Longevity Martial Arts: Starting from Tai Chi

Chapter 828: Fighting for a Chance, Exchanging Pills

For many people, places like the ruins of ancient gods are opportunities, especially when even the previous Holy Lord Tianxuan, Shangguan Yutian, ventured into it, which can be seen.

This is a rare opportunity, and you may not be able to wait for it in your lifetime.

The blood-changing martial saints have hundreds of years to live. During these hundreds of years, they may be able to see various large-scale secret realms appear, but they may not necessarily be able to wait until places of great opportunity such as the ruins of ancient gods and men appear.

This is why the ruins of ancient gods have attracted the attention of many people since they appeared.

There are also many people fighting for a place in Tianxuan Holy Land. Even those who live a long life know that it is very dangerous, but they still have to move forward. It is obvious that they want to go further on the road of martial arts practice, and even borrow This breaks the boundaries between humans and gods.

If someone can break through to the realm of divine aperture, he will be the first person in Taiyu China in ten thousand years. He will be the founder of a new era, and he will be able to go even further in the future.

Therefore, many people regard this ancient god-man ruins as an opportunity. Even if they know that it is very dangerous, they will take the risk to go there, just to gain a chance.

Many people are unwilling to cut off their path to martial arts and want to go further.

And those who are approaching their lifespan are also very afraid of death. After all, those who can reach the level of becoming a Martial Saint are in high positions. If they have the opportunity to extend their lifespan, they will naturally not miss it.

Just like in the previous Great Zhou Dynasty, Great Zhou Taizu took risks to use the fortune of the country in order to prolong his life. In the end, he died. However, fortunately, he used this to promote the old Emperor of Great Zhou to a blood-changing Martial Saint. Otherwise, the Great Zhou Dynasty would have been destroyed. For the new royal family.

It can only be said that the Zhou royal family finally succeeded in their bet.

Although the national destiny has been affected and is not as strong as before, it is much better than the Jinmeng Empire. After all, the Jinmeng Empire has changed its dynasty, and the royal family has been replaced by the dragon-slayer Ouyang Qingtian.

After Ouyang Qingtian became the new emperor and established the new dynasty, the destiny he carried disappeared, which also made the Great Zhou royal family breathe a sigh of relief. In addition, the problems in the new dynasty gave the Great Zhou dynasty a chance to recuperate.

Although Yang Chan didn't pay too much attention to these, he could still hear some information. This is also related to the situation on the Qingyuan Sect. After all, the Qingyuan Sect is still in the Great Zhou Dynasty, so it will naturally receive some information from the Great Zhou Dynasty. news within.

Therefore, it is very normal for the ruins of ancient gods to appear in the world and attract so many blood-changing Martial Saint masters.

Yang Chan was quite emotional after reading the contents of this letter.

Martial arts practitioners naturally take risks in order to seize that glimmer of opportunity. Even if the road ahead is a dead end, they may not give up.

In this regard, Yang Chan is very different from these people. Although he admires those who dare to take risks, he will not make such a choice. He will only move forward unless he is very sure and feels that there is no danger.

Yang Chan is a relatively stable person, so he will not make rash decisions. He does not know any information about the ancient god-man ruins now, and he will not go there before confirming whether someone has deliberately set a trap.

He would rather get less treasures than risk going there unless he has no choice. But under the current situation, there are really not many people who can give Yang Chan no choice.

If there are treasures in the ancient god-man ruins trap, and those Supreme Elders and others come back alive, he can also borrow the elixirs in his hands to exchange them for some top spiritual materials.

At the same time, if Tianxuan Holy Land can cultivate the spiritual plants obtained, he will also be able to enjoy the benefits in the future, so there is basically no need for him to risk going there.

Yang Chan became a top pharmacist, but he just didn’t want to take risks.

During his previous trip to Beiyuan, he also avoided all kinds of dangerous places. He would not move forward unless he felt safe. If he felt dangerous, he would leave directly without hesitation for a moment. He was so decisive.

"How long has it been since the Supreme Elders and others mentioned in the letter left the Holy Land?"

Yang Chan looked at Han Bingyu and continued to ask.

The letter mentioned the content, but did not record the time, so Yang Chan did not know when these people would go.

The ruins of the ancient gods should have been around for some time, and I think there should be some news coming back.

Although the location is on the Southern Wilderness side, it is a bit far away and the speed of information transmission will be slower, but at least it should be on the way.

"Exactly one month ago, the Holy Land received the news a month and a half ago. The Holy Master and others discussed for many days before selecting the candidate to go to the ancient god's ruins."

"After choosing the candidate, we went directly!"

"I haven't received a reply yet, but I think it will come soon!"

After hearing this, Han Bingyu replied and at the same time added the information in the reply.

She knew Yang Chan's concerns, and she took the initiative to answer before Yang Chan asked.

Han Bingyu knew Yang Chan's habits, so she could understand some words without Yang Chan asking.

"More than a month. According to the letter sent back by Holy Lord Shangguan, the time when the ancient god-man ruins was discovered should have been more than two and a half months!"

"It seems that someone may have started to investigate this ancient god-man site!"

"In the future, any information about the ruins of ancient gods will be sent over as soon as possible!"

Hearing this, Yang Chan silently calculated the time in his heart.

Of course, the ruins of ancient gods and beings were discovered, but they may not have been born at that time. After all, there was a lot of movement when such beings appeared in the world, and it would take some time to enter them.

The specific situation will be known when the intelligence is sent back later.

"Okay, Medicine Master Yang."

Hearing this, Han Bingyu replied with a smile.

She had expected this, after all, there was a secret realm that appeared before, and Yang Chan was also very concerned about it, but it would take some time for the information from the South Wilderness to be sent back.

"Has anything else happened recently?"

Yang Chan took a sip of hot tea and continued to ask.

"The rest are just small things. There are also some small things in the Spiritual Medicine Building that need you, Pharmacist Yang, to deal with."

Hearing this, Han Bingyu shook her head.

Since the Son of Tianxuan was put in solitary confinement, the power of the Son of Tianxuan has been eroded by the power of the Holy Girl of Tianxuan. Most of these things happened during the period when the Son of Tianxuan was in seclusion, and there have been fewer such things recently.

Therefore, there are fewer things in the Tianxuan Holy Land, and there are even fewer things in the outside world that can affect the Tianxuan Holy Land.

It was only before that the appearance of the ancient gods and people's ruins in the South Wilderness caused a lot of commotion, but this was not something Han Bingyu could participate in. She could only help collect some information.

As for things that have no impact on Yang Chan and are not related to the Tianxuan Holy Land, they are basically not a big deal.

"Well, next you arrange people to send these letters. They are all the Supreme Elders and others who have previously made reservations for the Purple Source Blood Exchange Pill."

"I have refined some during this period, and it is just right to exchange for top-level spiritual materials!"

Yang Chan took out a piece of paper with many names of the Supreme Elders and others written on it.

Among them are Geng Yuntian and others, and some people who have never dealt with him before, but sent letters to him.

Now that he is out of retreat, he naturally has to reply.

It is just right to exchange some of the qualified quality Purple Source Blood Exchange Pills in his hands for the required top-level spiritual materials, including the materials for the Earth Element Blood Gathering Pill.

He has not yet refined the Earth Element Blood Gathering Pill to the fine level, and needs to continue to improve, but this step will come slowly.

He has just been in retreat for several months to refine pills, and he has no intention of continuing to refine pills in retreat for the time being.

In addition, he will first accumulate a batch of alchemy spiritual materials to prepare for the future alchemy.

Without the affairs of the Dan Pavilion to take care of, he will have a lot more time here, and he doesn't need to be so urgent.

"Okay, Pharmacist Yang, I'll arrange it now."

Han Bingyu took the list, took a general look at the list above, and replied quickly.

This matter concerns the Supreme Elders and others in the Tianxuan Holy Land. It is a big deal for her and cannot be neglected.

In addition, Yang Chan wants to collect top-level spiritual materials, which is related to the future alchemy, so she naturally needs to pay more attention to it.

The latter point is more important to her.

Han Bingyu saw that Yang Chan did not let her stop, so she left the study directly with the list.

"What is the situation of the ancient gods and men ruins? I think it won't take long to know!"

After Han Bingyu left, Yang Chan said slowly.

This was also said to the black dragon in the Xuanyin hanging bead.

"With the danger of the ancient gods and men ruins, you may not be able to get any useful information."

The black dragon in the Xuanyin hanging bead heard this and said.

He knew the danger of those ancient gods and men ruins.

It is extremely dangerous for people who have not broken the boundary between humans and gods to enter, so it is normal for all people to stay in it.

Like the previous secret realms, they are mainly for cultivating spiritual plants, so there are not many traps such as killing arrays on them, and the overall environment is relatively safe.

However, the purpose of the ancient god ruins is to prevent others from entering. Various killing arrays are arranged. Every time you advance a certain distance, various killing array traps will be set up, the purpose is to kill the intruders.

Even in the inheritance place set up, the assessment process is very difficult. For those who fail to pass the assessment, it can be said that they don’t care how many people die.

After all, they only select suitable people. For those who are not suitable, they are treated as intruders and buried in it. It is also very normal.

This is also very normal compared to burying them with them.

All those who enter the ancient god ruins died, and Heilong would not feel surprised.

Of course, high risk also means high gains, but there will definitely not be many people who can get the gains.

"It’s okay, anyway, we just pay attention to the information and don’t go in."

Yang Chan heard it and said nonchalantly.

For him, no danger is enough.

The people on the side of Tianxuan Holy Land may not have entered the ancient god ruins, so there is no loss for Tianxuan Holy Land.

If Tianxuan Holy Land gains something from the ancient ruins of the gods and men, he, as the top pharmacist of Tianxuan Holy Land, can still refine blood-changing pills, and naturally he is qualified to get some cultivation resources.

And when he takes out some of the qualified quality Ziyuan Blood-Exchange Pills in his hand and exchanges them for alchemy materials, his reputation in Tianxuan Holy Land will be even greater.

Later, he can take out the qualified quality Diyuan Gathering Blood Pills that he has refined before and exchange them for a batch of spiritual materials. It can be said that in the short term, he does not have to worry about these alchemy materials.

After reaching the ability, he can naturally get the materials if he wants to refine pills, and even someone will come to ask for help in refining pills.

"Master, don't take the risk to enter."

"If the master wants to enter such a dangerous place in the future, it is better to wait until the master's martial arts cultivation reaches the peak of blood exchange and can no longer be improved before considering such a thing!"

Heilong heard this and said slowly.

He felt that with Yang Chan's current two blood exchange cultivations, entering there would be a life-and-death situation, so there was no need to take the risk.

Anyway, for Yang Chan, he has no shortage of resources for cultivation. He can improve to the peak of blood exchange, and then consider these issues when his strength can no longer be improved.

"Pharmacist Yang, I'm here again. This time I want to exchange for a few more Purple Source Blood Exchange Pills!"

Geng Yuntian is very efficient.

Not long after Yang Chan arranged Han Bingyu to deliver the letter, Geng Yuntian came over, and his efficiency was as fast as ever.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that Geng Yuntian's residence is closer to Yang Chan.

After Yang Chan refined the Purple Source Blood Exchange Pill, Geng Yuntian moved his residence to the Dan Pavilion.

The Dan Pavilion needs the help of the Supreme Elders and others to guard it to prevent thieves from sneaking in. Although this possibility is very small, it is also necessary to prevent it before it happens, so the Supreme Elders and others are arranged to guard the Dan Pavilion.

Geng Yuntian took the initiative to accept the task here, so he came over very quickly.

"Elder Geng is the first to come here again, so this time Elder Geng can exchange three pills, and the rest will be left to other supreme elders, after all, they have sent letters!"

"But this time, because we are improving our alchemy ability, plus the problem of spiritual materials in hand, we can't refine that many pills. We can only see the speed of the supreme elders and others behind us!"

Yang Chan said with a smile after hearing this.

He still had a good impression of Geng Yuntian. With Geng Yuntian's initiative to make friends, the relationship between the two was pretty good.

"Originally, I wanted to exchange a few more Purple Source Blood Exchange Pills, but since Pharmacist Yang said so, I will exchange three this time!"

"In the future, Pharmacist Yang will refine Purple Source Blood Exchange Pills, and you must notify me first!"

Geng Yuntian's eyes flashed with surprise after hearing this. He thought he could only exchange two Purple Source Blood Exchange Pills at most this time, but he didn't expect to exchange three Purple Source Blood Exchange Pills.

But he reacted quickly and didn't let people see it.

When he came here, he also guessed that Yang Chan should have refined a lot of Purple Source Blood Exchange Pills, but there were more people waiting to exchange.

After knowing that Yang Chan was in seclusion to refine the Purple Source Blood Exchange Pill, basically all the Supreme Elders and others in Tianxuan Holy Land who needed the Purple Source Blood Exchange Pill sent letters, all wanting to get the Purple Source Blood Exchange Pill.

Geng Yuntian did not continue to ask for more, because three Purple Source Blood Exchange Pills were already a lot, and asking for more would be annoying.

Besides, Yang Chan was still here, and when he refined the Purple Source Blood Exchange Pill later, he would definitely consider him, so it was better to deepen the relationship than to ask for more.

In this regard, Geng Yuntian naturally did very well.

Those who can break through the Blood Exchange Martial Saint and become the Supreme Elder of Tianxuan Holy Land, and make many friends in Tianxuan Holy Land, are not simple, they are also very thoughtful, and their vision is also longer-term.

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