident, it can be regarded as selecting a successor in advance.

"Pavilion Master Bai thinks too highly of me!"

"But since Pavilion Master Bai has said this, then I will take over temporarily."

"I also hope that Pavilion Master Bai will be promoted to Blood Exchange Martial Saint as soon as possible and continue to be the Pavilion Master of our Dan Pavilion."

Yang Chan heard this, thought about it for a while, and agreed.

Because Bai Keyi had said this, it would be immature to refuse again.

Although Yang Chan did not want to be the Pavilion Master of Dan Pavilion, after all, it took a long time, so it was better to refine pills and practice.

Yang Chan has never cared too much about power, because it is not important to him.

Just as he already has the status and position he needs now, and the quota for exchanging alchemy materials, he has no intention of going further.

Perhaps there are many pharmacists in Tianxuan Holy Land who want to take the position of Pavilion Master, but he is not one of them.

This is just like he had no idea about the position of Tianxuan Holy Lord before. Even if his martial arts cultivation was promoted to the Blood Exchange Martial Saint Realm, he still had no idea about the position of Tianxuan Holy Lord.

In his view, these high positions are not conveniences, but obstacles to his progress in cultivation.

He is someone who wants to improve so much, so he naturally doesn't like these things.

"As for the people in charge of other places in Dan Pavilion, we still need to ask Pavilion Master Bai to arrange it, and try to follow Pavilion Master Bai's instructions."

"If we really can't handle it and it's very urgent, we will ask the Holy Lord for help."

Yang Chan continued to say, which also showed his attitude.

He was not sure whether Bai Keyi was deliberately testing him, but regardless of whether the other party was testing him or not, his attitude was the same.

Not intervening also represented his attitude.

"Okay, as long as Pharmacist Yang agrees, I will arrange the rest."

"Basically, there won't be any big deal."

Bai Keyi smiled when he heard this.

This is a test for Yang Chan, and as for the result, he will know when he comes out of retreat.

He made many preparations for the process of breaking through the Blood Exchange Martial Saint, and the possibility of his life being in danger is very small, but he is not completely sure whether he can be promoted successfully.

This is also one of the reasons why he has not tried to break through the Blood Exchange Martial Saint.

After all, after failing to break through the Blood Exchange Martial Saint, the difficulty of breaking through the Blood Exchange Martial Saint next time will be greatly increased.

His martial arts talent is not very strong. He can reach this point now, and it is more due to many cultivation resources.

As far as Bai Keyi knows, even those who are more talented in martial arts than him still fail when they break through to the Blood Exchange Martial Saint.

There are many masters at the peak of marrow washing in Tianxuan Holy Land, but not so many people can break through to the Blood Exchange Martial Saint. This is also a very fundamental reason.

There are so many Blood Exchange Martial Saint masters in Tianxuan Holy Land now, because these people have a long life span, so they can accumulate so many.

If breaking through the Blood Exchange Martial Saint can not increase the life span, then the number of Blood Exchange Martial Saints in Tianxuan Holy Land will be greatly reduced, and the foundation of Tianxuan Holy Land will be reduced a lot.

After exchanging greetings with Yang Chan at Yuanqing Court, Bai Keyi took the initiative to say goodbye.

He will inform the specific time of retreat later, basically within one month, because some things still need to be arranged by Bai Keyi.

After Bai Keyi left, Yang Chan recalled his conversation with Bai Keyi.

Under normal circumstances, he does not need to analyze the conversation with others, because it is not necessary.

His status and position were there, so he didn't need to think too much.

But when it came to Bai Keyi, the head of Dan Pavilion, he needed to think about it.

"It seems that from the situation of Bai just now, he is not afraid of my speed of improving my alchemy ability, but is preparing to find a new head for Dan Pavilion."

"Is this a test?"

After recalling all the conversations, Yang Chan came to a very likely conclusion.

Because according to the current situation of Dan Pavilion, with his alchemy ability, he really has the possibility of becoming the next head of Dan Pavilion, and with the alchemy ability he has shown, he is still a very good choice.

But Yang Chan didn't have this idea before, so he kept thinking about Bai Keyi's intention in his heart at the beginning.

At this time, after analyzing it, he came to such a conclusion.

But after coming to this conclusion, he was a little bit amused, because he really didn't have any thoughts about the position of head.

The affairs of Guangling Medicine Building were enough for him, and he just arranged Han Bingyu to handle it, and he also had some power in his hands, which was convenient for exchanging pills.

Han Bingyu can also use his reputation and status to develop an intelligence network. The two complement each other and have a good effect.

These are enough for Yang Chan. More will bring him trouble rather than convenience.

As far as he knows, Pavilion Master Bai Keyi has a lot of things to do, so he doesn't have much time to make pills.

The entire Dan Pavilion is very large. Even if only those major events need Bai Keyi to deal with, the affairs of each medicine building are not small.

Just like the previous incident of Yu Wenze assassinating him, it was Bai Keyi who took the lead and participated deeply in this matter, and spent a lot of time on it.

As for other top pharmacists, although they also participated, they did not spend that much time.

Therefore, if Yang Chan had to choose between them, he would naturally choose to be like other top pharmacists, waving flags and shouting on the side, but he didn't have to spend a lot of time preparing.

It's enough to participate in things and spend some time and energy.

There is no need to participate from beginning to end.

"However, whether it is a test or not, it will proceed normally. As long as nothing serious happens, basically don't worry about it."

"If there is a big problem, ask Tianxuan Saint Lord and others to deal with it!"

"But the right attitude should still be there."

After Yang Chan figured it out, he decided to proceed according to what he had thought before.

If the matter is too complicated, he doesn't need to deal with it.

If it is Bai Keyi's assessment, then he will perform more generally and give this possible opportunity to become the next Pavilion Master to other top pharmacists.

This position may be attractive to other top pharmacists, especially those who are difficult to improve their alchemy ability, but it is not attractive to Yang Chan.

He doesn't have so much energy to deal with the affairs of the Dan Pavilion.

After thinking about these things in his mind, Yang Chan's worries disappeared.

The so-called lightness of being free is this feeling.

"Come in!"

Yang Chan suddenly said.

He naturally sensed Han Bingyu approaching the door, so he took the initiative to speak.

"Pharmacist Yang, this is the list of several great elders who came to visit today. They didn't come in person, but sent letters to you, saying that you will refine the Purple Source Blood Exchange Pill in the future. Please send some letters to them, and they will come to exchange the pills with you in person!"

Han Bingyu took out some letters and sent them to Yang Chan.

The reason for this is that after Yang Chan took out the Purple Source Blood Exchange Pill, he quickly announced to the public that he would continue to retreat and refine pills, and would not see anyone for the time being.

Because there were quite a few great elders who came to visit before, they all wanted to get closer to Yang Chan, and the purpose was naturally for the Purple Source Blood Exchange Pill that he could refine.

After Yang Chan met some people, he asked Han Bingyu to spread the news.

Sure enough, as the news of his retreat to refine pills spread, no one came to build relationships.

After all, they all wanted the Purple Source Blood Exchange Pill he refined, so he naturally couldn't disturb him at this time, otherwise how could he get the Purple Source Blood Exchange Pill he wanted.

It was also Pavilion Master Bai Keyi who came to visit him in person, otherwise Yang Chan should still be in the alchemy room at this time.

He spread this news, it was not fake news, but he was really refining pills.

Of course, his purpose was more for the accumulation in his hands, in order to refine more fine-quality purple source blood exchange pills, so that the accumulation in his hands would increase.

Only when he refined the qualified quality pills of general quality would he take them out, and then continue to exchange with the supreme elders in Tianxuan Holy Land.

After all, he had to swallow a lot of pills every day, and he was also a pill consumer.

So those supreme elders who didn't come over would also send some letters, which also showed their close attitude, and also let Yang Chan refine the purple source blood exchange pills, thinking of them.

Just give a fair exchange opportunity.

As for who can exchange it in the end, it depends on their ability.

"Well, put them all here!"

Yang Chan glanced at the letters and said slowly.

He was not impatient, after all, they were all people who could bring him top-level spiritual materials, and he was also very interested in the inventory of these supreme elders and others.

Those top-level spiritual materials can only be placed and accumulated in the hands of the great elders. Only in his hands can those top-level spiritual materials be transformed into elixirs, making them more cost-effective and more practical.

"Collect more information about the Dan Pavilion during this period of time. There may be a lot of things."

Yang Chan looked at Han Bingyu and arranged.

Compared with these, Bai Keyi's temporary position as the Pavilion Master has a great impact on him.

At least he needs to show his importance, so after the matter is confirmed, he should not be able to retreat to make elixirs for the time being.

Even if there is nothing wrong, he needs to show up, at least he needs to show it. This is also his attitude towards Bai Keyi and the Dan Pavilion, and he can't be so perfunctory.

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