Longevity Martial Arts: Starting from Tai Chi

Chapter 882: Induction, Nirvana

Holy Lord Pavilion.

Meeting Hall.

There were not many people gathered at this time, but each of them was an important person in Tianxuan Holy Land, and they were responsible for extremely important affairs. It can be said that if the affairs they were responsible for were not important, they would not appear here.

Among them, many of the Supreme Elders and others were unable to come here.

Even if many people wanted to participate, they did not dare to do anything else after knowing that this was Shangguan Yutian's arrangement!

"Tell me about what happened after you entered the Cloud Sea Divine Bridge!"

Shangguan Yutian looked at the Tianxuan Saint and said slowly.

I didn't ask before because the timing and place were not suitable, but now that I am back in the Tianxuan Holy Land, I naturally have no scruples!

"The news we said about the Cloud Sea Divine Bridge before was not concealed, and we all said what we knew!"

The Tianxuan Saint heard this and spoke slowly.

Some news was secret at the time and could not be said, but now in the Tianxuan Holy Land, there is no need to conceal it.

After all, there are a few people who know those secrets, so they are no longer hiding them. As for the confidentiality of the joint forces, it is only useful at the time. When they return to their respective forces, those secrets will be revealed.

Because this involves not only them personally, but also their respective forces, especially the revival of the Hengyuan Divine Vein.

With their martial arts skills, they definitely have no chance to seize the initiative, fight for more opportunities, and obtain more benefits by themselves, but it is different if they unite their respective forces!

"In the golden door deep in the Cloud Sea Divine Bridge, we did not hide the words about the Destiny Stele at the beginning. The divine vein revived after we approached it. The dazzling golden light on the Destiny Stele was also the trigger for the divine vein to revive."

"The divine vein will definitely revive. The golden light on the Destiny Stele is just one of the triggers that made it revive earlier. Even if we can't get close to the Destiny Stele, after a certain period of time, the golden light on the Destiny Stele will dissipate, allowing the Hengyuan divine vein to revive."

The Saint Tianxuan said, and paused, because what she was going to say next was more critical, and it also involved her, and it had a great impact.

So she needed to simply sort out the order of her words.

"What we didn't say is that the golden light passed through the bodies of those of us who entered the golden door, so we also absorbed some of the golden light in our bodies, and those golden lights are related to the Hengyuan Divine Vein."

"The function is that when the Hengyuan Divine Vein revives, we can roughly sense the location of the Hengyuan Divine Vein, which is very helpful for finding the Hengyuan Divine Vein."

"This induction will continue until the Hengyuan Divine Vein is completely revived, and then we will not be able to sense it!"

The Tianxuan Saint continued to speak, and this also involves the secret of their entry into the golden door. When they were surrounded by major forces before, they did not tell the news to the outside world.

Because this has already involved their safety, if they said it at that time, those forces would definitely attack them. If they can snatch it, they will definitely snatch it. If they can't snatch it, they will also destroy it, so as not to let the Tianxuan Holy Land, the Zifu Holy Land, the Supreme Sect, etc. take this advantage.

Tianxuan Saint, the Supreme Saint, the Zifu Saint and others have discussed this point. Because it involves their safety, their interests are consistent at that time, and they did not tell the outside world about this situation.

After all, no one wants to die there.

These people were able to pass through the Cloud Sea Divine Bridge and enter the Golden Gate, where they could obtain many opportunities. Each of them was extremely talented and had great potential in the future. They could go a long way on the road of martial arts, so they naturally did not want to die at the hands of other forces.

Moreover, after the recovery of the divine veins, the blood exchange martial saint was no longer the limit. They could all break the boundary between humans and gods and be promoted to the realm of divine orifices, or even go further and become as powerful as gods. Naturally, they were unwilling to die at this time.

Therefore, the statements of several people were arranged, and each of them said it, and sorted it out at the same time. After the sorting was completed, several people went out together.

It was also because of this that they left the Cloud Sea Secret Realm at the last moment.

After they entered the Golden Gate, they also knew that the limit of the Cloud Sea Secret Realm was where they were, and they could not go deeper.

They also knew more about the Cloud Sea Secret Realm, so they could control the time and come out at the last moment.

Now the Saint Tianxuan told the secret she had hidden before, and after that, she looked at Shangguan Yutian and others.

Among all these people, Shangguan Yutian is definitely the one who attaches the most importance to the revival of Hengyuan Divine Vein.

The major holy places have previously looked for ways to break through and leave, all in order to make their martial arts cultivation go further. Among them, those who are most obsessed are those who have reached the end of their martial arts cultivation, because they have reached the end of their martial arts path!

Others can still move forward, but they can't. If they don't move forward, they can only wait for their lifespan to be consumed little by little, their bodies to become weak, and slowly die.

Shangguan Yutian is in this situation, so he doesn't want to wait for death, so he goes out to look for opportunities to make his martial arts cultivation go further. With the revival of Hengyuan Divine Vein, he naturally has the opportunity to go further, and even if he can get Hengyuan Divine Vein, he may be able to get more and go further on the road of martial arts cultivation.

The Hengyuan Divine Vein was recorded in ancient books. The powerful Lord of the Divine Dynasty also wanted to get the Hengyuan Divine Vein. Although the reason was not recorded, it must be not simple to make such an existence care about it. If there is a chance, he naturally wants to get it.

"So that's it."

"Can you sense the approximate location of Hengyuan Divine Vein now?"

After Shangguan Yutian heard this, he thought for a moment and asked slowly.

If you can find a spot, you will naturally occupy it in advance. After all, the place where the divine veins are revived must be the best place to practice.

There is certainly nothing wrong with this.

"No, the Hengyuan Divine Vein is now integrated into the earth and is slowly recovering. After it recovers to a certain level, it will emit some divine power, and then we can use this to sense its approximate location."

After hearing this, Saint Tianxuan shook her head.

After she came out of the secret realm of the sea of ​​clouds, she naturally tried to sense it, but she failed and couldn't sense anything.

"And the position of the divine vein is not fixed, but will travel through the earth. When it is sensed, the position may change!"

Saint Tianxuan continued.

Among the information she knew, the divine pulse was very difficult to obtain, and it could not be found by sensing its location.

Moreover, the Hengyuan Divine Vein is the divine vein that revives Nirvana. It is different from other divine veins, so it cannot be considered with common sense.

This news was not something recorded on the destiny stone, but information that she knew automatically after absorbing the golden light.

It seems to be some information that comes with the divine veins.

"It seems that it is not an easy task to obtain the Hengyuan Divine Vein."

"However, if it were easy to obtain, how could those powerful forces from thousands of years ago continue to search for the location of the Hengyuan Divine Vein and spend a lot of manpower and material resources."

Upon hearing this, Shangguan Yutian nodded suddenly.

Some of the doubts in his mind before were finally solved after Saint Tianxuan spoke!

"In the next period of time, you can practice with peace of mind. Your current martial arts cultivation is still too weak. Break through to the realm of blood-changing Martial Saint as soon as possible!"

"At the same time, sense the existence of the divine veins. As soon as there is the breath of the divine veins, inform us as soon as possible."

Shangguan Yutian continued.

Saint Tianxuan's martial arts cultivation is considered good in Tianxuan Holy Land, but in his eyes she is still too weak!

Only by breaking through to the realm of blood-changing Martial Saint can one be considered capable of fighting.

After all, after the Hengyuan Divine Vein is revived in the future, Tianxuan Saint will definitely follow them in their search, and in this process, they naturally need to have enough strength, otherwise it will be a problem to keep up with them.

If the time comes to compete, if your martial arts cultivation is too weak, you may die in the confrontation.

Under such circumstances, he naturally hopes that Saint Tianxuan can make a breakthrough in her martial arts cultivation.

"Yes, Holy Lord Shangguan."

After hearing this, Saint Tianxuan quickly replied.

Joy flashed in her eyes. Although she could guess a few things before, after hearing Shangguan Yutian's personal arrangements, she had even more thoughts in her mind!

With this one speaking out, she is basically guaranteed to be the next Holy Lord of Tianxuan!

When her martial arts cultivation reaches the realm of blood-changing Martial Saint, the position of the next Holy Lord of Tianxuan will naturally be hers!

Holy Son Tianxuan was not qualified to compete with her.

The current Holy Lord Tianxuan Bailixun's face changed slightly when he heard this. However, Shangguan Yutian spoke at this time. He could not and did not dare to have any opinions. However, the change in the expression on his face could prove that he was not in a good mood at this time. Calm and full of ideas.

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