Longevity Martial Arts: Starting from Tai Chi

Chapter 836: Master Architect, Demon Cult Rampant

"Congratulations, Master, for completing the integration of the five demons. Your combat power has greatly increased!"

The Black Dragon saw Yang Chan coming out of the breath-retracting formation and smiled and congratulated him.

He could tell from Yang Chan's breath, blood, and demeanor that he had greatly improved from before the retreat. At the same time, there was an extremely primitive demonic intention on Yang Chan, which was the original demon's true intention.

These were very clear in the eyes of the Black Dragon's soul.

He knew that Yang Chan had completed the integration of the five demons, so he had undergone a transformation.

This transformation was a change from the whole body.

Although Yang Chan used the breath-retracting method to make it invisible to ordinary people, it could still be seen in the Black Dragon's soul and consciousness. Moreover, the Black Dragon was very familiar with Yang Chan.

They had been together all the time, and he could see every little change in Yang Chan, so he knew the situation on Yang Chan's side.

All these combined allowed the Black Dragon to discover the changes in Yang Chan so quickly.

"The transformation after the integration of the five demons is not small. It is indeed the key to the transformation of the demon-slaying technique."

Yang Chan smiled when he heard this.

When he came out of the breath-retracting formation, he did not have any intention to hide. The breath-retracting method was also automatically operated. Yang Chan did not hide other things because he knew that some of his changes could not be hidden in the eyes of the black dragon.

In addition, there was no need to hide in front of the black dragon. After all, the black dragon was his man. When he encountered danger, he faced it with the black dragon, so there was no problem in letting him know some of his own situation.

As long as only he knew about the panel and potential points, Yang Chan did not care so much about other things. After all, when he was practicing, he would sometimes ask the black dragon for advice. Therefore, letting him know some of his situation was also very helpful for him to ask questions about practice.

Hiding in front of the black dragon may eventually affect him in turn. In addition, sometimes being generous can also leave a better impression.

"Master, you have completed the integration of the five demons of the demon-slaying lineage, and you have also completed the initial transformation. For the second transformation, you need to absorb more demonic thoughts."

"During this process, you should be careful not to be affected by the demonic thoughts. Although the original demonic thoughts can help you get rid of the resentment, hatred, killing and other wills in the demonic thoughts, you should pay more attention to this situation when you practice, and keep your will as the main thing!"

"When you break through the realm of the divine orifice, you will definitely be able to play a big role in the transformation of demons into gods."

The black dragon looked at Yang Chan and said slowly.

This is also a suggestion for Yang Chan. He is very clear about Yang Chan's situation, and he also knows the weirdness of demonic thoughts.

He found that there was no problem with the demon-slaying lineage technique, and the practice was normal. Even the process of transforming demons into gods in the end made him feel amazed, because this technique contains too much human wisdom.

After all, if there is a mistake in the whole practice process, it is not to cultivate talents, but to cultivate demons.

But the demon-slaying lineage technique has been to subdue demons from the beginning, increasing the resistance of practitioners to demonic thoughts.

After that, every step of cultivation is like this, and the combination of the five demons is a great test. Only those who have crossed the past can transform the five demon martial seals into the original demon true meaning. This requires the cultivator to have a very strong will and sufficient resistance to the demon intention to succeed.

Otherwise, it will still be the previous state.

After success, the combination of the five demons will be transformed into the higher-level original demon true meaning, which also means that the practitioner has adapted to these changes and will not be affected by the demon intention.

It can be said that each step is very clever.

The most clever is the end. After the demon intention reaches its peak, the demon intention is transformed into the divine intention. This is a method that is ingenious and amazing.

In the whole process of cultivation, the demon intention is a tool. When it is almost used, it will be recycled to help the practitioner and increase the possibility of opening the divine orifice.

This kind of practice will naturally have a higher upper limit when the divine vein is complete. After all, the practice that can help break the boundary between man and god is extremely precious.

It is also because the divine vein in Taiyu Shenzhou was destroyed and it is difficult to break through the divine orifice realm. This kind of practice will be rarely chosen.

Different cultivation environments lead to different choices of cultivation methods. This is a problem created by the times.

"Well, I will pay attention to these in my future cultivation."

Yang Chan nodded solemnly after hearing this.

After knowing the secret of the magic method of the demon-subduing lineage, he was prepared in his heart.

After feeling the changes brought about by the original demon's true meaning magic pill, Yang Chan knew that this power could make him stronger, but he needed to be careful about being backfired by this power.

Although he saw that these were not mentioned in the experience of the predecessors' cultivation, it may be that the predecessors in the Tianxuan Holy Land did not cultivate to his level and did not complete the integration of the five demons, so there was no subsequent related record.

If this is the case, he will naturally be more vigilant when he practices in the future. While quickly improving his strength, he must not be affected by the demon's intention, otherwise he may suffer a great loss.

At the same time, he also needs to prepare to practice meditation methods to subdue the demon's intention, and when there is a problem in the practice, he can also have some means to deal with it.

As a steady person, Yang Chan still needs to make more preparations. These preparations will not have much impact if they are not used, but it will be very bad if they are not there when they are needed!

After adapting to his own improvement, Yang Chan did not rush to come out, but continued to stay in the secret room to practice, allowing the black dragon time to walk in the secret room.

Yang Chan continued to absorb the demonic thoughts between heaven and earth with the magic pill of the original demon's true meaning in the secret room, constantly strengthening the magic pill. At the same time, Yang Chan would use potential points to improve the original demon's true meaning on the panel.

Under the double blessing, Yang Chan's original demon's true meaning improved very quickly.

Because some demonic thoughts will be emitted during the practice of the original demon's true meaning, which is the power emitted during the process of accepting and absorbing the demon's true meaning, so there will be some movement, so Yang Chan can only practice the original demon's true meaning in the secret room.

Otherwise, someone will find that he absorbs demonic thoughts, combined with the fact that he practices the technique of demon-slaying, and can infer his martial arts cultivation in reverse.

Therefore, this is a hidden danger, so when Yang Chan improves the original demon's true meaning, it is best to practice in the secret room, which is the best means of hiding.

Some things have a small probability of being discovered, but after being discovered, the consequences will be somewhat large.

Yang Chan does not want people to know that he is now a blood-changing martial saint, so when practicing some techniques, he practices in the secret room.

The establishment of many secret rooms in Yuanqingyuan is also prepared for this.

These secret rooms have been built by Yang Chan from a small room at the beginning to a very large space.

This is a long process, and Yang Chan will only do it when he has time. With Yang Chan's current martial arts cultivation, it is very efficient to do it simply.

Digging, processing, construction, etc. are all very fast.

If Yang Chan is asked to build a house, it can be built quickly.

There are so many houses in Tianxuan Holy Land, and there are also warriors to assist.

"The devil's energy is surging."

"The devil's cult is rampant."

"The Lingfeng Mountains in the South Wilderness have been swallowed up, and the devil's energy is still spreading around. The movement is getting bigger and bigger. Is it really going to be an ancient demon head to appear in the world?"

"Is the life span of the ancient demon head so long?"

Yang Chan looked at the letter sent by Han Bingyu and felt that something was wrong in the South Wilderness.

Previously, it was thought that the ruins of the ancient gods appeared in the world, attracting many people, but as time went on, the situation of the ancient gods' ruins became more and more problematic, and the movement was like the appearance of a demon cave.

In addition, many demon sects appeared in the Southern Wilds. The demon sects that had disappeared under the suppression of the major holy places before now appeared in the Southern Wilds.

The appearance of the demon sects that were thought to have lost their inheritance made people feel that something was wrong in the Southern Wilds, as if those demon sects were going to occupy the Southern Wilds.

All the major forces arranged people to go to the Southern Wilds, and basically there were blood-changing martial arts masters sitting in charge. The movement was not small, and under this situation, the people in the demon sects did not restrain themselves.

This situation seemed to have a backer, and the "Ancient Gods and Humans Site" that appeared in the world seemed to be prepared for this.

At the same time, Yang Chan had a thought in his mind, whether an ancient demon head had been resurrected.

The ancient times were a long time ago, and even a strong man at the level of a true god might not be able to live so long.

But if it was not the case, why would those major demon sects that had disappeared before now appear in the world with great fanfare.

Unless they had enough confidence, these demon sects should continue to hide.

Previously, the demon sects were like rats in the gutter, hiding because they were weak and were no match for the major righteous holy places.

It was not that the major righteous holy places were so great, but that there were only so many cultivation resources in the entire Taiyu Shenzhou. If there was one more powerful force, there would be one more person to distribute the benefits. Under such circumstances, the major righteous forces joined forces to suppress the demon sects.

While suppressing, they also eroded the cultivation resources of these demon sects.

Just like the Taiyin Demon Sect, being targeted like that, didn’t it still affect the interests of the major righteous forces?

Of course, there was also the effect of the struggle between good and evil. Only by fighting with these demon sects could the light of the righteous holy places be demonstrated, and other affiliated forces would know the power of the righteous holy places, so that they would be loyal and provide more cultivation resources without any second thoughts.

"Most of the ancient demons were born in this world and belong to the creatures of the world. Their life spans are longer, but they should not be able to live to this day."

"But there is no guarantee that there will be no special means. Just like my current state of spirit, my life span far exceeds that of many strong men who have broken the boundary between humans and gods. In addition, there are some divine objects and means that seal their own essence, which can prolong their life span."

"Although such divine objects are rare, they may have existed in ancient times, so there may be ancient demons who are still alive today."

In the Xuanyin hanging beads, the black dragon transmitted a message to Yang Chan.

The probability of some situations happening is very small, but this does not mean that they cannot happen. Events with low probability can also happen.

"But don't worry, Master. There are no divine veins in Taiyu Shenzhou now. Therefore, even if an ancient demon appears in the world, it will be affected by the environment of Taiyu Shenzhou, so it cannot break the boundary between humans and gods. At most, there are some special means, and the cultivation level is at most the peak level of body tempering!"

"During the body tempering period, the ancient demon can't use many strange means."

In the Xuanyin hanging beads, the black dragon continued to transmit a message.

This has already taken into account the worst situation.

At his peak, he was not afraid of these ancient demons, because they were all powerful people under the true gods, so he was not afraid. Even though those ancient demons were very famous in the ancient times, Black Dragon did not think he was weaker than them.

He did not become famous in the ancient times, but it was only because he was not born in the ancient times, otherwise his reputation would be even greater.

When the Black Dragon was rampant, Taiyu Shenzhou already had a powerful dynasty, so his reputation in Taiyu Shenzhou was not that great. Later, Taiyu Shenzhou went through many changes, so there was not much information left about him.

He was sealed before the great changes ten thousand years ago, which led to his lack of knowledge about the great changes ten thousand years ago.

"Furthermore, there is a strong demonic aura in the South Wilderness. It may not be the ancient demon. Perhaps a strong man was born in the Demon Cult. This is also very likely to happen."

The Black Dragon continued to transmit the voice.

Now they only see part of the information. They did not go there in person, so the Black Dragon could only guess some situations.

No matter how bad the situation is, it does not affect them that much.

After all, the distance between the South Wilderness and the Tianxuan Holy Land is very far.

One is in the south, and the other is close to the north. Therefore, even if there is a problem, it is the big force in the South Wilderness that has a problem. In this process, they can also know what is going on in the South Wilderness.

"Send it to me as soon as possible if there is any follow-up news!"

Yang Chan glanced at Han Bingyu and asked him to continue collecting news from the South Wilderness.

Then he let Han Bingyu leave.

"Do you also feel that there may be an ancient demon in the world?"

Yang Chan attaches more importance to this point.

If a strong person is born in the Demon Sect, it will not have a great impact on them, after all, the upper limit is there.

Even if the Demon Sect is led by a strong person, but there is no strong person who breaks the boundary between humans and gods, it is nothing. There is a threat, but the threat is not that great.

But if an ancient demon is resurrected, or lives from ancient times to the present in some special way, the situation will be a bit bad. After all, those ancient demons are not simple.

Even if they are affected by the current cultivation environment, they may not have the strength above the body tempering stage, but there will definitely be differences in combat power between them at the peak of blood exchange.

Just like the black dragon, his soul body, divine consciousness and other things are not possessed by the blood exchange martial saint masters. Yang Chan has opened up the essence of the upper fetus by chance and has a soul body, but compared with the black dragon, there is still a big difference.

In addition, who knows whether the ancient demon will have a secret method to break the upper limit and have a combat power at the level of divine orifice.

If there is such strength, the upper limit of Taiyu Shenzhou's combat power will be broken, and the layout of all major forces in Taiyu Shenzhou will also change.

The emergence of high-end combat power can change the entire Taiyu Shenzhou, and this is also what Yang Chan is more worried about, because at that time, he will definitely be affected, and the current stable life may not be able to be maintained!

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